Real Success Secrets, Pt. 2 – Kevin Hogan 4.76*

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The Value of Today, Tomorrow and Each Day in the Next Decade

Imagine you are beginning an online coffee table business that will sell cool stuff you love or make.

Simple enough. Millions of people go to work in their living room every day. These people recognize the value of days through time.

Meanwhile, Everyday people look at today as being the most important day there is. They eat themselves off their diet TODAY, not seriously giving significance to life tomorrow. They destroy their chance at living by saying they’ll get to what will secure their life … tomorrow … which by the way … doesn’t happen tomorrow … or the next day … or ever.

Legend Point: Successful people value each coming day a little higher than today.

The reason is simple.

Tomorrow’s bigger project builds on today’s smaller project. They are all going to be important, but selling the product is far more important than building the product.

The same holds true for your relationship you will have. Today is important. Very important. Tomorrow, more so. Not sure?

Take the next 100 days off work and away from the relationship and see what the state of life is for the next 1000 days after that. If there is no concentrated focus today to get that relationship kick started or your projects moving, there is going to be no version 2.0 … no growth … no nothing…

…except decay.

Concentrated focus of attention through time is far more than important in all major projects whether that project is a relationship or an ongoing business project.

What’s this all look like in real life in a relationship or a coffee table business?

You begin by mapping the products (services) you’ll be releasing over the next couple of years. Ideally, they have a common thread and theme between them. One where the second builds upon the other. (You sell an Ipad next month and then cool new ear buds the following month and so forth, etc.)

Now you’ve looked at yourself through time. You know that you have to create stuff (or find cool stuff) and then promote it and then follow up with other cool projects.

Next, you evaluate what you will be doing this month to make progress. You’re going to need help in six months selling Stuff A so you want to make those contacts today. You want to help others do what they are doing so when it comes time for you to ask for help, you’ve already established yourself as being worth partnering with.

You can’t write your book or make your Stuff A today, then six months later hope to start generating revenue based upon hope. A finished manuscript isn’t worth anything if you haven’t developed a platform (an audience) to buy your Stuff A.

Similarly, there is little point in developing a platform (an audience) if you aren’t going to do business with your audience. Everything happens, every day. Concentration of focus is critical.

You’ve heard the age old wisdom, “do a little every day and you’ll succeed.”

No … you won’t.

If there were no other variables happening in life, no other humans in life, no other obstacles, then yes, in 50 years you’d have accomplished something.

But, in the real world, life hits you with BIG STICKS.

And they tend to come in bunches.

Assume that you’ll have all kinds of challenges and difficulties until your mentor/coach points out with precision what they are likely to be for you.

Preparing for the difficult allows you to succeed.

How do you know whether what you are doing is going to favor your succeeding?f

This is critical…turn the page…

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Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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