For the first time in a decade, you can have private session(s) with Kevin Hogan to get help with reducing the volume and distress from tinnitus.
If you have had tinnitus for less than one month, simply request one session. If you have had tinnitus less than 90 days, request five. If you have had tinnitus for more than 3 months, request 10 sessions. Fill in all information below then click submit at the end. You will be sent a confirmation e-mail. Thank you!
Note on Terms:
$750 for your initial session of 90 minutes.
Five sessions subscribed to in one block $2500
Ten sessions subscribed to in one block $4500
Exceptions to fees for any of the above: none.

Private Consultation with Kevin Hogan
Note: After your application is accepted, you will be contacted via e-mail to schedule your tele-therapy session(s). Your credit card will not be charged until your application is formally accepted.
Please note: Although it is most unlikely that you will experience any problems responding to this form, certain non-standard browsers will not respond properly. If you experience any difficulties, (or if you are not using a forms-capable browser) you may email your response to this form to: Kevin AT
After completing the form above, please procced to submit your payment clicking one of the following options:
Your application will be reviewed within 3 days.
Your credit card will not be charged until you have been accepted. Once accepted you will be given an available time slot, at the earliest possible convenience.
You will be contacted by e-mail regarding the acceptance of your application. Kevin Hogan retains the right to turn down any application for any reason. No charges will be made to your credit card until acceptance is complete.
Fill In All Information, Click SEND At The End Of The Form. You Will Be Sent A Confirmation E-Mail. Thank You!
If you’d prefer not to send your credit card number over the internet, you can call Kevin Hogan’s private voice mail and leave payment information, 24 hours per day at
(952)465-7525 | (952) 443-5049
Have all of your ordering and credit card information ready to leave on our secure voicemail system.