What People Say about Kevin Hogan

Kevin has earned the trust of dozens of local, national and multi-national corporations over the past two-plus decades including:

Your classes are truly useful and quite masterful done. I think you are a champion of logic, reason and wisdom!

For me it is relatively rare to meet and get impressed by lecturers as much as I have been impressed by you.

Keep going – I will be back soon!
Lifestorms came exactly the right information at the right time for me. In summary, I’m the 50 year old ‘unfulfilled potential’ and as I’ve dug up the past patterns over the last few years, I’ve progressed. But your program made me recognize both patterns and origins I had overlooked. Now I’m becoming free.
John Shoemaker
Tallahassee, FL
Hogan's approach to developing strategies and tactics using statistical analysis has always been incredibly soothing. In a world full of noise,

Kevin Hogan clarity using hard core data.

Adopting his work has helped our roofing company grow in a very competitive field.
Kevin, with two-thirds of the Professional Speakers Course behind me you continue to challenge and push me beyond limits I did not even realize existed.

With over 400 pages of unadvertised course materials, 20+ hours of recorded training material, continual opportunities for active participation and one-third of the training still to come, I cannot fathom what you have left to share!

I haven’t even read about a course that contains half of the materials that you have covered to this point, and still, say there is more! The opportunity to interact with the other participants really pulled it all together.

Thanks…so much
Murray R. Mortlock
Alberta, Canada
Kevin, I have read, and continue to re-read Covert Persuasion, The Science of Influence and Covert Hypnosis.

My learning experience is best described as drinking from a fire hose! You have provided so much valuable information in these works I have trouble deciding what to work on first.

In Covert Persuasion you explain the Focused Outcome Mindset (and you mentioned it in a recent “Coffee”). I used to reject the idea of influencing others as “manipulation” and inappropriate.

I see now that we influence others all the time; I just never took the effort to be intentional about it. Thanks again for your great work.

You have really helped me be more effective in my sales and my life. I will continue to study your works.
Dave Gurnee
Kevin Hogan has information that is so powerful it will change your perception of the way you think about yourself, and the way you think about others. It is simple to understand but is life-changing when implemented. Hire Kevin Hogan!
Do you want to save yourself several years of blindfolded trial and error and all the mental anguish of missed opportunities so you can propel your professional speaking career?

So did I. That’s why I took Kevin Hogan’s Professional Speakers Course.

Kevin generously gives to all the participants from his extensive experience as a top-notch internationally known speaker.

As a result of my participation, I am a much more polished and interesting professional speaker, leapfrogging over what would have taken 2 additional years just out on the road speaking.

Additionally, I have a number of ways to earn a very viable income as a speaker now and in the future as a direct result. Of course, this is a Kevin Hogan course, so you know it will be jam-packed each
week with excellent content and practical application to do.

Whatever you do, avoid getting behind and keep implementing. This is a fantastic class, and I highly recommend it to anyone!
If you have taken any self improvement courses and they have NOT worked for you, or you want to get MAXIMUM impact from them…..first unplug Self-Sabotage. Kevin’s [Lifestorms] program did that for me.
Sonya Lenzo
Motivational Speaker or a Keynote Speaker? Hire Kevin Hogan. I have done so every year since 1996. If you want a professional, inspirational and humorous speaker, Kevin is your speaker.
Elsom Eldridge, Ed.M., President
International Guild of Professional Consultants
Don’t apply for Kevin Hogan’s Inner Circle unless you are ready to confront all the reasons you are ‘stuck’ in your professional and personal life and you are now ready to ‘leapfrog’ forward!! That was my story…completely mired, tired and out of excuses. Six months later, my career is humming along…other salespeople are coming to ME for ideas.

I have two websites up and plans for a third. I am writing one book and planning another. Best of all, I wake up just excited, grateful, and life is truly fun. What did I get from the Inner Circle?

Insights…a fresh look at my life…past, present, future…systems for time management…systems for life management…friendships with cool people…ideas, ideas, ideas…and the sheer fun of discussing them over dinner with great folks (the synergy of the other people in the group is a breathtaking ‘extra’).
Sonya Carlson Lenzo
St. Paul, MN
As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships.

Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind.

His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission.
The delivery of products is FAST, incredibly FAST… I have just ordered my second CD set from you. I know you have heard this before – the delivery of products is FAST, incredibly FAST. I have received notification and delivery of your products faster than any other product I have ordered in my life! Thanks for the wonderful products and service.
I wanted to make sure you know how many people you are helping…
Dear Mr. Hogan, Thank you for your incredibly informative website. I stumbled upon it at a moment of absolute desperation and the information I found there may well have saved my life.

I developed horrible, life-altering tinnitus after having a patulous eustachian tube. I went to the top ear doctor in Los Angeles and he prescribed a number of things – among them, the antidepressant amitriptyline. Shortly after I started the amitriptyline my tinnitus got worse. I panicked.

I did a combination google search of anti-depressant drugs and tinnitus and found your page. Among your FAQ’s was a discussion where you mentioned anti-depressants could temporarily make the tinnitus work but it meant the drugs were helping and to not quit.

Your information was my sole deciding factor to continue the medicine and about three weeks later, the tinnitus stopped. I was probably just another page view so I wanted to make sure you know how many people you are helping.

Thank you for giving me hope in a hopeless situation and much-needed encouragement when I was on the verge of quitting.
Annie Hart
This course is such a huge eye-opener! I’m finding the Decision Point Course absolutely fascinating.

Firstly, because I had totally underestimated the value and effect of decisions on our lives.

Secondly, I’ve always been aware of some of my biases – I’m a fairly ardent feminist for example, and I have often stopped and questioned myself if I’m “seeing through a feminist filter” and I do laugh at myself sometimes when I realize.

I had no idea just how prevalent other biases are, and this course is a fascinating voyage of self-discovery. I’m enjoying the course from a learning perspective in general – your other courses that I’ve done have been for the purpose of improving my business, whereas this one, while it will definitely help in that regard too, feels as though it’s more for me personally.

I’m also enjoying the learning for learning’s sake as much as for self-development. This course is such a huge eye-opener!
Clare Delaney
It’s a bit earth shattering – in an amazing way. Just finished the Wealth Accumulation course. It’s a bit earth shattering – in an amazing way. I have a complete turnaround on some old beliefs that will make the coming year fabulous! Thank you!
Lisa Hyatt
There’s no need to guess or wonder… Kevin’s Digital Marketing Course was excellent. He gave us LOADS of stuff to learn, and he also personally answered every single question I could throw at him. So now I have all the knowledge needed to successfully market ANY product. There’s no need to guess or wonder what some other guru knows that I don’t know because he gave us everything that actually works!
Jason Lowe
New Zealand
Wow, you really do over-deliver! I have at least 2 months more work to do even after the course is over. I am not complaining…this is GREAT. I have arranged 3 speaking engagements already and I have a blueprint for my future speaking to be successful. Not only have your prepared the soil you have helped water and fertilize it! I previously thought speaking was just speaking, but boy was I wrong! Thanks for helping me open my eyes – and – giving us tools to manifest what we are learning. All of the add-on information helps us have multiple streams of income as well as better and more effective marketing.

What you have delivered is more than what I thought I would receive, and frankly, it is worth more than you charged. I can’t wait to get to the $100K mark…you have already deserved a bonus and the course is not over yet!
Karl W. Ellerbeck
My tinnitus is greatly reduced… I had meant to write before as I have had your program from July now. They have been wonderful and saved my sanity. My tinnitus is greatly reduced and my Meniere’s under control. I return to your CDs as I find them excellent and I use them every night to go to sleep with. Thank you.
Anne Clarke
I feel great about the timing in my life now… Just wanted to thank you. I took your Decision Point Course earlier this year, and have put the ideas into practice.

I knew I wanted to leave my job but didn’t seem able to decide when, how, etc. Well, using what I learned from you, I was able to make a very definitive decision about NOW being the time.

