Brand New, Just Released!
Persuasion and Influence Legend Series - Season One

“New 11+  week course fulfills on it’s promise to give you the tools to make you a Legendary  Persuader and Influencer.”

Course begins 8/17/24


It seems like everything has changed ….but everything?

No but it IS dramatic and you’ve already experienced a lot of it without knowing how to respond, get a point across, get to use, make the sale, get the date.

How is it possible that just as you have the most comprehensive set of rules and certainties in both persuasion and influence, a lot of it changes? Let’s start with two handfuls of significant changes and conclude with the dramatically significant changes in persuasion and influence. Then we’ll take another half dozen participants in the beta version of this very cool new course.

What’s changed significantly?

Obedience to Authority? – The big picture is simple. When the pandemic arrived governments essentially discovered that half of the people do what they are told without question and the other half rebel.

This matters for you because people are now significantly more polarized than they were. You need to be able to gain compliance and that might mean highlighting your authority, or, referencing it’s un-importance. People have always wanted to follow authority…that they believe in, that makes sense to them. You’ll learn how to do this in this new course.

Social Media Silence – It’s a simple fact. All is not equal here.  The fly by night gurus are telling you that they have a solution for you in social media. 

They are clueless.

 There is no absolute template for actions and behavior in social media. 

If you follow what “they” are doing you’re almost certain to get no result. One quick example of dozens.  If you are a man, you should know that dogs get clicked on more than you. A photo without a human in it gets clicked more than you do. A woman gets three times the clicks as you. Clicks aren’t everything but people live for them. Should you? 

What is your Absolute Desired Outcome (ADO) in social media? You’ll find out, and how to turn fewer or more clicks into your ADO.

Manipulation – For better and worse since the lock downs began you’ve been impacted by manipulation. This is true for your future clients and customers, friends and relationships. You have some decisions to make here. You’ll find out all of them.

Magnetic Familiarity– Never has the characteristic of familiarity been more important in influence. But how do you connect as an unfamiliar person or company with someone who already has that familiarity with another person, plan or business.

You better know the answer.

Controlling their DislikeYou might fall in the shadow of those they dislike. This is obviously a must eliminate. Find out how.

Persuasive Storytelling – There’s more being written about it. I’ve got 16 books on the shelf that I’ve read on this subject. About half (7) of the books had some valid story telling tips. 3 had valid big picture strategies. 2 had structural creation tech that is valid. None had all the critical aspects. Now you will have these and the aspects that are simply discussed in NONE of the book lit in story.

Perception and Priming – The REAL reasons people say “no” to you is a lot more mysterious than you’ve been told. If YOU don’t take a LOT more control of environmental factors and what people are seeing and hearing while talking with you, you are not at disadvantage…You have LOST. You’ll get the entire scoop here and how to beat this new overwhelming problem.

Identity Magnitude – As each season passes, the significance of needing to understand their identity, as THEY PERCEIVE IT is critical. If you can’t tell someone about them, and be correct, you can’t get “yes.”

Those Unwilling to Change This simple trait is at an all time high. Because they know everything and speak with authority on every subject in their mind, seems impossible to overcome. You can, if you have the solutions.

Big Ask – In my early work I said, “ask until” and it’s still technically accurate, but you don’t get as many opportunities at asking as you did 20…or even 4 years ago. Here’s what you must do.

Mind Reading 3.1 – For over two decades I’ve shared with you mind reading tech. It was useful then, now I’ve expanded the lexicon of knowing what they are thinking before they even see you to after you leave. You’ll need to be elegant in this vector.

There are dozens of other factors in the course that are new or have changed.

Some changes in persuasion, influence, even simple communication has changed dramatically. It begins with something that hasn’t happened in the last 100 years.

People’s personalities have changed, significantly. Usually these changes take place over decades, but not now.  Most people have personality shifts and that sometimes surprises people, but they see it in others and they don’t know how to talk to people any more. More complicated for people who can communicate, is understanding how and who people identify themselves with. How can you resonate with them?

