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Professional Hypnotherapy Home Study Program DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

with Kevin Hogan
and Special Guest Speakers


“I can’t tell you what a part your course has already played in my practice! Already I’ve incorporated your tips, various ideas for therapy etc… the priceless data and abundant source of information supercede cost. Seeing this in action is a MUST for any NEW clinician! Thank you! Thank you! I thoroughly enjoy your style —your affect—- the stories —-the priceless applications etc…Plus, when it’s time to refresh, it’s all there on tape should I ever hit a brick wall…I’ll know where to find you!” Margaret Bell, Cht.
“24 hours of non-stop, fast paced fun and learning with one of America’s leading instructors of hypnotherapy. This course teaches you how to get the results that Kevin Hogan gets in his practice. You will laugh. You will cry. If you follow the instructions herein, you and your clients will be forever changed. Kevin’s love and zeal for our profession show through at every moment.” Devin Hastings, Instructor of Hypnotherapy

Who Should Own This Program?

This hypnotherapy home study program is specifically designed for the currently certified hypnotherapist who wants to learn what is at the next level of therapy. This program is not suitable for some who has not already been certified in hypnosis.

24 hours of advanced hypnosis material that you don’t get from anyone else. Watch Kevin Hogan, Devin Hastings, Ron Stubbs and the finest trainers in the United States show you what it takes to be the best, get results and practice with peace of mind.

You will learn:

Volume 1: The Basics of Hypnosis, Your Therapeutic Approach, Your Business

  • What is Hypnosis?
  • What is Hypnotherapy?
  • Description of and discussion about benefits and drawbacks of Regression, Guided Imagery, Metaphor, Ego State Therapy, Suggestion and Kevin Hogan’s CARPETS model of therapy.
  • The importance of 8-10 Sessions
  • Client Bill of Rights: It’s the Law
  • Confidentiality
  • Sexual Misconduct and You
  • Billing Strategies
  • What Can You Do When they Don’t Show?
  • Getting Permission to Share their Story
  • How Belief Can Change the Immune System

Volume 2: Your First Session With a Client and the Best Instructions You Can Utilize
Overview: The first step in therapy with your client is obtaining a responsible case analysis. Then, you must choose an induction that is legal and effective. Hogan and McAtee guide you through the waters and show you exactly what to say and do.

  • Case Analysis – What Matters
  • The Exact Questions You Need to Ask in a C.A.
  • What Each Question Tells You About the Unconscious
  • How to Apply the C.A. to Your Hypnotherapy
  • How to Know if Your Client isn’t Being Upfront With You
  • Inductions that are Legal and Quick
  • The New Dave Elman Induction
  • BONUS: Q & A about Insurance

Volume 3: Positive Regression. Your first session with a client should almost always end with a positive regression.
Overview: Several elements of your first session will determine whether or not your client will come back. If you close with a positive regression, you will probably develop a client who is excited about getting well and one who trusts you. The positive regression is one of the most powerful tools in hypnotherapy. This volume covers the entire gamut of the positive regression.

  • When Else do you use a Positive Regression?
  • How Often Should You Run Through Events?
  • How Can You Anchor in These Resources?
  • How do These Experiences Prepare You for Difficult Work?
  • How to Build Long Term Rapport with This One Tool
  • Overcoming the Pitfalls of Regression in Session .

Volume 4: Regression Therapy
Overview: Learn how to utilize the most powerful tool known in hypnotherapy. Regression. This often misunderstood and mis-used modality will change the way you do therapy forever.

  • Fractionation
  • Inductions: Which to Use for Regression
  • Problems with Inductions
  • Regression Toward Cause Instead of TO Cause
  • Common Mistakes in Regression Therapy
  • Taking Notes to Find the Threads of Healing
  • Affect Bridge Skills
  • Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

Volume 5: Dealing with Common Problems in Trance
Overview: Learn how to work with the deaf and the hard of hearing. Learn what to do when something goes wrong in trance. Finally, learn the most powerful convincer technique known!

  • Silent Induction for the Deaf
  • BONUS: Q & A about Regression Therapy
  • Dealing with difficulties in Regression
  • How to keep your client focused in Trance
  • What to do when the client gets off Track
  • Complex Regression Issues
  • Rapid Eye Movement Strategies for Trance and Healing
  • Demonstrations

Volume 6: The Masters Techniques
Overview: Mastering the basics precedes advancing to the level of mastery. This tape answers the most critical questions you have always wanted to know the answers to.

