Testimonials for Kevin Hogan


What Else Are People Saying About Kevin Hogan, Body Language, Influence, Persuasion, Professional Speaking, Coaching, Mentoring?

“Your service is exceptional. The quality of your service made me enjoy spending money with you.”
Fred Frego, MountainView, AR


“If going pro means that you have 5 levels to climb, Kevin’s Professional Speakers E-Course boosts you to level 4 in 8 weeks. It’s still up to you to make it to the top. If you can clear your agenda and send your family away, you – might – be able to absorb the amazing volume of unadvertised material Kevin shares.

Expect him to be direct, demanding and encouraging. Hang on tight, it’s a fire hose blast (P.S. don’t get behind).” Kate McKeon, Principal, Paladin Principals (www.KateMcKeon.com)

“I wanted to let you know how appreciative I am of your Speakers Program. It is a definite must for anyone who is thinking about getting into public speaking. If you are a sales manager, sales professional, facilitator, or entrepreneur and you are required to effectively communicate with an audience of 6 or 600, you will benefit from the skills the Professional Speakers Course delivers.

These communication skills are applicable to many more applications than just public speaking. Also, thank you for the additional tools and gifts your provided. It was a pleasure to take an e-learning course where you were there personally to coach me along the way, provide feedback and immediately respond to my questions. This program was more than worth the investment.” Eliot Hoppe, Calgary, Canada

I decided to take the Speakers E-Course because I believe in the value of Keynote speaking to promote my business and because I want to go ‘International’ with my seminars. The course is very interesting, the audio files are absolutely great and the hands-on information can be used on the spot.

I’m only in week 7 of the course and…I’m the Keynote speaker on the Millionaire’s Fair in Belgium and I also have a meeting with the event manager of the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas! Thanks to Kevin and his valuable input and feedback, it’s just the beginning.” Eric Eraly, Stop Smoking Guru

“To say I “hired” Kevin is not accurate-he accepted me as a student in his Internet Marketing Course and promised [1] to give me more than I asked for; [2] to give me accurate, up date information that I could use for my own marketing projects; and [3] to tell me the truth. He did all three and much more without failure or hesitation. I would not hesitate to recommend Kevin; he CAN, he WILL, and he DOES deliver.”
JC MacKenzie RRT, RCP

“The Spring 2009 Internet Marketing Course was the best class ever!!! I cannot believe how much I learned from you. My new business has grown exponentially during this class. I also learned so much from the other participants. It was one of the best experiences I have ever had in an online class!” Sunny Lenzo, St. Paul, Minnesota

“About halfway through your Decision Point E-Course I really began to see a lot of new things. I’ve been using the ideas in the class on a regular basis now. I appreciate all the work to bring the course together.” Christian Haller, Alexandria, VA

“Kevin Hogan lays a path that magnifies your ability as a speaker. Whether you are currently on the speaker’s circuit, or have a burning desire to join, you owe it to yourself to better your abilities with Kevin’s Speakers E-Course. The information you will receive will answer all of your questions and then some.

If you are serious about maximizing your potential, get into this E-course!” Matthew Shields, President, Emc2

“Just wanted to thank you. I took your Decision Point E-Course earlier this year, and have put the ideas into practice. I knew I wanted to leave my job, but didn’t seem able to decide when, how, etc.

Well, using what I learned from you, I was able to make a very definitive decision about NOW being the time. I feel great about the timing in my life now and at peace with the decisions I made. This means so much to me! Mahalo nui loa (thank you so very much).” Stephanie Smedes, Seattle, WA

“Kevin, you have truly moved me to the next level in professional speaking. I have much respect and gratitude for your professionally planned Professional Speakers Course. I will highly recommend it to anyone interested. Your content is packed with more than you promised, your teaching style is powerful and your guidance is very encouraging. Everything I learned is already in action. Thank you for your knowledge, support and secrets of this profession.

I met you in L.A 2007, I subscribe to Coffee with Kevin Hogan, and have now taken two courses…..you rock!!!” Janet James, www.janetjames.ca

“IT’S UNFAIR! Where was Kevin with his Professional Speakers Course when I was starting my business??? If I had known all this before, it would have saved me a fortune and earned me a fortune already! The course felt like a 1-on-1 coaching or mentoring – packed with unique audio info and reading material focused strictly on business practice.

Always delivered on time and always much more than you could digest at one sitting! Kevin pushed me up against my limits and transformed these limitations to a vast potential. Thanks a million!”
Ewa Zaremba, www.learning-masters.pl

“Today I was working on my site. I’ve had a GPR of zero for 3 months, but I didn’t let that bother me. I trusted that the info and advice you gave would really work. Your statement in a lesson has sat in my mind ever since I heard you say it: ‘When my mentor tells me to do something I just do it. I don’t ask…I just do what he says until it’s done.’ This week I really went to work – only a few hours on a few days – and applied some of the advice you gave in the Internet Marketing Course. I didn’t do much at all, but just followed what you said.

Then I hit ‘publish’ and went to the site to see how it looked online. I was stunned and confused because my Google toolbar had all of a sudden given me a GPR 2!!! I nearly screamed for joy…it was like scoring a touchdown.

