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Instead of Talking About IT, DO It

Get used to this simple fact: Taking action on something new is flat out unfamiliar, therefore being very uncomfortable.
Face it. It’s much easier to think, “I deserve something good. Something fun…” than it is to actually DO something that brings you to the “it.”
What you’ve been doing for years is like balancing on a fence. Momentum wants to pull you in one direction; while your exhaustion, fears or doubts are pulling you in another direction. It takes tremendous endurance to stay balanced between two powerful forces like that!
Since you’re already working hard at staying stationary, it is a mathematically simple matter to shift your focus and redirect your energies to begin moving forward. But emotionally?
WOW, it’s not so easy in that department.
How do you actually make it all happen in real life?
It seems like a major leap to move from where you are to where you’d rather be. Like here’s you and over here is the moon.
Take note. There is probably just ONE SIGNIFICANT THING that stands between you and your ability to move forward. This one thing will be different for everyone, but review the most common reasons below and see which is happening in your life:
You’ve gotten it into your head that something bad will happen if you begin working toward what you want. You have a feeling of dread or doom, and you feel sure that you’ll somehow screw it up or fail. You don’t want to experience that feeling of failure, so you choose to not try at all.

You work all day to get where you are when you come home at night. You are tired but paid.
Now you arrive home and you are going to work at “success?”
“Achievement?” You’re going to work hard at making something good happen in life, but you don’t positively KNOW it’s going to happen?
What should you fear more: Taking a chance and possibly failing for a few weeks, or never trying at all and creating a certain life of mediocrity?
When you look at it like that, you’ll see that fear of failure is ridiculous.
It all seems overwhelming at times, yes. But it means nothing in the big scheme of things. So you may stumble and fall a few times. Big deal! Just get your backside, in gear, and get moving again!
It may sound overly simple for me to say that, but once you experience it for yourself, you realize how meaningless a “fear of failure” really is.
Even if you don’t fear failure, you might lack confidence in your own ability to overcome challenges and create the life you want. You might even doubt your ability to know the right path for you.

The only way to know for sure is to do it! If you want to make progress in your life, you HAVE to be willing to know that you have what it takes.
You have to know that even if you don’t initially have what it takes to succeed, you can work on developing it. Do you think that ANY successful person was just born that way? Obviously not! Each and every successful person has to go through a learning curve, and continually push themselves past their limits.
They had to start small or with nothing and then take one step at a time, honing their skills, developing new ones, and further strengthening those, too. You are no different. In all probability, you have the same exact ability to do what successful people do.
When I go to Vegas and sit at the poker or blackjack table, I meet a lot of people. Most of them are surprisingly content, wealthy and/or happy.
(They had better be wealthy or they need to sit at a different table…)
Sometimes we introduce ourselves. One time I was playing with the guy who played “Mini Me” in Austin Powers. Another time, with the Producer of The Wedding Crashers. Another time with the owner of a NINE figure hedge fund. (WOW)
The thing is, we were all just a bunch of guys sitting down playing cards and having fun. Doin’ what we like to do and working hard at what we find challenging.
And, all of us were in town working.
And all of us agreed we loved our work. Playing…but also, working.
You would have a heck of a time succeeding at anything you really weren’t willing to be upbeat or passionate about.
What is the third obstacle to motivation? Turn the page to find out.