Continuing last week’s theme “Self Esteem won’t make you Rich”, let’s take a look at another popular assumption – that Positive Thinking is somehow instrumental to success. Before we begin, I’m not going to tell you that ALL positive thinking is useless or bad. There ARE moments when positive thinking can be invaluable.

However, in most situations you face in life, positive thinking will have the opposite of the desired effect.

Let’s make a few simple distinctions in what “thinking positive” means before we go further. According to proponents outside of the academic world, Positive Thinking will help you: fight depression, alleviate physical pain, build a stronger heart, keep colds at bay, increase the length of your life, attract friends and achieve positive results! Presumably Terms and Conditions Apply….

Positive Psychology, in the academic realm, is something completely different, so here’s a quick lesson. Martin Seligman and a few others at the University of Pensylvania began focusing on Positive Psychology in 1998 as a reaction against the profession solely focusing on what was wrong with people.  Positive psychologists are concerned with four topics: (1) positive experiences, (2) enduring psychological traits, (3) positive relationships, and (4) positive institutions, and topics of interest to researchers in the field are: states of pleasure or flow, values, strengths, virtues, talents, as well as the ways that these can be promoted by social systems and institutions. Positive Thinking doesn’t even make the list, and is treated as DISTINCT from both optimism and the often more advantageous, realistic thinking.

Positive Emotion is yet another topic. Arizona State University researchers Affleck and Tennen looked to the strategies used by resilient individuals (demonstrating  positive coping strategies such as benefit-finding and cognitive reappraisal, humor, optimism, and goal-directed problem-focused coping) and found a number of benefits including  increases in psychological well-being and health.

So where is Positive Thinking Going Wrong?

Difference Between Positive Attitude vs. Negative AttitudePositive thinking is imagining excellent or ideal outcomes in areas of life where one has little or no real world experience.

It’s also known as “magical” or “pre-logical” thinking.

An example of positive thinking is, you or me going to the plate against a major league baseball pitcher and I imagine myself hitting a home run (or even hitting the ball in any way). I have no professional baseball experience. My “positive thinking” is thus a simple fantasy. However it is not to be confused with optimism. They have nothing to do with each other.

  1. Positive Thinking (visualizing excellent outcomes without previous experience) is not the same thing as Optimism. Negative Thinking is not Pessimism. They aren’t correlated or related in any fashion. Optimism is an important concept, but it must be clearly understood.
  2. Optimism is how you face, explain and survive real life.

Optimism has nothing to with being cheery or perky. This article won’t delve into optimism and pessimism, but because only 1/200 people can tell you what optimism is, you might as well know it as well so you can communicate accurately with others.

3 Categories of Optimism

Optimism is divided into three categories of how you explain life’s bad experiences and events.

I was playing scrabble on the iPad last night and was complaining about the computer cheating by giving us terrible letters to play. This is an optimistic explanatory style. Pessimism would be my explaining the loss at this round is because I am a bad player or I screwed up.


Most people are.

Real quick, a 30 second primer on optimism to break all those myths.

First optimism can mean that when bad luck/stuff happens to you, you don’t generalize it and explain it to mean that bad luck is ALWAYS happening to you and particularly more to you than everyone else. This aspect of optimism is referred to as Permanence. Explaining that in life bad stuff/luck is interested in you more so than the rest of the world is a pessimistic explanatory style.

Second, optimism can also mean you don’t generalize bad luck/stuff happening to YOU in one area of life to all the other aspects of a relationship or to life. You are terrible at table tennis and lost the game and therefore you might as well give up on everything.

This aspect of pessimism is referred to as Pervasiveness. “We had a fight means we will never get along.” That’s what the pervasive aspect of pessimism is all about.

“He was mean to me.”

“People are jerks.”

The above is an optimistic response.

“He was mean to me.”

“You’re going to have to try harder at making that connection,” sounds more pleasant but is significantly less optimistic.

Optimism and Causal Element Third, optimism can also be exhibited by one other explanatory style and that is about YOU as the Causal Element. “I am worthless, it’s all my fault, and all bad stuff that happens to me in life is because I allowed it to happen to me.” That is personalized pessimism. Laying the cause elsewhere (sometimes called blaming!) is an optimistic style of thinking.

