“I’m telling you the truth!”

(Almost) never is effective… especially in 2019. Here’s the first insider secret that is going to drive you nuts…

It’s harder for you to be believed in 2019 than it was just 10 years ago.

Beliefs are often acquired or changed through communication. But talking and even nonverbal aspects of communication are not always “enough” to paint the painting for people to believe you. It’s simply not that easy, which is why people say things like, “I don’t believe you,” after hours, days, months, years of arguing the same subject. So let’s fix this problem today.

Good news: It’s not always your fault if someone doesn’t believe and  you are being honest. And the majority of the time, you can help the person understand the truth.

Later in the article, I use the 2016 election to add a little excitement to the knowledge transfer today. Plus you’ll find out how to use Trump tactics (most people randomly do so anyway, but it’s nice to know WHY you get the results you do for better and worse). Like them or not, you better understand them, because he didn’t invent them and doesn’t even know how to explain them, but you can see he is in The White House.  Meanwhile former Pres. Obama used an entirely different set of far more methodological tactics in 2008 and I’ll talk about that again another day.

Remember ALL communication is persuasive, intentional or not.

Humans sometimes talk to talk and sometimes they talk to persuade. You can state your opinion and hope I believe it or you can state it and then go on to do everything in your power to cause me to believe it.

I happen to appreciate being persuaded (INTENTIONALLY persuasive conversation) because I like to know the depth and intention of one’s thinking. I’m really pretty easy to persuade. I start at no, you know that and you can get me to yes if you move through evidence quickly and lay it all out so it’s undeniable. If you can’t make your case quickly, most skeptics, simply stop listening.

If you are a client of mine and I tell you to do something, I expect it to be done.

I expect people in general to know my intention is to help them have a better world in some or all ways. The intent is 100%.

“Kev is this a profitable idea that will be fun?” (They tell me something, I calculate the chances of outcome accomplishment at, say at 25%)

“No, do this instead.” (I take their outcome and come up with a path that will have the chance of success at say 45%)

And they better do it, or don’t ask in the first place. I’m not making a claim or verbally estimating the likelihood of success/failure. I’m simply telling the person what they need to do and if I have to support the solution with an explanation they’ll run out of time to have other questions answered.

“Kev are you sure this will work?”

“100%? No. (That part is redundant as it was communicated the first day I worked with this person.) For the outcome you want, 45% yes, probably your best shot. Go.”

[If you want to understand how to think like this and make consistently good decisions in your life, https://kevinhogan.comdecision-point/  ]

Now this is where I want you to be IF YOU WANT PEOPLE TO BELIEVE YOU.

When you speak, be consistently right to lay a foundation of trust and belief.

Being right really means being accurate. Absolute certainty in others is foolish with the rare exception of the pure intended and very accurate mind.

“I can’t know everything Kev.”

“No one can. You have to tell the person how certain you are about something, and you have to be good at estimating your level of certainty.”

Accuracy means 75% (for example) of the time you do X (strategy) to get Y (something) and then you see that you have told 1000 people this suggestion and 753 people succeeded. You’re accurate and as close to 100% “right” as a human can be.

“Do this.” That’s a directive. People believe directives from people with established authority and in a time of great stress they believe almost anyone issuing a directive. BUT, over TIME, this changes for most people as the majority of people issuing directives are no better or worse at knowing answers than anyone else. They lose credibility fairly quickly.

“I’m 100% positive it will work.” That’s not real life and it is a naive person doing the talking. You can’t believe that statement. But…

“I will come through and accomplish what I say will do.” If the person has a 99% track record, that’s as close to CERTAIN as you will ever get. This is the person I love to have among my 17. They say X will happen and barring acts of god, X happens.

If you want people to believe you, you need to establish a track record of coming through as a well intended person 99% of the time.

If you want people to believe you, you must COMMUNICATE accurately. I’m 70% sure you’ll get the job if you use this interview approach.) In gaining results in business for example, 70% is HUGE.

“Kev can you tell me how to cook halibut so they will love it?”

“No, google it.”

Accurate. There can be no knowledge claimed, where there is none.

If people question your accuracy or your intention you have a challenge don’t you?

They can’t believe you.

How do they know what you say is true?

How to be believable. You could be lying.

You could be exaggerating.

You could be stretching the truth.

You could be right or wrong!

So WHAT IS IT that CAUSES them to perceive that what you are saying is true?


It’s not just “telling the truth” that matters. It’s that THEY PERCEIVE you to be telling the truth.

And obviously if they WONDER whether you are telling the truth or not, the answer to whether they believe you or not, is “no.” And it must be!

Imagine you are talking with someone. You are attempting to persuade them to buy this product/ service/idea. One of the biggest barriers to overcome is their PERCEPTION of your telling the truth.

When you ask someone to do business with you or be in some kind of relationship, you are asking them to open a lot of doors in their mind. In fact, you had to open doors to get to this point here. (The appointment, the date)

But now the doors in their mind are typically like hurdles or walls.

Kevin Hogan on Influence: You Want to Be Lied To First, you need them to believe you are telling the truth.

Second? That whatever you are saying is ALSO relevant and meaningful to them.

