Motivation for All You Deserve

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Pain In Success

Pain in Success

Isn’t it fascinating that there is often a great deal of pain associated with the word, “success?”

Now, how could that POSSIBLY be the case? Does that make ANY sense? Success is everything someone could want and there is PAIN associated with the word?

Take a look:

“Success” is something most people have never truly experienced for an ongoing period of time. Thus, they have no clusters of neurons representing “success” in the brain other than a word on a spelling test. You might as well use the word “Blikskow.”

Now someone tells you that “Blikskow” can be yours!

They’re smiling.

But you don’t know what a “blikskow” is. You don’t have a clue. But all you have to do is walk through that door and you’ll have it!

Not knowing what a “blikskow” is, your instincts fire up fast and firm. There is no way you are going through that door. It’s kept your genes alive for two million years and it’s going to do the same thing now.

Blikskow = No personal references and Personal Uncertainty.

In the past “uncertainty” and acting without some knowledge has always caused pain. Your brain is like mine. It isn’t “intelligent” per se, but it definitely works from all of the past experiences you’ve had.

You aren’t walking through any “blikskow” door!”

This is identical to a “success” door.

No way.

The word is ambiguous. there are no personal references. Yet the person you are communicating with makes “blikskow” sound very attractive. Sort of like a movie they want you to go see.

But you feel no motivation to get up and go get this blikskow stuff.

“Come ON,” she tells you.

“No thanks.”

“Do you know how many really cute girls will be there?”

New Pathway for Success

You briefly light up before returning to normal.

Just what are you going to do in Blikskow with a bunch of cute girls? Does everyone fall off the cliff together?

Your friend continues, “…cute girls that want to meet someone like you who is cool and sweet and is Blikskowful.”

Well now you know what some of that means and it is waking you up to go open the door and take a shot. Beats the heck out of spending all day in a cubicle or whatever. She could have taken any of a number of roads for this discussion, but she picks the most basic of all.

You now have motivation to get some of this Blikskow. And who knows? It’s possible you will get some and it will be a good thing. Perhaps.

That motivator is one of many. In fact, it’s a tried and true tool for causing motion, movement, action, but generally it won’t be “enough” to get you enough Blikskow (whatever it is) to make a difference. But hey, it MOVED YOU. A start.

And that motivator will pick you up, even briefly, when you’ve fallen. But it doesn’t drive you all day long. In fact it usually drives you until it stops that day, if not that hour.

Nevertheless, it woke you up. It got you up. You’re walking…slowly. A few feet.

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