15. Have a Plan
Even if it is flimsy to begin with, you should construct a plan to include goals, OBSTACLES, HOW you will OVERCOME EACH obstacle and how to overcome the obstacles that will come from each of the successful attempts to overcome previous ones. Detail milestones, deliverables such as contracts, business plans, etc., and accomplishments. This will provide you with a visual as to what you are working for, what milestones you have successfully met, and where you need to do better.
14. Accept Responsibility
You need to accept responsibility if you make a bad decision or fall behind in your plan. Let us say that you have set some firm outcomes that need to be accomplished in order for you to move to the next step. However, you got tired of working hard and took some time to play, which is fine as long as it does not affect your goals. Now months have passed and you are way behind schedule. This delay has closed several doors of opportunities. Say, “I was an idiot, that won’t happen again,” and get to it.
That “responsibility” word is good. This one’s better…
13. No Ethical Shortcuts
An old cliché states, “Anything worth doing is worth doing well.” This should be your motto. When you want to succeed, you cannot afford to take ethical shortcuts. Taking shortcuts leads to integral imperfection and inadequacies. Always strive for integrity, even if it requires much more time and effort.
12. Have Courage
It may take courage to arrive at your desired destination. For example, if you have a dream of being a writer… and to you, that is success, but according to your long line of family members who have all gone on to be doctors, the only success in their minds is if you follow down the medical path. This means you will have to have courage to stand up for what you believe and desire to do, even if it means disappointing family. Big deal. Show them what YOU are made of.
11. Be Excited to Learn
Referring back to the analogy of Edison, when asked about his failures by a young boy, it’s reported that Edison commented, “Young man, I didn’t fail 9,999 times, I discovered 9,999 ways not to invent the light bulb.” Always take pleasure in opportunities to learn, even if it takes longer than you think it should. (Because it will!!)
10. Share your Achievements
Although this may be more at the end of the process, it is important. When you finally do begin to achieve, use your experience to teach, guide, and mentor others so that they, too, might succeed. Nothing forces you to excel more than being on the hook for 1,3, 5, 10 or more other people.
For good and bad, other people matter in your equation.
9. Seek Input
Every Olympian has a coach. Whatever your outcome, conduct a “sanity check” throughout the process. This should be done with someone you trust and who is in their own right successful. Ask them to provide honest feedback about you and as you move through different milestones, bounce concerns or new ideas off them to help keep you on the right track. No holds barred. Let them rip you up so the public doesn’t!
8. Beware Toxic Poisoning People are your greatest asset and your most toxic poison. Toxic people poison because they WANT YOU TO FAIL. Unfortunately, it would be great if close friends or co- workers could share in your success but all too often, there will be someone who is either dealing with the “green monster” of jealousy or has a case of the “I knew that” syndrome. If you are serious about reaching your goal and being successful, you will need to rid your life of these people. While you may not be able to get them out of your life completely, you should avoid them as best as possible. If this is a person you see every day, keep your goals to yourself, and avoid that specific subject.
7. Be a Good Listener
To succeed, you need to learn how to listen first. Pay attention to other people who have achieved in their life; attend events given by people that can motivate and encourage; or be open to hearing that a particular idea is not a good one. Good listening takes time to master, but in the end, it may be your greatest tool.
6. Birds of a Feather
If you have a goal of being a best-selling author, find friends and mentors who either have achieved that same goal or are also pursuing a successful writing career. It is important to connect yourself with people that can associate with your goal and passion, people who understand the burning desire to succeed and can encourage when you meet with disappointments.
5. Little Red Engine…
Do you remember the story of the caboose that was desperately trying to make it over a very large hill? He kept telling himself repeatedly, “I think I can, I think I can.” When you start feeling overwhelmed or defeated, tell yourself aloud these same words. Of course that little red dude didn’t just talk to himself…he kept going…
4. Be Proactive
While it may take time to learn how to identify ways to avoid obstacles or failures, get into the habit of identifying and tackling problems before they arise. This will help you avoid wasting precious time being surprised and caught off guard.
