Body Language Articles

11.5 Ways of Making a Magnetic First Impression that Will Last a Lifetime
Research just out in 2022 shows that it takes about 1 second, one SECOND, to fall in love! And all I want is for people

Attraction’s Irresistible Impulse
What really attracts people in 2023? Forget the politically correct stuff. Can you find love on Tinder? Could it be true that love is really

Just When Do People Lie Most?
People lie at different times of day more than others and they lie in certain situations (not what you’re thinking) a lot more than you’d

Body Language of Men……Toward Women
What follows are excerpts of an interview I did for the world’s best known magazine for women. From the forthcoming issue of Cosmopolitan… “Thanks for meeting
Negotiation Body Language – Like a Professional (Part 2)
Use Body Language and Nonverbal Communication to Identify Negotiation Styles I glance at their feet. All you need is a glance. Are their feet pointed
Body Language of Powerful Men
Detecting power in men from body language cues and nonverbal communication is easier than finding the same in women. I just got back from Europe.
How to Spot and Catch a Liar
Con artists, hustlers, card sharks, they all have to lie, it’s how they get by. But we spin stories for our spouses, co-workers and friends
Can You Hear Your Body Talking?
Your body language will boost you to the top or keep you among the majority of people in the middle and bottom. You have less
Body Language of Women and How it’s Analyzed in 2021
A Woman’s Body Language is Critically Observed Men and women are viewed very differently by others. A man performs behavior X, and he is perceived
Body Language Analysis – Decoding Power, the Most Misinterpreted Language
Today you’re going to see the difference between normal male and normal female facial expressions. The picture off to the right is what most people