Procrastination: Lifting the Devil’s Curse with Kevin Hogan

Lack of Personal Initiative

Human laziness has always bugged me.

Watching inaction in the face of desired outcomes irritates me.

Observing the lack of personal initiative generates in me, some of the most negative feelings I ever experience.

Doing PLANNED nothing can be pretty nice. Doing nothing when there is another plan is folly.

Procrastination is in full force when you find yourself doing the current 7th most important thing on your Do It Today List.

I don’t procrastinate often. OK, fine… almost never.

But there are moments when it seems an unseen force is blocking your way to doing that which you KNOW you need to be doing.

THIS happens to me a few times each year.

Whether I will actually procrastinate is a different thing. That’s the action/inaction. No, I’m just talking about that FEELING that you get when you do not feel compelled to be doing #1, #2, #3 on your list.

It usually happens to me in the summer.

My brain tells me it’s fatigued. My chest feels heavy. My mind wants to stop when it knows there is information to process and projects to complete.

It whines and grumbles when “it knows” full well that if it keeps spinning, it stays healthy. If it stops spinning…it probably won’t get moving again.

There are basically two kinds of people in the world that we are living in – those that are productive, and those who procrastinate.

Today, more than ever, procrastination is a HUGE issue. I’ve never seen people blow so many opportunities as I have the last few years. Procrastination often yields to full blown laziness and semi-permanent failure. It’s scary!

When opportunity comes along, it doesn’t come looking JUST for you. It comes and you either seize it or someone else does.

It’s as simple as that.

Maybe that is not life’s greatest lesson. But it’s in the Top Ten.

Businesses of all sizes are looking for good people who can maximize their time and produce REAL results.

Entrepreneurs and salespeople are looking for those results from themselves of course, in addition to those who work with them.

In business, procrastinators are useless….and you do not let yourself ever fall victim to the whiney brain.

Can YOU change from YOUR “default?” i.e. how do YOU get to YOUR Mars?

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Habitual Procrastination
Procrastination, defined simply, is when an individual delays completing their tasks intentionally. Over time, this turns into a habit, as it is always easier to take the path with no resistance. This habit becomes a default.

It is very easy to fall into the trap of habitual procrastination. The root causes vary from individual to individual.

The message of procrastination doesn’t.

MESSAGE: You have chosen to not be in control of your life.

Forget the causes…that’s the story that manifests…that everyone sees…that no one wants to hire, that no one wants to date…

While it should be easier to avoid these pitfalls if you are aware of them, more often than not we still commit the same mistakes. Procrastination is habit defeating choice…and you and I are fully aware of both the feeling of “whiney” and the rationale that go along with it, versus choosing to be valuable.

It’s easy for people to RATIONALIZE the whininess (cool word huh?) and go to the lake. After all it’s summer time. It’s time to relax. It’s the lazy days of summer, right?

It is merely human nature to try to cover up our life value by procrastinating away….

If we actually said, “Ugh, I’m whining, I want to kick back and just let it go,” that would at least allow the recognition and validation of giving in to habit and inertia.

But instead people say, “I deserve…” and of course that is a schema of entitlement and that is danger sign 101.

Procrastination is a real life problem. It is a POWERFUL habit.

Procrastination is little understood, but surprisingly, it is NOT so amazingly difficult to beat procrastination. YOU can do it. I promise you can.

What’s the First Step in Eradicating Procrastination?

To overcome this devastating habit, people must first acknowledge the problem for what it is, instead of seeking to lay the blame somewhere else.

In other words, procrastination is a habit that can EASILY turn into an ADDICTION, for you to snowball your failure to accomplish, and a craving so intense that the results of your procrastination will crush yourself under the immense workload needed to get to even at the end of the day.

And that’s what you remember when you go home.

Your brain conveniently shuts off the time you wasted on Facebook, texting, talking, doodling and dreaming.

Productive people on the other hand, are those who waste no time in completing their #1, #2, #3 projects as soon as possible. They know the power of focus and put their heart and soul into completing one tiny project after another, making them clear out before the end of the day so that they have time to watch Game of Thrones or go play ball or hang with the kids or whatever.

Productive people know how to handle their workload and also have time to do what is cool as well.

Productive people can typically do the same task in less time and with less effort than most other people.


Because they have experience and HABITS in place for getting stuff done.

No big revelation there.

“It took me an hour, Kev…”

And of course I know that is probably true. Most 20 minute projects do take an hour for most people.

