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Success is a Choice; A Daily Choice
That is the first secret.
Very few decisions you make today are permanent. Some are. Most significant decisions people make don’t turn out all that well. Generally, you make several decisions each day for hundreds of days to gain a permanent change. Changing your “diet” today is critical. Deciding each and every day for the next year to reduce calorie intake and then refuse to change that decision … ever … is really all there is to it.
How can we make Conscious Kevin to be greater than the desire for carbs? That’s pretty much the equation that has to be solved each and every day for an extended period of time. (As long as Kevin wants to reduce body mass and keep it that way.)
The equation reminds you just how powerful your desires are and how modest your current ability to control your behavior is by comparison.
In the losing weight equation, we learn precisely how important strategy is when it comes to using effort efficiently.
You don’t need to exercise to lose weight. You can’t possibly exercise your way to weight loss. You can exercise yourself to better health and a longer life… but all the exercise in the world isn’t going to strip pounds off a human body. It’s about calorie intake.
And this is analogous to every other success/failure in life. People focus on the wrong things in the wrong sequence.
What should they be doing?