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Almost anyone who lives in a free nation on the planet can build wealth.

There are some exceptions. Perhaps 10% of people, because of devastating limitations of some kind simply won’t be able to do it. But most can, if they choose.
Being a genius helps, but it’s not required.
Being attractive helps, but it’s not required.
Any positive attribute can help, but these attributes are not required.
I’ve seen some serious jerks ethically develop wealth. I don’t necessarily like the person, but they provide products/services/experiences that are more valuable than the money they fetch. They become wealthy.
The “New” World of Wealth Generation

The new world of wealth generation is, of course, online. The coronavirus handed those who were working from their Coffee Table for years an opportunity to take the lead in life. Those who bought traditional store front businesses were challenged…and are challenged going forward.
Creating wealth in the online world is still a very new experience.
In some ways, it’s very similar and easier to create wealth online when strictly compared to the offline world. In other ways it’s more challenging. In my experience I’ve seen that people who utilize both worlds have the best results at creating real wealth.
There are plenty that only use one world or the other.
Whichever choice they make, they MUST begin somewhere.
Not all wealth you create will come from the rewards of your own effort, actions, thought or creativity. Wealth creation doesn’t require you to have help along the way, but help can really help if you have the right person in the mix with you!
Building an Empire
It’s not absolutely required to have one or ten people be a part of a team to create your own mini-empire but it can be very helpful.
Additionally, you may invest money in potentially profitable projects or investments that might pay off.
Traditional investments are not required to build wealth. All investments have elements of risk involved.
There are lots of myths about investing. (Buying and owning stocks, bonds, commodities, etc.)
“Greater risk = Greater reward” is by no means true.
In fact, the notion is ridiculous.
People who don’t know the formulas for evaluating risk are going to realize no rewards. People who do know the formulas for taking risks whether stocks, commodities, real estate, whatever – STILL lose money in investments often enough to make investing … potentially risky business.
What about wealth and risk? Continue reading….