Two weeks ago, I spoke before a group of 200 therapists. I verbally gave the audience two different lists of 7 words each. Both groups of words had a common theme. Immediately after being given each list the audience members were asked to write down the words I said. In both cases over 40% of the people “remembered” a word that I had not said. Here’s one list I used:


As you may have guessed, 40% of the participants remembered the word “sleep”, although that word wasn’t in the verbal list.

The brain fills in what “should” be there, even when it isn’t. People will often tell you that you absolutely said or did something because you were “supposed” to, or they thought you would, but indeed you did not say or do that thing.

When I consult with individuals about their business, I show them how to utilize the process of “remembering” (which is really not much more than constructing) in their business model.

Real Estate Agent to each person they speak with in the attempt to gain listings: “This year you have spent a lot of time thinking about moving…what have you been thinking about the most?”

This presupposes that the man at the bus stop or the office has been thinking of moving. He may or may not have been, but he will now.

Fact: People think thousands and thousands of thoughts. Because you suggest it, the individual constructs possible memories of what you have suggested. They will then tell you precisely what you have suggested.

As early as one year old and maybe earlier, infants “fill in” where their senses have left them without information. Because of this, our brains adapt to our environment. Unfortunately, this means that our memory is our “story” and not anything like a VCR on “play.” Two people seeing the same catch in the end zone will tell you two completely different points of view as to whether the foot was “in” or “out.”

Police officers will happily tell you of hundreds of times two people see completely different events even if they are married, best friends or standing right next to each other while an event happens.

Elizabeth Loftus helped bring the true function of “memory” to light.

During a recent study of memory recall and the use of suggestive interviewing, UC Irvine cognitive psychologist Elizabeth Loftus successfully planted false memories in volunteers of several study groups — memories that included such unlikely events as kissing frogs, shaking hands with Bugs Bunny at Disneyland, and witnessing a demonic possession.

Her success at planting these memories challenge the argument that suggestive interviewing may reliably prompt real memories instead of planting false ones. A pioneer in false memory research and Distinguished Professor of Social Ecology at UCI, Loftus presented her latest research at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting in Denver at the “Remembering Traumatic Experiences in Childhood: Reliability and Limitations of Memory” symposium February 16.

Most exciting:

Loftus conducted her study by having volunteers conduct a set of actions that mixed the common place (flipping a coin) with the unusual and even bizarre (crushing a Hershey’s kiss with a dental floss container). Later, her research team asked volunteers to imagine additional actions they performed that day, such as kissing a frog. At a future time, participants were asked to recall their actions on that specific day. Ayanna Thomas, a doctoral student in Loftus’ research group, found that 15 percent of the study’s volunteers claimed they had actually performed some of the actions they had only imagined.

In another study, Loftus showed how false memories can be planted with a visual. Loftus and her colleagues exposed volunteers to a fake print advertisement describing a visit to Disneyland where they would meet Bugs Bunny. Later, 33 percent of these volunteers claimed they knew or remembered the event happening to them. (Bugs Bunny is a Warner Bros. character and has never appeared at Disneyland.) The false memory rate was boosted when people were given multiple exposures to the fake advertisement. In one study, 36 percent of those given three exposures said they met Bugs Bunny, compared to only 9 percent in a control condition. Loftus’ collaborators on this study included Kathryn Braun-LaTour, Melissa Grinley and Jacquie Pickrell.

These studies continue three decades of research by Loftus proving that memory is highly susceptible to distortion and contamination. Her past work has shown that people can be led to remember rather familiar or common experiences, even when these experiences likely had not occurred. Much of Loftus’s work has focused on false claims of repressed memories of sexual abuse. She also has shown that eyewitness accounts, notably those given in court, often are inaccurate. Loftus has served as an expert witness or consultant on some of the nation’s most high-profile trials, including the McMartin Pre-school molestation case, the “Hillside Strangler” case, the police officers involved in the Rodney King beating and the Bosnian War Trials.

Ranked among the 25 psychologists most frequently cited in introductory psychology textbooks, Loftus is the author of “Eyewitness Testimony,” which won a National Media Award, and co-author of the widely cited book, “The Myth of Repressed Memory.”

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Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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