Third? They must know that doing as you suggest will cause them to look good to their group(s). Everyone wants (and needs) to be believed…not just for the purpose of closing a sale, but for your own psyche.


What is it that causes people to believe in general?

If they see it with their eyes, feel it with their fingertips, hear it with their own ears, draw a conclusion based on feelings or thought…the chances are good they will believe “it.”


They may also be seeking to validate their notion that you are not truthful.

Here they believe you are trying to manipulate for negative or control. (Reactance!)

In this case, confirmation bias takes over and as soon as they find any supporting piece of evidence to their paranoia/suspicion, you are now guilty of not telling the truth whether you really are, or not!

Kevin Hogan on Success, Achievement and Wealth Factors

What is arguably even more important is YOU understanding what causes people (this person) to believe that your point of view is representative of or somehow FITS the beliefs of THE GROUP. (THE ROLODEX IN THEIR BRAIN) 

Key Point: If what you are saying conflicts with what they thinks their group believes, it makes no difference whether or not they believe you to be telling your brand of truth.

In other words, if they fall in love with you and then find out that Mom, Dad, Uncle John and best friend Amy don’t like you, you might be out the door!

Key Point: To be believed, you must come face to face with the Rolodex in the Their Brain.

This is true in business as it is in real life.

Key Point: Their Rolodex, their Contact List in their Mind includes people who they have NOT MET and it also includes gestalts of people that don’t even EXIST.

(That means there is a “type” of person in their contact list that represents their church or the people they must impress, for example. They may not actually be “in a group” but they consider their contact list in their brain to be their group.)

Key Point: And REMEMBER that their Instagram followers as a CLUSTER are in the Rolodex of their brain.  The person you are talking with is a SLAVE to their Instagram followers. And of course they are a slave to their Facebook followers as well.

These GROUPS are represented by one contact or Rolodex card in their “list in the brain.” And YOU must be not just believable, but you must be ACCEPTABLE to the groups they are slaves to, even if they have never met 10% or 1% of those people in real life.

Key Point: To be believed your idea MUST meet the approval of their Instagram and Facebook “friends.”

Proof? Do they ever post pictures when they don’t care if the photo gets likes or not? Of course not.

Their brain is a slave to their Instagram and Facebook followers.  Even if all of the “real people” in the contact list approve of your idea, proposal or just you, the person you are sitting across has an avatar in their brain that represents their Instagram account and they will almost always behave in a way that is consistent with what they post on their Instagram. They want to be judged as LIKED and no other way.

Write that down and put it on the wall.

Now it’s beginning to make sense why people are often not believed when they should be.

So here is the point that matters most, one that NO ONE ever thinks about.

Does your point of view, or what you are asking them to believe, fit with THEIR GROUP & their Social Media Followers?

How to be believable. Obviously there are a number of factors that enter into the equation of whether you are to be believed.

The most overlooked is surprising.

Key Point: It turns out the answer is wise REPETITION builds a foundation of belief.

From the viewpoint of influence, this is a good thing. From the point of view of objectively understanding reality and making good decisions, it’s arguable whether this is “good” or not.

One thing is certain.

You possess FAR GREATER persuasive impact potential than you might realize.

Here is a little understood and yet proven fact:

If you repeat a message over and over and over and over, it will seem to the audience/the other person that it is an opinion shared by the group, the majority.


How can THAT be true?

Just because someone repeats something over and over and over and you hear it, are you REALLY going to be more likely to believe it to be true?


If you say something to someone once, in general, it carries very little weight and has a very moderate amount of credibility.

How to be believable. Repeat the same mantra over and over and people begin to be certain that the viewpoint isn’t only correct, but that it is commonly held.

Recent research that included over 1000 students in several Universities highlighted the phenomenon.


Three groups.

Participants in the three-person control group read three opinion statements, each made by a different group member.

The participants in the repeated opinion group read the same three statements but they were all attributed to one group member. Those in the single opinion control group read one opinion statement from one group member.

The studies found that an opinion is more likely to be assumed to be the majority opinion when multiple group members express their opinion.

However, the study also showed that hearing one person express the same opinion multiple times had nearly the same effect on listener’s perception of the opinion being popular as hearing multiple people state his/her opinion.

Researchers examined the underlying processes that take place when individuals estimate the shared attitude of a group of people and how that estimation of collective opinion can be influenced by repetition from a single source.

Since gauging public opinion is such an essential component in guiding our social interactions, this research has implications in almost every facet of modern day life.

“This study conveys an important message about how people construct estimates of group opinion based on subjective experiences of familiarity,” states lead author Kimberlee Weaver, (Ph.D), of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

“The repetition effect observed in this research can help us to understand how our own impressions are influenced by what we perceive to be the reality of others. For example, a congressman may get multiple phone calls from a small number of constituents requesting a certain policy be implemented or changed, and from those requests the congressman must decide how voters in their state feel about the issue. This study sheds light on the cognitive processes that take place that may influence such a decision.”

[American Psychological Association. People Often Think An Opinion Heard Repeatedly From The Same Person Is Actually A Popular Opinion.]

Once you have the realization that your repeated communication is actually causing people to believe that your point of view represents “the group/a groups” beliefs…it helps to know just what messages will cause people to feel certain emotions that trigger action.