The productive mind will accomplish project Z in 1/3 or 1/4 or 1/10 or 1/100,  the time the person who procrastinates.

Productive people typically “work hard” but they are sharp by nature of habit and tend to work very “smart,” as well.

People who sit at the desk day after day in Nowhere Land making all their plans with Nobody…get laid off, go broke.

I watch it happen all the time. I know it hurts. I’ve seen the pain.

They have let their habits turn into an addiction… as it FEELS oh so much better to not do anything and simply just relax….like hypnotizing your life away.

Gosh I hope I have made this painful enough to continue…


Continue… “Is the Procrastinator Happy?”

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Unfortunately, the procrastinator isn’t happy. They fall victim to their procrastination… time and again.

They are late on their payments, they didn’t expect to get laid off, they didn’t think to check their stock portfolio….

PROCRASTINATION IS an addiction…a powerful one…that has a HUGE negative impact on everyone.

Trying to erase an addiction is difficult.

Trying to erase an addiction without planting the seeds of some OTHER behavior in it’s stead is almost impossible.

Why is it so difficult to be happy when someone spends their time doing things to don’t matter, or, worse, nothing at all?

Because a big component of procrastination is the belief that one can or cannot accomplish a specific task or project.

Procrastination says, “I can’t do it. If I do it I will fail. If I fail I will feel stupid. I won’t try. Therefore, I won’t fail.”

Cool huh?

You’ve experienced it. You’ve watched this in others.

Causes and Effects of Procrastination

Procrastination Is A Habit

Procrastination is a nasty habit and you are definitely not alone if you procrastinate. Most people are procrastinators, and over time, it can cause severe damage to your life and your overall mental well-being. You may find yourself feeling depressed, guilty or suffer from high levels of stress due to work piling up.

Even if someone is aware that they are avoiding, they are unable to pinpoint the exact reason why, and often “exist” in a “state of denial” (right next to Missouri), where they simply blame the procrastination on other things.

Procrastination is the habit of intentionally avoiding and delaying effective and valuable action, and it is very easy to get into this bad habit.

I look at people who procrastinate as having a viral disease which can be wiped out with a little time and effort… or spread like Ebola or MRSA.

More often than not, by the time a case of procrastination is identified, the individual has already suffered huge blows to their self-esteem and confidence, and are likely to be depressed, guilty or suffer from anxiety disorders, among others.

It’s time to do some personal repair work.

There are many causes of procrastination, and it certainly is different from individual to individual. It could be due to the person’s character, or even be rooted in an event that was traumatizing on some level….or the simple habit(s)…the repetitive act of pushing off doing stuff over time which develops into procrastination.

And it can really pay off big time, to go back and unearth the initial cause that sparked off this bad habit. Insight doesn’t always heal but it’s always…insightful!

Below is a list of possible causes of procrastination, and by running though these you can possibly identify similar causes in yourself. Once you know the cause, counteracting the disaster is not so difficult.

The first cause is the one no one wants to admit to… Continue

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(1) Fear

Fear is a Driving Force

Fear is one of the big three driving and motivating life forces.

  • Fear of the unknown.
  • Fear of the big animal.
  • Fear of the plane ride.
  • Fear of Heights.

***The Fear of Failure and The Fear of Success***

People who are afraid to fail, are fearful of putting in effort or to even trying to attempt something.

It is much easier to blame failure on their neglecting to complete the task, than on incompetence on their part to do so.

Make sense?

A fear of success might seem far-fetched, but it is very real. We’ll cover this in depth in the future but for the moment, understand that ANY CHANGE can be a crisis for those that fear change.

And “success” and “change” are often interchangable terms.

They are “happy” where they are, and while they know that they are capable of building a life, they fear the change in types of work or scope of work that comes with their improved and new capabilities. Hence, they would rather hide behind their apparent level of competence rather than put in the effort and ultimately succeed, as they fear being unable to cope with the new workload and expectations.

It would be…hard.

(2) Overload and Inability to Prioritize

It is very common for all of us to be swamped with work.

It is the nature of life that there is stuff to do and it takes significant effort and significant actions to accomplish.

Leverage Strategic Prioritization

The to-do list can feel never ending, and the tasks seem to not stop.

The individual fears never being able to complete anything, forget everything. They are unable to decide which task to start doing. This is similar to an inability to prioritize between the urgent and important, and what is less so.