  • New Dave Elman Demo
  • Deaf Inductions
  • Dealing with Disabilities
  • Avoiding errors in Emergence
  • What happens when the client goes home
  • Difference between Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy
  • The Womb
  • PLR Questions and Answers
  • Analysis vs. Ego State Therapy
  • All Memory Is False Memory
  • When is it appropriate to Forgive

Volume 7: The Business of Hypnotherapy and an Amazing Healing Story
Overview: Part one of this tape covers the critical elements of the business of hypnotherapy. Part two is an exposition of one of the most remarkable healings recorded in Kevin Hogan’s hypnotherapy career.

  • Office Decor
  • Office Location— Leasing and Location Tips
  • Insurance
  • Incorporating
  • Visa/Master Acceptance
  • Appropriate Client Seating
  • Marketing that Works and DOESN’T Work
  • Writing Articles
  • Radio and Television Exposure

Volume 8: Ego State Hypnotherapy Part One
Overview: The second most valuable tool the hypnotherapist has in doing healing work is that of ego-state therapy. Learn how to find the key issues of what is holding your client back and help them release it now!

  • How ego states form
  • What the function of these parts are
  • How to gather information from various mind-states
  • Build rapport with all elements of an individual
  • How to resolve internal conflict
  • Eliminate secondary gain
  • Gain internal agreement for individual congruency
  • FUN demo with Chris McAtee and Kevin Hogan
  • Questions and Answers about parts therapy

Volume 9: Allergies and Difficult Issues.
Knowing when to use analysis and how to work with difficult issues will separate you from the rest of the field! Devin Hastings and Kevin Hogan show you how to do just that! Overview: Kevin Hogan and Devin Hastings deal with difficult issues. Additional topics:

  • Dealing with difficult issues.
  • When NOT to use regression.
  • When to use analysis.
  • Allergy protocol with Devin Hastings.
  • Cautions in working with allergies.
  • Demonstration with allergy sufferer.

Volume 10: The Masters Tools
Overview: Working with the deaf, constructing realistic positive futures for your clients and the nuances of hypnotherapy that advance you to the forefront of the field of hypnosis.

  • Demo with allergy sufferer (continued)
  • Nuances of therapy—the extra mile.
  • Deaf Inductions with Melissa Barnes.
  • Working with the deaf.
  • Time Track Therapy demonstration.
  • Time Track Therapy briefing.

Volume 11: The Masters Techniques
Overview: Tried and true inductions don’t work with the anxious client. Now you will know what to do. Advanced inductions accomplish more than induce trance. You will learn that here. Subtleties of therapy you never thought possible.

  • Advanced Dave Elman Induction.
  • Demo advanced induction with Devin Hastings.
  • Dealing with stressed clients.
  • Inducing trance with anxious clients.
  • Ericksonian Hypnosis.
  • Advanced inductions with Devin Hastings.
  • Q & A about Regression Therapy.
  • Clarifications about Outstanding Therapy.
  • Advanced Tools. From the Masters Tool Box.

Volume 12: Two Special Situations. Tinnitus and Children
Overview: There are numerous special situations that can be helped with hypnotherapy. Working with those who suffer from tinnitus and helping children are two special areas of interest. This video helps you gain an understanding of both!

  • How to work with kids.
  • What are the confidentiality rules?
  • How to build trust in kids.
  • How to work with people who suffer from tinnitus.
  • How to help people cope with the insufferable noise.
  • How to help them ultimately turn the volume down.

12 DVDs Plus Complete Manual on CD (PDF format)

DVD Format: Region 1: United States, Canada
A note about DVD compatibility: These DVDs are formatted for Region 1: United States, Canada. Most newer DVD players are capable of playing multiple formats. Most DVDs are compatible with the DVD player in your computer.



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Kevin Hogan

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Media Presence

World Class Business Kevin Hogan

World Business Class

Success in Influence, World Business Class Magazine, January 2018. Cover Story and Interview with Kevin Hogan


Costco interviewed Kevin for Body Talk: Actions Do Speak Louder than Words


Kevin's body language evaluation!

Sales Guru

Article by Kevin in Sales Guru magazine (based in South Africa). "Burnout: Escaping Living Hell"

What People Say

“Want to influence others? Want to persuade others? Want to sell others? Then Science of Influence is not just an option – it’s a landmark breakthrough of information you can use the minute you read it.”
"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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And as a bonus for joining, Kevin will give you two hefty eBooks: Mind Access and Overcoming Rejection.

Overcoming Rejection: Defeating the Painful Feelings of Being Marginalized by Dr. Kevin Hogan

The tips you receive in Coffee with Kevin Hogan will help you in your relationships and in your business. The fun stuff, well is just fun. Subscribe now and see for yourself.

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