Repetition can bring the person only so far. Now you need to get the person to take an ACTION. For this you need an EMOTION.

What emotion is most potent and how do you utilize the emotion?

Repetition. When a repeated message is heard by one or many, the message begins to carry some weight in the listeners mind… so long as the messages are perceived to fit with or be believed by the GROUP.

Groups are held together by common beliefs and emotions about various ideas.

Super quick examples of groups and subgroups?

Examples: Geographic, religious, political, Instagram followers, Facebook friends, intellectuals, believers, you name it.

Any one person will identify with a number of different groups.

Harley riders. Lexus owners, ranchers, city dwellers, suburbanites, farmers, Christians, Jews, Americans, Brits, Aussies.

Then within each of those groups are smaller (sub)groups. Subgroups of Americans would include Minnesotans, Alaskans, Californians, New Yorkers, Texans.

People from Vermont will tell you they bare no resemblance to Texans. Texans will remind you they are glad there is no resemblance.

People living in Europe might refer to Americans but that representation is really meaningless. When influencing others, realize that the most tightly defined subgroup a person can or does belong to is the MOST IMPORTANT in persuasion.

How much tighter can you get than say, New Yorkers? Well, there are subgroups within each of these! There are those from Manhattan, Upstate, The Bronx, Queens.

Then of course there are yet smaller groups. “North side of town” “south side of town” and so on.

And of course, then there are yet smaller groups of homeowners, those who reside in condos, renters of apartments.

And those groups keep subdividing right into the household unit.

So, that’s a peek at what a subgroup might be. It could also be a specific fraternity in college. It could be members of the Rotary Club. AND it could be something less formal like all the guys in the neighborhood.

Key Point: THESE people are all in agreement (or perceived agreement) about SOMETHING that matters to them. To think differently shows someone to be an idiot or even an enemy! 

The Emotions of Group Think

This (U.S.) Presidential election of 2016 was like most of the recent political elections.

Each time a U.S. election comes up, people living in the States often end up getting bitter toward family and friends in the months preceding “Election Day.” And this is a tragedy because everyone would have been fine had it not been for the political machines intentionally creating the divides.

In this election there was a big question in “the media” (as there is every election) as to whether (in this case) Republicans would vote for Trump, an unknown or not at all. There were all kinds of interesting scandals.

Trump Election Persuasion So Trump should have lost right?

After all everyone heard about Scandal A, B, C, D hundreds of times.

Repetition right?

Therefore it follows that Trump has no chance to win the Presidency. He will be trounced.

Of course not. People don’t care about scandals enough to where it will change their IDENTITY.

If you want to influence you MUST change the framing of YOUR IDENTITY as a communicator to make it obvious to the listener that you belong to the same group and that, that guy over there is nothing like you. “All Americans and All New Yorkers” are not strong enough identities to compel a voter to vote for or against you.

What captures and holds attention that might cause someone to believe you?

“People are sick and tired of dealing with the con artists who have taken over the political process in the country.”

What fails?

Your protestors at the other guys rallies show that your side is packed with people who should be working for a living. It’s embarrassing. Protests almost always backfire. Protestors that hurt people or threaten to hurt them are bullies. No one likes a bully. You teach your kids not to bully. You think, “I’m not a bully. That person is not OK by me.” You think.. I don’t like the bully behavior, therefore I will NOT vote for the perceived initiator of the protest. I am NOTHING like that person.

That’s how IDENTITY works.

That’s how EMOTIONS really work in the persuasive process.

Want to win your point?

Don’t allow yourself to be connected with idiots who do insane things. If you are Clinton, you say with anger and great derision, “I don’t know who those people are, but they are not OK by me. We want nothing to do with them. PERIOD.”

That attitude would have won Clinton the election.

This election had another interesting aspect that appears every now and then.

Why do people lie? Kevin Hogan When a candidate is accused of doing something considered politically incorrect then politicians have to distance themselves from a candidate. So do sponsors. If Candidate B is accused of something generally perceived as “bad,” then it’s probably best for Budweiser not to sponsor Candidate B. Simple logic. Smart decision on Budweiser’s (whoever) part.

The politician sees Budweiser pull out and says (for example), “I will not support Trump no matter what…”

And then they go in the booth and vote for the man…and so does everyone from her district.

Of course the same is true for those supporting Sanders a few months earlier. They made it loud and clear that they would never vote for Clinton. And of course they went into the voting booth and voted for Clinton.


Should we BELIEVE people or NOT?

Did all these people lie?

Not really.

They are simply slaves to Facebook and Instagram followers. “I will not vote for Hilary, I will vote for Trump.”  The person IMAGINES posting it on Instagram/Facebook and realize they will lose half or more of their friends. They will be JUDGED foolish, bad, guilty, etc. etc.

When you propose your idea, ask for agreement, ask to be believed, how will THEIR frame fit on Instagram or Facebook? If they can’t put your suggestion there, then they will not believe you.


Humans are terrible at predicting what they will do, or how they will feel in the future,

…even the near future, even TOMORROW.

Is this an excuse for people doing something other than what they said they would do?