Optimism is about your BELIEFS about what happens when bad luck/stuff over which you have no control happens to you. Bad luck/stuff in general is not personal. It’s just bad. Obviously if someone swindles you or kidnaps your child, that’s very personal. If you believe that will happen over and over again in life to you in greater proportion to the rest of the world, that then, is pessimism.

Pessimism is about believing the universe has it out for you, that everything is your fault and that things are never going to change for you over time and in greater proportion to other people. You blew one thing, therefore everything has to go to hell. It’s personally about you. Pessimism is more problematic than optimism.

As you can see pessimism is nothing like what you thought it was.

“Positive” Thinking VS. Accurate Thinking …

Accurate Thinking

Let’s now look at “positive” and “negative” attitudes in contrast to accurate thinking.

Chance and Optimism If you are at the roulette wheel (never a good idea by the way) in Las Vegas, and you put $100 on Red, and you think, “I know I’m going to win!” that is not a positive attitude. That is a foolish attitude. There’s no nice way to say this. The fact is you have a 45% chance of winning and to state it any other way is simply not accurate, meaning somewhere between ignorant and incorrect. This kind of positive attitude, reminiscent of The Secret, can be devastating, but the National Lottery does very well out of it.

Meanwhile, “I know I’m going to lose” is not a negative attitude. It is also a foolish attitude. The fact is you have … a 45% chance of winning … and to state it any other way is simply not accurate.

“Believing” you will win or lose at something that is random is a PROBLEM that needs to be FIXED. There is nothing “positive” about saying, “I will win” or “negative” when saying, “I will lose.” Both are indicative of deeper problems.

Kirk Scneider, the humanistic psychologist, classifies positive thinking as a distortion of reality, which can stunt psychological growth. Through his knowledge of research in the field, he concludes that traits like self-doubt and guilt, characteristic of negativity or mild depression, are more realistic and more conducive to self-growth.

How Are You Being Perceived?

Finally let’s look at how you are perceived by others when they hear you speak.

Your communication reception is about your Perceived Communication Attitude.

“How is your day, honey?”

“It’s a crummy day.”

This person is said to have a negative attitude but the listener only MIGHT be correct in making that assessment.

“How is it a crummy day, honey?”

“I got run over by a car and won’t be able to walk for 3 years.”

In this case the person is simply reading the crummy news. They don’t have a positive or negative “attitude.” The original Perceived Communication was initially experienced as “negative” because the person didn’t use happy, fun or pleasant words to express their thought.

“How is it a crummy day, honey?”

“I haven’t worked for months and I’m about to give up waiting for someone to call to hire me.”

This person has a seriously significant problem at hand. This person’s Life Response to a Situation is not constructive and it would appear the assessment of their negative attitude here is more accurate than not.

Some people have a Problem Based Communication Style which is often perceived as negative because of the framing of the communication.

“That’s not going to work dear. You gotta swing at the ball not at the flies.”

Many people observe actions and either see problems (current or coming soon) or no problem.

If they see a problem, they set out to avoid or solve it. People who communicate about the problems they observe or predict make excellent attorneys, medical doctors, psychologists, pilots and other people who need to see problems BEFORE they occur. These people generally are experienced as “negative” because problems are negative and when people observe and then solve problems they are in fact doing something that is not likely “fun, cheery and happy” by its very nature.

Meanwhile some people look at the person swinging the bat and say, “Good job Billy! You’re a great athlete and a talented ball player. You are going to be great at this.”

This is actually destructive in most scenarios. It sounds happy and cheery but when the batter fails not just at this at bat because they weren’t communicated with in an effective manner, they are far more likely to fail in all things where they hear this kind of pleasant communication. It’s counter-intuitive, of course. It’s simply the way it works out in real life.

This person is offering in-the-moment support on an emotional level. This kind of support at the right moment (rare as they might be) can be very helpful. Most people call this communication style a “positive attitude.” It just doesn’t end well for the receiving end.

And for today, I’m going to go with that simple assessment with the caveat that should be obvious. You better have someone you work with or live with that spots the problem BEFORE it occurs or becomes huge. In an ideal world, you’d have one person who learns the effective method of supporting others emotionally and the other who is looking out for the challenges that might be coming or that are here but not observed by the person who is communicating about feelings and emotions.

And feelings and emotions DO matter in life.

So, I did say that occasionally, Positive Thinking is actually helpful. So when?

