Persuasion & Influence Articles

Persuasion: Are You The Answer?
Do you represent a great product/service? Are you a GREAT acquisition? Are you proud of the above?…enough to BUY?! , Who matters most to you

Most Effective Persuasion Techniques in Selling
The three most common questions I get are these: How do you know what techniques to apply and when? How can I tell who will

Most Effective Persuasion Techniques in Selling
The three most common questions I get are these: How do you know what techniques to apply and when? How can I tell who will

Ask This Question – The Formula for the Right Question (pt. 1/3)
Legend Point: It may be a great deal more valuable to ask, “what kind of a company don’t you want to work for?” Now you
How Boring People Persuade, Smart People Blow It
Want to Know What Gets Them to Say “Yes?” In a press release, Authors Bob M. Fennis (Utrecht University, the Netherlands), Loes Janssen (University of
Social Media and Influencing in Two Worlds
50,000 followers About $2000 for a post 10,000 followers About $200 for a post. Remember all of these numbers are just averages/estimates because the size
How the Unconscious Mind Works, Why They Say No, 33rd Law of Persuasion
“No.” It’s the only thing that is more annoying to hear than “I’ll think about it.” You hear that knee jerk “no” because of the
Framing that Makes the Persuasive Message
Framing how and what you say is one of the critical pillars of influence and persuasion. I took this photo and used it once before
Perception Changes Reality Whether They Want You
Perception Changes Reality of Whether They Want You What’s special about this article is today you find out WHY they like you or choose you,

Factors that Cause “Yes” or “No” Under Information Overload
The real decisions as to whether someone will buy your services or products…or you, often has very little to do with your actual service or