Time for Love, Time for Money is one of our best selling programs ever and it’s only been out a few months. People simply find that it helps them get to do more of what they want and make more money…maybe a lot more money while they are having fun.

Little did I know that one of the key factors of causing more time to be available in the future was the subject of a brand new study at UCLA.

Key Points:

  1. Money challenges are easier to anticipate because money is more tangible than time. Money problems are recurring and people know that they will need to have significant changes in their life if they are ever to have money.
  2. People predict they will have lots of time in the future for things they like but are unaware that their predictions are off the mark because they have neglected to take into consideration several key factors in their “thinking process.”
  3. Because people assume they will have enough time in the future, not needing substantial paradigm shifts and behavioral changes…. they over commit themselves today…for tomorrow, assuring a life that gets more stressful as each day progresses.
  4. Having more time and money is not a time management issue…it is much more complex than that simple task. Why? Every day, life happens and it’s very difficult to prepare for life without a truly powerful plan.

If your appointment book runneth over, it could mean one of two things: Either you are enviably popular or you make the same faulty assumptions about the future as everyone else. Psychological research points to the latter explanation. Research by two business-school professors reveals that people over-commit because we expect to have more time in the future than we have in the present. Of course, when tomorrow turns into today, we discover that we are too busy to do everything we promised.

The study appears in the February issue of the Journal of Experimental Psychology (JEP): General, which is published by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Gal Zauberman, PhD, of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and John Lynch Jr., PhD, of Duke University, also learned from paper-and-pencil questionnaires (respondents to seven different surveys numbered 95, 68, 241, 61, 264, 48 and 130) that that this expectation of more time “slack,” a surplus of a given resource available to complete a task, is more pronounced for time than money.

The authors suspect that’s because every day’s a little different: The nature of time fools us and we “forget” about how things fill our days. Money is more “fungible,” freely exchanged for something of like kind — such as four quarters for a dollar bill. Write Zauberman and Lynch, “Barring some change in employment or family status, supply and demand of money are relatively constant over time, and people are aware of that. Compared with demands on one’s time, money needs in the future are relatively predictable from money needs today.”

Participants believed that both time and money would be more available in “a month” than “today,” and believed it more strongly for time than for money. A deeper investigation of a psychological phenomenon called “delay discounting,” in which people tend to lessen the importance of future rewards, showed that people also discounted future time more than both gains and losses in future money.

Zauberman and Lynch continue, “People are consistently surprised to be so busy today. Lacking knowledge of what specific tasks will compete for their time in the future, they act as if new demands will not inevitably arise that are as pressing as those faced today.”

In short, the future is ideal: The fridge is stocked, the weather clear, the train runs on schedule and meetings end on time. Today, well, stuff happens.

To cross-check support for their hypotheses, the authors ran a final survey that measured the expected growth or contraction of slack time and slack money over time. They tested how those expectations predicted subsequent decisions to invest time or money at two points in time. As before, participants who expected to have more time but not more money discounted future time investments more than they discounted future money investments. Participants who expected to have more money than time showed a mirror-image pattern. Say the authors, “This is important because it demonstrates that the resource dependency we observed in the earlier experiments is explainable by changes in slack.”

Can people learn to predict future time demands more in line with reality? The authors observe, “It is difficult to learn from feedback that time will not be more abundant in the future. Specific activities vary from day to day, so [people] do not learn from feedback that, in aggregate, total demands are similar.” Money’s “slack pools” are smoother, more equal and more predictable over time.

Article: “Resource slack and propensity to discount delayed investments of time versus money,” Gal Zauberman, PhD, Kenan-Flagler Business School, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and John G. Lynch Jr., PhD, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Vol. 134, No. 1.

Full text of the article is available from the APA Public Affairs Office and at www.apa.org.

How can YOU have it all?

Time for Love, Time for Money

How can you be not 20% more productive or twice as productive, but 1000% more productive, and also give your time and love to the people that matter in your life… AND remember your SELF. You need to give yourself time as well. How do you do it? How can you make it all happen?

In this program, as in no other, I’m going to reveal precisely what I do and how I do it. I’m going to show you specifically how (for example) to generate enough words and valuable thought to fill a volume of Encyclopedia Britannica… to find time to have family and multiple streams of income…to leave a legacy and people saying, “Thank you…” and the specifics to make it all happen.

I don’t think there is much more important than creating time for the things you want in life…the things you get to do. People yearn for free time while I watch it right next to them…withering away as they walk through life with a blindfold on. There is not just free time but freedom to be had for the taking.

KEY: I will show you my system of time management (ok, it’s really a Time Production System where I generate time for things out of thin air…and I guarantee you that no one has ever shown you this before…because few people really get it.)

There is no point to working at a job for the rest of your life and then retiring. Where’s the here-and-now enjoyment there? There is no point in living a life without loving. What you are called to do is to create, to design, to sculpt a wonderful life.

That isn’t to say that each day curve balls won’t come at you. They always will. They throw you off target. They do the same for me. They can take you out for a short period of time or they can take you permanently. I’m going to show you how to get everything done and more. Because life is more than the to do list. It is about living richly as you move through life…

There IS a “to do” list in life but there is also a “get to do list” that no one ever gets to!!! I want to show you what a “get to do” list looks like and how to make your own.

You will be able to produce or create as much as you want to produce or create. You will be able to have the formula for multiple streams of income laid out for you in simple terms. Nothing complex. Follow the formula and you won’t need to rely on anyone anywhere for your security and your future. The foundation of life long security.

You will be able to earn as much money as you want and spend as much time with those that you love. You choose the number of dollars and the number of hours. I’ll show you what to do to have it all.

This isn’t a time management seminar. That would be something I could show you how to do in a book. I don’t manage my time. I live a lifestyle. This is a lifestyle program that you have to feel. Living a life where you can have it all is something you need to FEEL…and feel it you will.

All that it requires is you, your heart, a pen and the Production System Workbook to write the recipes that will lead you to a life where you get to do some pretty amazing things.

Learn More About Time Production


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Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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