I feel great about the timing in my life now and at peace with the decisions, I made. This means so much to me! Mahalo nui loa (thank you so very much).
Stephanie Smedes
Seattle, WA
Kevin Hogan Over Delivers It just wouldn’t be a Kevin Hogan product if I didn’t overdeliver. Not only do I pack every product with the best, scientifically researched content available, I include supporting materials to make sure you get 10 times the value out of every product. This program is an exception because it’s worth a lot more than 10 or 100 times in your life.
When stuff comes up…I don’t have to wait weeks to discuss it with a therapist…
One of the things I’ve learned about psychology and the drives of the unconscious mind is not to immediately trust my strong emotional responses to a situation. In fact, quite often, when I am my most emotionally fraught over a situation, the very VOLUME of the emotion is now a SIGN to me to STOP and think, “heyyyyyyyyy, this is probably a Lifestorm…….

I better go review Kevin’s CD program and investigate this.” Thank GOD I already have the CD program. When stuff comes up, you KNOW how it can come up quickly! Well, I don’t have to wait weeks to discuss it with a therapist by which time it’s gotten buried again. I know that when stuff comes up THAT is the best time to address it and work through it. Having Lifestorms enables me to do JUST THAT!! Thanks Kevin! This is a super power life-changing tool that I use again, again, and again. It’s a great Life Best Practice for me to revisit it about once a quarter or every 6 months or so.
This course has been invaluable to me… Kevin, I want to thank you for your Digital Marketing Course, as I was able to write a book (me! I wrote a book!) with the information you gave. I was a bit of a silent partner as I didn’t talk, email or respond with the group much, but I have learned a great deal and this course has been invaluable to me and my business. Thank you!
Betty Eastman, LCSW
I was constantly stopping myself from completing projects… I was constantly stopping myself from completing projects and seemed to stop myself short from taking any actions that were outside my comfort zone. Everyone should either “Do”Lifestorms or something similar.
Steve Chambers
Your ability to focus and get to the heart of the matter in minutes… Your ability to focus and get to the heart of the matter in minutes is what I love about being in Inner Circle. It’s your greatest gift, (next to your boundless compassion and maybe it is a part of that) in my opinion.
Sonya Lenzo
St. Paul, MN
I just want more… For me, the trouble with psychology stuff is that I find it too interesting — I just want more… but I need to focus my time on my business.

Kevin’s stuff is among the worst because it’s among the best… I want to listen/read/learn more.

I believe Kevin’s material is up there with the work of Stephen R. Covey, Robert B. Cialdini, and other masters. Fortunately, Kevin’s material is also about getting your finger out and doing. And it works.
Your service is exceptional Your service is exceptional. The quality of your service made me enjoy spending money with you.
Fred Frego
MountainView, AR
All my expectations were surpassed…
As a complete self-confessed Internet amateur, I started the Digital Marketing Course both excited and challenged. Well, all my expectations were surpassed and then some.

The information and knowledge have allowed me to feel and be ahead of the game when it comes to working via the web for business and wealth creation. Kevin was more than just a mentor, he was my motivator and friend.

Throughout the course, Kevin was always ready and available to help and assist. His material invites you the student to create and explore wherever you are in business so that you achieve and go beyond yourself. Kevin has been the invisible force and drive which moved me to take action TODAY!
David Power Clinical Hypnotherapist
London, England
Lifestorms has become the cornerstone of my personal development library. I’m a big fan of Think and Grow Rich; it’s what got me started when I began thinking as an entrepreneur. But just listening to Lifestorms, even without doing the worksheets, has helped me move forward much faster than I could have. Not only in business, but also with family and friends. All that just from the insight I got from listening. Now I’m going back to uproot permanently each of my own negative life patterns.
Sheridan Randolph
Chattanooga, TN
You have created a ‘cookie cutter’ plan to wealth via the internet with this course, all the participants must do is follow the directions, amazingly easy, thank you.
Michael Neumann
Tikrit, Iraq
I am truly in awe of your unwavering commitment and effort My sincere thanks for the experience of your Digital Marketing Course.

I am truly in awe of your unwavering commitment and effort to deliver the absolute best information possible. Your readers and subscribers are the better for every word you write and every thought you express.

There is nothing like this course anywhere – it brings new meaning to the words ‘comprehensive’ and ‘truth’.

You once wrote, ‘Trust me until I give you a reason not to’. That reason has never and will never appear. Thanks again!
JC MacKenzie, RRT, RCP
The quality and consistency of the material you produce… Kevin, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your part in changing the direction and fortunes of my career.

