Another U.S. Election is fast approaching.
Beach Season is turning into Cheerleader Season. Scratch that. I mean Football Season. Did I mention I’m in the Las Vegas Hilton Super Contest this year with 3150 of the world’s top handicappers? Man, I hope I can show my face in Vegas after this season is over. I’ll tell after a few weeks if I have a snowball’s chance… 🙂
All that in mind makes this an excellent opportunity to observe Propaganda, Persuasion, Attraction and Perception.
Today, you find out just what you really know about persuasion, perception, attraction, sex and propaganda…what works…what doesn’t.
OK, now get that pencil ready.
1) Which of these is true?
Kim Kardashian was born in 1981.
Kim Kardashian was born in 1979.
2) Read the following aphorisms in group one.
Woes unite foes.
Little strokes will tumble great oaks.
A fault confessed is half redressed.
Now read those in group two.
Woes unite enemies.
Little strokes will tumble great trees.
A fault half admitted is half redressed.
Now write the answer to this question down: Which of the groups above do most people find to be the most insightful aphorisms?
3) Which of the following is true? More than one could be correct.
a) When people are in a good mood they become more intuitive and creative.
b) When people are in a good mood they are easier to persuade than when they are in a bad mood.
c) When people are in a good mood they make fewer errors in logic.
d) When people are in a bad mood they are more intuitive and creative.
4) Which of the following, if either, are true?
a) Voters voting at the polls held in schools were significantly less likely to vote “yes” for propositions to increase funding.
b) Exposing people to images of classrooms and lockers at polling stations decreased the tendency of voters to support school initiatives.
5) People exposed to money primes (a Monopoly bill was in sight but not on the same table) students worked…
a) worked twice as long to solve a difficult problem.
b) worked almost half as long to solve a difficult problem.
c) about the same showing no significance to the priming with Monopoly money on performance.
6) People primed with money (currency visible but not mentioned by the experimenter and not on the same table as someone)…
a) helped someone pick up a lot fewer dropped pencils by a nearby student.
b) helped someone pick up a lot more dropped pencils by a nearby student.
7) Money primed participants were shown to sit significantly…
a) closer to each other in experiments.
b) further apart in experiments.
8) The impact of professional cheerleaders on the sidelines at home NFL games has been shown to be…
a) worth almost two points to the home team in point differential.
b) worth no significant advantage to the home team in point differential.
9) Are people more influenced by their own thinking, that of computer generated calculations, or the calculations of other people?
Subjects in a study are given the basic task of determining if 3D objects were the same or different from each other. There were three groups.
a} In one group they simply made their own choices.
b} Different subjects were part of another group. These subjects saw the results of what four other confederates had answered before them. (The information was all inaccurate.)
c} Subjects in a third group were told that four computers had calculated their answers and the subjects were shown those results. (These results were also phoney and the information was wrong)
In each group the subjects made their choices as to whether the objects were the same size or not.
One of the groups was right 59% of the time, another was right 68% of the time and the other was right 84%. Assign the above percentage of accuracy to each group below.
a) People making choices on their own______
b) People who had seen computer results______
c) People who had seen results of other people_____
10) The Confidence and Results of Experts Study. Two groups of people were put to test in Sweden. A group of fund managers, brokers and analysts, and, a group of psych majors in college.
Each group was asked which stock they felt would perform the best of the two. Then they were asked to rate their odds of successfully picking the right stock. In other words which stock is going up in price and what are your chances of being right in your prediction…
One group picked the better stock 52% of the time. The other picked the better stock 40% of the time.
One group predicted their average odds of success at 59%. The other was 67%
Assign the numbers above to the groups below
a) The professionals________
b) The college psych students___________
11) Can you change their BEHAVIOR by injecting one little thought, study?
Giving people games or thoughts to think about that are associated with God, causes people to be….
a) more altruistic
b) less altruistic
12) Among nonbelievers in God, when given games, or puzzles that prime thoughts about God, these people tend to be…
a) more altruistic
b) less altruistic
13) When researchers used words like civic, jury, court, police or civic responsibility as the scrambled words to be unscrambled, these priming words soon thereafter caused people’s behavior to be…
a) more altruistic and cooperative
b) less altruistic and cooperative
Before you approve that next brochure or think you have your website cleverly designed…you’ll want to know this about attraction…
Attractive people get a lot of attention.
