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A strategy that works EVERY TIME: Go do it and keep doing IT until IT is DONE.

Not only should you take your personal growth seriously, take your future and your rewards personally!
It is helpful to be objective while defining your future and preparing your strategy, but the importance of knowing what you want your future to be in the big picture of your life should be a very personal matter indeed. Take it seriously, and take it personally.
If you experience a setback, and you should experience a LOT of them, question why it happened. Did you try to take a shortcut instead of giving your full effort to a task? Sometimes shortcuts are the obvious answer. Sometimes they get you in trouble. Become aware of which is which. Did you make mistakes that caused a setback to occur? If so, internalize those insights and use them to avoid similar mistakes in the future.
And then realize failure in any given essentially doesn’t matter. (Unless you were doing heart surgery or flying the plane that day.) Think about it. If I write a book and it doesn’t become a big seller, am I disappointed? You bet. I have an ego just like you. But what does this mean in the scope of history of the human race?
The fact is that A LOT of things you do are GOING TO FAIL.
And…it doesn’t matter much.

Personal development and goal acquisition are very much a process of evolution. You are unusual because you are HERE. Most people haven’t even considered it.
You first must open your mind to the possibilities, learn through self-discovery, take REAL action and continually test your limits. If you take both of these processes personally, you will hold them close to your heart and place immense importance on them.
This means you will keep working toward them as long as it takes to make them a reality.
The more you understand what makes you tick, the more motivated you will become to keep doing so. And as you improve your accomplishment level as a person, so will your future become more clear and that future will in part serve as fuel your motivation to continue.
Is there only one kind of motivation that works?
Obviously not. Everyone is motivated by certain things and some people are motivated by more unique stimuli. We’ll look at those in a minute.
What gets your engine running?

Ultimately there are two and only two paths you can use to go through life. One has you in charge of your life. You choose where you go, what you do, who you will take with you to play. In the U.S. this makes up about 10% of the population. And then there is the life where you are not in control, you help make no decisions, and have no choice inputs. (The other 90+%)
The difference is not necessarily success or failure. There are lots of people who have successful lives who are working with great people to do great things. Not everyone is THE leader in a field.
The real difference is personal freedom and/or achievement or not. You might call this success. But wait!
What is freedom? What is achievement? What are you getting yourself into?!