What a small but great victory! I can only imagine what happens when I get this thing rolling with the other thousand pounds of gold you have us. Thanks, Kevin. Thanks a million! This course wouldn’t have to be half as good to be worth doing.” Michael Rinaldi,

“I recently took your Internet Marketing Course and I was ‘blown away’ by the content and quality of the course. It exceeded my wildest expectations. I was more than pleased. I have recommended your course to many business associates and would encourage anyone who wants to ‘master’ the Internet to take your course. I am still amazed at the content and deliverables you provided! Job well done!”
Steven Chambers, www.stevechambers.com

“You have created a ‘cookie cutter’ plan to wealth via the internet with your Internet Marketing Course; all the participants must do is follow the directions, amazingly easy, thank you.” Michael Neumann, Tikrit, Iraq

“Wow! I am in the midst of Kevin Hogan’s Public Speaking Program and it is changing my life. I started the course not entirely convinced it would provide much more than what my graduate degrees in communication and experience in public speaking and teaching had already given me.

I was wicked wrong. Kevin and the other course members are great sources of information and feedback, the content provided is worth much more than the cost, and you can’t beat constant practice and “doing” vs. theory and reading. As a result of the course I am moving away from a theoretical and academic understanding of communication and persuasion to a practical, effective doing of communication. Thanks!” Lisa Perry, JD PhD

“Kudos for your Public Speaking Program. And I never even have to leave the house. I actually love doing in-person presentations, but they aren’t the only way to do things. I also do teleseminars, and I have just launched a new joint venture project with some of the big names in Internet Marketing.

I am interviewing 7 of Mark Joyner’s Space Monkeys from his 7 Day Business Turnaround Kit, and Mark himself. The participants include Jason Henderson, Michael Morgan, Tom Justin, Reed Floren, and more. Thank you for the inspiration, the skills, and giving me the courage to make this dream into reality!” Tania Baildon, Wealth Virus Expert

“The most remarkable thing about doing Kevin Hogan’s Internet Marketing Course was one week after we started, I had a website up and running! This is not the usual type of course where you receive all the subject matter and it sits on your shelf until you find the time for it, oh, no! Kevin is involved. Every day he send you emails with attachments. He takes you step by step through the process, especially in the beginning when you really need it. It’s in your best interest to keep up with the group, and whatever questions you have, he answers them all. You will receive absolutely everything you need to know about the Internet.

Something else that would never have happened without Kevin, is that my website was spidered by Google 4 days after it was published, and Google still comes by every 3 or 4 days like clockwork. A month later, my site had a page ranking of three. For a newcomer going it alone, this is unheard of. The course was worth every penny. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in setting up an Internet company, big or small.”
Sharon Dell, Durban, South Africa

“As a complete self-confessed Internet amateur I started the Internet Marketing Course both excited and challenged. Well, all my expectations were surpassed and then some. The information and knowledge has allowed me to feel and be ahead of the game when it comes to working via the web for business and wealth creation. Kevin was more than just a mentor, he was my motivator and friend.

Throughout the course, Kevin was always ready and available to help and assist. His material invites you the student to create and explore wherever you are in business so that you achieve and go beyond yourself. Kevin has been the invisible force and drive which moved me to take action TODAY!”
David Power, Clinical Hypnotherapist, London

“Wow, you really do over-deliver! I have at least 2 months more work to do even after the course is over. I am not complaining…this is GREAT. I have arranged 3 speaking engagements already and I have a blueprint for my future speaking to be successful.

Not only have your prepared the soil you have helped water and fertilize it! I previously thought speaking was just speaking, but boy, was I wrong! Thanks for helping me open my eyes – and – giving us tools to manifest what we are learning

with your Professional Speakers Course. All of the add-on information helps us have multiple streams of income as well as better and more effective marketing.

What you have delivered is more than what I thought I would receive, and frankly, it is worth more than you charged. I can’t wait to get to the $100K mark…you have already deserved a bonus and the course is not over yet!.” Karl W. Ellerbeck, NCMT, Speaking@KarlEllerbeck.com

“Kevin, with two thirds of the Professional Speakers Course behind me you continue to challenge and push me beyond limits I did not even realize existed. With over 400 pages of unadvertised course manuals, 20+ hours of recorded training material, continual opportunities for active participation and one third of the training still to come, I cannot fathom what you have left to share! I haven’t even read about a course that contains half of the materials that you have covered to this point, and still say there is more! The opportunity to interact with the other participants really pulled it all together. Thanks…so far.” Murray R. Mortlock, CD, Alberta, Canada

“Kevin, I have received incredible value and benefit from your Professional Speakers Course. You have left no stone unturned per pro speaking. I highly recommend this program to anyone considering speaking professionally! Thanks!” Michael Roth, DC

“We are only half way through this Professional Speakers Course and I can’t believe what I have already learned…and we still have four weeks to go! I have only one regret; that I didn’t sign up for this course two years ago. Interestingly enough, I own many of the top books on building your speaking business, and I am excited to say that Kevin has revealed strategies for supercharging our speaking career that weren’t even hinted at in these popular books on the same topic. If you are looking for someone to take your money and tell you everything you’re doing is fantastic (when it’s not), then this course is probably not for you.

However, if you are looking for someone who will tell it like it is, someone who truly wants you to succeed, and someone who is willing to share all of his secrets of speaking success with you, then don’t make the same mistake I did – enroll in this course as soon as possible. Kevin Hogan is the real deal!” Vincent Harris, Trenton, MO www.vinceharris.com

“Kevin, you damn near bring water to my eyes man with your sincere effort to bring the best out of us. I really appreciate you and how I’ve learned from you, which was mostly what you pulled out of me during the Professional Speakers Course. The technical “how to’s” are invaluable.