No. It’s a reason why. And there is a big difference.

People have no real idea what they will do when given a choice next month or in six months.

We know from previous elections that the U.S. is closely divided at about 47% Republicans and 48% Democrats. In 5 of of the past 10 elections, third party candidates were the deciding factor as to which party would lose. In the recent past elections, many people identified with Ron Paul (costing Republicans), Ross Perot (triggering Republican losses)or Ralph Nader (costing Democratic losses).

Fair enough. But that doesn’t explain what happened in 2016. There was no real 3rd party candidate.

People will vote in PRIVATE for whom they most identify with in PRIVATE. Consistency is CONTEXTUAL.

Kevin Hogan on Influence: You Want to Be Lied ToWhat do you prefer to be lied to about?

Therefore you really did know that Republicans would vote Republican even when they publicly denounce the candidate and hold back funding! Why?

Elections are held in secret. You’ll do what you say you will do if you are being observed. You’ll tend toward consistency IF you are being observed by those to whom you said you would perform some behavior.

So what happened in 2016? You can’t know for certain but certainly a whole bunch of people voted for the candidate they thought would keep the other candidate from winning…the person they REALLY didn’t see as being like themselves.

I believe that most of those people are honest people. About 1/2 of all these people said they’d never do what they did. And of course they did. And we know from the results of previous elections that these behaviors are to be expected.

One footnote before we begin with emotional triggers of causing belief.

Only 55% of registered voters voted in 2016.

This compares with say 63% who voted in 2008. So a LOT of people stayed home. 10,000,000 that normally go vote, simply didn’t want to play the game this year.

When analyzing this, go back and think about the rolodex, the contact list in YOUR BRAIN.  How would they feel knowing you had voted for T or C? It’s as simple as that. You live in a powerful new world where the brain is becoming enslaved by your perception of others judgments of you…people you don’t know, who don’t buy  you a Christmas present, don’t love you, don’t think about you except when they Like your photo.

Emotions and emotional decisions change world destiny as much as they change the state of your business and your relationships.

Candidates hire really crummy advisors. Everything I have just shared with you could easily have been shared with Clinton. She had a few people who used to be pretty sharp in communicating how to be influential.

Learn from these mistakes mentioned in this article and YOU become likeable, distanced from negative behavior, distanced from negative perceptions.

Psychologists will tell you there are 5 or 6 validated personality traits. These personality traits help you predict and understand behavior. They also predict whether people will be Republicans/Democrats or Conservatives/Liberals.

And it is these personality traits that we tend to judge others by.

It’s often here that “right/wrong” is determined and judgment comes into play yielding emotional reactions to behaviors.

If you don’t know what button to push you can’t very well share your suggestion with others. Here are a few buttons that are VERY HOT.

Recent research shows there are very real differences between Conservatives and Liberals.

People will believe you when your views or YOU,  FIT a GROUP they strongly identify with.

Research just out this week shows that conservatives are far more likely to repelled by “disgust-ing” things. How accurate? 95%. It’s very easy to “spot” a conservative (or liberal).

Additional research shows that political views are significantly influenced by traits you may have been born with.

For example, Liberals tend to have personality traits like expressiveness and being open to new experiences.

Conservatives tend to be meticulous and careful.

Almost every group will heavily lean in one direction or another when it comes to the most agreed upon personality traits.

Now that you know 4 personality traits an audience is likely to lean toward, you will be more effective in persuading groups.

Key Question: How do you convince them you are PART of A GROUP they are?!!?


Emotion and Identity.

Fear, The Emotion of Persuasion The potentially most powerful emotion is fear.

Fear is the manifestation of the survival instinct.

So just use fear, right?


Influence doesn’t work that way!

You have to know in advance, WHICH FEARS PEOPLE ACTUALLY HAVE. The socio-political research shows that Conservatives fear chaos.

Liberals fear emptiness.

“Emptiness” and “chaos” are two very very different kinds of fear, and knowing just THAT piece of information will direct you in creating custom made persuasive messages.

So if you ask the question that everyone asks me,

“Is it better to generate negative or positive emotions?”

The answer is almost always negative emotions that are resolved by positive actions of some kind.

(Exceptions don’t come to mind but I’m sure there is one.)

If you ask which negative emotions, the best first answer is fear.

But fear is NOT a recipe. A conservative, on average, won’t likely be too concerned about feeling empty inside.

If you ask what different kinds of people feel fear, the answer is pretty darned important.

“Social scientists long have assumed that Liberals are more rational and less fearful than conservatives, but we find that both groups view the world as a dangerous place,” says Dan McAdams, study co-author and professor of human development and psychology at Northwestern University. “It’s just that their fears emerge differently.”

To better understand the differences between politically conservative Christian Americans and their Liberal counterparts, McAdams and Northwestern University co-author Michelle Albaugh asked 128 socially active churchgoers this question: “What if there were no God?”

“Social scientists — who are generally Liberals — have for decades done research to figure out what makes Conservatives tick,” says McAdams.

Like the Northwestern study, the preponderance of research finds that Conservatives fear unchecked human impulses that challenge the status quo. What McAdams and Northwestern researcher Albaugh also find is an underlying, but different, fear that drives Liberals as well.

