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A lot of your businesses successes or failures will have nothing to do with your product/service, your customer service, business model, marketing, selling, or anything else to do with your projects you are working on.
Last week we talked about the influence that friends can have on you, consciously and nonconsciously. It can be good, and it can be bad, but in general, it won’t be neutral.
Summary? The behavior of YOUR FRIENDS change your RESULTS, like it or not.
You WILL have & experience what they have in life the more you invest time with them.
More important to your success than the impact of friends and…
- Your Outcome
- Your Plan
- Your Map
- Your Effort
- Your System
- Your Friends
…might be your ability to influence the person you live with to fully support and encourage you!
Conflict in “goals” within a primary relationship can or WILL bring down your best and most-likely-to-succeed project.
The lack of synergy between husband and wife, partner/partner, parent/kids could undermine an entire project. The partner might tell the other person to “get an office.” That is almost always a disastrous directive.
It’s ill advised and poorly thought out advice.
No one likes to talk about all of this for obvious reasons, but it is a fact.
Now don’t misunderstand: I’m not for a second suggesting that a spouse (for example) needs to be gung-ho supportive of a ridiculous business project with almost no chance of success.
That would be irresponsible and foolish. But what happens when one is starting something that passes The Sensibility Test?
Plenty of people sabotage, often unknowingly, their partners/spouse’s/parents projects and goals simply by being who they are…and how they behave…and THAT WILL have to change.
Today, you’ll find out how to begin to gain the positive influence and backing of the people you live with. And do note that just because they say they support you doesn’t mean…that they support you.
Influence them to have your back … Continue…