Research shows that within the first 1/2 SECOND of seeing an attractive person, their attention fixates on the person. For those people not in a relationship, they stare up a storm when looking at an attractive person of the opposite sex.
14) Women in committed heterosexual relationships, will look longer at….
a) attractive men_________
b) attractive women____________________
15) Men in committed heterosexual relationships will look longer at….
a) attractive men___________
b) attractive women_____________________
Trying to figure out a name for your product, service or brand that is guaranteed to draw and get attention?
Naming new products might be easier than once thought. It turns out that vowel sounds can make or break success. Researchers created fictitious brand names that varied only by one vowel sound (e.g. nillen/nallen). They then varied product categories between small, fast, sharp objects — such as knives or convertibles — and products that are large, slow, and dull, such as hammers and SUVs. They asked participants to choose which of the word pair they thought was a better brand name for the product.
16) The name with the vowel sound disliked most by customers in a product name is…..
a) the “i” sound in “mill”___________
b) the “u” sound in “yuletide”___________________
c) the “o” sound in “orange”_____________________
17) The vowel sounds made with the tongue back in the mouth, like the “a” in mall, are generally positively associated with products that are…
a) sharp, fast, or small_________
b) dull, slow or big_________________________
18) The vowel sounds made with the tongue forward in the mouth, like the “i” in mill, are generally positively associated with products that are…
a) sharp, fast, or small__________
b) dull, slow, big____________________________
OK. Write your answers down.
If you’re starting to get really curious and feeling a little nervous about what you do/don’t know…that’s normal.
Check it out….
Buyer’s Remorse happens when we wish wouldn’t have bought it, no matter how happy we were at the time of the transaction.
Anticipating Buyer’s Remorse is *anticipating* we will feel regret after we have bought.
With this in mind:
19) When people anticipate regret, do they tend to regret…
a) More than what they anticipated___________
b) Less than what they anticipated_______________________
20) For those who negotiate by making reasonable offers and not acting greedily, if their strategy fails, after the transaction is rejected, do they experience…
a) More regret than those who make more outrageous offers____
b) Less regret than those who make more outrageous offers________
21) Recent research shows that people should:
a) consider the feelings of regret or rejoicing they might experience when they make a decision
b) not consider the feelings of regret or rejoicing they might experience when they make a decision
OK! Ready for answers?
The AnswersOK, go back and match up your answers with each question. A very brief but crucial note for “taking home” is at the end of each answer, where applicable.
2)This is scary. Various groups showed that the first group of aphorisms where words rhymed were seen as significantly more insightful. 3)People in a good mood use their intuition more and make far more mental mistakes. They also tend to be more creative. The correct answers therefore are: a) When people are in a good mood they become more intuitive and creative. 4) Both are false. Voters voting in a school tend to vote for propositions raising funding for schools. In fact, simply priming voters with images of schools, classrooms and lockers accomplishes the same outcome. 5) The research shows that people exposed to monopoly money or those who saw a screensaver with money on it… a) worked twice as long to solve a difficult problem. 6) Students exposed to money primes… a) helped other students pick up a lot fewer dropped pencils by a nearby student. 7) They sat further away from each other by about 10″. 8) Cheerleaders have no impact on scoring during the game. 9) People are compelled to follow the group and more so than computers because computers don’t add perceived social pressure to the equation. 10) a) professionals on average thought they would be right 67% of the time and actually made the best selection 40% of the time. Experts…often aren’t. 10 b) The college psych students on average thought they would be right 59% of the time and made the best selection 52% of the time. 11 a Watch for the next Quiz. You’ll find it surprising as well!
Are you about to be one of the most highly paid people in the world? “How to Start, Build and Make
“Kevin, this week I secured a further 12 speaking engagements. This is the start of my career and I want to speak wherever I can. However, get this…I am also speaking at two large engagements with 500 and 600 attendees respectively. I am just doing everything you told me to do. I am getting myself out there in every shape and form and it all is beginning to happen. I am on the edge of some great things. I owe so much of this to you, Kevin (and that is underplaying it)!” Adam Eason, |
The article was written by a staff journalist. Superb writer. Articulate. Makes a good argument. And he could easily be earning 10 times what his paper pays him…easily. Sorry my friend, that was your choice.
Not only is there no reason that you can’t be “overpaid,” I’d be surprised if anything else was the result.