Feelings and emotions that are painful can be very difficult to navigate. One of the reasons people have feelings that are painful is because they experience painful experiences often enough. Other times simple biology and genetics are at work. In either case, people who experience painful feelings and emotions tend to be better at predicting what will happen next in life. As painful as it is to have pain … being an accurate observer of life will make you a better driver, a more responsible parent, a more compassionate therapist, a more empathetic partner.

Thinking Positive It’s sad but true that about half of people feel their life is hopeless or that they are unable to cope with life at some point in the course of any given year.

On that dark day when your fingertips are barely holding you on the cliff, some positive images going through your mind for a half hour could save your life and stop you from doing something you would never have the opportunity to regret.

But in the course of life, those “need to think positive (life is good) moments” come back to haunt you with greater depression and less likelihood of happiness and success for longer periods of time.

When is Thinking Positive Helpful?

That said, there’s another time when thinking “positive” (fantasizing or visualizing) can be helpful.

When you find yourself doing something you are already very good at, thinking positively or having a positive image in your mind can actually bring you closer to your outcome.

The vast majority of the time, however, thinking positively will screw you deeper into the ground than you could imagine.

Positive Thinking to Excel That’s a pretty broad statement and there are still a few more rare exceptions which we’ll talk about a different day.

What is the BIG PICTURE about POSITIVE THINKING (visualizing/fantasizing) in MOST situations for most people?

Key Point: Positive imaging (imagining positive outcomes, dreaming, imagining ideal futures) essentially causes the brain to let down its guard because it has now experienced what it wants. The brain imagines something positive or nice and then it STOPS.

Positive Problem Example ONE: When John imagines what he will look like when he is 30 pounds lighter his brain really does feel better. It relaxes. This is one reason hypnosis is often effective helping a person relax or reduce stress.

The brain has now experienced being a lightweight. It liked the feeling. It now kicks back, turns on the TV and does nothing.

Positive Problem Example TWO: Meanwhile another person, Jill, is NOT imagining over and over about what she will look like when she is 30 pounds lighter. Jill, by contrast simply sets out to lose 25 – 30 pounds but doesn’t really think she can pull it off.

What Happens in the Real World? …

What Happens in the Real World?

Generalizing results over a number of studies, people who imagined themselves very thin, looking good, avoiding junk foods – found themselves losing a couple of pounds after one year. In some of the studies, visualization subjects actually gained weight!

Those who didn’t do the imagining but just set out to lose weight with no expectation of significance? They lose 25 – 30 pounds.

That’s pretty dramatic.

One person thinks positive.

The other person DOES positive.

One person says, “I probably won’t lose any weight,” which sounds “negative” but in fact that person is far more likely to succeed than the person who visualizes the dramatic weight loss.

The panacea of positive thinking can actually stunt the self-control required for goal attainment.

Does this notion of visualizing outcomes without real world experience in the scenario map over to other areas of life?

Getting a Job

Positive Thinking Results A two year study done by Gabriele Oettingen, revealed that students who graduated from university were far more likely to send out more resumes, have more interviews and get job offers after college if they did NOT participate in visualizing getting a job.

Those graduates that most often visualized sent out the fewest resumes, had less interviews and fewer jobs.

Again it’s really quite simple.

Visualizing turns the brain and body off. Relaxation and calm take over and the body goes into its lazy mode.

Effect of Positive Thinking on Mood

Positive visualization about how the  future will turn out can certainly boost your mood for a while, but might actually lead to increased depressive symptoms in the long run, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

In one study by Oettingen (again), Mayer,  and Portnow of New York university, the researchers had 88 undergraduate students imagine themselves in 12 different open-ended scenarios and to imagine how the scenarios would turn out. The participants wrote down the thoughts and images that came to mind and rated how positive or negative these fantasies were.

Oettingen and colleagues found that the college students who came up with more positive fantasies  seemed to be less depressed than their peers when measured on a scale. However, when the students completed the scale again one month later, they showed higher depressive symptoms relative to students who had imagined more negative scenarios.

“Our findings suggest that as pleasurable and helpful as positive fantasies are for depressive mood in the moment, they can be problematic and cumbersome over time,” said lead researcher Gabriele Oettingen.

Additional findings indicate that individual effort may help to explain, at least in part, the link between positive fantasies and depressive symptoms. College students who reported positive fantasies tended to report putting less effort into their coursework; this was, in turn, associated with lower grades and higher depression scores.