Having been a fairly successful salesman for only 2 years, I was invited by the company to come off the road and take on a development/training role for the very new sales team.

I accepted the offer knowing I needed to do some quick study in the world of sales. All the other books recommended to me contained the standard closes known to every man and his dog.

That’s when I…came across you. I found your Science of Influence Series, Body Language Study and Covert Hypnosis Programs to be truly spectacular.

And to prove it, I was recently awarded the annual Employee of the Year award with over 50% of the votes!

I work for one of the UK’s fastest growing companies, now recognized as the most prolific selling organization in the telecom industry. Kevin, I owe an enormous amount of gratitude to you for the quality and consistency of the material you produce. I truly hope to thank you in person one day but for now…Thank you!
Hi Kevin … thoroughly enjoyed your talk at Master of Influence last week. You were HILARIOUS! Can’t wait to get your ‘Invisible Influence’ materials, so I can start mastering what you teach (supply ran out by the time we got to the back!).
Jenny Campbell
Kevin, I really appreciate your Tinnitus-focused website with really well-written articles in helping people understand how this comes about. I really do appreciate the great knowledge you have shared. Thanks to your articles, I was able to gain hope that my Tinnitus problem could be turned around, as I didn’t realize the apparent contributing factors. Thank you again!
Simon Richards
I first gave Lifestorms a superficial listen, just curious what it was about, and at first I got nothing more out of it than a sense that it sounded cool.

But, during the last 5 days, I have found the miracle!

Something inside me clicked when I began to thoroughly study the material. I find myself interacting with the world as if I’m a new person.

The best part is that this difference, this peace that I can not remember feeling before, this seems to be not from rational, “studied” or “memorized” knowledge, but a sense of freedom, a sense of a huge load falling off my shoulders, which I did not even know was there. What I have not mastered yet, I now know I will because of Lifestorms (Wow! Finally!)

My friend and I, after the first 5 minutes five days ago, ever since that moment we can barely stop ourselves from discussing everything and we are excited to make time every day to study this, and we dislike the moment when we have to stop because we can barely wait to see what else is there!
Katerina Spillkova
San Bruno, CA
Kevin, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time and answering my question. I also wanted to thank you for putting out some kick a*! products. As a person who makes a living from persuading people to buy my products, the information that is in the Covert Hypnosis CD set is amazing, and the Body Language program can give you a leg up in sales and negotiation.
Scott Bell
Sacramento, CA
What I gained from this course is simply beyond what I can express through words…the required ‘push’, a lot of confidence, wiping out a lot of fears from me that I could not bring forth and explain.

I've identified a few damaging personal weaknesses I developed over the years running on the wheel, re-assurances on a lot of flashes of thought which I firmly believed were true – but got buried as I could not gather evidence to support those and a lot of insights that no one else would have ever shared with me.

And a unique feedback I can give – I am based in India, a few time zones and culturally different – but what you have shared is absolutely true for us. I consider this a turning point in my life. Thank you once again!
Anish Augustine
Bangalore, India
You’ll never see a sunset if you keep going east! And you’ll never live the changes you want in life if you exercise your decisions in the wrong way.

No matter how positive or determined you are. So, if you want to begin making decisions that will help you take control of your life at a whole new level, then you need to enroll and immerse yourself in Kevin’s new decision-making course.

It’s packed with fresh, new, exciting information that will help you train your brain, period. Since I completed the course, I have learned to think better and smarter about challenges, enjoy being able to make powerful, timely and well-considered decisions with new secret technology that until recently, only the elite had access to.

In the course, besides being presented in a convenient format, you will be able to start and work on your learning curve at your own pace.

And, personalized learning means you can contact Kevin at any stage of the course. I strongly recommend this course, it has solutions that really work!
David Power
London, England
Kudos for your Public Speaking Program. And I never even have to leave the house.

I actually love doing in-person presentations, but they aren’t the only way to do things. I also do teleseminars, and I have just launched a new joint venture project with some of the big names in Internet Marketing.

I am interviewing 7 of Mark Joyner’s Space Monkeys from his 7 Day Business Turnaround Kit, and Mark himself.

