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Death Part of Life

About 60 million, that’s 60,000,000 people die each year on the planet. That’s the cost of doing life on planet earth. I take life and death incredibly seriously and always have. I grew up in a life situation where being orphaned was the likely result at age 12. A bizarre stroke of bad luck stopped that from happening and I’ll share that story. “Luck” plays a role in most real life dramas. It will play a role in this larger drama.

8 billion people live on planet earth and that means 1 of every 133 people on the planet will pass away this year for an absolute myriad of reasons.

Of those 60,000,000 people that will die in 2020, heart disease, stroke,  and related issues will kill 15,000,000. That’s 25%.

Another 3,000,000 will die from pulmonary obstruction disease.

Then there is  lung and trachea cancers. 1,700,000.

Diabetes kills 1,600,000 people this year and yet just 20 years ago this number was 1,000,000.  That means that basically 600,000 people didn’t need to die. These deaths would have easily been prevented. 600,000 easy  prevention’s.

Traffic/road deaths? 1,400,000

HIV/AIDS? 1,000,000

And the list goes on. Numerous problems kill about 5,000,000 people per month around the globe. The Corona Virus is currently taking more lives this month than last and has not stopped growing but the reality is that 70,000 have died from CV to date and if you simply estimate 250,000 will die in the next month worldwide, you’re looking at 5% of deaths in April being partially attributable to CV19. At this moment, I don’t guess we’ll see that 5% of deaths in the world hold up by the end of 2020.

CV19 Fear

But that remains to be seen and we don’t have a way to accurately model with high probability of accuracy what will happen.  Most of the key variables in this whole game are unknown. And where you have unknown variables you have FEAR and FEAR is one of the PREDICTORS of people GETTING A FLU in the first place.

Next week barring any surprises on the CV19 front (I expect to see 110,000 worldwide attributed to CV19) having died by next Sunday… we’ll walk through what the Zombie Apocalypse might really look like for you, me and the rest of the world.

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Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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