You truly delivered as and beyond what you promised. You may or may not believe in God but one thing for SURE, God Believes In YOU. The qualities of character and compassion, the giving and care that you exhibit are clear and identifiable, they have a source. That source has been expressed through YOU.” YOUR brother, Michael Muhammad

“Kevin, this week I secured a further 12 speaking engagements where I am speaking for free. This is the start of my career and I want to speak wherever I can. However, get this…I am also speaking at two large engagements with 500 and 600 attendees respectively. Both paid. I am just doing everything you told me to do. I am getting myself out there in every shape and form and it all is beginning to happen. I am on the edge of some great things. I owe so much of this to you, Kevin and your Professional Speakers Course (and that is underplaying it)!”
Adam Eason www.Adam-Eason.com

“Kevin Hogan is an inspiration. He is real, honest and authentic and invests his time and energy in really connecting with his students. His Professional Speakers Course is something that I think is essential to be taken by anyone looking to make money and advance their careers in this field. I have worked with the world’s best in various fields and Kevin stands head and shoulders above them.

He gives real, usable information, he drives you and has fun. Learning with Kevin has been a journey that has seen me arrive at a destination I thought would take years and years to arrive at. Thank you, Kevin.”Adam Eason, www. adam-eason.com

“Long before I metKevin Hogan, I heard and read tons of nothing but great comments about him.Now I haveaton of great things to say myself. Kevin is absolutely brilliant.He is a master at his craft and it wasinspiring to witness him doing what he does best: Deliver powerful, life-changing information in a humble but extremely confident manner. I have read dozens of books,attended dozens of workshops and dozensof seminarson the professional speaking industry searching for the secret ingredient. But there is no secret ingredient, there’s a secret recipe.

Kevin Hogan is the man with that recipe. During this Professional Speakers Course Kevin covered it all. From creating stories that deliver your message straight to the unconscious mind to how to position yourself on the stage for maximum impact. From killer marketing secrets to fee and contract negotiations. How to become an “expert”…How get YOUR book into the top 10 on Amazon! That secret was worth the cost of the course by itself. And as if all ofthis wasn’t enough during ourone-on-one coaching session, Kevin gave mesome advice andguidancethat will not only make my career better, but make my entire life better.

I don’t know where he keeps his heart, because it’s too big to fit in his body! The bottom line is this:It doesn’t matter if you’re abeginning speaker or an advanced one. If you want save thousands of dollars and cut years off of your learning curve then quit playing, and take this course.”

Al The Inspiration Duncan, TV Personality, Host of The State Of The Mind Address www.alduncan.net

“Kevin, I gotta tell you, I am liking this Professional Speakers Course more every day! The more I see what you are doing, the more I see how real you are. I have purchased different courses online and have been disappointed to hear more of what I already know. This is new and different.

I can see how you are building this program with Long-Term Team Mentality. You just don’t want to teach this and tell us to be on our merry way. You have built into the system a long-term relationship that guarantees long-term income for both parties. Ingenius! I am really excited to be a part of it. Thanks!” Mark Ryan, Auburn, NY www.markjryan.com

“Kevin, I want to thank you for your Internet Marketing Course, as I was able to write a book (me! I wrote a book!) with the information you gave. I was a bit of a silent partner as I didn’t talk, email or respond with the group much, but I have learned a great deal and this course has been invaluable to me and my business. Thank you!”
Betty Eastman, LCSW

CDs & DVDs

“Ordered my 5th Volume of The Science of Influence on Monday and got it today – Wednesday. You seem to have only one standard of customer service – ‘Off the Charts Incredible!’ The only thing better than your service is your material and presentation of it. Thanks!” David Graska, Elk Grove, CA

“You taught me how to gather information by observation, and how to communicate information effectively and convincingly. Your contributions to my career are too many to list.

A great deal of information was gleaned from your newsletter. I have never bought a lottery ticket. I don’t think the odds are in my favor, but every time I buy one of your training programs, I feel like I just won the Powerball. Thank you for all of your help!” Fred Frego, Mountain View, AR

“Hi Kevin, I just finished listening to your CD course on persuasion and wanted to give you feedback: fantastic! Great stuff and very well presented, a pleasure to follow. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard such good stuff; last time in my own sociological studies. You really point out very interesting and surprising aspects. Thank you.” Andreas Scheuermann, Lake Lucerne, Switzerland

“I first gave Lifestorms a superficial listen, just curious what it was about, and at first I got nothing more out of it than a sense that it sounded cool. But, during the last 5 days, I have found the miracle! Something inside me clicked when I began to thoroughly study the material.

I find myself interacting with the world as if I’m a new person. The best part is that this difference, this peace that I can not remember feeling before, this seems to be not from rational, “studied” or “memorized” knowledge, but a sense of freedom, a sense of a huge load falling off my shoulders, which I did not even know was there. What I have not mastered yet, I now know I will because of Lifestorms (Wow! Finally!) My friend and I, after the first 5 minutes five days ago, ever since that moment we can barely stop ourselves from discussing everything and we are excited to make time every day to study this, and we dislike the moment when we have to stop because we can barely wait to see what else is there!” Katerina Spillkova, San Bruno, CA

“I found Kevin’s web site about a year ago and always look forward to Coffee with Kevin Hogan. I attended Kevin Hogan’s Influence Boot Camp 2008. I thought it would be a great opportunity to see Kevin up close and in person and see if he was the real deal. Well, let me tell you the entire experience far exceeded my expectations. It was packed with quality real life information that I could take home and use.

