Persuasion & Influence Articles

Hypnotic Messages that Unlock the Mind’s Door
Words and the Messages they Carry, Matter Most when they Push Buttons in the Brain To understand what messages trigger people to action, a quick
Expectancy Importance in Real Life – Does it “Work?”
Is it magic? What people expect often influences and DETERMINES what actually and ultimately happens. Sounds like magic to me. But then, I think it’s
Control their Mind, Direct their Decisions, Predetermine Outcomes? Part 2/7 Kevin Hogan
Imagine your friend weighs 350 pounds. They are a heart attack waiting to happen. Their life expectancy is microscopic. Do you believe that, “they’re happy
Persuasive Priming? And Then She Says Yes …
Adapted from PreManipulation, released 3/23. What aspect of influence can you instantly put in play, that you definitely don’t use enough? Research continues to prove
Why Persuasion Attempts Fail…How to Fix the Problem
No one wants you to know this…. All too Often You Heard, “NO!” and it had Nothing to do with You She just got written
Hidden Influence: What Salespeople and Marketers Don’t See that Causes Failure
Salespeople and marketers go to sales training. Participants supposedly learn to…sell. Marketers go trainings as well. They are supposed to learn to market. Then they
8 Habits of Highly Ineffective Communicators
Why do people often find themselves losing concentration, daydreaming, and drifting off during conversations? Certain words and phrases can cause persons on the receiving end
How to Stop the Argumentative Person from Making Life Hell
Argument and hostility can grow quickly from boredom. The Argumentative Personality often can find any button to push for the purpose of their own entertainment.
Body Language of Women and How it’s Analyzed in 2021
A Woman’s Body Language is Critically Observed Men and women are viewed very differently by others. A man performs behavior X, and he is perceived

Expectation and Self Fulfilling Prophecy
“These are not the droids you are looking for…” “Move along.” And they passed by without a second thought on the part of the