3. Stay Motivated
When striving for the big goal, it is critical to stay motivated on difficult days. Find inspiring CD’s, events, books, movies – whatever you are able to get your hands on. When you start to feel a little down and out and doubt starts to creep in, turn to these motivational tools to help you keep on track. I listened to Napoleon Hill hundreds if not thousands of times. His style may not be for everyone, but it worked for me.
2. Cut Yourself Some Slack.
While being hard on your self is important, do not be SO hard on yourself that you become critical of every move you make. Give yourself some room to make mistakes and be flexible. That does not mean you can screw up carelessly, but it does mean that if you do, you find out how to avoid that from happening again and then get back to business.
1. Be “Obsessional”
No one yelled at Da Vinci because he worked around the clock, because he loved what he did. He did have that magnificent obsession. Don’t dabble. Be amazing. Strive for brilliance.
Where can you get more of the most innovative and cutting-edge influence and persuasion strategies and tactics?
New! Just Released on CD….
Covert Influence: Hidden Persuaders They
(Your Competition) Don’t Want You to Have
I want to show you one of the most surprising and perhaps one of the most uncomfortable….and powerful phenomenon in Covert Influence. In fact, I want to share with you all the latest research available (well, almost all…!)
Influence Without Resistance. What’s the Key Factor? You’ll have most amazing, truly stunning tactics in predicting what and how your client (spouse, child, customer, read: anyone) will choose. Thus, you are a step ahead of anyone else in implementing the most powerful phenomena in consumer research today. Find out with this program!
Creating Irresistible Impulse. The button is there (for everyone); it just needs to be pushed. What are some of the irresistible impulses marketers are using on you? How can you take advantage of these tactics yourself? It’s all here in this section. Kevin details the marketing phenomenon that pushes the buttons…all the way to irresistible.
Tapping into Human Desires & Emotions. With just ONE change in strategy, a non-profit organization can get 5 times the donations. What can this strategy do for you? You can’t afford NOT to implement this tactic now.
Desires and Emotions… That Influence. You’ve heard some rumors, I’m sure about negative emotions and positive emotions in the influence process. But do you know what actually works, and what to emphasize in the process, and when? Find out once and for all!
Tribes. You’ve heard the term. What does it describe? How does it come into play in the influence process? Most important, how do you utilize the concept of the Tribe in order to make more sales? It’s all here… Kevin explains about subgroups and how to make appeals based on whether a group is “in” or “out”. This is cutting edge research that benefits you.
Covert Influence…to Control Behavior. You’ve seen the signs. Above the candy jar, tacked to the break room wall. Even posted on a fence, or highway. How do signs really influence? What elements should be used in signs to covertly control behavior? Fascinating new research uncovered for you!
Get Your Copy Today
Covert Influence: Hidden Persuaders
19. Have an Unstoppable Attitude
You need to have determination. With good intentions, there may be a close friend or family member that feels it would be better if you focused your attention in another direction. Uphold your unstoppable attitude, determined to succeed. Get MOVING and don’t look back. When you leave the starting gate you’ll get nervous, and experience fear and anxiety…and that’s how YOU KNOW YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY.
18. Stop the Complaining
I hate frigging whining. “I’m unemployed.” “I got fired.” “I don’t feel good.” “I’m tired.” “I’ve been treated unfairly.” “Blah blah blah.” THANK GOD. You NOW have a chance in life. It’s been thrust upon you. Seize it and MOVE. Since I was 11 or 12, I don’t recall one day when I didn’t work at getting a job, work on the job or build a business. I remember the weeks coming up to my Mom’s death in 1998. I took my lap top to her hospital room and plugged in there. It was never easy. There are two things people want when they are dying…one is to be in communication with you…the other is to not be a burden…and they rarely want to hear about how bad a day you had…. Life isn’t easy and no one said it would be. Quit whining and DO SOMETHING.