More thinking, less doing….

What about in Investing?

Oettingen also did a remarkable 2+ year study of USA Today Money section articles and developed an index to determine how positive or negative the articles were.

In weeks following the negative indexes (USA Today reporting more “negative news”) the markets performed well the following week. In weeks where the USA Today Money section was loaded with good news markets did poorly the following week.

And again it is in retrospect, quite simply.

When we hear about something good, we FEEL good and let our guard down.

Next week you and I will look at other examples of positive and negative thinking in other contexts and also consider important upsides of optimism and downsides of Perceived Communication Styles.


Personal Coaching and Mentoring
Inner Circle Membership
with Kevin Hogan

How would you like to be in a room with 12-24 superstars … all getting and giving cutting-edge insights into growing business, making more sales, simplifying marketing and making it all pay off?

Kevin Hogan's Inner Circle Mentoring Program What will happen when you have every secret in the mind of Kevin Hogan?

How would it feel to be the PRIORITY APPOINTMENT on Kevin Hogan’s SUCCESS CALENDAR, three times this year?

How would you like to have the answer to every question you have about making more sales, getting people in the door, running the unbelievably profitable website you so need, and closing every deal possible?
How might things be better if you could have one year of daily access to Kevin Hogan via email?

How would you like to know what Kevin Hogan knows two years before it hits a book, a year before it makes it to CD and six months before it is released in Boot Camp or one of five annual E-Courses?

That’s what is at stake.
If you qualify.

“Don’t apply for Kevin Hogan’s Inner Circle unless you are ready to confront all the reasons you are ‘stuck’ in your professional and personal life and you are now ready to ‘leapfrog’ forward!! That was my story…completely mired, tired and out of excuses. Six months later, my career is humming along…other salespeople are coming to ME for ideas. I have two websites up and plans for a third. I am writing one book, and planning another. Best of all, I wake up just excited, grateful, and life is truly fun. What did I get from the Inner Circle? Insights…a fresh look at my life…past, present, future…systems for time management…systems for life management…friendships with cool people…ideas, ideas, ideas…and the sheer fun of discussing them over dinner with great folks (the synergy of the other people in the group is a breathtaking ‘extra’).” Sonya Carlson Lenzo, Account Executive and soon to be best-selling author

A Two-Level System

“Platinum” and “Gold” Inner Circle

I’ve created a two-level Coaching and Mentoring Inner Circle for a very select group of people.

I have put together two different programs.
One is right for you. One is not.

The Platinum Inner Circle

Kevin Hogan's Platinum Inner Circle Mentoring Program If your family income is greater than $85,000 annually, or if your net worth is greater than $400,000, you can apply.

If not, it’s not the right program for you. (Read about Gold Inner Circle below.)

Before applying for the Platinum Inner Circle, you need to have a certain level of achievement and stability. IF you qualify, apply after you read what’s in this comprehensive program below.

IF you don’t, then look at The Kevin Hogan Coaching and Inner Circle Gold.

Inner Circle Gold will help you to qualify for the Platinum Membership.

For the Gold Inner Circle there is no financial qualification but you must be able to show yourself to me as someone who will DO what we design and plan. You need to be the person who will persist until ….

I’m going to spend a lot of time with you and typically people who don’t want to succeed … don’t.

I won’t work with anyone who is not serious about their success.
If you want to achieve some level of greatness. If you care about the people around you. If you have a strong, yet compassionate spirit, then we can talk. Check out Gold Inner Circle a little further down. It was designed for you.

The Kevin Hogan Coaching and Mentoring Platinum Inner Circle

A maximum of 4 people will join the Kevin Hogan Coaching and Mentoring PLATINUM Inner Circle during this application period.

I’ve carefully designed what I believe to be the optimal and most comprehensive coaching and mentoring program and inner circle … ever.

The Inner Circle is based on … what else … proven results.

But there is more than just getting results.
There’s getting WOW results.

Here’s the thing: When I’m around people I respect, I perform. I excel. I achieve at levels difficult to match in other settings. So do you.

But this goes deeper than information.

It goes to perception and accountability.

You will do better for yourself, your family and in your business(es) if you are in the room with Kevin Hogan than a hired hand.

And when I thought about it, I decided I do want to be there with you.
You are going to be part of something special.

