Reading Body Language with Expert Kevin Hogan who Shares Free Insider Tips and Analyzes Body Language of Hard-To-Decode Celebrities! Get The Scoop Here!
Reading body language gives you insights into whether or not someone is telling the truth? True or False?
Would you like to know whether someone likes you or not, even before they say a word?
Do you want to know anyone’s thoughts and feelings by reading their body language?
Do you want to subsconsciously influence anyone… without even saying a single word?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then this could be the most crucial message you’ll ever read in your life. Here’s why.
In just a few minutes from now, you could have the unique ability to easily read and interpret body language cues of anyone.
This means you could almost instantly know if they’re being honest or deceitful… if they like you or not… or whatever they might be thinking or feeling at the moment – simply by observing their actions and movements! Amazing, isn’t it?
Knowing how to read body language helps you succeed
But that’s not all… Since nonverbal communication makes up between 60 to 75% of the impact of a message, subtly reading body language could help you become tremendously successful… in your career, business, relationships, love life, and anything else that involves interacting or communicating with people. If understanding nonverbal communication sounds unbelievable, let me assure you that it is based on sound scientific research and studies. It has been tested and proven to work; nothing is left to chance.
On this page, you’ll discover some useful facts and techniques about reading body language that you can start applying immediately to your own situations. I’ll also share with you – for free – my analysis of famous politicians and celebrities, using photographs the media has asked me to analyze. So please make sure you read every word of this letter, because the secrets that can catapult you to the top of the success ladder is written here. I believe you’ll find the information in here very helpful and applicable to many aspects of your life.
Why It’s Critical to Know What They are Thinking
What people say could often be very different from what they’re thinking or feeling. It’s very easy to say something untrue or insincere, so we can never rely on words alone.
Fortunately, there’s a proven way to accurately see people’s thoughts, emotions or mood – and that’s by knowing how to read body language. People may lie, but their body silently and unconsciously speaks the truth. Having the right knowledge in body language allows you to uncover what your friends, co-workers, spouse, customers or anyone else, may be hiding from you. You might even understand other people’s thoughts or feelings better than they do! Let’s face it. Even if you trust someone with your life, you’ll never have peace of mind unless you know exactly what they’re feeling or thinking inside.
The most effective way to uncover hidden desires, thoughts, or emotions is by reading and interpreting hidden messages correctly.
And guess what? Your own signals can also influence what other people may think or feel about you. If you do it right, you will be liked and trusted. But if you send the wrong signals (even if you’re unaware of it) – your business, career, relationships, and even self-esteem may suffer. For example, if you have a habit of touching your nose, people could perceive that as a sign of deception. You might simply have that habit even if you’re telling the truth, but people can’t tell the difference. They are unconsciously interpreting your gesture as untrustworthy and judging you based on your actions.
Why go through the trouble of being misinterpreted when you can avoid it?
Understanding the meaning and uses of specific body gestures will allow you to change your approach and act only in ways that will result in maximum compliance. Just imagine how much sales you’re losing if your body language communicates mistrust or offends your clients… without you being aware of it! But if you know how to use nonverbals, you will be able to avoid sales pitfalls and convey signals that make your customers say “yes!” Nonverbal communication is not only applicable in sales or business. You could also miss out on that important date or job opportunity… only because your body language is unconsciously sending negative signals . You don’t want that to happen, right?
That’s why if you want to skyrocket your sales… if you want to have a successful business or career… if you want to be successful in dating, your social life or relationships… as long as you communicate and interact with people regularly, then learning nonverbal communication and knowing how to read body language is a key component of your daily activities.
By the way, I understand that sometimes you might be feeling down. But that doesn’t mean other people should know, especially if your present mood could ruin a lifelong career or relationship. By knowing and using the right body language, you could purposely act in ways that will be appropriate to the circumstances.
Did you know? Men and women behave and respond to movements in different ways. So it’s crucial for you to suit your nonverbal communication depending on the gender of the person you meet, or you could damage a relationship or business without even knowing it.
If you think having this ability is mind blowing, you haven’t scratched the surface yet. When you recognize the true meaning of people’s gestures and movements (which could often be very different from what they say), your life changes in a lot of positive ways.
