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The Zombie Apocalypse could easily be around the corner…
What could come, won’t look like what most think it might look like.
First the Z.A. is almost certainly not going to have the CV19 as the star. Yes it would have a supporting role, but as you watch the number of “cases” (Someone who tests positive for the flu with this particular name attached to it) you might seen 10,000,000 cases worldwide. That would be about what you would see in a flu season. This is likely to be small compared to HIV, for example. I could easily be wrong because we simply have no good data as of April 5, 2020. And the data we have has nothing for which it can be compared to. We are living in the biggest science project I could ever have imagined.
Now you could see 500,000 people die from this specific flu bug if 10 million get the bug. If 10 million got the bug in the U.S. you could see that many in the U.S. It would not be out of line to suggest that 5% of the people with CV could die from CV PLUS OTHER PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS.
Specifically, if someone has cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes or one of a couple other biggies, the flu could easily be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. That seems to be the trend right now.
It’s simple, my Mom died when she was 63. She had cancer and diabetes, both cases were bad. Had she had just one disease she probably would have lived a couple more years. But both together was too much.
A LOT of these people would have lost to cancer or heart disease or diabetes anyway, but the CV19 will get the credit or coauthor credit in the certificates. In fact, if current statistics are correct, and they could be, CV 19 doesn’t seem to kill people much without comorbidity. I’m double and triple checking facts on all this now, and if I find out I’m wrong, I’ll let you know the second I discover that piece of data.
Let me explain how bad CV19 is… Continue reading on the next page.