We Meet Face to Face

There is no crowd. There is no audience.
There is no music.
There is no B.S.
There is you. There is me.
There are a few select others in the room and that’s it.
This is not a symposium.

You Meet and Network with Millionaires

This is a millionaire coaching and mentoring program.

This is about being in the Inner Circle.

It’s about access.

Accelerate Your Success

I’m there to help you design a *real* and totally workable plan to accelerate your business, your marketing process, and your sales. I’m with you to show you how to make it all happen.

I’m there to show you PRECISELY what to do to become an entrepreneurial millionaire or superstar salesperson…. if you aren’t there already.

A Step-by-Step Personalized Path

I’m there to show you what steps to take to magnify your income and net worth if you are. Our business was up 54% this year, year over year. Last year it was up 26% year over year. How about you? Are you OK with those kind of numbers….because I’m going to show you what I DO.

BusinessStorm for Success

I’m going to show you every secret I’ve learned about business building.
I’m going to show you how to grow and grow fast.

Design, Plan, Implement, Sow, Reap, Manifest, Magnify, Simplify

… and have time for those that you love.

Whatever your business (as long as you are accepted … there ARE some people and businesses that are NOT permitted to be part of either program.), it’s going to grow or I won’t accept your application. It’s that simple.

I know some people will want to be in the Inner Circle simply to be there. That might be OK but you do have to tell me that on your application!

This program has been created to meet your needs and mine.

Closed Door Inner Circle Meeting Sessions

First, there are four quarterly gatherings of our Platinum Inner Circle. You, me and as many as two dozen others. No more.

Then the door closes.

Once the door closes, whether we are in Las Vegas, or New York, I take you from where you are and then move you into the future…fast. Each participant leaves with an action plan and IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE.

We might have fun.

But it doesn’t matter to me if we have fun.

We are in person “live” for three purposes.

Grow and permanently SECURE your business, stabilize and improve your time with your family and make you more money.

That’s it.

Each applicant I accept will have a determined attitude. You will succeed or don’t apply.

Tele-mentoring for Follow Up and Accountability

45 days after each Closed Door full day meeting (in Las Vegas or New York) our Platinum Inner Circle gets together on the phone for two hours. The call is NOT recorded.

Results matter but more important is implementation. Was the plan implemented. Results can go up and down with the economy and a host of other factors.

Have the habits of achievement been integrated and manifested. Success follows results follows habits…

My question on the phone to each of you is simple: “Did you complete what we agreed you would complete?”

Then you tell me what you did and if you like, you can share results.

In addition to a teleseminar of brain dump information … this is an accountability call.


No one understands the necessity of the accountability factor in achievement. You see it nowhere.

I’m going to make SURE you DO those things that bring achievement.

“Your ability to focus and get to the heart of the matter in minutes is what I love about being in Inner Circle. It’s your greatest gift, (next to your boundless compassion and maybe it is a part of that) in my opinion.” Sonya Lenzo, St. Paul, MN

Achievable Goals

I don’t like the word, “goals.” It almost implies that something won’t happen.

It will.

When we set a series of short and medium term goals, they WILL happen UNLESS we have redesigned the plan. PERIOD. Failure is NOT an option. It can’t and won’t happen.

And there’s a lot more.

One on One Conversations

You and I are going to have a one on one conversation for just over an hour on the telephone. Not once, but three times. This is where you get to ask me anything you want. If you like, I will find any areas of self sabotage, extract them and set you off to your next success. This highly structured call will keep you FOCUSED on what matters. Make sure you are getting the 80 part of the proverbial 80/20 rule. In other words. You are going to start doing what matters and stop doing things that you don’t need to do!

No one else does this either.

Look, I’m a real person. I was born with ZERO.

I lived the first 20 years of my life in often devastating circumstances. That creates a pattern of life that is almost impossible to escape from.

But I did.

Personalized Focus

And I won’t let you fall into ANY patterns of behavior that will cause you failure. And that includes failure AT HOME. If you have a spouse, partner or kids, this program is going to make them the happiest people on the planet because they are going to UNDERSTAND what it means to them.

No one else takes care of this factor. I do because NOTHING MATTERS MORE. ANYTHING you need help with will be dealt with in the Tele-Mentoring sessions. AND you will get to share your successes and achievements with me.

This time together is RARE in the high level coaching world. I probably won’t ever offer this much of my personal time again, so do take advantage of it THIS YEAR.

