Beliefs stick like super glue in the brain when you are attempting to persuade someone who believes something that runs counter to your proposal.

You want your client to buy you, your product, your service. They have a belief about you, your product, your service. You want to change it and have proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that their belief is wrong and that “evidence” you have is correct. They will not buy from you if you show them that evidence…even if it is crystal clear proof.

You face an uphill (though not impossible) battle.

How uphill?

Beliefs Run Deep

Political and religious beliefs run deep because of the degree that they are defended against others who believe otherwise. The more beliefs are defended, the more deeply entrenched they become. As humans become emotionally intense about their beliefs, they become more difficult to overcome with logic or even outright facts that completely banish the belief…to a logical mind. And logic alone rarely can eliminate a belief. Typically only other beliefs can help in unseeding beliefs.

What about “shallow” beliefs?

But what about beliefs that aren’t defended as much? What if the belief is not about being a Democrat or Catholic, Republican or Jew? What if the belief has much less involvement at the emotional level?

How would you test this to know we weren’t guessing about a philosophy of persuasion instead of a factual understanding?

You would have to induce a belief then try and change it…

Two groups of people were given brief descriptions and questionnaires about a quality that makes fire fighters successful or not at their job. (Anderson, Lepper, Ross, 1980)

One group was given substantial information that successful fire fighters are risk-taking individuals. The other group was given substantial information supporting the idea that fire fighters who are not successful tend to be risk-takers.

Then the experimenter totally discredits the information he gave the participants. “It was completely fictitious. I made it up. There is no evidence one way or the other.”

What happened?

Those who were told that good fire fighters are risk-takers continued to believe what they had come to believe.


Those who were told that good fire fighters are NOT risk-takers continued to believe what they had come to believe.

There was no change.

In a later follow-up study, when the participants were asked WHY they believed what they had come to believe, their beliefs STRENGTHENED after they had given the causal (WHY) explanation.

Interesting note: Participants did NOT explain that the reason for their belief was because of the experiment they took part in. In each case it was attributed to other reasons. Many did not remember they even received this information in an experiment!

More Research Study Material

Now, here is some scary news about people’s beliefs from research:

Two groups of people are surveyed for their beliefs (pro/con) about capital punishment as a deterrent to the crime of murder.

Then each person in the two groups are given an article. Half the people in each group get an article that reveals that, in general, murder rates drop in states where capital punishment is made law.

The other half of the people in each group are given an article that reveals that, in general, murder rates do not drop in states where capital punishment becomes law.


The original beliefs were substantially changed…but not in the direction of the evidence they were presented, but the opposite. Those who were shown that capital punishment didn’t deter murder believed more strongly that it did if they believed that in the first place.

Over the coming months I’ll show you what you need to know about the different “types” of beliefs, how they come to be so intensely defended and the very few strategies that actually work in unplugging erroneous beliefs.

Want a preview?

Many people attempt to persuade others by telling them what happened to themselves in a certain circumstance…(“I tried it and it really works!” or to someone like the client “they are just like you and they tried it and it worked!”) These strategies have been proven to not work.

What does work is when you can get the client to imagine themselves performing the target behavior you need them to and experiencing (internally or externally) that behavior in some way. In fact, this strategy is so powerful when used correctly, I’m going to devote an entire article to it! I’ll show you step by step what to do, when and how. Be watching!


More info just like this?


Covert Hypnosis: An Advanced Course in Subtle Unconscious Influence The Master’s Secrets Revealed! (Vol. 1 – 8)

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CD 6—Pattern Recognition: Getting someone to think about something is one thing. Getting someone to feel driven to DO something and then watch them do it like magic is something else entirely. Learn so much in just this one CD!!!

CD 7 – This is neuroscience and research that reveals how to rewire the brain. Some neuroscientists call it “sculpting.” It’s not something that happens instantly and it requires the use of both hemispheres which can be pretty tricky if you don’t know what you are doing.

CD 8 – You are going to learn some unique techniques in the eighth volume of Covert Hypnosis. Not only are you going to learn the truth about values (when they are critical and when they are MEANINGLESS) but you are going to discover the values of the unconscious mind! The unconscious mind and conscious mind do not correlate to each other but they both correlate to the behavior of every person you meet.

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More Information about Covert Hypnosis or to order

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World Business Class

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Costco interviewed Kevin for Body Talk: Actions Do Speak Louder than Words


Kevin's body language evaluation!

Sales Guru

Article by Kevin in Sales Guru magazine (based in South Africa). "Burnout: Escaping Living Hell"

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"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

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Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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Overcoming Rejection: Defeating the Painful Feelings of Being Marginalized by Dr. Kevin Hogan

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