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How long have you been in the life situation you are in right now?

Single or married? How long have you had/or not had kids? How long have you worked in the type of career you are currently in?
In the old days, people got a job and stayed with it until they retired. That’s pretty rare in 2016 and it’s going to be a real oddity in 15 years. Ongoing change is going to be the theme for the foreseeable future.
Question 1: When was the last time you were in control of at least most of your life?
Question 2: When was the last time when you wrote yourself a paycheck instead of waiting to get your “check” from someone else?
Don’t misunderstand, the person writing your paycheck has given you a job. You can’t beat that. They gambled everything on you. You had no risk in the equation. That’s pretty cool. Ultimately, a job is a gift.
But in order for an employer to take that risk and all the additional risks that come with having employees, an employer can’t pay an employee what they’d like to.
Sadly the employer has to pay for all the screw ups they have hired in the past and then pay for those useless employees they will hire in the future!
The employee is on the other side of “the coin.” When an employee starts their own Coffee Table Business, they find themselves earning two to three times the money doing the same work.
Now you know why.
One of the leading causes of happiness is control.
There are lots of side effects to control! They include creativity, responsibility, continuous learning and a freshness that is always there.
It makes no real difference to me whether you stay or leave a job or any other life situation. I so appreciate everyone who was willing to hire me and GIVE ME experience on THEIR CLOCK
But there does come a time when you just have to break free and go be a living, breathing, thinking human.
Being chained to hamster wheel can sometimes be less than ideal.
Want a “Pep Talk?”

When you feel some kind of pain through 12 hours or more of the day, the last thing you are going to do is get all excited and pepped up about “achievement.”
I’ve gotta confess. I never liked pep talks. They felt so fake to me.
They work for some, but not for most.
What works for most people?