Now we have dealt with the designing, planning, implementation, growing and harvesting and simplifying.

But there is more to ensure that success.

You Get VIP Access

Kevin Hogan's Inner Circle Coaching Program You’ll have an opportunity to participate in the newly upgraded and re-engineered 9 week Internet Marketing and Wealth Building E-Course that is modeled on the incredibly successful Professional Speakers Course I developed eight years ago.

Watching person after person get published, get hired, get paid, build programs and so on has given me the certainty to know that this is more than a good model, it is an ACHIEVEMENT MODEL. This E-Course alone is $10,000 to the general public but is a gift to you as part of the Platinum Inner Circle.

You’re going to learn EVERYTHING about Internet Marketing and Wealth Building on the Web in this 9 week course. Now, because of a few technical areas, I WILL have an assistant in sharing wisdom with you here. There are some technical issues that I am definitely NOT expert at. I won’t waste your time or my time trying to explain that which I have difficulty with. I will bring in the world’s leading expert in anything that you will need help with. I will not allow you to have anything but the VERY FINEST and MOST UP TO DATE information and the cleanest, fastest, no BS way to implement everything.

Nine weeks.

Whether you have a website today or not…nine weeks after you begin the Internet Marketing and Wealth Building on the Web E-Course, you will be well on your way to some pretty remarkable results.

Finally, as a nice dessert to all of these entrees…. four times each year you will be an invited guest to my quarterly teleseminars I offer to the public. They are each two hours in length. They are high content and very valuable in their own right but I need you on the teleseminar so you can learn how to GIVE a teleseminar and make all the right things happen that have to happen to build you long term credibility and success in your field.

Summary: If you are accepted into the Kevin Hogan One Year Coaching and Mentoring Platinum INNER CIRCLE here are all the benefits you can take advantage of!

Inner Circle Platinum Benefit Package:

1. Your choice of THREE of these courses for the 12 month period after you are accepted.

Live Event(s):


Influence: Boot Camp in Las Vegas 4 days. Value: up to $3997 to the public. March

Living Life Your Way 24/7. Las Vegas. Value: up to $3997 to the public. October

(Any “Live” event sponsored by Kevin Hogan during the year qualifies.)

Licensee Programs:

The Psychology of Persuasion 1-Year License to Teach. Value: $10,000 to the public.

The Science of Influence 1-Year License to Teach. Value: $10,000 to the public.

Body Language Mastery 1-Year License to Teach. Value: $10,000 to the public.


Decision Point E-Course. Value: $1997 to the public.

Information Product Creation & Development E-course: $1997 to the public.

How to Write, Publish and Make Your Book a Best Seller E-course. On Line, 6 weeks. Value: $1995 to the public.

Internet Marketing and Web Wealth. 9 weeks. $10,000 to the public. ($2997 in advance, 7003 due at the 100,000 income level in arrears to the public.)
Spring & Fall

How to be a Professional Speaker. 9 weeks. $10,000 to the public. ($2997 in advance, 7500 at the 100,000 income level in arrears to the public.)

The Comprehensive 8 Week Wealth Accumulation Course – $1995 to the public.

2. New Members– Three One Hour Telementoring Sessions with Kevin, exclusively! ($3800 to the public)

3. 4 Full Day Meetings with the Inner Circle in Las Vegas – Exclusive for Platinum Members ONLY – (not available at any price to the public)

4. The Inner Circle First Year Manual

Entitled with respect: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deutoronomy. Finding Yourself, Setting the Course, Building the Foundation, The Passionate, Focused Life of Love.

5. ALL Teleseminars for the public are free to Inner Circle Members

6. Inner Circle ONLY MasterMind Calls

7. Ask Kevin for mentoring and advice ANY TIME OF THE DAY FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. Confidential and Private, Personal or Business
(please utilize email as a courtesy)

8. THREE 50% off coupons for any CD or DVD program in our Resource Center!
Begin Building Your Success Library!
($3000 to the public)

Membership is $12,000 annually or $1097 per month charged to any credit card.

I reserve the right to dismiss any member at any time for any reason.

Venues for live events: Default is Las Vegas. Orlando/Miami, NY/NJ are other possible choices.

