The idea that personality is affected by your personal appearance was long debated until the last couple of years.
It makes sense of course.
The body type and size you are given are going to change the way you see yourself and how others see you.
If you are drop-dead good looking then it makes sense that others will smile at you more, look at you more and give you better feedback than otherwise.
Think Lucy Pinder looks sweet? Kylie Jenner is sexy? Jessica Alba seems intelligent? It may be in part due to their eye color.
This, according to a recent survey conducted by CyberPulse*, a division of Impulse Research Corporation in Los Angeles, and commissioned by CIBA Vision.

The survey, which polled 1,016 women ages 16 to 35 from the United States, found that people often associate different eye colors with specific personality traits.
The survey also determined that it may be possible for an individual to influence people’s perception of them simply by changing the color of their eyes with colored contact lenses.
Brown Eyes
The personality trait that respondents of the study most associated with brown eyes was intelligence, with 34 percent of respondents saying this.
Brown-eyed people were also thought to be trustworthy (16 percent said this) and kind (13 percent).
Qualities they least associated with brown-eyed individuals were shyness (6 percent) and creativity (4 percent).
Other researchers have shown that brown eyed people don’t anticipate being looked at as much as blue eyed people. Thus stronger eye contact with brown eyed people could have a benefit and a drawback.
The upside of strong eye contact with brown eyed people would be that they aren’t as familiar with it and may be flattered.
The downside?
It could make them very uncomfortable.
Be very aware to their nonverbal feedback.
Blue Eyes
Survey results show that blue-eyed individuals are most often seen as exuding sweetness (42 percent), and being sexy (21 percent) and kind (10 percent).
Blue eyed people are not seen as: shy (4 percent) or trustworthy (2 percent).

In contrast to brown eyes, blue eyes are not typically associated with being smart, as only 7 percent of respondents thought of blue-eyed people as intelligent.
More than anyone, people with blue eyes anticipate being looked at. It’s easy to lose their attention because your wandering eyes will take you out of the communication in their mind. Reduced eye contact? Reduced respsect. Beware.
Green Eyes

Twenty-nine percent of respondents associated green eyes with sexiness. Green-eyed people are also thought of as creative (25 percent) and a little devious (20 percent).
Like their blue-eyed counterparts, they are not considered trustworthy (3 percent) or shy (3 percent), but in contrast, people with green eyes are not thought of as sweet (only 4 percent of respondents associated green eyes with being sweet).
Would Most People Change Their Eye Color?
Of the respondents, 60 percent expressed an interest in changing their eye color. More respondents would change their eye color to green (27 percent) than any other color.
In second place, 26 percent of those surveyed said that they would change their eye color to amethyst, and 18 percent said that they would change their eye color to blue. After blue, turquoise came in fourth place with 13 percent opting for that color, followed by gray (7 percent), honey (5 percent), and brown (4 percent).
It’s not the only trait that alters our personality but eye color is one characteristic that shifts how people treat you and that changes your worldview shifting your personality traits.
If you want more control over what happens in every communication, there is a way for you to improve your reading body language skills.
BODY LANGUAGE: Decoding, Interpreting & Mastering Non-Verbal Communication
with body language expert Kevin Hogan
This is a Complete Home Study Course. (A portion of this course is interactive with your computer!)
The Advanced Home Study Course in Analyzing Nonverbal Communication!
When you discover the secrets of body language, you can be the one who:
- Never gets lied to
- Knows when they are attracted to you
- Knows when they are uncomfortable
- Is in control 100% of the time!
The exact same nonverbal communication that gets people to buy from you are the same ones that get them to buy you. Whether you want to master body language to make the sale or get the girl (or guy) this program reveals all the secret codes hidden for so long! Absolutely no one has all of this information. Period. My proprietary research (which you are going to receive!) brings you to the cutting edge of having people fall in love with you in literally a matter of seconds.
You are going to discover what really gets the sale, the promotion, and what seals or kills the deal.
Between 60% and 75% of all of your communication is nonverbal. Are you attracting or repelling people around you? Are you making every sale you could be? How are people reading you?
In the first four seconds people will make judgments about you:
- I will or will not buy from this person.
- I will or will not like this person.
- I find this person kind, or not.
- I find this person intelligent or not.
And now for the most amazing part of the course: 6 CDs and Video are INTERACTIVE with our secret website filled with photographs to analyze!
You move through a catalog of photographs and nuance by nuance analyze the small lines, wrinkles, facial expressions, hand and body placement. All these details are explained to you by body language expert, Kevin Hogan.
The first two introductory CDs are geared toward helping you make an incredible impression in those first four seconds. This advanced portion of the home study course is all about the other person! Now you can discover whether they are lying or not. You can find out the cues of annoyance, covering hidden feelings, and whether they like you or not.
You are going to learn to read people in virtually an instant. Kevin will introduce you to what he does when The New York Post, First for Women, Cosmopolitan, Playboy, The Star, Maxim, Success, Selling Power and the rest of the media call!
Over the past two years, we’ve collected over 100 pictures of celebrities that he has analyzed for the media. Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Angelina Jolie, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, The Sex and the City girls, Drew Barrymore, Kurt Russell, Goldie Hawn, Beyonce Knowles, Liz Hurley, Pamela Anderson, Stephen Spielberg, and dozens more.
As you progress through the course, you will become proficient at reading and analyzing body language! And of course, I’m giving you the keys to my password-protected secret website with over 100 photos of the stars ready to analyze!
This is a complete seminar in reading, decoding and interpreting body language from the source. Nothing is missing and YOU have access!
You will receive my complete analysis of EVERY PHOTOGRAPH on Six (6)additional Digital Audio CDs (8 total in this course!) Your Secret Password to the Hidden Website for the Interactive Photo Gallery will come with your package.
More Information on body language or to order