You don’t have to be a dynamite speaker to earn $100,000 per year speaking. You don’t have to have a college degree and you definitely don’t need a decade of experience.
You need a coach with connections and a detailed plan.
You don’t have to be gorgeous (I can show you photos…), intelligent (I can let you listen….) or even “have money to make money.”
I will outline for you in absolute minute detail how you, too, can:
- Control your income level. (Decide how much you want to get paid!)
- Develop programs, products and written material superior to all competitor’s
- Have your own Boot Camp (which is the fastest way for participants to accelerate their career and their lives!)
- Learn why Boot Camps are the best investment per dollar spent for every participant.
- Have knock ’em dead platform skills…inspire…entertain…inform…change lives
- How to use publicity to build your self and your business
- How to position yourself as THE expert in your field
- Use the internet to add enormous amounts of money to your income.
- Give profitable teleseminars that people desperately need
- Dominate your market
- Where the hottest markets are right now
“Kevin Hogan lays a path that magnifies your ability as a speaker. Whether you are currently on the speaker’s circuit, or have a burning desire to join, you owe it to yourself to better your abilities with Kevin’s Speakers E-Course. The information you will receive will answer all of your questions and then some. If you are serious about maximizing your potential, get into this E-course!” Matthew Shields, President, Emc2 |
I got paid $500 for my first paid public presentation. Now that may not sound like a lot to you, but this was 1987 when $500…was about twice what it is today. I was 25.
Two years before that presentation, I earned $14,140 as a restaurant manager that worked 54.90 hours per week. (Do the math.) I was not a good manager. To my credit, I was a customer-service-junkie manager. I wanted every customer served at light speed and with the best we had. But I didn’t care if the paperwork was up to date…didn’t care if the drawers added up perfectly at the end of the night. They were always close enough. (If they weren’t I put in my own money and found how the cash disappeared later…) Didn’t care if the coupons were all entered into the registers. I just was not a bookkeeping kind of guy.
I didn’t mind paying lazy employees minimum wage and good employees twice that. But the restaurant did. Employees needed to be paid roughly the same amount of money….How stupid was that?! Lose your best employees to the first real job they find…and I’m stuck with what’s left. I shared that with the regional people. They didn’t like my non-conformist attitude. I confess that I never read “the company handbook.”
That got me into more than occasional trouble. I didn’t know you couldn’t help people with their family problems at home, compliment the lady on how nice she looked that day, tell the guy to get his backside in gear, or bet on the Vikings. I managed “by Mom.” I managed the store like my Mom would have. (And by the way…we were substantially profitable that year over and above the previous year even with bad weather at the holidays!)
I didn’t get fired from THIS job. But I should have. I hated the rules…well I would have if I would have read them. The Regional Manager kept reminding me of the rules. I would almost get ill when I would be lectured about “the rules and policies”. Policy always sounded like Police to me….
“Kudos for your Public Speaking Program. And I never even have to leave the house. I actually love doing in-person presentations, but they aren’t the only way to do things. I also do teleseminars, and I have just launched a new joint venture project with some of the big names in Internet Marketing. I am interviewing 7 of Mark Joyner’s Space Monkeys from his 7 Day Business Turnaround Kit, and Mark himself. The participants include Jason Henderson, Michael Morgan, Tom Justin, Reed Floren, and more. Thank you for the inspiration, the skills, and giving me the courage to make this dream into reality!” Tania Baildon, Wealth Virus Expert |
It just wasn’t for me. I quit before finding more ways to get “fired.” (No one was “downsized” in those days.)
I wanted to do something FUN, EXCITING, and something I LIKED. My two co-managers LOVED their work. The place was a perfect fit for them…but not me. I was a square peg and had no intentions of getting any more shaved off on the sides to “make me fit.”
Napoleon Hill sat by my bed every night. (Think and Grow Rich, that is.) I was going to do him proud….
Moving from the point of being a speaker who wanted to “get good,” to a professional was a pretty big step for me. I was going to ask for $500….
I was REALLY young. Why would anyone PAY ME to talk to them?
And once I decided to actually answer that question…
It was 1987 at Moreland Elementary School. I talked to the 400 kids packed into the gymnasium about drug and alcohol use. The good. The bad. The ugly. I was scared to death (almost literally, as I suffered from severe panic disorder in 1987…I had panic attacks 3-6 times per week…they were random…I never knew when they would come.).