How Can Nonverbal Communication Greatly Enhance Your Life?
Having the ability to decode body language can have astonishing effects in almost every aspect of your life. By correctly seeing nonverbal communication and using the right gestures, you’ll be able to:
- Save a lot of time by dealing only with the people you like or trust. You’ll quickly know the mood or personality of anyone… before they even say anything!
- Become a human lie detector. Almost anyone tells lies at one point or another, so it’s crucial for you to detect deception. Even people very close to us like our spouse, friends, or kids can sometimes lie… whether it’s a white lie or something that could hurt us. If you never wanted to be cheated or tricked again, then knowing how to read body language is the solution.
- Find and date with someone who has the qualities you like. Know beforehand if your date is attracted to you or likes you, and then use the right attraction techniques to impress and captivate them!
- Boost your career and relationships. Now you can make your boss, co-employees, and even strangers to like you through subtle movements. You’ll be astonished at how easy it is to get a raise or promotion.
- Multiply your sales and sell to prospects who have the highest chances of buying from you. Detect in advance if you can negotiate a better price on a deal, and raise your chances of winning negotiations.
- Boost your self-confidence and be in control of any situation whenever you’re interacting with people. Connect with total strangers and get people to cooperate with you… in no time flat!
- Make a dazzling first impression, and instantly get liked or trusted on your first meeting.
- Be a master communicator. Most of the time, words are not enough. Your communication will be much more effective and understood almost immediately.
- Ace the job interview. Know how to properly express the ambiance of confidence and competence, and get a keen sense of how the interviewer is evaluating you, just by knowing how to read body language.
- Avoid the costly hassles of hiring the wrong people. If you’re the interviewer, you’d easily spot the most capable applicant for any job!
- Read people’s minds and emotions. With this ability, you can do things which are only favorable to the situation and avoid any problems that may occur. You may even impress your friends with your mind-reading abilities!
- Establish authority, liking, trust or respect using simple gestures.
- Become an outstanding speaker. You’ll know when the audience is interested or bored, so you can adjust your speech to their present state. You could more easily persuade and inspire them if you combine your speech with the right gestures.
Are You Making These Mistakes?
Studies indicate you have realistically closer to 4 seconds to make a good first impression on those you come in contact with. And this is used as a yardstick for all future communication by those whom you meet. In the first four seconds, people will make judgments about you and tell themselves:
- I will (or will not) buy from this person.
- I will (or will not) like this person.
- I find this person kind (or not).
- I find this person intelligent (or not).
You can’t make a good first impression through your words alone. In fact, nonverbal communication is between 60 to 75% of the impact of a communication. But despite being the most important aspect, nonverbal communication is also the most misunderstood and misinterpreted. Every action – or even the smallest micro-action – communicates subconsciously to others, so people could like (or not like) you through your gestures… without even knowing exactly why. You could be making the most wonderful compliments or praise to people, but it’s difficult to gain their trust or approval if your words contradict your nonverbals.
These body language photos will show you some of the basic and advanced techniques used to interpret nonverbal communication. This girl is flirting with you. “But her arms are crossed, that’s defensive,” some might say. They are wrong. Head tilt to her left, hard time not grinning too big, while looking right at you. She likes you.
Flirting and sexual body language is something you can quickly spot in a woman’s nonverbal communication in both business and personal contexts.
Revealing the liar is easily identified in both business and personal context when you know how to properly interpret the signs. I’ll show you this later.
Whether you want to learn the real nonverbal secrets of love, dating or closing the deal, welcome! The analysis I’m going to give you as part of this preview includes both “liking” and deception judgments. It is fairly complex to analyze human behavior in snapshots in time.
See this guy. By looking at him, that smirk should mean he’s being perceived poorly and he’s fighting for his life. But no, check out the over the shoulder look of the first girl. Women inspect over their shoulders with curiosity…until that split second where liking or not occurs. These two will connect…..BELOW…I made judgments on the relationships of the couples based solely upon these photographs and the context in which they were taken. (This is as little as you have to go on with most media. It IS a challenge.)
