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The Secret Weapon of Blikskow?

The co-pilot, mentor, coach or consultant can be of GREAT use here in part because of ACCOUNTABILITY.
Accountability is something everyone needs to have and take advantage of. (Not supposed to end sentences with words like “of,” don’t ask me why, but that’s what they tell me.)
Accountability must be experienced between you and someone you would be embarrassed to tell that you failed. The accountability person is also someone who will not let the failure of any one project or a string of long and irritable days stop you. Instead, you REAL mentor would not embarrass you but would pick you up and move you back on the journey.
Thus the mentor/coach/consultant is not your wife, your husband or your business partner.
If a spouse told my clients what I tell them, there would be lots of divorces. Coaches have ultimate latitude to tell you that you have lapses in judgment and appearance among other things.
Accountability is NOT something you can experience with just anyone because unlike marriage, friends and other relationships, this relationship has a lot of critical, direct, painfully honest dynamics that have to be in place for YOU to succeed and achieve.
Accountability is great leverage. It’s arguably the BEST leverage you will ever experience.
How do you push yourself to move forward when everything within you is screaming in panic? There are two logical ways to proceed…