You might think there is no correlation between complaining and success when in fact there is a connection. When you are spending time complaining about the obstacles you are facing, you are wasting so much time being negative that you are actually losing opportunity to be brave, show courage and move forward. Problems are very real. There’s a hell of a lot of hurt and pain out there, The only people worth having dinner with are the ones who work through the pain and hurt because it’s all worth it.
17. Focus on Something you Like…or Love…
To increase your chance of succeeding in any given project or venture, you should concentrate your efforts on something you enjoy. When you start out, make a list of everything you find interesting. Then in a second column, write down the skills you have in relation to each of those items. This will help you narrow choices down based on interest and skill, which gets you started in the right direction for success.
Stuff you love matters but this matters more…
16. Change your Circumstances
You have a choice in life to accept your position or change it. If you choose to plug along in life hoping that something will change for the better, well, pull up a chair…nothing will change for the better. Always remember that when it comes to changing your circumstances, you can – you have that power. If your circumstances lower the chances of success, you need to change them.
15. Have a Plan
Even if it is flimsy to begin with, you should construct a plan to include goals, OBSTACLES, HOW you will OVERCOME EACH obstacle and how to overcome the obstacles that will come from each of the successful attempts to overcome previous ones. Detail milestones, deliverables such as contracts, business plans, etc., and accomplishments. This will provide you with a visual as to what you are working for, what milestones you have successfully met, and where you need to do better.
14. Accept Responsibility
You need to accept responsibility if you make a bad decision or fall behind in your plan. Let us say that you have set some firm outcomes that need to be accomplished in order for you to move to the next step. However, you got tired of working hard and took some time to play, which is fine as long as it does not affect your goals. Now months have passed and you are way behind schedule. This delay has closed several doors of opportunities. Say, “I was an idiot, that won’t happen again,” and get to it.
That “responsibility” word is good. This one’s better…
13. No Ethical Shortcuts
An old cliché states, “Anything worth doing is worth doing well.” This should be your motto. When you want to succeed, you cannot afford to take ethical shortcuts. Taking shortcuts leads to integral imperfection and inadequacies. Always strive for integrity, even if it requires much more time and effort.
12. Have Courage
It may take courage to arrive at your desired destination. For example, if you have a dream of being a writer… and to you, that is success, but according to your long line of family members who have all gone on to be doctors, the only success in their minds is if you follow down the medical path. This means you will have to have courage to stand up for what you believe and desire to do, even if it means disappointing family. Big deal. Show them what YOU are made of.
11. Be Excited to Learn
Referring back to the analogy of Edison, when asked about his failures by a young boy, it’s reported that Edison commented, “Young man, I didn’t fail 9,999 times, I discovered 9,999 ways not to invent the light bulb.” Always take pleasure in opportunities to learn, even if it takes longer than you think it should. (Because it will!!)
10. Share your Achievements
Although this may be more at the end of the process, it is important. When you finally do begin to achieve, use your experience to teach, guide, and mentor others so that they, too, might succeed. Nothing forces you to excel more than being on the hook for 1,3, 5, 10 or more other people.
9. Seek Input
Every Olympian has a coach. Whatever your outcome, conduct a “sanity check” throughout the process. This should be done with someone you trust and who is in their own right successful. Ask them to provide honest feedback about you and as you move through different milestones, bounce concerns or new ideas off them to help keep you on the right track. No holds barred. Let them rip you up so the public doesn’t!
8. Beware Toxic Poisoning People are your greatest asset and your most toxic poison. Toxic people poison because they WANT YOU TO FAIL. Unfortunately, it would be great if close friends or co- workers could share in your success but all too often, there will be someone who is either dealing with the “green monster” of jealousy or has a case of the “I knew that” syndrome. If you are serious about reaching your goal and being successful, you will need to rid your life of these people. While you may not be able to get them out of your life completely, you should avoid them as best as possible. If this is a person you see every day, keep your goals to yourself, and avoid that specific subject.