The speakers were excellent and top experts in their fields. And there was no sales pitch from any of the speakers, they just shared their cutting-edge information. I walked away very impressed with Boot Camp and Kevin Hogan. I could see that Kevin was very genuine in his desire to make a difference in people’s lives. And he has the background, knowledge and ability to truly do that. I would recommend Boot Camp to anyone. I don’t care what business you’re in – you will have more information than you’ll be able to process.

I have the Influence Boot Camp 2008 DVD’s and I’m glad I do – as I watch them I realize how much information and practical real life skills that were presented that I did not fully absorb while there. It was the best learning experience of my life.” Scott A. Bell,

“I was interested in changes in my life, but not knowing which direction. I took a chance with your book, The Science of Influence. It looked very attractive, and I found out by reading it, it has great substance! I changed my life and started building my own business as a financial planner and I must say your book and website have given me great help. Thank you for sharing your ideas, especially the Psychology of Wealth Accumulation Coffee with Kevin Hogan, and more! I also have to say I have built more friends in the past 6 months than I made over the last 6 years by helping them honestly. Now I’m daring to make decisions. Thank you very much!”
Wolfgang Schernhammer, Austria

“I got more out of Kevin Hogan’s intense delivery of real world marketing and psychological influence research than any book, program or course that I’ve taken so far.” David Perdew

“I have been reading your work for a very long time now, years in fact. I recommend your work to everyone I know and tell them to sign up for your newsletter.

I hope to take your speaking program because I do like the idea of controlling my future. You really are about the only guy I pay attention to on the Internet, and admire at the same time. Keep up the good work.” Bryan Price, Bakersfield, CA

“Currently I am a high school senior that is writing an essay on someone that has made an impact in society today through their words. This essay is all about you.

I stumbled upon your site as a accident but what I found was absolutely amazing. The way you were able to break down the human mind and then teach it to anyone and everyone who wants to know is amazing. You have built confidence in people’s lives as well as contributed to the strengthening of our society through common communication.. Your impact will be felt on people as long as their is verbal and non verbal communication.” Ryan Somers, Skyline High School, Sammamish, WA

“Kevin, Just to let you know I had an amazing experience the other day. I was talking to a shop assistant, I needed a book reserved which this shop doesn’t do generally and was not having much luck until I started activating her maps. Within minutes the book was not only on hold but it was as if she was mesmerized hanging on my every word. Now I really see how powerful this stuff is.

Your work has so inspired me improving my business and persuasion skills no end. I have four of your books and can’t wait to get more.” William Goldsworthy

“After I bought your fantastic book, (and loved it) I soon bought both your Covert Hypnosis e-book and the Jedi Mind Tricks video. I can’t say enough about your products. The information on Covert Hypnosis was fantastic. It has become a valuable e-handbook for me. When I have a moment at the office I re-read a section of the book. I am getting better every day. It is a great read over and over.

Also the Jedi Mind Tricks was entertaining and informative. It was great hearing your personal anecdotes about the effectiveness of persuasion. A pleasurable way to learn. Thanks!” Sean Waters

“Hi Kevin, I want to thank you for all the great information, inspiration and direction you have shared with me through your material. Fourteen months ago I landed an entry level sales job with opportunity for advancement in a performance based sales organization. In a very short period, I have rapidly advanced my career and my income, and today I signed a senior executive contract. This is only the beginning! I have only purchased a few of your programs, but there is so much value in each of them. Every time I watch, listen, or read again, I pick up even more.

The cumulative value of the wealth of information in all of your material is unparalleled. Your material has assisted me in making a sea of change; from a cliche of what could have been, to a story of second chanced and the power of focus and determination. Thank you.”
Steve Nanai, Danbury, CT

“Kevin, I just ordered and received the Subliminal Achievement DVD set you did with Mark Ryan and love it… I heard about it from him and his show… they have been helping me so much… and it’s great to finally hear the voice and see the face of the guy who writes all these books I can’t put down or get enough of reading… I also told him I had to meet you someday because I do have so many questions to help narrow all this information to my business.” Nathan McConnell, St. Louis, MO

“I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your part in changing the direction and fortunes of my career. Having been a fairly successful salesman for only 2 years, I was invited by the company to come off the road and take on a development/training role for the very new sales team. I accepted the offer knowing I needed to do some quick study in the world of sales.

All the other books recommended to me contained the standard closes known to every man and his dog. That’s when I…came across you. I found your Science of Influence Series, Body Language Study Course and Covert Hypnosis to be truly spectacular. And to prove it, I was recently awarded the annual Employee of the Year award with over 50% of the votes! I work for one of the UK’s fastest growing companies, now recognized as the most prolific selling organization in the telecom industry. Kevin, I owe an enormous amount of gratitude to you for the quality and consistency of the material you produce. I truly hope to thank you in person one day but for now…Thank you!” Gary May, Hampshire, UK

, www.garymay.co.uk

“I’m listening to your productivity (Time for Love, Time for Money) CD set and you’ve lit a fire under my ass”ets” again. It’s been a perfect addition to covertly set my vision to fast-forward production. Thanks again for your superior products and I truly appreciate your extra efforts and communication.” Brian Latta, Groveland, CA


“I recently bought your Covert Hypnosis and love it. I have been listening to the CDs over and over and over again and doing the exercises in the manual. It’s really starting to sink in and I’m extremely happy about what I have learned about myself and others. I have experienced many “WOW” moments. The 16 core desires/drives is just blowing my mind. I am pleased with the program and the peace of mind it has brought into my life. Thanks.” Ken Kimball, Monroe, New Hampshire

“I am a certified Image Consultant. I have applied your research in decoding body language for coaching defendants, witness preparation, jury selection, and profiling jurors.