Rejection is not just “No!” anymore. That was easy compared to being ghosted and not having any feedback at all on what happened!  You were told YES and then in 24 hours it turned into NO.

Reassurance: You may feel the need more and more. One thing is certain, almost everyone needs reassurance as no time in the last century. It’s not just that people aren’t communicating, or communicating well, it’s that they aren’t being reassured.

Unfortunately people don’t know how to reassure people in real life or online in their phone.

Resentment:  Resentment is the foundation of great movies, fantastic books, and the reason people say goodbye to people and companies. And no one is really understanding how to navigate resentment.  Resentment has been around since the creation of this planet. But it’s at all time highs in 2024. If you can solve the resentment you can gain compliance and get to action.

Maximum Reactance and Maximum Resistance:  Not only do people fear losing freedom of choice in their decisions, they also don’t want to hear even sensible, logical  thinking or ideas.  These two factors of how persuasion has seismically shifted, have led the shift.

That’s  a handful of the massive shifts that have happened and research shows people are not returning to their old ways, they have their shifts or totally new fears, concerns, worries, pain, and on and on. You’ll find out how to break through these barriers.

Your Job is going to be able cause people to see what you see,  as you understand what their perception are and you need to know this before you or your message arrives.

And this of course is just the beginning.


Two examples of about a dozen:

Perhaps this collective designation is a good metaphor of the shift in the world.

Would you ever have dreamed you would see this code?


Looks like a password with a special character.

About 30% of Gen Z adults identify as being L… in the U.S. Willing to capture them as clients (customers) or are you willing to settle for 30% less income?

Over all “generational” designations, (baby boomers, Gen X, Millennial…) almost 5% of men and 9% of women identify with being L…

And this is simply ONE metaphor for all of the different changes.

I want to help you understand how to influence people but if you don’t know what people’s self perceived identity is, you can’t even get to the starting point of the race.

Millennials were born from about 1981 – 1996. Gen Z meanwhile were born from about 1996-2010.

Gen Alpha? 2011 – 2024.

In just a few  paragraphs we’ve identified a big problem people who want to persuade have.

There are lots of other designations that people use to identify themselves or others.

One of the more curious is “woke.”

And these are just a few of the enormous shifts in thinking that are going on in the world but sometimes only in the U.S.

For example the number of people taking their own lives in the U.S. is up dramatically over the last 5 years. In every other nation? It’s down dramatically. 

All of these new distinctions and ideologies have made it so you can easily communicate with someone who thinks just like you do, but if YOU talk long enough you find out that your emotions will be triggered even intra-family.

Persuasion and influence is obviously not really about “influencers” as there aren’t that many people whose celebrity status or beauty is enough to make a massive impact on people’s decisions in life. Far more significant are the people who would not be labeled influencers, who I will call Persuaders and return to my original designation Master Persuader.

The master persuader knows that persuasion begins in  understanding the other person. You get on their landscape.  (I’m sure you’re already familiar with this term so I’ll forego the landscape tek.)

You learn what matters to them and then bring them to your landscape.

It’s the same formula as the best movies use.

The landscapes have changed and I’m going to walk you through all of them in the Legend Series. 

There are completely different strategies and tactics for persuading conservatives in contrast to liberals. It’s not the politics that makes them conservative or liberal. It’s their worldview that makes them politically conservative or liberal. The spectrum is broad and critically important in 2024.

On average, people buy and say yes to people they like. You’ll see that you can be likeable to people who don’t agree with your world view. Getting people to like you is of course just one step, but it’s important and it’s easier than you might think.

You’ll be able to take full advantage of everything you discover in this user friendly online course and apply it immediately.

 EVERYTHING translates from business to personal and vice versa.And you are going to learn how to make a LOT more sales by seeing fewer people with NO extra work, and in fact, you will reduce the total time it takes you to communicate your message so much it will probably scare you.