7. Be a Good Listener
To succeed, you need to learn how to listen first. Pay attention to other people who have achieved in their life; attend events given by people that can motivate and encourage; or be open to hearing that a particular idea is not a good one. Good listening takes time to master, but in the end, it may be your greatest tool.
6. Birds of a Feather
If you have a goal of being a best-selling author, find friends and mentors who either have achieved that same goal or are also pursuing a successful writing career. It is important to connect yourself with people that can associate with your goal and passion, people who understand the burning desire to succeed and can encourage when you meet with disappointments.
5. Little Red Engine…
Do you remember the story of the caboose that was desperately trying to make it over a very large hill? He kept telling himself repeatedly, “I think I can, I think I can.” When you start feeling overwhelmed or defeated, tell yourself aloud these same words. Of course that little red dude didn’t just talk to himself…he kept going…
4. Be Proactive
While it may take time to learn how to identify ways to avoid obstacles or failures, get into the habit of identifying and tackling problems before they arise. This will help you avoid wasting precious time being surprised and caught off guard.
3. Stay Motivated
When striving for the big goal, it is critical to stay motivated on difficult days. Find inspiring CD’s, events, books, movies – whatever you are able to get your hands on. When you start to feel a little down and out and doubt starts to creep in, turn to these motivational tools to help you keep on track. I listened to Napoleon Hill hundreds if not thousands of times. His style may not be for everyone, but it worked for me.
2. Cut Yourself Some Slack.
While being hard on your self is important, do not be SO hard on yourself that you become critical of every move you make. Give yourself some room to make mistakes and be flexible. That does not mean you can screw up carelessly, but it does mean that if you do, you find out how to avoid that from happening again and then get back to business.
1. Be “Obsessional”
No one yelled at Da Vinci because he worked around the clock, because he loved what he did. He did have that magnificent obsession. Don’t dabble. Be amazing. Strive for brilliance.
Where can you get more of the most innovative and cutting-edge influence and persuasion strategies and tactics?
New! Just Released on CD….
Covert Influence: Hidden Persuaders They
(Your Competition) Don’t Want You to Have
I want to show you one of the most surprising and perhaps one of the most uncomfortable….and powerful phenomenon in Covert Influence. In fact, I want to share with you all the latest research available (well, almost all…!)
Influence Without Resistance. What’s the Key Factor? You’ll have most amazing, truly stunning tactics in predicting what and how your client (spouse, child, customer, read: anyone) will choose. Thus, you are a step ahead of anyone else in implementing the most powerful phenomena in consumer research today. Find out with this program!
Creating Irresistible Impulse. The button is there (for everyone); it just needs to be pushed. What are some of the irresistible impulses marketers are using on you? How can you take advantage of these tactics yourself? It’s all here in this section. Kevin details the marketing phenomenon that pushes the buttons…all the way to irresistible.
Tapping into Human Desires & Emotions. With just ONE change in strategy, a non-profit organization can get 5 times the donations. What can this strategy do for you? You can’t afford NOT to implement this tactic now.
Desires and Emotions… That Influence. You’ve heard some rumors, I’m sure about negative emotions and positive emotions in the influence process. But do you know what actually works, and what to emphasize in the process, and when? Find out once and for all!
Tribes. You’ve heard the term. What does it describe? How does it come into play in the influence process? Most important, how do you utilize the concept of the Tribe in order to make more sales? It’s all here… Kevin explains about subgroups and how to make appeals based on whether a group is “in” or “out”. This is cutting edge research that benefits you.
Covert Influence…to Control Behavior. You’ve seen the signs. Above the candy jar, tacked to the break room wall. Even posted on a fence, or highway. How do signs really influence? What elements should be used in signs to covertly control behavior? Fascinating new research uncovered for you!
Get Your Copy Today
Covert Influence: Hidden Persuaders