Also, in high-stress and fast-paced jobs, all the tasks may be urgent and important, and that makes it more difficult because the individual does not know where to start. The person might be scared off into not doing anything.

We’ll talk more about this later.

(3) Poor Time Management

This occurs for two main reasons.

First, people far over-estimate what they can accomplish in a day.

If a person is overconfident in his own abilities, he may risk putting off an important or difficult task to a later date because he believes that with his capabilities, he will be able to finish it in time.

This is a common disaster scenario for a lot of people.

What happens in real life is there are lots of “emergency situations” that need to be handled, thus leaving little time to do what needs to be done.

Fact is, “emergencies” are something productive people PLAN ON.

Preparation meeting opportunity is luck.

Being prepared for the bad things happening is plain old smart.

Because they happen a lot…especially if others are dependent on you.

(If one person is dependent on you, you have twice the opportunity for an “emergency.” 5 dependents? 5 times the opportunity…make sense?)

Effectively Manage Your Time

Another person might stretch the number of hours available in a day unconsciously. He may plan his time without taking into account fatigue, meals or short breaks needed to keep the mind in tip-top shape.

Most people fail to prioritize their time effectively.

It is always easier to do the simple and unimportant tasks first, but this problem goes beyond that when the individual is unable to differentiate between what needs to be done first, and what is less important.

WHY is it so hard to do what matters most first? Continue…

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Boredom is a Catalyst to Procrastinate

(4) Boredom

An individual may also choose to procrastinate because the task is not challenging enough and he feels bored. He finds it difficult to concentrate on the task, and would rather be engaged in alternative activities.

This is especially the case for jobs which are repetitive and lengthy, and require very little thought. Not all work is exciting and stimulating, and certain tasks that are repetitive and unchallenging can cause the individual to be less motivated to excel and be productive.

I get that feeling of boredom when I am faced with house painting, for example. There are several things in life that numb my mind but painting is one of them. For me, preparing a wall is one of the most mind dulling projects you can do. For me, the process of painting is just that. One long process. So if I were to procrastinate, this would be a time that could possibly prime me for procrastination.

The project for which you are going to feel mind numbed is a predictor of boredom. There are all kinds of reasons people can be feel bored, it’s the response to the boredom that matters when it comes to productivity or what I’ve come to call “practicing for death” (procrastination).

If you need to paint the house, you need to paint the house. And because it’s (possibly) an irritating project because of the level of tedium, you MUST find yourself NEEDING to get it done NOW to get rid of the feeling of dread you will experience the next day and the next day.

Bringing yourself slowly into the future, considering the pain of delay each hour, as time goes by, really experiencing that pain gives you energy to complete the task.

When faced with this situation, get it over with as quickly as possible to free yourself from the pain!

(5) Poor Self-Worth (General or Specific)

Perhaps, the feeling of low self esteem happens across contexts.

That self perception is sure to generate procrastination in numerous areas of life.

The other obvious feeling is that self perception of feeling poorly about yourself in specific contexts. If you believe you can’t do something, or can’t to it to someone’s satisfaction, you are MUCH more likely to not even begin the task.

If you do begin the task it is much more likely you will stop early in the process and often never even complete the task, in ANY time frame.

There are a lot of people who constantly harbor thoughts that they are not good enough, or that they always fail, and are probably just stupid and incapable. This kind of negative thinking makes it difficult for them to attempt projects, especially important ones, as they feel so inadequate that they should not even be doing a task of this magnitude or importance.

Legend Point: People are as foolish as they choose to be, FEEL GOOD RIGHT NOW. They are as EFFECTIVE as they choose to be, RIGHT NOW. When faced with tedium, act NOW and carry on UNTIL you have completed your project.

The root cause of this form of thinking could be previous failures, or abrasive and abusive comments from people around them, causing them to be labeled with their own inadequacies and perceived shortcomings.

Other times you feel low self esteem. These situations include those where you simply are not practiced in an area. This lack of experience means you will have a LOW CONFIDENCE LEVEL of success/completion in a specific project.

By the way not all feelings of low self worth are self induced. There are plenty of people around you who will tell you that you are not able to do something.

When people have stereotyped you as incompetent or incapable, USE THAT AS LEVERAGE TO SHOW THEM THEY ARE WRONG.

Showing people what you really CAN DO is fun! It is rewarding. Let’s say it this way: showing people they are idiots for having underestimated you is …well…intoxicating!