“Political Conservatives envision a world without God in which baser human impulses go unchecked, social institutions (marriage, government, family) fall apart and chaos ensues,” says McAdams. Liberals, on the other hand, envision a world without God as barren, lifeless, devoid of color and reasons to live.

“Liberals see their faith as something that fills them up and, without it, they conjure up metaphors of emptiness, depletion and scarcity,” McAdams said. “While Conservatives worry about societal collapse, liberals worry about a world without deep feelings and intense experiences.”


The study findings may shed light on why Conservatives prefer more authoritarian leaders while Liberals do not, he adds.

Kevin Hogan, Psychologist

“What’s clear is that it is their political and not religious orientation that underlies the different psychologies of political conservatives and liberals,” says McAdams. After all, all of the adults he and Northwestern researcher Albaugh studied were members of churches, and their data suggested that most were socially involved, altruistic people.

The Northwestern University study sample included 128 highly religious and politically active Americans who attend church regularly. Although nationally conservatives are more likely to attend church than liberals, the Northwestern study was set up to sample equally from religious conservatives and religious liberals.

The researchers also observed gender differences, but said they did not interfere with the relationship between political orientation and narrative themes. The study is part of a larger project that looks at the relationships of faith, politics and life stories in well-functioning American adults. It is funded by the Foley Family Foundation in Milwaukee.

Northwestern University. Political Conservatives Fear Chaos; Liberals Fear Emptiness. ScienceDaily.

And in case you are thinking the same thing I am…. as a conservative who is a Libertarian politically, I will share with you that social scientists who measure “religiousness” by whether they go to church or not, really haven’t quite wrapped their mind around just why a conservative is a conservative. But that’s OK, their work was priceless and today we understand more about identity, emotion and how it plays out in everyday life and in the biggest election in the world.

In sum, your goal is to repeat a series of overlapping or dovetailing messages that are focused on one theme or idea.

These messages should show that you are not outside of the group or the groups belief structure that you are attempting to influence.

Once you have gained that acceptance you can then bring emotion into the equation. Sure, pain is a powerful motivator, but fear is very often the more certain and predictable trigger.

People will respond to your messages very differently as what causes fear in one person causes boredom or nothing in another.

Think carefully about what you have learned today and you’ll soon find people believing you a lot more often than they have in the past.




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Being wealthy comes down to a decision and a choice.

Having what you deserve in life is your selection when you arrive at the vending machine.

During this unique 8 week E-course, you’ll take at least one step up the pyramid of life. By the time you have completed the course, if you choose, you’ll find yourself already having completed the single most difficult piece of wealth accumulation. When you complete the course, you will have a proven plan and a unique guide to make sure you do exactly what you are supposed to do!

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There’s all kinds of neat little blueprints to building wealth out there.

I’ve seen most of them. I suppose in a perfect world some could work.

But when I sat down and looked at the bestselling plans to see what was missing and why so many people were disappointed, it was obvious that what was needed was a REAL system.

System implies algorithm. Algorithm implies step by step predictability and completion.

Some programs I checked out were grounded in silliness. “If you get a 12% return on your money per year then you….”

Here’s the thing…THAT is NOT going to happen. I’ve met perhaps a handful of people who know the truth about investing.


The stock market, after taxes, dividends, inflation and transaction costs has returned 4% per year since 1984. Since 1962? 2%.

The stock market is very cyclical and predictably so.

It’s highly unlikely the markets will return the same 4% over the next decade.

What’s the truth about that 12% number?

No one can promise it or guarantee it. No one.

Wealth accumulation is not about investing in stocks or bonds.

You’ll learn the truth about if and when in this course…but now is not the time for either.

Honest to goodness, most of what is out there might be well intended but the teaching is so airy fairy that no one could actually do anything with what they learn. There were a few exceptions. There were some “methods” that simply wouldn’t and couldn’t work. They were disturbing approaches to securing a sound future. I wasn’t sure which I liked less.

When you were born, there was no Life Instruction Manual. There was also no Wealth Manual and to date there never has been…until now.

Aside from being immensely valuable, you’re about to experience the most valuable system you’ll ever use. It’s fun which means you’ll use it every single day!

You’ve heard of going from 0 to 60 in 8 seconds in reference to a car, right?

Kevin Hogan Wealth Building

Have you ever heard of going from starting with $1,000,000 in debt only to become a millionaire?

Someone wrote that about me and while it’s technically correct…there’s more to the story than numbers.

You probably know a bit of my story. Here is the thumbnail in three paragraphs:

I was raised in Chicago by a darn good Mom. Our family moved between poor, can’t get any poorer and lower class depending on whether Mom was married or not at the time…whether someone had just died or was dying in a hospital or yes when there were not one but TWO hospital beds in our tiny home.

Life was often nothing short of emotionally brutal. Our neighborhood was not violent although one guy did burn down the entire high school that was attended by 1600 people. (OK, that was a little distressing.)

Everyone that grew up in that child packed neighborhood had choices in life. They could choose to live a lower income bracket life when they got older. They could choose to live a middle class life when they got older. They could choose to live with an upper class income bracket when they got older.

It was and still is a choice.

