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Sales Activator 2: Activate their Curiosity

Curiosity is a Motivator

Curiosity is a powerful motivator.

Humans want to know …

They want to know secrets …

They want to know what someone else is talking about …

They are eavesdroppers on conversations.

That activates curiosity. Sure thing. But watch the next few sentences and how your feelings CHANGE as you read them …

Humans read private emails of other people.

People search their way into their family members’ computers and Facebook accounts.

Just me mentioning that people in your house “hack” into Facebook accounts makes you WONDER if that’s happening to you.

(It’ also important to recognize that I just did this and that it isn’t necessarily really happening in your house!)

The point is, you are NOW CURIOUS.

Legend Point: You are now in a BUYING STATE for ANYTHING THAT SATIATES your curiosity.

That’s because when you inject it into your content, it’s like creating an itch that your readers need to scratch. And the only way they can scratch this itch is by taking some specific action (such as using your service or buying a product or solution).

Irresistible Curiosity

Creating Irresistible Curiosity

Do you remember the original BluBlocker sunglasses and their advertising? Marketing expert Joseph Sugarman eventually took over the marketing for these glasses, and they sold tens of millions of pairs. One thing Sugarman did was create curiosity in the original TV ads.


By showing the reactions of real people as they looked through the sunglasses for the first time. They usually exclaimed, “Wow!” And then they’d go on to talk about how everything looked so amazing, and how they’d never worn sunglasses like this before.

Sugarman admitted that they could have slipped a BluBlocker lens over the camera lens to show the home audience what it’s like to look through those sunglasses. But they didn’t do it, because they wanted to arouse the home audience’s curiosity about what it’s like to look through those glasses.


The only way to scratch that curiosity itch was to order the sunglasses by mail. It worked! The BluBlocker company sold millions of pairs of sunglasses in their first few years.

Now YOU can use curiosity.

Let me give you a few examples …:

Strategy A: Use curiosity to ensure people keep reading.

You saw how you kept reading when I talked about humans having emails read by others.

That’s HOW you tell a story. That’s HOW you get and KEEP engagement.

Whether it’s a face to face meeting, a blog post, an email, a report or even a sales letter, you can evoke curiosity in the beginning or even the middle to keep people reading until the end.

Let me give you a few specific examples:

  • Build anticipation in the introduction. This is effective for content such as blog posts, newsletter articles and reports. Simply tell people what they’re going to learn in your presentation or article, and arouse curiosity in the process.For example: You’ll find out what exercise the world’s most elite military leaders have used for 500 years to train their best soldiers!
  • Use Open Loops. Tell a story, but don’t quite finish it. This arouses emotion, which is a good thing. But if you don’t finish the story right away, it also arouses curiosity.For example: So you’re probably wondering if Brittaney met her goal and lost 50 pounds. You know what? I think the results are really going to surprise you. I’ll tell you all about them in just a few minutes. But first, let me share with you the #1 mistake dieters make that will STOP YOUR progress …
  • Whet their appetite for what’s coming. You can do this anywhere in a presentation, sales letter, article or report.For example: Brittaney got amazing fat-loss results using the same secret your favorite Hollywood celebrities use when they need to shed the fat fast. You’ll discover this secret in just a moment. But first …

Make People Curious About the Product

Strategy 2: Make people curious about a product.

Let’s say you’re selling a new book about how to get traffic to your pizza shop. You might arouse curiosity by saying something like this:

You’ll discover the closely guarded foot traffic source that’s never been revealed before – just wait till you see how many people it brings … people that will become lifetime customers!

You can bet anyone who is interested in getting more traffic will be a bit curious about this little-known traffic source.

Here’s another example that would make a great benefit statement in a bulleted list:

You’ll find out which common herb reduces fine lines and wrinkles – you may already have it in your cupboard! (See page 15 to find out what it is.)

So you can see how this all works. Make people curious, and you’ll keep them hooked on your content, joining your list and buying your product just to satisfy their curiosity.

Now the next powerful sales activator …

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Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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