In the past, people have underestimated me.

“He’ll never have a successful book…should get a ‘real job’.”


And then the warp drives kick in.

People who suffer from low self-esteem become unduly affected by people’s comments putting them down. They genuinely believe that they are inferior and incapable of working well which is RARELY TRUE.

I meet VERY FEW people that can’t achieve great things.

Unfortunately, believing prolonged condemnation from peers and the people around have caused them to firmly believe that failure is the only thing they can excel in.


Surround yourself with people who will push you or be certain of your potential.

(6) Perfectionism

Recover From Perfectionism
Some people have unrealistically high standards and expectations, and this causes them to procrastinate as they feel that they do not have the skills and abilities that are needed to complete it satisfactorily. They are afraid of attempting it, and not doing it perfectly, hence they make excuses that they need to acquire more knowledge before they can attempt it.

Sound familiar?

The best way to break out of this cycle is to tell yourself what your actual skill level is. Take 3 minutes and support the argument that you truly are capable. (If you are trying to convince your 5′ 10″ self to take up pro basketball at age forty, let’s not try to make that argument!)

First, the task is (probably) easier than what you think it is.

Perhaps you need to speak to your partner or supervisor at work to draw up an accurate and realistic level of expectation. Sometimes it pays to have someone who can provide you with an accurate mirror of where you are at in actual skill level.

If you are a perfectionist, your boss will probably be thrilled to tell you they admire your good work and would rather have you accomplish 100 tasks very well vs. 1 task perfectly.

In most situations, a job worth doing is doing well but in MOST situations doing it at 98% vs. 100% is possibly a superior choice. Each situation is slightly different. Are you a surgeon? An airline pilot? Let’s approach 100%.


OK, so why might you “avoid” something that could be ridiculously simple… continue?

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(7) Anger

Anger Can Cause Procrastination

This occurs when you find yourself avoiding the task, or simply refusing to complete it. Resentment could be involved. The cause of this could be an argument with your superior, or your teacher or project team. The feelings of anger and resentment against them can translate into an unwillingness to do what they have assigned you to.

Another common reason for procrastination could be the anger felt at having the task forced upon you, when you are either unwilling or uninterested in it, and have expressed so and been ignored. This would cause feelings of resentment and result in avoidance.

And the “list” goes on…

There are many different reasons why people tend to procrastinate, and this is a bad habit that many people participate in. …that MOST PEOPLE…participate in…

(8) Distractability

Some people can move forward, be focused, stay focused and accomplish projects, regardless of the distractions around them.

This is in fact one of the KEY predictors of success in life.

If you are easily distracted then be certain to put blinders on and filter out everything but the project you must work on and accomplish.

The distraction is always more interesting than the task at hand so you might need a LOT of filters.

Practice doing tasks through distractions and compel yourself to work UNTIL you have COMPLETED the task.

Ignore the distraction. To look at it. Don’t listen to it. Don’t consider it. Think only of the project at hand and do IT.

(9) Time

Stop Putting Things Off

Procrastination is in large part “putting off the doing of” something that is significant, but perhaps it is perceived to be completed or evaluated at some point in the future.

The brain convinces the mind it doesn’t need to do “it” now because it is not required RIGHT NOW.

This can be a good reason to re-prioritize. It can also be an excellent reason to DO IT NOW.

If the priority is high and the value of the project is quite high, then it probably makes sense getting it done now vs. later. But, because people almost always live in the moment, (vs. the future) it becomes easy to postpone projects until “deadline’s” come into view.

A nice reframe on deadlines is “dumb-lines. “Waiting til the calendar has been turned to yet another page is not smart if a task has a high priority.

Determine for yourself how you can best see the deadline as being moved up to tomorrow or today or next week, instead of the end of the month.

(10) Abstract vs. Concrete Desires

Recent research has concluded that people are much more likely to take valuable actions on concrete but not abstract desires.

This is pretty important in beating procrastination when you think of the significance of the line between commitment and completion.

As you look at your project list for the day/week/month, be certain that you have noted those tasks that MUST be done in concrete terms. Reframe those that are not important today/this week/this month into abstract ideas.

Get It Done

Changing the framing of your projects in the mind will allow your brain to break the procrastination addiction in a much quicker way than you might imagine. It almost seems like an unimportant nuance…it’s not. Try it for a week and watch how much you get done by this simple 3 minute exercise.