I have no idea what your life experience was as a kid. I hope it was fantastic! Our experience was unusual. We were not only poor but we had the largest unforeseen debt load of anyone you’ve ever known. It was absolutely not anyone’s fault or “choice.” We didn’t have any money to spend. There were no credit cards. My first step dad spent the better part of 5 years in and out of the hospital accumulating debt that exceeded one million dollars. How does hospital debt get so big? Once you exceed a lifetime limit, the insurance doesn’t pay out benefits. It’s a long story with a lot of instructive experiences that I’ll save for the course.

As you grow up, it becomes pretty obvious you can choose to live in poverty your entire life, make minor changes or make major changes.

I don’t know about you, but I hated being poor. I wasn’t afraid of it because I lived it for a decade. When I was 11, the Boy Scouts brought a Thanksgiving turkey and old clothes. Some fit, some didn’t, all got worn, “better than not having any at all,” was indeed the correct answer.

“It makes no difference where you begin. Got a job? Don’t? Have debt? Don’t? It just doesn’t matter. Where you are going is 100% your decision.”

Today in America, 18% of people in the upper income bracket today were in the bottom 1/3 income brackets one decade ago.

You can know those kind of numbers will continue. It’s inspiring.

What caused 18% of people to leave living in lower income brackets to living a more fulfilling and rewarding life?

It won’t be because they got lucky.
It won’t be because someone gave them a job.
It won’t be because the government cut them a check.

It will be because they chose to change their life situation.


Some people want you to believe that if you were or even if you are poor today, for some wild reason you are destined to remain there forever as if someone is stopping people from living their dreams. That is not only untrue, it’s a dangerous belief.

In the Wealth Accumulation System E Course you’ll be exposed to a new world.

Kevin Hogan Business Building There are no courses on wealth accumulation or wealth psychology offered in high school. There is no “playbook.”

Then when you get to college…there are no courses offered on the psychology of wealth accumulation. In the last 4 years, we’ve learned more about wealth accumulation at the research level and the face to face in the real world level than we knew the previous hundred years combined.

And things have changed so dramatically in the last decade that the playing field doesn’t even look the same.

If you went to college you probably went so that when you got out, you’d be able to “get a job.” And one thing is for sure, if you graduated from college you had a huge advantage over those who didn’t graduate from college. A college graduate earns about 1.5 times what a non graduate earns.

Ultimately that dollar figure will almost always be enough to “get by,” and will do nothing toward growing wealth.

To be clear, about 90% of households in the U.S. regardless of their income have no chance at accumulating wealth without making the changes itemized in this system. Paradoxically almost every one of those households has the actual ability to live a wealth life.

It seems ridiculous to think that someone earning $65,000 per year doesn’t have a better “chance at wealth” as someone earning $40,000 per year. It’s counter-intuitive but they simply don’t. The person at $65,000 annual income is living paycheck to paycheck in about 80% of families. The same is true, surprisingly enough for households earning $100,000 per year!

It’s no wonder people get off to a terribly slow start in life. It’s no wonder people get on a Hamster Wheel and stay there for decades. It’s tragic and heartbreaking.

Very little about having wealth is intuitive.

Today something like 40,000,000 people in the USA are on food stamps.

I remember the one and only time we used food stamps when I was a kid. I was about 7 years old and we went shopping. My Mom had three kids, no husband, no full time job, no resources and she broke down and took money from the government…for two weeks.

She was so disgusted that we never used them again. She’d earn her own money and not take that which was earned by someone else. She got a full time job instead. Thank God she made that decision or I might have been a very different person today.

“Your psychological programming needs to be changed to move beyond where you are today.”

Kevin Hogan Money Beliefs Your money memory is a very important part of your programming, just as it is mine. Those early experiences with money shaped your beliefs, attitudes and behaviors around money.

Most of those beliefs, attitudes and behaviors are dysfunctional and need REPAIR.

I know because it took a long time to unplug the vast majority of those programs which were a life disaster. Unfortunately one category of sabotaging money memory is enough to erase any opportunity at growing wealth.

I’d like to suggest to you that three things comprise wealth. Time, Money and Love.

Had I not had a Mom who loved me, again, my life would have been very different. Once you have food, water and shelter, love and time become very important.

The idea of being wealthy never was important to me until 1994. I certainly never wanted or even considered the notion of being “rich.” I didn’t see the point.

At that point you could see that the United States was going the way of Japan. We (as a nation) had been great and we were going to start a slide that 30 years from that point was going to be ugly. Political parties started buying votes with promises of “free money.”

One of my few strengths as a person was math, particularly statistics and probability. I ran the math in 1994 and I got very concerned that living a “normal life” wouldn’t be a normal life for the duration of my life. It was obvious that carrying on as I was would actually go backward over time. And that is precisely what happened.

I started researching various options and developed an approach to building wealth that relied on thinking. It took several years before a track record was established.

Got a track record?

Here’s one page of that record:

At the turn of the 21st century, “the economy” had gotten much worse. Pretty much all the nations in the world were printing a lot of counterfeit money which meant that money wasn’t going to be worth what it was for the previous three centuries. By the mid 2000’s I had put myself in a financial position that was sensible and I began to encourage people who read my work to buy gold. At the time, gold was $450 per ounce. I had begun buying gold not long before that.

