Kevin Hogan

International Speaker

Latest Articles:  Stopping the Black Swan Can You Become a New Person?

Winning causes backers to come. You knew that. Success breeds others confidence in your success. Winning may not be everything but it is mighty difficult to find people to knock on the door to sponsor the Arizona Diamondbacks.

Of course, popularity has a price. As a rule of thumb, the more people back someone, the more people will oppose that someone. The President is the ultimate extreme of this. 50% of the people will vote for the man who will become the most popular…and instantly disliked person in the U.S.A…. Be that as it may, 50,000,000 people are behind you…that’s a whole bunch of supporters.

How Do You Get People to Back You?

The point is simple. If you want to get people to back you, you want to start winning.

Want to make people feel confident in your abilities…in their own abilities? Make the people around you feel secure. The baby who is secure and confident goes looking around her environment. The terrified child clings to Mom and stay there.

Want to make people feel that they have the flexibility to create and develop new ideas and techniques?

Cause them to feel secure.

How Do You Make People Feel Secure?

Praise them at every opportunity.
Reward them.
Give them projects that have responsibility and accountability and let them succeed.
Tell them you expect them to succeed.

What if this person is you?
Do all of the above.
(Stop, read, reread and think about just how you want to do that!)

Confident people often become confident by successfully solving problems. People often lose their confidence by failing…but there is much more to it than just this. Look at what happens when confidence is an affirmation or one idea, one stop experience.

Does solving a problem always lead to confidence and success?

Does making a mistake today have to cause long-term failure?

Solving big problems in no way causes long-term success.

Not a chance.

Solving problems no matter how big they are is typically related to SHORT-term success and TYPICALLY causes more future LONG term problems. Read that again!

If you don’t solve the SHORT-term problem you often lose it all, but to solve a problem and forget about it?

One of the most amazing hidden facts of life is that solving big problems often causes other problems.

150 years ago it took weeks for someone to go from New York to Chicago. That can be a problem for a growing country!

Solution 1: Enter the car. That gets people moving much quicker. Eventually everyone owns one (or two) and you end up with emissions problems and pollution!

Solution 2: Enter the airplane. That gets people moving REALLY fast. Eventually it is the accepted mode of traveling more than 500 miles. But problems that never existed before in life are now every day fears. Hijacking, terrorism…you get the idea.

Solve one problem and you create a cause for another one.

Hypothetical: Countries that have starving masses might get money and food to feed the people. People now live longer but the environmental and weather conditions stay the same. With far more people living yet another food shortage occurs…a direct cause of saving lives and improving a nation.

Real life: Using antibiotics saves millions of lives and extends life when fighting bacterial infections. The long term problem caused by this? Millions and millions of people are becoming immune to antibiotics to the point where eventually they will not work…and people will simply die of the same things they would have died from 75 year ago.

Real life: The development of the Social Security system (completely taking care of those over 65 at taxpayer expense) was a welcome solution to an enormous problem 60 years ago. By taking taxpayer money and establishing this program, we helped millions of people live a much more comfortable life than would have been possible. Countless millions were precluded from living on the streets and becoming homeless. 10 working people could easily share the burden of supporting a modest but sustainable living for the elderly across the nation through the FICA tax.

Today there is a new problem caused by the old solution. It now takes 5 people now support the non-working elderly person and the system is 100% broke. There are ZERO dollars in the “fund.” And, the government isn’t taxing people who work to take care of those who don’t at a higher rate. This puts an unbearable stress on our children and grandchildren, who in just 20 years, when your child or grandchild is working…will need to pay 40% of their NET income… over and above their current income tax and FICA…why? Because only 2-3 workers will support the elderly person who doesn’t work.

Why? Simple, their will be 1/2 as many workers. Twice as many nonworkers.

That will cause a generational rift of unimaginable problems in the United States. The young and the old will be at war. The old will feel entitled to “their money.” (There is no such money.) The young will believe that their money is theirs to keep. And even by paying over 50% of net income in taxes, the “system” will still be broke.

There are no plans in place to solve this growing crisis because what politician wants to tell you and me what is really happening? Not a one.

Even if we were able to pay our past debts of the past as a nation, we would still go bankrupt. And, there is palatable solution. (The only workable solution will be to keep the benefit at about 1/2 of the current payouts and only double the tax on workers. You think the baby boomers will vote for that option? No. They will vote for the candidate who will bankrupt the nation.

The confident individual will develop plans and then implement them to save enormous amounts of money over the next 20 years.

About 25 years ago the USA helped the Afghan rebels fight the Soviet Union. One of their leaders? Osama Bin Laden.

About the same time we helped a new leadership stabilize and fight Iran to keep a stable balance of powers in the Middle East. The leader? Saddam Hussein. Solve old problems causes new problems.

The problems we had were significant and the solutions did work…for awhile… But as you can see bigger problems ultimately emerged. Mistakes don’t cause you failure. Fear and panic do.

Stop panicking. Start solving the problems that are here now. Then put into motion what to do when the solution becomes the problem. Having the back up is where confidence is built and permanently maintained.

Another Way to Gain Confidence?

Body Language: Decoding,Interpreting & Mastering Non-Verbal Communication with body language expert Kevin Hogan, Psy.D.

You are going to learn to read people in virtually an instant. I’m going to introduce you to what I do when The New York Post, First for Women, Cosmopolitan, Playboy, The Star, Maxim, Success, Selling Power and the rest of the media call!

Over the past two years I’ve collected over 100 pictures of celebrities that I have analyzed for the media. Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Angelina Jolie, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, The Sex and the City girls, Drew Barrymore, Kurt Russell, Goldie Hawn, Beyonce Knowles, Liz Hurley, Pamela Anderson, Stephen Spielberg, and dozens more.

Celebrities are the best people to study body language with because, like lawyers and politicians, they must cloak their feelings when in public. What is particularly helpful for you is that most of these photos are “candids” (not posed). That means you are going to learn to read people interacting in every day situations…while being under scrutiny of cameras and fans. The greatest challenge of all.

If you can analyze these photos with me, you can read anyone!

You will receive a handbook that will let you put your predictions on what each person’s body language means as far as liking, deception, relationship quality and stability and so on. As you listen to the CD’s, you can then compare your notes with what I share with you! All the while you will be able to see nuances like skin color and flushing because the photo quality is stunning. This is the learning opportunity of a lifetime.

As you progress through the course, you will become proficient at reading and analyzing body language! And of course, I’m giving you the keys to my password-protected secret website with over 100 photos of the stars ready to analyze!

This is a complete seminar in reading, decoding and interpreting body language from the source. Nothing is missing and YOU have access!


More information about Decoding Body Language

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Kevin Hogan

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World Class Business Kevin Hogan

World Business Class

Success in Influence, World Business Class Magazine, January 2018. Cover Story and Interview with Kevin Hogan


Costco interviewed Kevin for Body Talk: Actions Do Speak Louder than Words


Kevin's body language evaluation!

Sales Guru

Article by Kevin in Sales Guru magazine (based in South Africa). "Burnout: Escaping Living Hell"

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“Want to influence others? Want to persuade others? Want to sell others? Then Science of Influence is not just an option – it’s a landmark breakthrough of information you can use the minute you read it.”
"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

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Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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Overcoming Rejection: Defeating the Painful Feelings of Being Marginalized by Dr. Kevin Hogan

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