AND as a bonus tip for the day, allow yourself to set RANGE OUTCOMES in the course of each day so you don’t get bogged down into thinking about an EXACT outcome. Instead think, I need to get between 2000 and 2500 words written.

By combining the range with the concrete you create your HIGHEST PROBABILITY frame.

And the frame alone is typically enough to trigger you to get IT done.


There is a difference between being momentarily lazy, and procrastinating as a habit. By identifying the reason for your procrastination, you will be able to turn things around and finally get stuff done, enhance your productivity and feel a new sense of accomplishment and self esteem.

Discover a System of Decision Making That Will Clear the Way to Success

Decision Point with Kevin Hogan - International Speaker, Author. Join him each week for Coffee with Kevin Hogan and receives articles and actionable tips that help you and your business

Course begins soon!

If you’ve ever taken one of my Course Intensives, yes, it’s like them!

The Decision Point Course lasts 7 weeks and has more than 20 modules. You set your own schedule – you don’t have to be “in class” at any particular time each day. You get VIP access to a secret members-only section of the site and can log in at any time.

Registration today for the course that begins this week allows you to save $700 off the $1,995 price to the public.

If you could point to one word, to one factor, to one element or cause of what happens to you in your life, it is decision.

Maybe you have been experiencing one or more of the following:

Moving is always tough but when there are more than one person’s job or one person going to a school that they love and the possibility of leaving friends behind makes for what many consider an impossible decision. What do YOU decide? How do you decide?

Your investments have done OK but your total income saved for your future is terrible. There are a lot of options you’ve been told about but you really don’t know what to do. What will you decide? How will you decide?

Decision Point Kevin Hogan

You are a manager at your company and only have enough budget to pursue one product line. You can choose between an almost sure thing with a very modest return or a riskier proposal that could make you a superstar. What do you decide? How do you make the decision?

You’re on your way home for the holidays. You get stuck in bad weather and are put up at a local hotel. In the bar that night a beautiful woman strikes up a conversation with you and she has offered you the key to her room. What will you decide?

A relative lives with you. They take advantage of you but you can’t let them go because you don’t know what will happen to them. What is the right thing to do and will that thing be what you decide? How will you decide?

An elderly relative lives with you. They can’t take care of themselves anymore. You hate the idea of a nursing home or “worse.” You also want “a life.” What will you decide to do?

Your wife is two months pregnant. A test reveals the baby is going to be born with a disease that will require your 24/7 care for the rest of your life. She decides she wants to keep the baby. But you haven’t made your decision. What will you decide to do? How will you make the decision?

Your home has a horrible defect that you can cover easily in the selling process and the defect almost certainly won’t be discovered for years. Revealing it will reduce the price of your home $100,000. What will you decide to do? How will you decide?

You can stay at your present job which you really don’t like that much and live on a predictable but very modest income or you can pursue a venture that has about a 70% chance of success and if it succeeds, you would double your income. What do you decide to do? How do you decide?

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You’ve been thinking of getting a divorce but you’re just not sure. There are other fish in the sea but you wonder if you can still compete? Can you do better? What about the kids? What do you DECIDE? How do you decide?

Decision Point Kevin Hogan

You are involved in a custody battle for your children. One of the kids is misbehaving terribly and you don’t know whether you should spank them or discipline them firmly. The result could easily affect the results of the custody hearing. What do you do? How do you decide?

Two women have taken a liking to you. You date them both for some time. They both begin to talk about moving in and a permanent relationship. One is the kind of person you feel comfortable with and would be easy to love. The other is 10 years younger and is celebrity beautiful. Unfortunately, she knows it and enjoys being the center of attention. What do you decide? How do you decide?

And those are just a few of the decisions that face real people every day. Decisions that people are forced into and have no idea what to do or how to do it.

THIS COURSE shows you how to make ALL of the decisions above.

And it’s important to note, that the right decision easily can be different from person to person. Knowing how to evaluate THAT is crucial to everything you will do…but no one ever does it….

If you haven’t taken a Course Intensive with me:  this is not like other online courses you’ve taken. With me, a Course Intensive means you will have instruction in several media forms. Video, audio, and text. There is NO specific time you must meet with me every day, but you will have special VIP email access to me throughout the course. And you will have access to the members’ only discussion group.

About 50% of the people who take my courses collect all the materials and work at their own pace later. The other half work with me and sometimes with other participants when necessary, on projects that are necessary to learn how to make the RIGHT DECISIONS.

