It sure seems like women remember everything.
I’ve got one of those memories that seems to recall more easily… concepts, facts, data, information. I know the year Ron Santo hit .267 for the Cubs. Billy Williams .333. I can tell you it was April 9 when I saw Hank Aaron be intentionally walked to first base (at Wrigley Field of course) in a pinch hit role when I was 11 years old.
So, that’s 1972. How is it that somebody can remember like, the batting averages, or, you know, that that’s the percentage of the time exactly that it takes the person gets on the base. It seems unreasonable that a person would be able to remember that kind of stuff, you know? And so, for some people who are crazy football fans or baseball fans, they know this specific information because it’s meaningful to them.
So, for me, I was ten years old and people thought that I could remember these things because I was good at math, but that’s not why.
For me, this was my life. I had to take care of my brothers and sisters all day and I was home all day. You know, you didn’t even go to school sometimes. But I always had a Cubs game on because I had a little black and white TV with the little aluminum foil thing going up there, and if I could watch the Chicago Cubs game then it was the coolest thing in the world. Once a year, I got to go to a baseball game with my friend Monroe Abel. He took me down and I knew everybody, all of the Cubs players. Getting to do that one thing is why I became so excited and so interested in baseball.
And… so I know that Jim Hickman hit a .280, and I know that Joe Pepitone hit .301. I know that Ron Santo hit a .267, and I know that Billy Williams had his all star year that year and hit a .333; those things are what stick with you because they are what matter to you. Those are the things that matter to you in life.
But ask me about what happened to the Chicago Bears that year? I got nothing.
The Chicago Bulls? Nothing.
I have no data.
I can’t tell you what we talked about last time we talked. (That’s good because I can’t tell anyone else either.) Many men’s minds seem to work in “problem solving mode” and when the problem is solved, they no longer need the information discussed in relation to the problem.
Women, on the other hand seem to remember different things, which to men at least…makes it seem like women remember EVERYTHING!
So, can a woman remember that kind of stuff? Continue reading…