Your information has been so beneficial to me that I currently helped win a very serious double life sentence trial by reading and decoding body language of the potential jurors that I selected and reading witnesses and jurors during the week-long trial. The public defenders were so impressed with this knowledge that I received from you that I am now their trial consultant, thanks to you!!”
Susan Constantine-Kane, Orlando, FL

Lifestorms came exactly as the right information at the right time for me. In summary, I’m the 50-year-old ‘unfulfilled potential’ and as I’ve dug up the past patterns over the last few years I’ve progressed. But your program made me recognize both patterns and origins I had overlooked. Now I’m becoming free.”
John Shoemaker, Tallahassee, FL

“I loved Covert Hypnosis. The Covert Model was a huge eye opener. I loved the “mind map”, which walks you through ANY communication. Each time I open my mouth now, I realize that each communication and interaction is a chance to persuade someone. Each interaction is so much more meaningful.” Debra Mathison, Phoenix, Arizona

“The CD’s I bought from you are excellent. I listen to them going to practice, great ‘stuff, backed by research.

I use Covert Hypnosis on the playing field frequently. I often begin with a ‘suggestion’ before we start and at the end of the session say a linking suggestion for the future workout or goal. I used to sell before I taught, coached and counseled. I found out early all communication involves selling something, an idea, a belief, a hope or a plan. Your help through your presentations is a generative ‘thing’ and I love it!” Performance Coach Joe Donahue,
Boston, MA

“After ordering Covert Hypnosis, my CD player was stolen along with volume 2 of the program! I contacted Kevin and within a half hour he responded offering to replace the disk – for FREE! Not only that, he insisted on mailing it to me at his expense. I firmly believe people can best be judged by their actions and I believe Kevin has demonstrated not only his commitment to his customers but also his strong personal character in handling my situation as he did. His program Covert Hypnosis has revealed many insights and valuable tools that I know will benefit me, my customers and those I work with for years to come. Thank you Kevin!”
Todd Purves, Vancouver, BC

“I’d like to thank you for taking a lifetime interest in the persuasion process and for producing such outstanding products. It was through your efforts that I learned how to really sell. Kevin, I learned more from your products than I did spending a fortune in money and time for four years of college.” Richard Benson, Costa Mesa, CA

“I recently got your self-discipline program on CD. I love it! It is a miracle! Thank you for putting it together.” Marla Lay, Baker City, Oregon

“I have purchased Covert Hypnosis, Persuasion Mastery and more! I’ve got to tell you that the information you’ve given me has been invaluable! Thanks for your work.” Graham English, CHT, Boulder, CO

“I got the CDs I ordered on Friday in less than 24 hours which helped me out alot because I could use them on the weekend. Thanks for the quick service – I train people in customer service so I felt I should let you know I appreciated the fast response and was very excited to see them at my door! Your customer service is tops! Thanks again.” Linda Tauer, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota


“I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for sharing such great information via your books…you’re one of the very few I hold in high regard and respect/admire specifically because you’re branching out and looking for new content. Today there are more imitators than content creators which is why I love your work. Continued success and growth.” Victor Antonio, Chief Sales Officer, Alpharetta, GA

“Just wanted to send you a quick note and say thank you for putting together your wonderful material. thanks to the language patterns you wrote about in your book, The Psychology of Persuasion, I was able to increase my contact to application rate from 26% to 44%! At first t he numbers were so good I thought it must have been a fluke, but it has been two weeks and my numbers are still awesome. For anyone considering buying Kevin’s products, Just Do It. You will be making an investment in your own income, and Kevin’s products pay for themselves! After you buy them, you’ll be glad you did.” Virgil Anderson, www.acehypnosis.com

“Having recently purchased both of your books, The Psychology of Persuasion, and used the methods within with total success, I can say not only does it work, but your work is sheer genius. Keep up the good work. Many thanks.” William Goldsworthy, Oxford, England

“Our book club thought that was the very best book we’ve read – and I choose great books – so thanks for that too.” Joy Johnson, The Inner Office, Moosup, CT, Home of the Business Builder Book Club

“After reading your sensational books (Covert Persuasion and The Science of Influence.), I have changed my entire presentation around your material. The benefit is measurable and can be documented by several methods but notably by dollars.” Richard Provencio, Laguna Niguel, CA

“Hi Kevin. I own an international education travel agency in Brazil. I just finished reading your book, , and I just would like to say to you how fantastic and a great motivator you are! I’m sure you’ve been told this a kazillion times, but I needed to tell you this as well. You have a great admirer of your work here in Brazil and believe me, I’ll get to influence (persuade!) as many people as I can to read your books. I’ve been to several motivational seminars but none presented a spoonful of the quality you put in your books. I hope to be able to meet you one day, shake your hand and say, ‘Thank you’!” Carlos Eduardo Correa, Bauru SP, Brazil

