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(1) Start smart.

Obviously you are going to be fearful of taking the journey. Make sure you have a great map and that your co-pilot is behind you every step of the way. When you realize that YOU are still standing and nothing horrible has happened outside of a project that did not work as you had hoped, you will feel more familiar, comfortable, and inspired to move on the journey to the pool and drinks. The fact is there is NOTHING to be afraid of. People fear projects will fail and often convince themselves that somehow a project is THE BUSINESS or THE RELATIONSHIP. It simply is not the case.
(2) Push yourself and have your mentor help push.
YOU must become aware that your fear is unfounded and must be willing to face fear head on. In other words, this works best for the terrified person! A vast majority of the time, your fear is just a result of feeling out of your element. Humans are used to and addicted to comfort zones and the mundane routines that exist within. Trying to do something new makes pretty much everyone feel uneasy, until they become familiar with it. If you can push past that initial fear, you almost immediately realize that there really is nothing to fear.
You will never experience success until you are willing to understand it and embrace the “failures” that MUST precede success as much bigger than a project or a day at the office.
As you “grow,” your UNfamiliar zone becomes less intimidating. It begins to CHANGE IN MEANING and becomes the desirable and bigger part of who you are and what you choose to experience.
The more you are willing to express and expand your greatness, the less you will feel frightened by things that are out of your control, and the more you will naturally focus on the things that ARE within your control.
A Hard Day…and then Work All Night and Weekend…on Your Dreams…A Nightmare?
- You work all day, and it IS a HARD day.
- You come home.
- You cook for the kids.
- You cut the lawn.
- You do the laundry.
- You clean the house.
- You trim the shrubs.
You come in, take a shower and recognize that now it IS time to work on your dreams.
THAT is the reality of what most self-appointed gurus are asking you to live your life doing.
Here’s a fact:
NO ONE is going to succeed like that.
Not in real life.

One of the biggest reasons people feel unmotivated is because it seems too difficult to make the changes they want to see in their lives.
After doing all that…stuff, when you finally get a free moment, isn’t it easier to sit back and do nothing, moan and groan about how awful everything is, and dwell in the river of mediocrity?
That IS what it feels like.
But it only feels easier to do that because we’ve gotten USED to doing that.
In truth, you are already working hard at staying right where you are doing the same thing every single day.
Have your mentor help you develop motion. She got you up walking with carrots but now it’s time to MOVE.
How do you begin to gain Momentum?
Here’s how to make it happen…