Selling & Sales

Most Effective Persuasion Techniques in Selling
The three most common questions I get are these: How do you know what techniques to apply and when? How can I tell who will

Most Effective Persuasion Techniques in Selling
The three most common questions I get are these: How do you know what techniques to apply and when? How can I tell who will

Ask This Question – The Formula for the Right Question (pt. 1/3)
Legend Point: It may be a great deal more valuable to ask, “what kind of a company don’t you want to work for?” Now you
Social Media and Influencing in Two Worlds
50,000 followers About $2000 for a post 10,000 followers About $200 for a post. Remember all of these numbers are just averages/estimates because the size
Persuasive Power of Hope
Legend Point: REMEMBER: HOPE ALL BY ITSELF IS A LIFE-CHANGING FORCE…an END in ITSELF. ALWAYS remember that it isn’t just the acquisition of the state

Hypnotic Captivation for Sales and Marketing – Part Two 5*
Now before reading on, scroll down so the woman is off your screen for a moment. Next, simply write down with a pen or pencil