My Course Intensives are universally known to be challenging, results-oriented, pragmatic and show you EXACTLY how to get where you want to go.

It’s the Decision Point

Right Decision Wrong Decision Kevin Hogan

Decision making is a function of thinking that almost 90% of people do very poorly. Most people think that if something turns out well, they made a good decision. If something turns out poorly they made a bad decision.

And that conditioning is one of the biggest reasons why people are poor decision makers.

Decision making is first and foremost about MAKING DECISIONS IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Every day, people vacillate on making changes in their lives that they KNOW are absolutely necessary, but they decide to do nothing and hope for the best, only to live a life where nothing ever changes.

This is where we begin.


You will learn how to recognize situations where you are about to commit acts of self-sabotage. I’ll show you how to identify it long before it becomes an issue. I’ll show you how to crush self-sabotage so you can make a CHOICE instead of only having the ability to stay with the Status Quo.

This first week’s module alone will be worth the investment in the course.

How would you like to NEVER procrastinate again?

What would happen if you could actually MOVE in the DIRECTION that you want to, even if it is ONLY AWAY FROM WHERE YOU ARE TODAY?!

By the end of week one, you will have daily projects to do for several weeks that will almost literally beat the habits of self-sabotage and procrastination from your life.

Most people don’t know that procrastination is a habit you picked up, but it is NOT your fault.

The same is true of self-sabotage.

I will explain why, where it all started, why it happens to everyone and why it must be eradicated intentionally and with no little effort. By the END of the course, IF YOU FOLLOW the Decision Point Plan, you will have eliminated procrastination and almost all forms of self-sabotage.

I’ll explain in detail why self-sabotage is a little trickier and lurks in EVERYONE’S backyard waiting to strike. I’ll show you how to get rid of it and then prevent it so you never have to deal with it in the future.

And that is only week one! How we doin’ so far?!

Decision IS Destiny

Decision Point Kevin Hogan

You make decisions all the time. Generally speaking, the more decisions a person makes, the more successful they are.

The better a person is at making decisions, the more successful they are.

When you move from your old home to the home you are in now; maybe you moved because you wanted a bigger house, or to put the kids in a better school district. Maybe it was just closer to where your job is…more convenient.

And of course, in the case of uprooting and moving your family, you’re talking about a lot of variables, a lot of things to consider. You’re going to find out how to make the right decision in which house to buy and where to move.

What about leaving your job for some other opportunity?

FEAR enters the picture quite clearly and because the future is seemingly unpredictable, you feel frozen or stuck as to what to do, so you immediately default to stay in your same job. But there is a way to make this decision much easier. And you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you do….

But there are also the smaller decisions of life.

  • Which movie to go see…
  • Which show to watch on TV….
  • What to make for dinner…
  • Whether to go to the game or stay home….
  • Whether to take a vacation with or without the kids…
  • Whether to wear blue or black…

There is a simple method that takes little thinking at all to make these day to day decisions.

And then there are decisions that you make that influence other people’s lives like taking a new job, going into business for yourself, moving to a new area, having a surgery that has risks involved….

How do you know what to do? Don’t worry, most people haven’t got a clue as to how to make the right decision every time, and there is a right decision to make.

Then there are Destiny Decisions…those decisions that you make that will literally determine where you are going to be in three years or five years.

These are REALLY IMPORTANT decisions. Every day I see people screwing them up as if they are no big deal.

You’ll find out a methodical system that might take a very short amount of time or significantly longer, depending on circumstances. Nevertheless, you will find out exactly what to do every time.

Obviously, there are plenty of Black Swan’s (unexpected random events like hurricanes and terrorism) out there to get in the way of what you want in life, but nothing you can control impacts your life more than a decision).

Write that down.
Put it on the refrigerator.
That alone is worth $10,000, yes?

Nothing you can control impacts your life more than a decision.

Decision Point Kevin Hogan

How would life be different if you knew you were going to make the right decision, every time?

(Every time?!)

Did you know that in life, there is almost always the best decision?

What would happen if you had the method for decision making?

What would it be worth to have a simple systematic approach to decision making where the guidelines are from your head and heart?