To apply NOW use this link:





Kevin Hogan Coaching and Mentoring GOLD Inner Circle Membership

Kevin Hogan's Platinum Inner Circle Mentoring Program This is a unique and unparalleled opportunity for the person who has not yet reached significant benchmarks of financial achievement as an entrepreneur, professional or salesperson, but is READY and HIGHLY MOTIVATED.

The Written Word

Shortly after you have been accepted you will receive an oversized Inner Circle Gold Manual that has everything you need to get you started and taking action….everything you need to start making a LOT more money…. NOW.

You will immerse yourself in this Home Action Guide and prepare for your first live coaching and mentoring Inner Circle Gold Session.

Live Coaching and Mentoring

The Inner Circle GOLD comes together four times annually on the phone for two hours. The call is NOT recorded.

Results matter, but more important is implementation.

Is the plan implemented….. Results can go up and down with the economy and a host of other factors.

Have the habits of achievement been integrated and manifested. Success follows results follows habits…

Follow Up and Accountability

My question on the phone to each of you is simple: “Did you accomplish what we agreed you would do in the manual?”

Then you answer the question and if you like, you can share results.
This is an accountability call.

No one understand the necessity of the accountability factor in achievement. You see it nowhere.

I’m going to make SURE you DO those things that bring achievement.

Achievable Goals

I don’t like the word, “goals.” It almost implies that something won’t happen.

It will.

When we set a series of short and medium term goals, they WILL happen UNLESS we have redesigned the plan. PERIOD. Failure is NOT an option. It can’t and won’t happen.

And there’s a lot more.

One on One Conversations

You and I are going to have a one on one conversation for just over an hour on the telephone. Not once, but three times. This is where you get to ask me anything you want. If you like, I will find any areas of self sabotage, extract them and set you off to your next success. This highly structured call will keep you FOCUSED on what matters. Make sure you are getting the 80 part of the proverbial 80/20 rule. In other words. You are going to start doing what matters and stop doing things that you don’t need to do!

No one else does this either.

Look, I’m a real person. I was born with ZERO.

I lived the first 20 years of my life in often devastating circumstances. That creates a pattern of life that is almost impossible to escape from.

But I did.

Personalized Focus

And I won’t let you fall into ANY patterns of behavior that will cause you failure. And that includes failure AT HOME. If you have a spouse, partner or kids, this program is going to make them the happiest people on the planet because they are going to UNDERSTAND what it means to them.

No one else takes care of this factor. I do because NOTHING MATTERS MORE. ANYTHING you need help with will be dealt with in the Tele-Mentoring sessions. AND you will get to share your successes and achievements with me.

This time together is RARE in the high level coaching world. I probably won’t ever offer this much of my personal time again, so do take advantage of it THIS YEAR.

Now we have dealt with the designing, planning, implementation, growing and harvesting and simplifying.

But there is more to ensure that success.

You Get GOLD – VIP Access

Kevin Hogan's Inner Circle Coaching Program You’ll have an opportunity to participate in the newly upgraded and re-engineered 9 week Internet Marketing and Wealth Building E-Course that is modeled on the incredibly successful Professional Speakers Course I developed eight years ago.

Watching person after person get published, get hired, get paid, build programs and so on has given me the certainty to know that this is more than a good model, it is an ACHIEVEMENT MODEL. This E-Course alone is $10,000 to the general public but is a gift to you as part of the Platinum Inner Circle.

You’re going to learn EVERYTHING about Internet Marketing and Wealth Building on the Web in this 9 week course. Now, because of a few technical areas, I WILL have an assistant in sharing wisdom with you here. There are some technical issues that I am definitely NOT expert at. I won’t waste your time or my time trying to explain that which I have difficulty with. I will bring in the world’s leading expert in anything that you will need help with. I will not allow you to have anything but the VERY FINEST and MOST UP TO DATE information and the cleanest, fastest, no BS way to implement everything.

Nine weeks.

Whether you have a website today or not…nine weeks after you begin the Internet Marketing and Wealth Building on the Web E-Course, you will be well on your way to some pretty remarkable results.

Finally, as a nice dessert to all of these entrees…. four times each year you will be an invited guest to my quarterly teleseminars I offer to the public. They are each two hours in length. They are high content and very valuable in their own right but I need you on the teleseminar so you can learn how to GIVE a teleseminar and make all the right things happen that have to happen to build you long term credibility and success in your field.