Financial advisers wrote emails to me every day telling me I was wrong. But they lived in a very small world. They based their thinking on a set of principles and beliefs instilled by their industry that no longer matched what was happening in the world. I told thousands of them they needed to get their clients in gold. Four years ago on twitter I told people to get out of the stock market completely that it was going to go off a cliff. It was simply obvious based on the data I use.

It did just that.

You’re going to see a similar experience in the next year.

I’ll show you how to navigate your way through this mess.

“What I gained from this course is simply beyond what I can express through words…the required ‘push’, a lot of confidence, wiping out a lot of fears from me that I could not bring forth and explain, identifying a few damaging personal weaknesses I developed over the years running on the wheel, re-assurances on a lot of flashes of thought which I firmly believed were true – but got buried as I could not gather evidence to support those, and a lot of insights that no one else would have ever shared with me. And a unique feedback I can give – I am based in India, a few time zones and culturally different – but what you have shared is absolutely true for us. I consider this a turning point in my life. Thank you once again!” Anish Augustine, Bangalore, India

Meanwhile in that 2007 – 2009 period, what happened was most Americans went into a tailspin. They lost their ability to move out of their homes because they had mortgages that were bigger than what their house was worth or what they had paid for it…and they had no wealth. Middle class America rolled the dice that a box of wood would go up in value. It made no sense. People really believed that a house was an investment. It’s not. It is a store of value. It will always be worth something, but you can’t count on it to go up in value. That’s just silly.

Gold shot up from $450 to $1200+. Some of my readers would email me saying “Thank you” over and over and over. They watched $100,000 turn into $300,000 in less than 7 years.

Now $300,000 is not “rich.” And I’m not saying I single handedly helped people get rich over night. That just isn’t right. I simply showed people how to save their financial lives and secure themselves and those they love while the people who didn’t take the time to learn about wealth and money started slipping off the cliff. You can only save the people who listen. Most people were stuck in a 20th century model trying to make decisions in the 21st century. The world had chanced. They wanted to be right. “They believed” in nonsense they were taught and they went down the tubes.

Today the financial advisers are paying close attention.

People who followed the plan built stepping stones to wealth. Everyone else lost…a lot.

There is very good news, however.

“Don’t let anyone kid you: Building wealth in this decade is VERY DIFFERENT but NO MORE difficult than it was in 2008 or 2004 or 1994.”

Kevin Hogan Time, Love, Money You simply want to let it happen much faster than you would have 10 years ago.

And fear not. There are no stocks to buy. There is nothing “risky” that needs to be done. Quite the opposite. This is the new paradigm of building wealth, NOT investing. If you have some cool investing plan that has been in your family for 10 or 20 years, have at it. It won’t interfere. Your financial planner’s job is secure though you might want to teach her what you learn so she doesn’t go broke along with everyone else. If she follows her own advice….

Your life is impacted by world events. The economy is impacted by world events. But growing wealth is a pretty basic life function that anyone can do in spite of world events.

At NO TIME IN HISTORY has crisis or disaster stopped individuals who understood what was going on, from growing wealth and securing their future. 1000 years ago, no one invested in stock markets and wealth was built through good times and bad.

The last 10 years have brought more variables to the table that have to be accounted for and incorporated into the Wealth Equation.

Fortunately there is an equation.

“Think about it. Do you have any idea what the right answer is to these questions?”

Do you know if you should be buying a house in 2019?

Do you know if you should be leaving your job for another?

Do you know if you should buy gold or stocks or commodities or futures or anything else?

Do you know what allows you to grow wealth like those in the upper income bracket?

Most people don’t have the answer to those questions. They’ll never learn the answer to those questions. And there is a sad reason this is the case. We’ll talk about this in depth during the 8 Week E-Course.

And there are cut and dried and answers to all of those questions.

The big picture is now scripted.

You can build wealth or you can fall off the cliff. It’s all a choice.

But keep in perspective that money, or what money buys is more about quality of life for the rest of your life than it is about skyscrapers and personal jets.


You really need all three to have a life you deserve.

And when you do you have all three, you have REAL WEALTH.

The answer to “how do I build wealth” is pretty simple, but the execution requires finesse. There is absolutely a small number of approaches that are right and a monstrous set that are wrong.

And without wealth, access to time, love and money, you could survive but you will barely be alive.

Wealth in one way, is like an Oasis…

Kevin Hogan Wealth Accumulation It is yours and it is there to serve you when you need it. And like reaching the Oasis, you start out in the middle of nowhere and only those who get to The Oasis will drink the cool water.

I don’t want to sound all serious about wealth. It has it’s fun side too.

Wealth also has some perks to it.

Wealth isn’t about the limo, although I do like the limo.

It’s not about the Penthouse Suite…but it is sweet. (I rarely use the jacuzzi, but I like the VIP service and special treatment.)

It’s not about getting paid to travel to all kinds of exotic places in the world, although that’s pretty cool.

For me personally, wealth is about safety, security, peace of mind, never having to worry about what life will be like next year, 5 years from now, 15 years from now, 25 years from now, 35 years from now. It’s taken care of. Not exactly exciting stuff to think about. But for me it solves a myriad of problems.

