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This One Applies to You…

Lets be honest – sometimes we all feel lazy. We like taking the easy way out as often as possible. We’d rather sit and stare at a television screen or computer screen or lay in front of the pool because we don’t have to think or work too hard. We can just collapse into a vegetative state and not have to overcome challenges or face our fears. Unfortunately, this creates a set of consequences all its own, some of which you may be experiencing right now.
The picture of you at the pool with all the cute girls in Beverly Hills is all fine. But drinking all day probably won’t cut it. The girls can all be doing the sun thing, but you will need to support the lifestyle so you’ll have your laptop so you can direct your wealth channels.
Let me share a secret with you:
Real life is about doing what (or SOMETHING) you love. It’s about literally living your dream.
I wouldn’t be serving you at all if I told you to avoid the activities you enjoy. Quite the opposite. You NEED those things to get where you want to be.
I’m just like you. I work hard. Every time I learn to work smarter, I do and then I work harder, TOO. But that’s in large part because I love my work.
The difference is I like to plan my business with my pleasure and as my pleasure.
For me, Las Vegas is great fun. I really do love to play blackjack (particularly when I’m ahead of the casino and they are paying for the hotel room!), relax in a penthouse suite, see a provocative show. For me, it’s all good.
And I do that at night.
In the daytime, I work: presenting, training or mentoring or whatever it is I’m in Las Vegas for.
If I want to play more, all I have to do is plan more gigs in Vegas. Not rocket science.
You need a sense of pride and accomplishment about what you do. And what’s cool is that you can and will work at something you love and play at something you love, too!

So, what’s stopping you from moving forward? Is it fear, doubt, laziness, or something else? Identify your inner blockage, (oh! Great book title written by a plumber or gastroenterologist!) and then take steps to blast it the heck out of your life. Stop working hard at mediocrity, and start working hard at success.
Let your Inner Momentum carry you forward toward the life you truly want and deserve.
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“What’s Really the first step to Be A Millionaire?”
What is stopping you from becoming one?
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- The Psychology of Wealth Accumulation: Vol. 1-6 (Over 6 hours!)
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That’s 14 CDS, 2 DVDs and a Mega-manual on CD! Wow!
All that, and…
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- You also get 2 free bonus DVDs: The Abundant Mind & The Psychology of Wealth. You get to see Kevin Hogan “live”!The Millionaire Mind Package will instantly alter your destiny and mindset to living a wealthy and happy life you choose.