Kevin Hogan

International Speaker

Latest Articles:  Stopping the Black Swan Can You Become a New Person?

Developing the Success Mindset Part Two

See Developing the Success Mindset, Part 1


The Power of Beliefs

Beliefs aren’t everything but they are so important that a person will go to war with a country and take life by life, in mass or one by one. 1940? Sure. And of course 2022. Beliefs can kill innocent people because beliefs don’t have wisdom or knowledge.

It took me almost a million years before I figured out that I could change my beliefs or strengthen them by choice.

Beliefs matter…beliefs shape how success and failure will happen, or whether they can happen at all.

Believe that you can visualize it, get a good feeling about it, be grateful for it and watch it materialize = Failure rate approaching 100%.

Add action to that equation and the failure rate approaches 99%.

Follow the proven results in this series of articles and you can turn that around and have a Success/Achievement rate approaching 100%.

Why the almost 200% divide?

The Impact of Beliefs

Your beliefs impact everything you do (and more importantly what you don’t do).

You may wonder what beliefs have to do with anything. They’re just thoughts after all, right?

Yes, beliefs are indeed thoughts, but they often determine your actions and reactions – and they have the power to hold you back from doing what will make you happy.

And beliefs are imbued with emotion, usually raw emotion of which you cannot easily control.

  • Actions create beliefs.
  • Beliefs trigger and loop with emotions.
  • Emotions direct the body which our brain/mind reside.
  • Thought sometimes comes into play to save us from the above.

Imagine that you have a belief that you don’t deserve to be happy and successful. Such a belief would cause you to nonconsciously sabotage any plans you make. Or more likely could cause you to not try at all because you believe it would be a waste of your time and energy.

…or worse, “try” once and fail so you know “it” doesn’t work.

How do you know if you have nonconscious beliefs that might be holding you back?

Here’s some help.

Print this Quiz

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True or False

  1. When I don’t get paid what I’m worth, I ask for and typically get more.
  2. I find it easy to make substantial amounts of money.
  3. I encounter opportunities wherever I go. It’s hard to keep up w/ them all.
  4. I am completely in tune with my passions. I know exactly what I want.
  5. I am currently doing what I love and could happily do it forever.
  6. I am ready to tackle any challenges that I may face. Always do, always will.
  7. I feel fear and I control it by acting until I succeed and have for a long time.

It’s simple. Your beliefs and emotions are either driving you or you are choosing what you want with your prefrontal cortex. The two don’t go hand in hand very often.


This is where almost everyone quits. Are you going to be that everyone??

As soon as people feel that their mind needs to be running the show, that they are responsible for what is going to happen in their lives, they close the book, shut the door and go to bed.

Guilt is the appropriate feeling when someone does that.

Pride is the appropriate feeling when they keep reading.

Changing Existing Beliefs

OK, How do you change existing beliefs?

Obviously, acting in spite of your feelings and beliefs is the single most powerful tool you have.

The other happens in your mind.

You replace old beliefs and with more empowering beliefs.

Let’s use this statement as an example:

“I am ready to tackle any challenges that I may face.”

If, when you read that statement to yourself you feel uneasiness or dread, then you know you have a doubt about your ability to handle challenges. Your job is now to persuade, even coerce yourself that you DO have the ability to handle challenges.

Think back to any challenges you have faced in your lifetime. How did you handle them? Did you buckle down and do what needed to be done, or did you cave under the pressure? If you can recall even one challenge that you were able to handle and overcome, you have solid footing to change your belief!

You simply need to keep convincing yourself (sometimes hour by hour) that if you handled one challenge successfully, you can handle others.

And indeed that is a fact.

The more frequently and passionately you can reinforce this concept in your mind, the more quickly your underlying belief will change.

The more often you can ACT on the concept, the faster and deeper the emotions imbuing the new belief will be.

But what if you can’t recall any challenges you’ve overcome successfully in the past? Is it time to give up?

Yeah, right.

Instead, think about opportunities to tackle a challenge now. Pick one simple thing that would be challenging for you, and do it!

That may sound intimidating, but you will surprise yourself as long as you don’t let yourself go to bed until it is DONE.

Most often, we are capable of MUCH MORE than we give ourselves credit for. You won’t know until you actually experience it.

After you handle even one small challenge, you will feel your confidence growing and you’ll be eager to take on more.

I kid you not. Little actions in the right area, can trigger HUGE CHANGES.

In the Inner Circle this is one of the key strategies I use to cause people to move in the direction they need to move. Sometimes it’s subtle…sometimes not…it’s always effective.

Remember that changing your beliefs is a process but if you keep at it, it won’t be long before you start to notice a big change in how you view and experience life.

And like so many other things in life, the more you practice the strategy, the better you’ll get at it.

Stopping Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

I’ve written a lot about stopping self sabotage. Without question the best two programs to deal with this are Lifestorms and The Millionaire Mind.

It’s NOT easy to stop self-sabotage because it can be elusive.

Hopefully by now you are feeling much clearer about what you really want, you’ve come up with a solid plan to achieve it, and you have been evaluating your beliefs in an effort to build your confidence.

Let’s look at some common problems that could derail your plans if you’re not mindful of them: self-sabotaging behaviors.

Have you ever done something that caused big problems for you and seemed to be in direct opposition to what you thought you wanted? Like consistently shown up late for work even though your boss warned that you were treading on thin ice? Or perhaps you kept feeling compelled to eat junk food even though you were trying to lose weight and get in shape?

Why do you do these things? You would think that setting a goal and creating a plan would be enough to get us where we want to go, right?