I was 25 years old and my life dream was now officially on day one. I didn’t do it alone. I asked for help and I had help. I had a friend helping me. Someone who was as dedicated not to my dream but the message we wanted to share. In fact, there were 2 or 3 people like that. None of us got rich. We weren’t in that frame of mind. We shared a powerful message to people who wanted to hear it…and a lot that didn’t. Later letters and testimonials would show lives saved, endless appreciation, recommendations to other schools and organizations.
Two years later I spoke to South St. Paul High School. $1000. I had an enormous audience of students, teachers, parents. The place was packed. Same subject. But media covered this one. We came up with a neat angle that tied us into a national campaign. That was a very, very good thing because it was the beginning of the next level…
In fact most of my early presentations were all $500-$1,000 per day (several presentations per day at each school). They were in front of schools…kids…the toughest audiences on the planet…and I survived to tell about it!
I don’t have detailed records (what a surprise)… but I did about 15 schools per year for four years. I made more money in those 15 days than I did the entire year in 1986.
“Wow, you really do over-deliver! I have at least 2 months more work to do even after the course is over. I am not complaining…this is GREAT. I have arranged 3 speaking engagements already and I have a blueprint for my future speaking to be successful. Not only have your prepared the soil you have helped water and fertilize it! I previously thought speaking was just speaking, but boy, was I wrong! Thanks for helping me open my eyes – and – giving us tools to manifest what we are learning. All of the add-on information helps us have multiple streams of income as well as better and more effective marketing. What you have delivered is more than what I thought I would receive, and frankly, it is worth more than you charged. I can’t wait to get to the $100K mark…you have already deserved a bonus and the course is not over yet!” Karl W. Ellerbeck, NCMT |
I made the audience members’ adrenaline pump. I was unconventional. I did a lot of things most speakers would never do in front of an audience. I was not politically correct. My lack of judgment in content often got me a few scowls but, by-and-large, they liked the 25 year old…
I worked hard to get the dates…next to no one knows how to go from anonymous to known quickly…and I was no exception. I had to learn the hard way. But I learned.
I learned how to get paid even when they didn’t have ANY MONEY. I learned how to get paid and my audience was children, which meant ZERO back of room. I learned how to get paid when there was literally no budget, no allotment, no nothing. Each month went by and I learned another secret. Another insider idea that would pay off over and over again. The kind of stuff no one on the outside would ever think about…which is why they were on the outside and I was in the jungle on safari!
Today…things have moved along nicely. I have been invited to speak literally from London to Australia. It took me an enormous amount of time to learn how to move from level to level. 500 to 1000. 1000 to 1500. 1500 to 2000. 2000 to 4000. 4000 to 5000. 5000 to 10,000.
But the hardest leaps were the early leaps. Constantly having to justify how I could be worth 1000.00 for one day…
And that’s what I want to help you do.
I want to show you how to move from zero to whatever you want to earn. (There is a cap by the way, in what you get paid for speaking. You can do X dates per year. That’s it. There IS a cap so don’t think you will make 100,000,000 just from speaking. You won’t! You simply get paid more than all of your friends and peers and most everyone else…a lot more.)
Here is what you are going to learn in your 8 week course:
- How to get companies to pay you more than you have ever been paid in your life.
- How to Get White Glove Treatment. Get the company to pick you up at the airport in a limo, assign you your assistant, bring you to your world class hotel, drive you to the convention, buy you a gourmet lunch, wine and dine you at night and return you feeling like you never have felt before to your hotel ready to return home in the morning.
- How to get them to pay you *in advance*.
- My contract that I use with companies all over the world…I’m going to give it to you.
- Typical contracts that they respond with! (They don’t tell you this in Speakers 101. You have to learn that their contracts are written by big shots who don’t care about you or your speaking. They are the company attorneys.)
- How to easily negotiate your fee (usually in one minute or less) and the terms of your contract.
- How to get nonprofit organizations to pay you when everyone else is speaking for free.
- How to get THOUSANDS of dollars from nonprofit and charitable organizations that do not have “ONE CENT” to pay your fee… (I lived on this secret for three years!)