The participants include Jason Henderson, Michael Morgan, Tom Justin, Reed Floren, and more. Thank you for the inspiration, the skills, and giving me the courage to make this dream into reality!
Tania Baildon, Wealth Virus Expert
The most remarkable thing about doing Kevin Hogan’s Digital Marketing Course was one week after we started, I had a website up and running!

This is not the usual type of course where you receive all the subject matter and it sits on your shelf until you find the time for it, oh, no!

Kevin is involved.

Every day he sends you emails with attachments. He takes you step by step through the process, especially in the beginning when you really need it.

It’s in your best interest to keep up with the group, and whatever questions you have, he answers them all.

You will receive absolutely everything you need to know about the Internet. Something else that would never have happened without Kevin, is that my website was spidered by Google 4 days after it was published, and Google still comes by every 3 or 4 days like clockwork.

A month later, my site had a page ranking of three. For a newcomer going it alone, this is unheard of.

The course was worth every penny. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in setting up an Internet company, big or small.
Sharon Dell
Durban, South Africa
I recently took your Digital Marketing Course and I was ‘blown away’ by the content and quality of the course. It exceeded my wildest expectations. I was more than pleased. I have recommended your course to many business associates and would encourage anyone who wants to ‘master’ the Internet to take your course. I am still amazed at the content and deliverables you provided! Job well done!
Kevin, the Digital Marketing Course was great! I highly recommend Kevin Hogan’s Digital Marketing Course to anyone who is serious about learning and implementing the nuts and bolts of having a profitable online business. Hogan without a doubt over-delivers on the information he provides. This course was well worth the price and way more. Again, if you are looking to learn and grow your Internet business, this course is for you. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, I highly recommend it.
Thank you for your excellent speech. I have learned some tips on understanding my prospects better, which certainly will help me increase my business revenue.
Andy Lau
Vancouver, BC
I have been receiving your Coffee with Kevin Hogan newsletter for a couple of years now as well as several others. Over that time, I have ‘weeded out’ most. I have purchased some of your products and believe you are the ‘real deal’. Your insights and the wisdom you impart have been, are, and will be invaluable. Many thanks.
Mark Estlick
Seattle, WA
I am hooked! Just a quick note. I ordered your program, Science of Influence Part V, and received it in 1 day! Thank you! Then I purchased 3 books of yours. I am hooked! Thanks again.
Robert Martin
Fargo, ND
Kevin, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your part in changing the direction and fortunes of my career. Having been a fairly successful salesman for only 2 years, I was invited by the company to come off the road and take on a development/training role for the very new sales team. I accepted the offer knowing I needed to do some quick study in the world of sales. All the other books recommended to me contained the standard closes known to every man and his dog. That’s when I…came across you. I found your Science of Influence Series, Body Language Study Course and Covert Hypnosis to be truly spectacular. And to prove it, I was recently awarded the annual Employee of the Year award with over 50% of the votes! I work for one of the UK’s fastest growing companies, now recognized as the most prolific selling organization in the telecom industry. Kevin, I owe an enormous amount of gratitude to you for the quality and consistency of the material you produce. I truly hope to thank you in person one day but for now…Thank you!
I thought that your Decision Point Course was an excellent and incredibly valuable course. The amount of information is unbelievable. I’m going to be reviewing it for a while. I have read reviews that say you over-deliver and boy do you ever. I have already recommended your course to two friends. Thanks, Kevin, for a great course!
Mike Hendry
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Kevin, I very much connected and enjoyed reading your book Tinnitus: Turning Down the Volume. I greatly appreciate all your diligence in regard to helping the tinnitus sufferers! I wish you the best and just want to thank you for your wonderful work and making it available for us suffering from this most challenging problem. I am looking forward to a full recovery. I wish you the best and hope that you continue to enlighten the tinnitus sufferers with your brilliant findings and continue to be successful. You are brilliant!
Marya Morrison
Dunedin FL
Kevin Hogan lays a path that magnifies your ability as a speaker. Whether you are currently on the speaker’s circuit or have a burning desire to join, you owe it to yourself to better your abilities with Kevin’s Speakers Course. The information you will receive will answer all of your questions and then some. If you are serious about maximizing your potential, get into this Course!
Matthew Shields President
The Psychology of Wealth (included in The Millionaire Mind Program) is an amazing program that has helped me peel back the layers that have repeatedly caused me to fumble.