“Kevin I’m still in the process in finishing your new book and cannot tell you how impressed I am with your material. After reading a few other books on the subject you are hands down the HEAVY WEIGHT Champion of the world in your field. I’m studying for my masters in NLP this summer and have every intention in doing business with your programs once complete. Thank you so much, I hope to carry the torch long after you call it quits thanks to your foundations in my life. Thank you.” Bill Boubard Halifax, Canada, TOP Network Marketer

“I’ve gotta tell you that I’ve found tons of GREAT value in the information you’ve put out there. Thanks!” Rob Giesel, Mason, OH

“I just finished – wow – what a great book! You have articulated the finer points of persuasion quite eloquently. The Psychology of Persuasion is a great book and should be required reading in all persuasion classes.” Tony Sarrecchia

“I really enjoy your energy, sessions and ‘coffee’ e-zine! FYI – within 6 weeks of reading your book Irresistible Attraction, quite unexpectedly I met a fellow that has all the characteristics on my ‘wish list’!” Jerri Wilkerson, Paris, IL hypnosiswithjerri.com

“If they made psychology this interesting in colleges, I bet there’d be more knowledgeable professionals out there and less people would either quit or change majors due to boring theories and unpractical facts. Right now I am reading the Psychology of Persuasion and really digesting it. I believe it is the most interesting piece of information that I’ve ever read.” Henry A. Moronta, New York, NY

“Your book, TALK YOUR WAY TO THE TOP has impacted my life positively. It is simply in a class of its own. I would therefore request you to put my name on your MAILING LIST so as to be kept abreast of cutting communication advances. I am a chartered accountant by profession, involved in human resource development and training. I know for sure that I have so much to learn from you, and therefore crave your assistance in any way possible.

Joseph O. Osasebor,
(Managing Consultant)
Ogie Megaconsulting Limited, Plateau State – Nigeria Ogie Megaconsulting Limited, Plateau State – Nigeria

“Just a quick note. I ordered your program, Science of Influence
Part V
, and received it in 1 day! Thank you! Then I purchased 3 books of yours. I am hooked! Thanks again.” Robert Martin, Fargo, ND

“I’ve just finished your ‘Time for Love, Time for Money‘ course and I’d just like to thank you for giving me inspiration again.” Stephen Williams, Tyne and Wear, UK

“I want to thank you for the information on your site. I suffered tinnitus for 21 years and my life has changed thanks to you. My tinnitus is down 70% in volume and remains so after 9 months. Once again thanks for the new life.” John Carpenter


“I subscribe to a lot of things – but your e-newsletter is one of the few I read from start to finish and every time I get something positive to use which encourages me further to keep on at pursuing my goals. Thanks so much Kevin – you are truly a friend.” Colette Quelhurst

“Kevin, Thank you for beingso real! I’m grateful for you because, unlikemany celeb types, you walk your talk. You have always been generous in responding to my emails, and this is just to let you know that…..I appreciate you and you have blessed me because of your giving. You are an inspiration ina lot of ways. You’ve GIVEN an incredible amount (ezines etc)since 2002 when I first found you.So, thanks for being like a big brother or at leasta leader of the underdogswho people FEEL not just hear.” David Dallas Rivers, Chico, Ca

“Kevin Hogan is a rare gem in the world of persuasion, psychology, sales and motivational speaking and teaching. He is a man of massive integrity, overflowing compassion, overwhelming competence, and deep understanding of human beings. This combination of qualities is rare anywhere, but especially in the often slick and superficial world of persuasion and marketing. I’ve listened to Kevin’s CDs, read much of his huge website, and am part of his Inner Circle – so I can tell you from experience that Kevin embodies these persuasive attributes. I can’t imagine anyone not learning and being profoundly changed by his vast detailed knowledge in his areas of expertise.” Bob Beverley, psychotherapist; author of How to Be a Christian and Still Be Sane; www.FindWisdomNow.com

“I have been fascinated by your articles on weight and wealth, and I have shared them with friends. After reading about hypnosis on your website, I finally became a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, as well as a Certified Stage Hypnotist. I have been helping people lose weight through hypnosis. I am seeing a whole new world opening in front of me, and you have been an important part of this discovery. Thank you!” Frederique Herel

“I love Coffee with Kevin Hogan. You have been such a wonderful inspiration in my life, and please never take me off your e-mail list!”

Michelle Elias

“I simply love having Coffee with you. I have learned so very much from your articles. Sometimes I print them off and read them over again. I share the thoughts with my friends. I look forward to enjoying more with you. Thank you for this break each week!” LeAnne Schlegel

“Let me say ‘thank you’. I just finished reading Mind Access. I have been selling for 23 years and it is, by far, the most interesting, educational material I have ever read. I read it very slow and took copious notes. I use these notes to “refresh” myself prior to any appointments I have in a day. It is tremendous and I plan to read it again.” T J Cochran, Houston, TX

“I thoroughly enjoy reading everything you post. As sales manager for a local television station, I share your thoughts weekly with my staff.” Mark Leishear, Delaware

“I have a confession to make: I am in love…with the contents of your website! When I have a moment, I read or re-read one of your articles to get ideas, or for sheer pleasure. I have bought several of your books. Sometimes I quote you during my seminars. Looking forward to reading more of you!” Frederique Herel