“This class has made me realize that almost anything is possible. Your class gave me every tool necessary to not only begin my speaking career but catapult it forward. You not only made me realize my commitments – but put me on the road to achieving them. You are an incredibly intelligent, witty, dependable, thoughtful, inspirational, energetic and authentic human being. All of that bundled with the fact that you truly care about others makes you very unique. It was an amazing experience for me to begin this e-course and over a period of eight weeks learn all there was to learn about becoming a professional speaker. You are a genuine giver. I hope others don’t miss the opportunity to spend time learning from you. You have changed my path and I thank you for it. Thank you for helping me get my website up to the #1 position on Google.” Tonya Reiman, |
- How to develop a wealth of material that is YOUR UNIQUE MATERIAL to use when speaking.
- How to develop stories from YOUR LIFE that you can tell over and over for tens of thousands of dollars. Never will you have to tell someone else’s story again.
- How to build YOUR name so YOU become your own BRAND.
- How to start tomorrow!
- How to get newspapers and TV to come and cover you tomorrow!
- How to get free television time that would cost you tens of thousands of dollars if you could afford to pay for it.
- How to get international gigs. (Read that as get paid to travel first class to the most exotic places on the planet!)
- I’m going to show you EVERYTHING you MUST do from square one to square 100.
- I will fill in every step.
- I will show you every secret.
- I will show you who is getting hired, why and where.
- I will show you how to work as MUCH or LITTLE as you want to.
- I will show you how to get INVITED BACK next year so you don’t have to market to that group ever again!
“Kevin, with two thirds of the Professional Speakers Course behind me you continue to challenge and push me beyond limits I did not even realize existed. With over 400 pages of unadvertised course manuals, 20+ hours of recorded training material, continual opportunities for active participation and one third of the training still to come, I cannot fathom what you have left to share! I haven’t even read about a course that contains half of the materials that you have covered to this point, and still say there is more! The opportunity to interact with the other participants really pulled it all together. Thanks…so far.” Murray R. Mortlock, CD, Alberta, Canada |
I will hold nothing back. If you need the answer to ANY question you will be able to ask at any time.
The complete plan is here for you. Nothing is left out. No additional secrets. Everything is here. Everything.
The course works like this.
10 people participate (I’d work with 50 if I had the time, desire and energy…it’s not that “space is limited”…it’s not…it’s an E-Course.)
Each week, you’ll receive your lesson for the week. One week it’s a video tape that will arrive in your mailbox. The next week it’s densely packed information and crucial data you get by email. The next week it’s YOU making a video and sending it to me to FIX. Not only will I show you how to present so they WANT YOU BACK, I’ll show you what to do to become a truly SUPERB speaker so they will be talking about you the next day!
Yes. I’m going to show you how I create and develop presentations so that you can literally talk for DAYS and not cover the same story or material twice…all without a script.
This program not only shows you how to make money but…if you choose… how to become one of the best!
Crucial: In order to get feedback on the week’s assignment you MUST get your homework to me by the end of the week. I won’t play catch up with anyone. It’s your life, not mine….and it’s MY LIFE, not yours. I’m dedicated to you, you dedicate to me. If fixing the planter in the back yard is more important than the rest of your life, then don’t register for the course.
At the end of the course, you will have my attention for quite some time because of how I earn my money…
Each participant pays a grand total of $10,000 per person.
I’ll do 100% of the work to get you where you want to be, if you will put a 30% deposit down. (Or less…!)
You enroll for only $2997. (Or choose an easy installment pay plan!)
Then you give me your word (and a signed note) that after you have earned $100,000 in speaking fees, you will pay the balance.
I’m going to write letters of recommendation, take phone calls for you from potential clients, help you in ways that only someone in the field can, and be here for you when you need any holes filled in for you.
If we have corresponded or talked in the past…this is who I prefer to work with. But even if we haven’t as long as you have integrity (total integrity) and a strong desire to succeed, you can participate.
I retain the right to turn down any application for any reason prior to the beginning of the course.
If you want to lead the field, I want to help you. Oh, and if I’m anywhere nearby when you are giving your first speech after you hit the $100,000 mark, I will be there in the audience cheering you on.
Here’s your chance. You’ve always wanted it.
You’ve always dreamed it.
Whether you are 25 or 75…don’t die with your music still in you…this is the opportunity of your lifetime. Let’s have fun together and make some music!
Your Price Today: $2997
Apply for the Professional Speaker E-course