My whole life, I had been repeating the same patterns and could not figure out why, nor did I even notice the similarities.

This program has not only helped me identify the foundation of these events but has also allowed me to reprogram myself so I don’t repeat the same events.

By doing the self-work in this course, Kevin has laid the foundation for anyone who wants to master themselves.

I’ve invested in many of the “other” get rich programs (many of them were great) but none of them discussed the sabotaging beliefs like this program and without identifying your personal road blocks, you’re almost guaranteed not to make it to your dream destination in life because your subconscious mind will cause you to repeat the same events over and over to avoid previous programming.

This program will help you identify your personal road blocks, teach you to overcome them and reach your dream life.

I strongly recommend The Psychology of Wealth to anyone who is serious about achieving financial independence and changing their life.
Brian C. Saviano
Oak Brook, IL
Fantastic presentation! I truly enjoyed your presentation in Anaheim. I could have picked your brains for hours, but I had to let everyone else get a question in. You truly have a grasp of the human psyche and how it relates to the selling process. Thank you.
Alberto J. Herran
Orlando, FL
This class has made me realize that almost anything is possible. Your class gave me every tool necessary to not only begin my speaking career but catapult it forward.

You not only made me realize my commitments – but put me on the road to achieving them. You are an incredibly intelligent, witty, dependable, thoughtful, inspirational, energetic and authentic human being.

All of that bundled with the fact that you truly care about others makes you very unique.

It was an amazing experience for me to begin this course and over a period of eight weeks learning all there was to learn about becoming a professional speaker.

You are a genuine giver. I hope others don’t miss the opportunity to spend time learning from you.

You have changed my path and I thank you for it.

Thank you for helping me get my website up to the #1 position on Google.
I currently helped win a very serious double life sentence trial by reading and decoding body language of the potential jurors… I am a certified Image Consultant.

I have applied your research in decoding body language for coaching defendants, witness preparation, jury selection, and profiling jurors.

Your information has been so beneficial to me that I currently helped win a very serious double life sentence trial by reading and decoding body language of the potential jurors that I selected and reading witnesses and jurors during the week-long trial.

The public defenders were so impressed with this knowledge that I received from you that I am now their trial consultant, thanks to you!!
Susan Constantine-Kane
Orlando, FL

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Coffee with
Kevin Hogan

persuasion newsletter

Coffee with Kevin Hogan, delivered Monday.

Dr. Hogan’s blog & newsletter are both 

…free forever.

You get the very latest and most important findings in human behavior, relationships, wealth building, outcome acquisition, nonverbal communication, mind control, covert hypnosis, selling, and marketing.

You’ll also get his book Mind Access, as his gift to you.

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Latest Posts on Kevin's blog

Kevin Hogan Live in Wrocław​

Media Presence

World Class Business Kevin Hogan

World Business Class

Success in Influence, World Business Class Magazine, January 2018. Cover Story and Interview with Kevin Hogan


Costco interviewed Kevin for Body Talk: Actions Do Speak Louder than Words


Kevin's body language evaluation!

Sales Guru

Article by Kevin in Sales Guru magazine (based in South Africa). "Burnout: Escaping Living Hell"

What People Say

“Want to influence others? Want to persuade others? Want to sell others? Then Science of Influence is not just an option – it’s a landmark breakthrough of information you can use the minute you read it.”
"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

Subscribe to Coffee with Kevin Hogan today!

You can always write us at
drkevinhogan@gmail.com or kevin@kevinhogan.com

Pay attention to your spam/junk/trash folders, shoot maybe the neighbors!

 Coffee Bonuses

And as a bonus for joining, Kevin will give you two hefty eBooks: Mind Access and Overcoming Rejection.

Overcoming Rejection: Defeating the Painful Feelings of Being Marginalized by Dr. Kevin Hogan

The tips you receive in Coffee with Kevin Hogan will help you in your relationships and in your business. The fun stuff, well is just fun. Subscribe now and see for yourself.

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