“You are doing a great service for humankind.”Michael A. Alokore L.L.B. (Hons) Barrister at Law and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ghana


“In 2006 people were standing in a circle by the door waiting to get into your lecture. I didn’t know you…but then I saw this assured figure walking toward the circle. Your essence glowed, what joy you emit. In the lecture you said that manifesting didn’t work, but all I could think was…doesn’t he know that he is a great manifester? I have noticed more than I expected, I hesitate with people who are new to me. But you are a kind, intelligent, gentle, and good man. Your lectures inspire.” Rev. Karen Kober, RN, CHT, RMT, Dublin, PA, www.karenkober.net

“Kevin, I was going to start out with, ‘How DO you do it…produce such an excellent product like Coffee week in and week out, and also give us such a gift like the Image Takeaway Weekend?’ But then you gave the answer in perhaps the best article I ever read on Motivation, in your ’18 Tips for Motivation’. I’m sending it to everyone I know. Image Takeaway Weekend was beyond expectations! The copywriting experience was so good, and I will use the video as a business card – an idea we talked about before but was out of reach because of the expense. The weekend was a tremendous value. Kudos!” Sonya Lenzo

“I just listened to one of your teleseminars. I’m IMPRESSED! This is some of the best information I have seen in over 6 months of daily research for business building material. Keep up the good work!” Heli Doggett, C.A.

“Your ability to focus and get to the heart of the matter in minutes is what I love about being in Inner Circle. It’s your greatest gift, (next to your boundless compassion and maybe it is a part of that) in my opinion.” Sonya Lenzo, St. Paul, MN

“A GF in the sales profession introduced me to Kevin Hogan as I started my sales career just two years ago by lending me her copy of his best-seller, Psychology of Persuasion. Kevin’s combination of great intellect and practical application (exercises to make examples my own, not just one but SEVERAL) led me to resonate with him greatly. I went out and bought ALL his books. Then I stumbled across his website, found his Influence Bootcamp annual seminar. The rest is history. Kevin is not only a Master of Persuasion, he is a truly wonderfully warm-hearted man who does it for other people to make their lives better, be it little girls in wheelchairs, sales people, or the people in Eastern Europe. His generous heart overflows. Just take a look at his website at all of those FREE articles. Kevin, I love you and admire you, and will continue to be working with you for years to come. God bless.” April Braswell, Menlo Park, CA www.aprilbraswell.com

Boot Camp 2008 exceeded my expectations. In fact, after Day 1, I mentioned to one of the other participants that if Boot Camp ended today, I would be completely satisfied, and well worth the cost. Kevin you provided a stellar panel of experts who shared their knowledge with us, holding nothing back. One huge brainstorming event. Thank you!” Michael Roth, DC www.DrMichaelRoth.com

Boot Camp 2008: Absolutely loved the week in Vegas! I have been to all kinds of bootcamps etc. and quite honestly everyday by 3:00pm perhaps, I would be drifting off or justifying in my mind why I needed to leave early because keeping my attention all day is quite a task and I have to say, those thoughts never entered my mind. I just loved Ben and Dave. All of your material was great! I heard nothing but great comments from everyone there.” Judy Munroe, Alpharetta, GA www.consistentmarketinginc.com

“Kevin, I would like to thank you so much for such an amazing training. Only one day with you on Covert Persuasion gave me more power than some weeks of training that I’ve taken before. Your audios are so precise that I write them daily to keep them in mind. And they are working, which is so important to me. After almost 9 years in the Personal Development field, it was so nice to meet you, and see that you are one of the guys who are in the right place. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. See you again in Poland, or maybe even in the USA.”
Mike Wawrzyniak

“Don’t join Kevin Hogan’s Inner Circle unless you are ready to confront all the reasons you are ‘stuck’ in your professional and personal life and you are now ready to ‘leapfrog’ forward!! That was my story…completely mired, tired and out of excuses. Six months later, my career is humming along…other salespeople are coming to ME for ideas. I have two websites up and plans for a third. I am writing one book, and planning another. Best of all, I wake up just excited, grateful, and life is truly fun. What did I get from the Inner Circle? Insights…a fresh look at my life…past, present, future…systems for time management…systems for life management…friendships with cool people…ideas, ideas, ideas…and the sheer fun of discussing them over dinner with great folks (the synergy of the other people in the group is a breathtaking ‘extra’).” Sonya Carlson Lenzo, Account Executive and soon to be best-selling author, St. Paul, MN

“Just a note to let you know the tele-seminar was excellent and a much-needed morale booster for me. I have literally gone to sleep listening to your tapes – especially the Psychology of Wealth Accumulation. I do admit being unfaithful to you – I collect motivational material – but I always come back to you. Of all the materials read and people listened to, you are the one who genuinely combines and personifies the spirit of entrepreneurship without the underlying message of consumption for consumption’s sake. Thank you for being you and helping all of us be our best.” Michelle Drum, Charleston, IL

“As a coach and trainer, I admire trainers who communicate valuable information in a way that is accessible and useful. Kevin Hogan’s Boot Camp gave me several marketing ideas which were immediately implemented in my business. Two days after returning from Boot Camp, my training business has already picked up a valuable contract.”
Donald MacNaughton, Inverness, UK