Most people are paralyzed with uncertainty about whether they should:

  • Ask the girl to marry them.
  • Make a purchase.
  • Move from one place to another…
  • Quit their job…
  • Decide between committing one person or another.
  • Start a business…
  • Ask the girl to go out with them…
  • Send the letter or not…
  • Decide between hiring one person or another.
  • Get a divorce…
  • Send your kids to public or private school…
  • Choose from a new car, a used car, or no car…
  • Go back to school to get more education…
  • Fire the person or not.
  • Invest in stocks, bonds, real estate and not screw up.
  • Accurately plan for their future in all areas.

Why Do People Make Bad Decisions?

And…they make bad decisions because…we all have about 8-10 areas of failure in our brain….similar experiences where you make the wrong decisions over and over again.

(Like marrying the same guy five times, dating jerks, working for idiots, saying the wrong thing at the worst time, etc. Sound familiar?)

We’ll repair all of that. (If we don’t, life will be the same tomorrow as it has been in the past….)

Did you know there is a proven way to make the right decision in each of the above choices?


For the sake of discussion, let’s assume that is correct. There IS a method you can use to make the RIGHT decision just about every time.

It doesn’t take a genius to think, “I decide to make more money,” “lose weight,” “get a better job,” “get married to perfect person x”.

LEGEND POINT: Learning the process of making the right decision involves making that decision STICK, be UNYIELDING and barring a Black Swan, guaranteeing you will follow through.

Over the last 15 years, we’ve been fortunate to have studied the raw information about how to make laser beam accurate decisions. Complex software programs have shown scientists how to simplify the decision making process using some mostly simple (sorry, it’s not ALL instantly easy!) rules.

And now, you don’t need the software or the computer anymore…

And, by the way, in the last 15 years, there has been an incredible amount of research done about decision making that teaches and uses VERY FAULTY processes, that can’t and don’t work.

LEGEND POINT: You’ll experience FIRST HAND, how what seems to be an obvious decision, is almost always the wrong one….the costly one…(often the disaster one….)

If you follow that teacher’s advice, you’ll flat out screw up.

You’ll end up with next to nothing and headaches and heartaches to boot.


People, including a lot of authors, are lazy.

They don’t do the research.
They don’t test.
Why should they?

They get paid the same no matter what and when YOU screw up, they just say, “you did it wrong.”

Play along for just a moment.

Can I ask you a question?

Have you ever read that it’s been proven that 93% of all communication is body language?

Of course, lots of times. Everyone has read that.

And of course, it’s not true.

(It’s not even close to accurate.)

How could that be, it’s common knowledge…isn’t it?

There was one study done by a brilliant communication researcher 35 years ago that evaluated people saying one word to another, with the other person only being able to see the person from the neck UP. (that leaves about 90% of the body out of the study.) In this one specific instance, Dr. Mehrabian found that about 93% of the communication sent was at a nonverbal level. Obviously when people communicate with more than one word and people can see below the neck, all kinds of factors change the percentages.

Problem is people read something in a book written by Goofball X and they believe what she writes because she says it’s “scientific.”

People look at their lives and think, “I did everything I was told…”

Yep and look at that life. It didn’t work.

The guru didn’t do the research. They went with the party line and taught that.

I don’t care about the party line because I don’t like the people at the party.

Remember when Benjamin Franklin did his famous experiment about testing each of the virtues (temperance and so forth) for a month so he could eventually become adept at all of them? I’ve heard most motivational speakers talk or write about this. I’d name them, but it would take an entire page…

Anyway…You remember… but he gave up the idea after the first week …he never did the experiment. He wrote early in his biography that he was going to do the project and then soon after decided not to. Basically, he said it was impossible to do such a thing.

I’ve never heard ANYONE get that right, either.


And because you trust them YOU TRY IT and FAIL.

Franklin’s personal challenge didn’t work for all kinds of reasons I’ll show you later.

Question: Why did you believe he actually did the project?

Only one reason: …because someone you trusted or believed, an author, a teacher….told you that it was true.

Want a quick way to filter a crummy guru out?

If they tell you that story, they didn’t get very far in Franklin’s biography. If they tell you that, they’d tell you anything.

By the way…what did Franklin do instead?!

I’ll show you that at Decision Point, too.

The point is that MOST of the stuff people tell you to do…. that is “scientific,” that is based on laws of the universe or proven techniques is nothing more than their imagination having run wild.

…and following their advice will get you the same ultimate destination, every time…

Back to Start. (If you don’t go into foreclosure first.)

So why don’t the vast majority of people make good decisions?

Why are people AFRAID to make decisions at all?

They’ve been given crummy information and worse methods for how to choose and what to do.

It’s that simple.

