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The Way You Want to Live

Now your friend says, “Look, you dummy, (she’s obviously a good friend because she doesn’t dink around) being Blikskowful means being able to live your life how you want to!”
“Like how?”
You’ve never heard of such a strange kind of life. You repeat her words back,”How you want to? And just what does THAT mean?”
“Well if you could wake up tomorrow morning anywhere in the world and experience anything you could choose what would it be?”
“I don’t know. I can’t put my finger on one thing.”
Of course not. There are no references.
“Make something up.”
“I’d wake up 50 pounds thinner, have a big house with a pool and 10 beautiful girls running around bringing anything I want to me and my friends, and you of course, and we’d have drinks all day.”
And the conversation goes on until there is a path from A (today) to B (blikskow). It goes on until there is a complete movie of this hedonistic heaven. The result is there, even if the journey isn’t. One thing is a fact: The hero of this future story is now motivated!
Now the pace increases and the door is opened.
You had no idea this is what Blikskow meant!
Now STOP here for just a sec.
Having motivation to get somewhere with lots of girls around the pool is great, but the end result comes with lots and lots of (good and bad) stuff between A and B. Looking before you leap across the Grand Canyon (or even cross the next set of train tracks on the road) enroute to Beverly Hills is more than PRUDENT.
Why? You want to be certain there are no trains coming from either direction, when you begin to cross the tracks at railroad stops, THEN, drive across the tracks.
Little stuff like that can make a difference.
That stuff all goes in the movie as well.
It’s that fundamental. Move with a good map. Use a good copilot, and with a carefully and quickly implemented plan.

Never hang back and wait for that moment when you’ll feel “ready,” Opportunities are passing you by and your confidence and motivation actually decreases as you get locked into a sense of inertia.
Sound familiar?
Waiting = Inertia
You may be surprised to learn that your blikskow will begin to grow as a RESULT of your moving forward, not the other way around. The longer you hang back and allow yourself to be held captive by uncertainty, the more difficult it will be to take a step forward. The FIRST time you have the motivation to MOVE is THE time to MOVE.
Push yourself to move forward even though you don’t really feel “ready” yet. You will grow in confidence with every step you take. Every little victory along the path to your goal will inspire you to keep going, keep daring. Keep achieving.
What’s the one thing highly successful people do to motivate themselves?
They get and then USE The Secret Weapon…