“I have pre-registered for your Boot Camp and I must say I’m chomping at the bit to go. I am in the process of reading all of your books and will be finished with them by the Boot Camp. So far I am very impressed and am planning on buying all of your material. Keep up the good work! Thanks so far for all I’ve learned.”
John Bennett, Irvine, CA

“Kevin and Larina, thanks for putting the Image Takeaway Weekend together! I got good photos and great advice. As always, great connections and great conversation. I think my video is going to be very useful for me. I thought all the speakers were terrific, a testament to the circles you both have created. In my opinion personal networking at such a live event is always an intangible “extra” – sometimes you hit a life-changing jackpot – and this event delivered that once again.” Rob Northrup, Norcross, GA

Video Testimonials

If you want more control over what happens in every communication, please consider:

BODY LANGUAGE: Decoding, Interpreting & Mastering Non-Verbal Communication

with body language expert Kevin Hogan

This is a Complete Home Study Course. (A portion of this course is interactive with your computer!)

The Advanced Home Study Course in Analyzing Nonverbal Communication!

When you discover the secrets of body language, you can be the one who:

  • Never gets lied to
  • Knows when they are attracted to you
  • Knows when they are uncomfortable
  • Is in control 100% of the time!

The exact same nonverbal communication that gets people to buy from you are the same ones that get them to buy you. Whether you want to master body language to make the sale or get the girl (or guy) this program reveals all the secret codes hidden for so long! Absolutely no one has all of this information. Period. My proprietary research (which you are going to receive!) brings you to the cutting edge of having people fall in love with you in literally a matter of seconds.

You are going to discover what really gets the sale, the promotion, and what seals or kills the deal.

Between 60% and 75% of all of your communication is nonverbal. Are you attracting or repelling people around you? Are you making every sale you could be? How are people reading you?

In the first four seconds people will make judgments about you:

  • I will or will not buy from this person.
  • I will or will not like this person.
  • I find this person kind, or not.
  • I find this person intelligent or not.

And now for the most amazing part of the course: 6 CDs and Video are INTERACTIVE with our secret website filled with photographs to analyze!

You move through a catalog of photographs and nuance by nuance analyze the small lines, wrinkles, facial expressions, hand and body placement. All these details are explained to you by body language expert, Kevin Hogan.

The first two introductory CDs are geared toward helping you make an incredible impression in those first four seconds. This advanced portion of the home study course is all about the other person! Now you can discover whether they are lying or not. You can find out the cues of annoyance, covering hidden feelings, and whether they like you or not.

You are going to learn to read people in virtually an instant. Kevin will introduce you to what he does when The New York Post, First for Women, Cosmopolitan, Playboy, The Star, Maxim, Success, Selling Power and the rest of the media call!

Over the past two years we’ve collected over 100 pictures of celebrities that he has analyzed for the media. Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Angelina Jolie, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, The Sex and the City girls, Drew Barrymore, Kurt Russell, Goldie Hawn, Beyonce Knowles, Liz Hurley, Pamela Anderson, Stephen Spielberg, and dozens more.

As you progress through the course, you will become proficient at reading and analyzing body language! And of course, I’m giving you the keys to my password-protected secret website with over 100 photos of the stars ready to analyze!

This is a complete seminar in reading, decoding and interpreting body language from the source. Nothing is missing and YOU have access!

You will receive my complete analysis of EVERY PHOTOGRAPH on Six (6)additional Digital Audio CDs (8 total in this course!) Your Secret Password to the Hidden Website for the Interactive Photo Gallery will come with your package.

More Information on body language or to order

Coffee with
Kevin Hogan

persuasion newsletter

Coffee with Kevin Hogan, delivered Monday. is 20 yrs. old! Dr. Hogan’s blog & newsletter are both free forever.

You get the very latest and most important findings in human behavior, relationships, wealth building, outcome acquisition, nonverbal communication, mind control, covert hypnosis, selling, and marketing.

You’ll also get his book Mind Access, as his gift to you.

“Subscribe Now” and confirm it today by email the minute after you subscribe!

Latest Posts on Kevin's blog

Kevin Hogan Live in Wrocław​

Media Presence

World Class Business Kevin Hogan

World Business Class

Success in Influence, World Business Class Magazine, January 2018. Cover Story and Interview with Kevin Hogan


Costco interviewed Kevin for Body Talk: Actions Do Speak Louder than Words


Kevin's body language evaluation!

Sales Guru

Article by Kevin in Sales Guru magazine (based in South Africa). "Burnout: Escaping Living Hell"

What People Say

“Want to influence others? Want to persuade others? Want to sell others? Then Science of Influence is not just an option – it’s a landmark breakthrough of information you can use the minute you read it.”
"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

Subscribe to Coffee with Kevin Hogan today!

You can always write us at
drkevinhogan@gmail.com or kevin@kevinhogan.com

Pay attention to your spam/junk/trash folders, shoot maybe the neighbors!

 Coffee Bonuses

And as a bonus for joining, Kevin will give you two hefty eBooks: Mind Access and Overcoming Rejection.

Overcoming Rejection: Defeating the Painful Feelings of Being Marginalized by Dr. Kevin Hogan

The tips you receive in Coffee with Kevin Hogan will help you in your relationships and in your business. The fun stuff, well is just fun. Subscribe now and see for yourself.

Subscribe to the weekly e-zine, Coffee with Kevin Hogan and you will be first to find out the latest in persuasion, influence, body language, personal development, sales and marketing.

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