In this preview, my goal for you is to become aware of a few subtle cues that you are going to begin picking up from now on. Instead of telling you each little signal in a boring, clinical way, I’m going to let you have some fun and invest just a few minutes with me. If you look closely, you will learn a great deal today about the nuances of nonverbal communication and knowing how to read body language.
What Can You Interpret About a Person’s Nonverbal Secrets From a Photograph?
Most happy couples are a lot more giving and generous with their nonverbal communication.

Fascinating, isn’t it? Want more insider tips on reading body language?
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Why Does the Media Refer to
Kevin Hogan
“The Nation’s Leading Body Language Expert?”
Hi, my name is Kevin Hogan. Most people say they known me as a body language expert. I’ve authored 20 books, including “The Psychology of Persuasion” which has sold over a million copies worldwide.
I’m an international speaker and have given specialized training to employees of numerous Fortune 500 Companies. You may have heard of Boeing, Microsoft, Starbucks, Meespierson, Auntie Anne’s, Cargill, Pillsbury, Mutual of Omaha Carlson Companies, Fortis, Great Clips, the State of Minnesota, 3M, The United States Postal Service and many others.
I’ve shared my research and work with all four major television networks and the nation’s largest newspapers. Other media that have asked for my help include the New York Times, the BBC, Fox Television and dozens of popular magazines including Redbook, Success!, Selling Power, Cosmopolitan, Woman’s World, Mademoiselle, First for Women, Psychologie and Wprost.
The media says that I’m the go to guy for everything related to reading the nonverbal communication of a person. It’s flattering. In fact, the New York Post asked me in 1998 if US President Bill Clinton was being truthful about whether he had a relationship with Monica Lewinsky. I found one very specific gesture – that no one else picked up on – indicating that he indeed… I was the first person in the nation to make that public.
Soon after, I analyzed the nonverbal communication of Hilary Clinton, Judge Ken Starr, Starr’s Staff, and numerous other figures in the news story of the year. I accurately predicted for the BBC, the 2000 and 2004 elections when everyone else in the media got it wrong, because I was able to calculate how people would react to candidates nonverbal communication.
With President Bush the accurate forecasts for his victories weren’t because of anything he “did right,” but because of what Al Gore and John Kerry unwittingly did wrong….really wrong – with their body language. I was well aware of how American Citizens would respond and react to what they saw in the debates and sound bites. The nonverbal communication of Gore and Kerry was offputting to the undecided voters. In both cases, I told the BBC, live, precisely what would happen.
In fact, I predicted for the BBC, that the US election in 2000 would be decided by less than 50,000 votes, an almost statistical impossibility. When it came down to ONE VOTE, everyone was shocked, except those who paid attention to what I had made it public days before the election with Bush and Gore, and then again with Kerry and Bush…and now we are watching Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and several other Republican candidates. Want to know who the next President will be?
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What If You Can Learn to be a Master?
Once “armed” with the insights you’re going to learn shortly, you have an overpowering edge in life. In fact, I never would have accomplished what I have, had I not learned nonverbal communication in depth. It’s certainly a key component to the success I’ve experienced.
People refer to my ability to instantly recognize hesitation, liking, deception and honesty, and that has become something I consider critical that I teach to others.
If you show me the video of someone today and a video of that same person prior to some terrible event (a crime for example), I can often tell if that person is innocent or guilty with significant accuracy. I’ll show you how.
I’m also able to send covert messages (through movements and gestures) that generate liking from other people that almost no one knows how to do. I’ll show you how to do this as well.
And now, you have the opportunity to discover my deepest secrets so you can use it to be tremendously successful in life.
I tell you all these “accomplishments,” only to share with you that I’ve taught thousands of others and I will show you how to use this skill set to achieve great results in life.
I feel fortunate that I’ve gained the trust and respect of the most reputable people and media outlets in the world.
And now, you can leverage that knowledge and years of experience to have the skills of a specialist in nonverbal communication… in almost no time flat!
I’ve been educated to know what really works. I have personally gone through 20 years of meticulous scientific research, studies, and practice.
So if you want to shave many years off your learning curve, start on the right track and have the ability to uncover hidden messages like a true expert, then you can count on me to give you the best step-by-step training towards nonverbal mastery.
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