What it Takes to Succeed
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Deep secret to success in life? Time, Energy and Focus
Deep secret to success in a relationship? Time, Energy and Focus
Deep secret to success in business? Time, Energy and Focus
In fact, the difference between success and failure is simple.
If you worked a job this year, you’ll pay the price for having done so when you are 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 years old. Jobs are helpful stepping stones. You learn how to grow a business by watching all the aspects of business while someone pays you to learn. Jobs are a pretty good deal, for awhile. After awhile you have to do the math and calculate the second half of life…or the next half.
That said, working at many (but not all) jobs can be akin to giving up. You go for 45 hours per week and then go home to give everyone else what is YOURS TO KEEP … WHAT YOU HAVE EARNED. You give it to the auto dealer … to Macy’s … to the expensive restaurant. Most people keep nothing of what they have EARNED. They freely give what is theirs back into the system … far too soon … It’s a wickedly bad mindset.
In case there is any question, spending is awesome so long as it causes you to grow as a person. Spending should make YOU more VALUABLE.
Buying a THING helps make the THING seller potentially wealthy (certainly that is good) but it doesn’t teach you, help you grow, change your life.
I dislike buying most THINGS.
Successful people love doing things that make the second half of being alive easy, when one probably won’t have the energy of a kid anymore.
A mind really is a terrible thing to waste. Most people do …
Getting the Sequence Right
The alternative, of course, is designing a successful life now and then reaping the rewards when you are 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 years old. And who knows, you might live longer.
Life transitions are generally difficult … significantly more difficult than staying the course of the status quo and suffering through whatever it is someone is suffering through.
And sometimes people shouldn’t transition because they simply have no self control and they aren’t willing to learn how to develop it.
This is where most people can have their coach or mentor PUSH them and push them hard.
You get on the swing set and you start pumping with your legs to get higher into the air. You don’t begin at peak heights. You pump until you move one foot forward, a foot back, 18″ forward, 18″ back, two feet forward, two feet back.
Pretty soon you are swinging almost parallel to the overhead beam of the swing set. But pretty soon is not instantly.
If you have very little self discipline, then ask your mentor to “ride you” hard when you deviate from the path you have chosen.
There are strange experiences that are about to happen when you DECIDE to CHANGE. The first unfamiliar experience, is transitioning from the seemingly sure thing (a job) to the seemingly uncertain life of an entrepreneur or salesperson/marketer.
It’s strange because as a salesperson, a marketer, an entrepreneur, you become a Self Parent. You become responsible for your success and failure. You ultimately win or lose based upon your decisions to win or lose. In business, we know you can only pay someone about 1/3 of what they are worth in gross dollars to the company. In other words, if a guy sells $100,000 of gunk per year, he can be paid about $33,000.
If he sells $200,000, he can be paid about $66,000.
And, of course, you PRAY to pay a few guys $66,000 in contrast to paying twice as many half that. Paying people LESS money is terrible. It’s far more costly to pay an underperformer than a solid performer.
Paying achievers is obviously great fun. The only problem is it is DIFFICULT to KEEP the outstanding people because they are flat out VALUABLE. Like a beautiful girl, the achiever is gold. Everyone with assets seeks the other valuable assets in life.
Being an achiever means that you will always be sought after.
You are inherently desirable. Your competitors may not like you, but those who will benefit from your presence will love you.
Reserve your spot now!
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