In fact everything in this course is about what I always wanted in an online experience with you.

•    Lots of content.
•    Lots of applications.
•    Lots of certainty.
•    Lots of new material.

What else? OK….

Do you know how your customer really sees you? Do you truly know your customer? The answers to these questions are vital to your success!

The NEW Identity in Persuasion

Both Yours & Your Clients!

The field of influence and it’s sub-field of persuasion continue to grow with fresh research from the best minds on the planet.

More books about persuasion were published in the last three years than in recorded history to date.

Almost all of these books were rehash of Cialdini, Carnegie, and myself. There wasn’t really anything new. But the persuasion research?

….well that is a different story. I had a “field day” this year stacking just shy of 5 1/2  FEET of research. I’ve synthesized this with results from dozens of real world applications.

Here’s some of what I’ve distilled from current research that you can put into immediate use:

We learned a lot about the relationship of how people “feel about products, services and people” and the mental shortcuts they use to buy.

The first cluster of material I developed was about how people connect with YOU when they buy from you.

So, Who Is Your Customer, Anyway?

•    What do they think?
•    How do they feel?
•    Does it matter?
•    When?
•    So what? Can that be used for ANYTHING?
Turns out it can….

Identity in Persuasion

It’s in a cluster I call IDENTITY. Identity research could fill 12 hours all by itself, but that would have left too much excluded that I wanted you to have NOW.

So, I put together the core concepts of IDENTIFICATION and IDENTITY and how YOU can utilize this cluster of information in influencing others.

One example would be something like, “If you know someone is a Republican who is going to vote for Trump in the election, how does that help me predict what they will think, buy, and feel about it all today when I ask them to buy from me?” Obviously we all identify with SOME other people.

I am going to show you how to cause people to SEE YOU through those filters that YOU PUT IN PLACE. Those filters will completely change their perceptions of you, your work and whether they will hire you or not. For years people have used the word filters….

How would you like to know what that REALLY MEANS?

How would you like to understand what you get from a filter?!

Identification and Identity are profound areas of influence research that are now coming to the surface. It’s nothing short of fascinating and of course no one knows about it yet.

Influencing the Long Tail

Finding the meeting point in the world between you and the universe of people who would LOVE to do business with you, is the subject of one of the more valuable aspects of this course.

Legend Point: YOU are THE answer for a group of people out there.

I show you how to project the image and self that you need to project to draw that group to you.

It was a lot of fun to synthesize the work that’s been done in this area and make it pretty simple to understand and just as easy to make real for you.

Persuasion’s Best Kept Secret

I’ve briefly touched on MVD.

MVD is short for Most Valued Dimension.

No one (no one) had ever reported this phenomenon to the public except… me.

So for most people, it was so unusual that it went right over their heads! But, two dozen people wrote this year and asked a ton of questions about how to calculate the MVD for themselves.

This is an incredibly potent persuasion tool that is waiting for people to learn. This is NOT easy and it is NOT simple.

I have made it approachable.

If you really want to know WHY people pick YOU and YOUR PRODUCT, this is the answer. 

Once you know WHY people pick YOU, it is a lot easier to project those FEATURES (NOT BENEFITS) to the public.

Once again, if I could say that this course was worth the price of admission…..but I won’t. 

I’ll wait for YOU to tell ME.

How do Mind Readers Know What You’re Thinking?

I’ve been adding to this fascinating aspect of persuasion for years. I give you about half of what I can and then make easily applicable.

The other thing people constantly ask is how I read their minds so easily.

It’s here. Week 4.

The Mind Reading material is *definitely* worth the price of admission, no maybe’s about it.

It’s excellent.

Yes. I show you what to do, what to say, and how!

Enough said….you’ll see.

 The Ultimate Power Factor

in Persuasion

You learn  in detail the two most important factors in persuasion, bar none. In detail that I’ve never given this subject, you will gain an awakening awareness to these two core concepts of behavior and the keys to control of behavior.