Summary: If you are accepted into the Kevin Hogan One Year Coaching and Mentoring Gold INNER CIRCLE here are all the benefits you can take advantage of!

Gold Inner Circle Benefit Package:

1. Your choice of THREE of these courses for the 12 month period after you are accepted.

Live Event(s):


Influence: Boot Camp in Las Vegas 4 days. Value: up to $3997 to the public. March

Living Life Your Way 24/7. Las Vegas. Value: up to $3997 to the public. October

(Any “Live” event sponsored by Kevin Hogan during the year qualifies.)

Licensee Programs:

The Psychology of Persuasion 1-Year License to Teach. Value: $10,000 to the public.

The Science of Influence 1-Year License to Teach. Value: $10,000 to the public.

Body Language Mastery 1-Year License to Teach. Value: $10,000 to the public.


Decision Point E-Course. Value: $1997 to the public.

Information Product Creation & Development E-course: $1997 to the public.

How to Write, Publish and Make Your Book a Best Seller E-course. On Line, 6 weeks. Value: $1995 to the public.

Internet Marketing and Web Wealth. 9 weeks. $10,000 to the public. ($2997 in advance, 7003 due at the 100,000 income level in arrears to the public.)
Spring & Fall

The Comprehensive 8 Week Wealth Accumulation Course – $1995 to the public.

How to be a Professional Speaker. 9 weeks. $10,000 to the public. ($2997 in advance, 7500 at the 100,000 income level in arrears to the public.)

2. New Members– Three One Hour Telementoring Sessions with Kevin, exclusively! ($3800 to the public)

3. The Inner Circle First Year Manual

Entitled with respect: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deutoronomy. Finding Yourself, Setting the Course, Building the Foundation, The Passionate, Focused Life of Love.

4. ALL Teleseminars for the public are free to Inner Circle Members

5. Inner Circle ONLY MasterMind Calls

6. Ask Kevin for mentoring and advice ANY TIME OF THE DAY FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. Confidential and Private, Personal or Business
(please utilize email as a courtesy)

7. THREE 50% off coupons for any CD or DVD program in our Resource Center!
Begin Building Your Success Library!
($3000 to the public)

Membership is $8,000 annually or $797 per month charged to any credit card.

I reserve the right to dismiss any member at any time for any reason.

Venues for live events: Default is Las Vegas. Orlando/Miami, NY/NJ are other possible choices.

To apply NOW use this link:

Membership is $8,000 annually or $797 per month charged to any credit card.

Apply NOW :



Coffee with
Kevin Hogan

persuasion newsletter

Coffee with Kevin Hogan, delivered Monday.

Dr. Hogan’s blog & newsletter are both 

…free forever.

You get the very latest and most important findings in human behavior, relationships, wealth building, outcome acquisition, nonverbal communication, mind control, covert hypnosis, selling, and marketing.

You’ll also get his book Mind Access, as his gift to you.

“Subscribe Now” and confirm it today by email the minute after you subscribe!

Latest Posts on Kevin's blog

Kevin Hogan Live in Wrocław​

Media Presence

World Class Business Kevin Hogan

World Business Class

Success in Influence, World Business Class Magazine, January 2018. Cover Story and Interview with Kevin Hogan


Costco interviewed Kevin for Body Talk: Actions Do Speak Louder than Words


Kevin's body language evaluation!

Sales Guru

Article by Kevin in Sales Guru magazine (based in South Africa). "Burnout: Escaping Living Hell"

What People Say

“Want to influence others? Want to persuade others? Want to sell others? Then Science of Influence is not just an option – it’s a landmark breakthrough of information you can use the minute you read it.”
"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

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Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

Subscribe to Coffee with Kevin Hogan today!

You can always write us at or

Pay attention to your spam/junk/trash folders, shoot maybe the neighbors!

 Coffee Bonuses

And as a bonus for joining, Kevin will give you two hefty eBooks: Mind Access and Overcoming Rejection.

Overcoming Rejection: Defeating the Painful Feelings of Being Marginalized by Dr. Kevin Hogan

The tips you receive in Coffee with Kevin Hogan will help you in your relationships and in your business. The fun stuff, well is just fun. Subscribe now and see for yourself.

Subscribe to the weekly e-zine, Coffee with Kevin Hogan and you will be first to find out the latest in persuasion, influence, body language, personal development, sales and marketing.

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