Wealth allows some people the ability to party nonstop.

Wealth allows some people to have hot cars and hit all the hot bars.

Wealth allows some people to be socialites and the center of the attention.

Here’s the thing. If you earn it, do what you want and live how you choose.

Today it’s hard to think of an argument to not make it a big Life Priority.

There are plenty of “roads to wealth,” now you can actually take your pick…

About 1 in 10 of the wealthy simply inherit it. That’s good for them. It did nothing for you and me.

9 in 10 who choose to be wealthy secured themselves in predictable ways. And there really are a few predictable ways people become wealthy. The last 20 years have given us more opportunities than ever.

It’s such a paradox. There have never been more ways to achieve wealth.

It’s really important to know which of those ways are a) best for you and b) going to be easiest and ecological, going forward.

The Comprehensive Wealth Accumulation Method

The Wealth Accumulation Method helps you to work with a tool called The Wealth Matrix where you see how Money, Time and Love interweave into this thing called life. In the end you see what actions to take, when to take them, how to measure your results and ultimately have what you want.

This course will guide you so you can begin the step by step process of breaking away from the chains that bind people to the past and the status quo and begin living an exciting, hopeful, abundant future.

Perhaps you sell products and services, or maybe you work at a good old fashioned “job.” That is all history. You may or may not choose to make adjustments. There’s lots of right answers and many times more wrong ones. You’ll see them all play out in the game at lightning speed.

In just 8 weeks, with the assistance of the course, I’ll guide you through a method of safely and securely creating shifts in your life.

Abundance and financial freedom are predictable commodities.

By taking advantage of the little known but very important, Price’s Law, I’ll show you how you can virtually assure yourself any result you desire in any field or niche. Price’s Law makes wealth accumulation as predictable as the eventual arrival of a plane en route to a destination.

You’ll literally be able to look at yourself and say, “Ah, in order to get what I want, I simply to do this.” And you don’t have to guess. It’s all laid out for you.

I’m just like you. I had to learn the hard way. The very hard way. I looked at every “opportunity” (scam) and bought into more than a few. It got old quickly.

I changed my approach.

I started studying the DIFFERENCES between people who grow wealth and those who don’t. I found what most of the serious students of the affluent have found. Most of the things reported in pop psychology books and magazines don’t make much difference in achievement…in greatness…in wealth.

You learn what you NEVER learn in college!

The fact is that there’s a LOT of stuff both the affluent and the poor (and everyone in between) do. This was a huge distinction and one that caused me to really scramble about a decade ago. The difference in what I thought was real vs. what IS real was the difference of millions of dollars.

If you really want to achieve Personal Financial Freedom, the freedom from bills and living paycheck to paycheck…you can be quite sure it will happen.

Everything you learn in this course will be…

a) tangible.
b) something YOU can actually DO.
c) take work but not slavery.
d) vehicles that I’ve taken and can vouch for their safety.

Wealth is Best Generated with VERY Small Risks

I’m pretty risk averse….OK, VERY risk averse.

The first decision you make is to not make stupid decisions.

The second decision you make it to MOVE NOW. I’ve done what I have set out to do by of having a really good playbook, being smart enough to do things I find interesting or things I actually LIKE to do, and yes, recognizing and getting past limitations. (Ex. I don’t look like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise)

If you’re looking to emulate the extremes of Donald Trump, this is the wrong place for you.

If you would like to live an abundant life where you achieve Financial Freedom….Personal Freedom, then here is the place. You will be given the keys. All you have to do is turn the keys in the ignition and “go.”

It’s an eight week process. It’s fascinating, introspective, you REALLY learn about YOU. You’ll find out how you ended up where you are. You’ll find out exactly how to get where you want to go.

Kevin Hogan Playbook for Wealth

The approach I’ve developed for you is unique and it is special in that it accounts for personal significance and meaning in the equation of growing a life of abundance.

Eight weeks where you’ll apply what you learn and create pathways to financial freedom in your life!

Kevin Hogan's Wealth Playbook



If I could show you how to create the life you desired, adopt the mindset of the wealthy, and literally give you a step-by-step handbook to manifest your life filled with abundance — would you be interested?

And what happens when you put this system into practice after the course is completed??

KEYPOINT: You will know exactly what to do, step by step. Your Wealth Matrix keeps you on course and moving forward at all times.

The Comprehensive Wealth Accumulation System is a wonderful experience, and if you register today you will not pay $10,000 which is what many, many seminars that purport to offer a wealth building system charge. The Comprehensive Wealth Accumulation System is $2,997. The course begins January 21, 2017 but you can pre-register now and save!

For this ONE TIME ONLY introductory offering of the The Wealth Course, you get in for only $1777.

You can use any credit card or Pay Pal.

Reserve Your Spot Now!

Register NOW for The Comprehensive Wealth System E-Course!

Course begins April 8

Kevin Hogan's Wealth Playbook

Kevin Hogan's Wealth Playbook

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Article by Kevin in Sales Guru magazine (based in South Africa). "Burnout: Escaping Living Hell"

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"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

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Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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