Fewer people ask for “recent research” unless we count “what’s new in persuasion,” and then that is what the next element is about.

Current Research Gives You a 3:1 Edge

Current research in persuasion is voluminous and throughout the course, I cover a LOT of stuff quite quickly almost always with examples and specifics for YOU. New research is always intoxicating because it is stuff no one knows about yet…because it is new.

And I love new stuff…

Eminently useful immediately.

You will like. You will put into use immediately.

A Complete Guide to Analyzing Your Customer

For the first time ever, I show you how to analyze your customer. The questions you want to ask YOURSELF about YOUR CUSTOMER (or the girl or whoever) and then I show you how to utilize that analysis to cause people to “change their minds” (and yes, their behavior).

Once again, cutting-edge research merges with real world applications and makes you the master. (Well, maybe not after listening just once…but, drill this stuff into your brain a few times, and you will do very well, indeed.)

This course is not only cool, it’s approachable, it’s exciting, it’s intense.

Because as you come to understand the mind of the other person; you’ll also be learning :

•    How to create the “gotta have it” feeling in consumers
•    How to melt away all the NEW aspects of sales resistance and reactance
•    How to tap into the “primal” buying emotions
•    How to literally eliminate the need for rapport and go to instant trust

•    How to ’cause’ consumers to obey your hidden ‘sales push’
•    How to infuse “proof power” into your sales letters
•    How to arouse your prospect’s inner buying drives
•    How to influence your prospect’s mind to trust you
•    How to bypass your prospect’s (or anyone’s) conscious mind

In a nutshell, you’ll learn how to create influential messages that hold customers captive from the first words you say to the signing of the digital check.

That’s not all, you’ll also discover how to:

•    Cause Them to see YOU as part of THEIR IDENTITY
•    Combine Two Key Drivers that Will Cause Compulsion to Comply
•    Form Questions that Will Cause Compliance When Asked
•    Never Have That “Phoney Feeling” Inside Again…and Instantly Watch Your Income Increase
•    Use the Power of the Invisibility Intensifier
•    Take Advantage of Kevin’s Full Christmas Tree Technique
•    Optimize the Use of Their Feeling of Fear


•    Determine Which of the Five Basic Fears to Utilize in Your Presentation or Copy
•    Adopt Key Characteristics of God that Make You More Persuasive (even if you are Agnostic!)
•    Use Features instead of Benefits to Close The Deal
•    Send The Energy of Being THE Problem Solver to Those You Influence

•    Modify Old Sales Strategies to Become Influential Again
•    Be THE Person That Imbues Them With Good Feelings…They Won’t Want You to Leave!

Link Good Feelings with Buying Now

Generate Connection and Loyalty Triggers that yield stronger connection, so patients, clients, customers, friends, employees, contractors, loves, don’t simply walk away with no sense of connection or responsibility to anyone but themselves.

* Take Advantage of The Impulse to Instant Gratification With You, Your Product and Service

Building Trust & Credibility (make it look easy)

Building Trust and Credibility is one of the most difficult things for ANYONE to do. I’ve put together some very EASY methods for you to accelerate the process to almost instantaneous.

BUT please do note, that getting trust and credibility immediately does have a danger. If you don’t deliver, you will lose. If you can deliver, you will be have a bonded relationship forever. This alone is worth far more than the tiny investment in Triggering Compliance in the Persuasion Sequence

I’ll show you how to do it…don’t abuse it…

One tactic is The Power of Impulse Activation. In most cases it moves the person past skepticism and criticality….almost instantly.

I’m going to compare messages verbally and in text for you. I’m going to show you what works and what doesn’t verbally, and in writing.

Nuances make HUGE differences.

Do You Know How to Influence Non-Verbally?

I watch people use the right tone of voice and great body language and get a “no” because they blew it with words.