(OK, there are eight other core reasons people make crummy decisions every day, but to pick on your neighbor here is so not cool…)

And what does the Power of Decision Point give you in life?

  • Choice
  • Personal freedom
  • No limits
  • The Ability to Succeed When Most Others Fail
  • The Ability to Make Big Changes in Life with Ease and…
  • Wealth if You Want It
  • A LOT Better Life If You USE The Power of Decision
  • Success when you use The Power of Decision.

You’re going to learn it ALL in this 7 Week E-Course.

If you’ve been in an E-Course with me, you know that although they are always convenient, they are also densely packed with practical, real life application as the end result. That is the same here. Everything you learn will be immediately applied to a crucial part of your life because there is a LOT going on in your life right now and a LOT of it has to change but you don’t know WHAT.

Each week you’ll receive a number of emails or documents from me. You’ll have homework assignments that are all real-life based…your life. You’ll be given audio’s to listen to or video to watch. You will once again, find out what “over delivery” means!

You’re going to discover:

  • How People Decide
  • Why Most People Make Almost All Bad Decisions
  • How to KNOW What to do…
  • The Four Factors of Luck and How to Tilt the “Luck Factor” in YOUR Favor.
  • How to Beat the Black Swan when Bad Luck Strikes…
  • All of the Successful Strategies for Decision Including Decision Point: MY PERSONAL SYSTEM

Do you sell something for a living?

[Pay attention: I’m going to show you how to analyze how your client WILL DECIDE on buying your product or service…and I’ll show you WHAT is going to happen next…think that might be worth $10,000?!]

I’ve never given the system for DECISION POINT to anyone.

I’m not going to write about it in Coffee….ever.

But the time is now to experience a truly transformational experience in an exciting and unique E-course.


No one else is going to ever show you this information. You’ll never experience these experiences with anyone else. You can’t find anything remotely similar “out there.”

So essentially, you’re stuck spending seven weeks with me. As with all of my Course Intensives, I am your PERSONAL COACH and you don’t have to be at any specific place at any specific time. The program is delivered via audio, video, and text.

So what’s going to happen in these seven fascinating weeks?

I’ll personally show you the problems you face when you make decisions.

You’ll find out the impact of other people on your decision.

I’ll show you how to minimize the NEGATIVE impact of other people on your decisions, including the people you might love or work with every day.

You won’t regret your decisions anymore.

You’ll understand how to MINIMIZE RISK and MAXIMIZE RETURN on both business and personal decisions.

I’ll show you EXACTLY what to do when the RIGHT decision you determine, FEELS completely wrong.

Finding out how your beliefs, faith, values and lifestyle factor into your decisions matters a lot to you. No one else shows you how to be true to yourself and others around you while you decide for your Self or for many.

Almost forgot…

At the end of the course, you will have one cool, big Coffee Table-Sized Manual that you will be able to refer to forever.

Your tuition: $1,995 but save $700 with this last minute chance to get in today!

A couple things before you apply!

  1. I reserve the right to reject any application for any reason.
  2. There may be a few group projects that are necessary for making decisions where two people are involved, instead of just you (as in a marriage, with kids, or at work). If you are unwilling to e-mail one of your fellow participants during these two projects do not apply.
  3. Everything is yours to keep, but you may not share or give away any of this information to anyone.
  4. If you’re still here with me, then I look forward to seeing your application!

$1,995 but save $700 today by getting your application in under the wire!

Apply for Decision Point


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Kevin Hogan

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World Class Business Kevin Hogan

World Business Class

Success in Influence, World Business Class Magazine, January 2018. Cover Story and Interview with Kevin Hogan


Costco interviewed Kevin for Body Talk: Actions Do Speak Louder than Words


Kevin's body language evaluation!

Sales Guru

Article by Kevin in Sales Guru magazine (based in South Africa). "Burnout: Escaping Living Hell"

What People Say

“Want to influence others? Want to persuade others? Want to sell others? Then Science of Influence is not just an option – it’s a landmark breakthrough of information you can use the minute you read it.”
"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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And as a bonus for joining, Kevin will give you two hefty eBooks: Mind Access and Overcoming Rejection.

Overcoming Rejection: Defeating the Painful Feelings of Being Marginalized by Dr. Kevin Hogan

The tips you receive in Coffee with Kevin Hogan will help you in your relationships and in your business. The fun stuff, well is just fun. Subscribe now and see for yourself.

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