No, that’s ‘The Secret’. Works only in some kid’s stories.

The author of ‘The Secret’ tells us to avoid looking at fat people so we don’t get fat.

Oh….if it were that easy…even with the arrogance.

Fact: The nonconscious mind is on autopilot.

Fact: The nonconscious mind acts first and you figure out what it has done shortly thereafter, leaving your conscious mind to make up excuses for what “you” have done.

The nonconscious mind can and does work against both you and me except in fields and areas of expertise. Then the opposite is true.

Even if you consciously believe you want something, it doesn’t mean that you will pursue “it.”

The answer usually comes down to a feeling or emotion.

Fear….or guilt…or shame….or something close.

Take a look at these behaviors and ask yourself whether they have ever derailed your plans:

The programs mentioned above (Lifestorms and The Millionaire Mind) show you in great detail how self-sabotage happens, why and how specifically to unplug it.

Here’s the remedial version.

  • You are on a diet to lose 50 pounds.
  • You wake up in the morning ready for the day and your diet.
  • You handle things brilliantly all day long!
  • You even have a modest dinner.
  • About two hours before bedtime you wear down and break down and begin to eat…eat…and eat…
  • When you walk in the bedroom, you think, TOMORROW, I’m REALLY going to do this.

What happened?

The remedial version?

Your mind ran out of gas and your feelings and emotions took over. Your “need”, the hunger in this case, eventually overtook conscious thought and shoved it aside.

And so it is with pretty much everything.

Want to sign a contract that will promise that you will do something that is good for yourself? First thing in the morning or last thing at night.

That’s when people want to change the most.

But our conscious mind is only so strong in contrast to the nonconscious mind.


If you’ve ever found yourself holding back on doing something even though you kept telling yourself you really wanted to do it, you were procrastinating. You may have felt drawn to watch endless hours of television, or felt compelled to suddenly clean out your basement, or caused dramatic episodes with friends and family members for no apparent reason – all so you wouldn’t have to do something that would truly matter in life.

You were trying to distract yourself. Why? Believe it or not, procrastination usually is found somewhere between laziness and avoidance. Most often, you are trying to avoid an underlying fear or resistance that you don’t feel ready to handle.

Why? And is it easy to change if you want?….


No matter how fired up you are about your goals, your old, ingrained habits are as solid as concrete. The biggest mistakes people make are often in underestimating the amount of energy that will be required when we first start making changes.

Doing that which you are familiar with takes little NEW energy and is rarely overridden by anything else.

We’re used to doing things a certain way and if we try to change those comfortable old routines, we feel nervous and out of place.

Part of the survival instinct that isn’t all that necessary anymore….

In order to become comfortable with new habits, you need to stick with them long enough so that they become second nature.

And that’s a lot easier said than done. (Much easier visualized and gratefulized than materialized. Sounds like a self-sabotage script to me.)

Remember, that’s how you got comfortable where you are – even if it’s not exactly where you want to be.

A significant amount of leverage, action, focus and will is needed in order to change old habits, but once changed, like cement…yep…. they become nonconscious and semi-permanent.

Stay tuned.

There’s more to share….it’s going to get exciting!

I’ve identified 12 of the life patterns which cause us to trip up – and make the same mistakes again and again. To discover which of the 12 patterns you have been the victim of and how to eliminate self-sabotage in your life (or those of your clients) you can pick up the program below.

Lifestorms: 12 Obstacles to Achievement: The Paradox of Overcoming Self Sabotage to Achieve Love, Power, Money and Happiness.

3 CDs in this program – and it comes with a BIG WORKBOOK! And now, get a free Lifestorms DVD presentation with your order!

Discover why life often brings you exactly what you don’t want…and how self sabotage can hide around every corner. Some people have guessed at the bizarre nature of self sabotage. Guess no more. Self sabotage is very real in everyone’s life. It is completely devastating and 100% resolvable!

  • Do you ever know you should start on a project but don’t?
  • Do you have projects that you have started but never finished?
  • Do you ever say the one wrong thing at the wrong time?
  • Have you ever had things going well in life only to have everything blow up in a day?
  • Have you tried to be so careful not to make a mistake that you were shocked when you made a truly costly one?
  • Have you ever promised yourself to stay out of trouble in some way only to find yourself in the same trouble or worse again?

Now you can discover your own life patterns so you can eliminate unconscious self sabotage immediately. This program will break the heavy chains that hold you from your dreams and your goals.

This program is the first program ever made public that shows you how to identify specific self sabotaging behaviors and negative life patterns. Better? You can ultimately erase those life patterns and rewrite new “schemas” into your brain that will allow you to meet your goals and experience fulfilling relationships.

Here is what you will learn:

  • How to identify which of the 12 negative life patterns you live.
  • How to find the triggers of the lifestorms that you just can’t believe you experience.
  • How to change the self sabotage into success, happiness or something productive.
  • How to remove almost all obstacles between you and your goals.
  • How to understand those around you so you don’t push their buttons.
  • How to predict your behavior and that of others.
  • How to actually achieve your goals so they are more than just a dream.

No one anywhere has ever put such a program on CD. There is not one person anywhere who can’t utilize every minute of this insightful information. These three CD’s are packed with the most powerful tools for getting past life’s roadblocks and personal sabotage ever imagined. Anyone can utilize this information and I personally guarantee that if you follow the instructions you will not experience self sabotaging behavior anymore. Your goals become reality at speeds faster than you ever imagined.

Learn More About Lifestorms or to order

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"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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