Even more often I observe people saying the right words but completely screwing up because their tonality and pitch of voice offend the other person.

Learn how to do it correctly…

And I’ll show you how to do things that everyone else told you not to.

•    I’ll show you HOW and WHEN to use LOGIC in the buying sequence.
•    I’ll show you WHEN to be politically correct and when not to.
•    I’ll show YOU how to INFLUENCE WOMEN (in-depth, like I’ve never done before!)

Triggering Compliance in the Persuasion Sequence is UTTERLY UNIQUE in persuasion and selling.

Influencing Men vs. Women, Conservatives vs. Liberal, People who Get things Done vs. Those that are Lazy. What’s the Difference?

Because, for the first time, you will find out EXACTLY how to influence women.  (Whether you are a man or a woman doesn’t matter. What matters is how you will use what you discover here!)

Women react and respond VERY DIFFERENTLY than men to influence attempts.

The chances are very good that your business is HEAVILY WEIGHTED with either 80% male or 80% female clients and customers.

I’m going to show you how to gain compliance from the women you’ve been missing out on.

I’ll give you THE EXACT WORDS (necessary in this case)  that are REQUIRED to influence and sell women.

I will show you the PRECISE ATTITUDE that is REQUIRED to market effectively to women.

Get your ticket to Persuasion and Influence: The Legend’s Course, Season One!

It begins now. 


You are now in a very new world.

Perhaps this collective designation is a good metaphor of the shift in the world.

 The Persuasion and Influence Legend Online Course begins now…


Now it’s time to do the seriously deep dive and once again become a new Master Persuader.

Consistency, Reciprocity, and Scarcity still have their places, intra-similar belief structures; but they are “the answer” much less often than they were 15 years ago. Meanwhile, for example, Expectancy, Identity and Friends continue to be strong.

You need to make legendary progress  and SOON,  or the price to pay is dramatic.

Stop thinking about how you THINK things should be. 

 You and I don’t control how things will be, EXCEPT as they relate to YOU.

So you go out to the gas station to get gas and 20 people look at you.

How many look at you TWICE?


If you talk to someone and think the person is a possible hire or a possible date, do you even have ANY clue as to what you’d say?

Look, the world CHANGED. Any similarity between 2024 and 2014 is purely coincidental.

I’ve easily put 1500 hours of time into creating this course.

(Don’t feel sorry for me, it was a blast.)

During part of the course you can sit with me in home, my studio, the bar in my home, join me in live events.
I started with a list of what I wanted you to have, and it is now ready for you.
Not social distancing from those who died over 150 years ago…Catacombs, far under street level in Paris. January 2020

Now it’s time to look at the best, while you see what is new! It’s finally here. The first season of Persuasion and Influence: The Legendary Course: Season One



“Yes!  register me Right now with Monthly Installments!”

The Persuasion and Influence Legend Online Course

                                                                beginning August 17, 2024.
                                                       I understand my deposit is 297.26 today 
                                             then six additional monthly installments of  297.26.


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Kevin Hogan

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Success in Influence, World Business Class Magazine, January 2018. Cover Story and Interview with Kevin Hogan


Costco interviewed Kevin for Body Talk: Actions Do Speak Louder than Words


Kevin's body language evaluation!

Sales Guru

Article by Kevin in Sales Guru magazine (based in South Africa). "Burnout: Escaping Living Hell"

What People Say

“Want to influence others? Want to persuade others? Want to sell others? Then Science of Influence is not just an option – it’s a landmark breakthrough of information you can use the minute you read it.”
"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

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Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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 Coffee Bonuses

And as a bonus for joining, Kevin will give you two hefty eBooks: Mind Access and Overcoming Rejection.

Overcoming Rejection: Defeating the Painful Feelings of Being Marginalized by Dr. Kevin Hogan

The tips you receive in Coffee with Kevin Hogan will help you in your relationships and in your business. The fun stuff, well is just fun. Subscribe now and see for yourself.

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