Kevin Hogan

International Speaker

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Covert Hypnosis: Charisma that Pops

Covert Hypnosis Kevin Hogan

It is the most subtle of all communication. The sole purpose of Covert Hypnosis is to bypass critical thought. You use covert hypnosis when you are attempting to drop reactance, resistance, or trigger a behavior through a desire or similar driver in the brain. Hypnosis is the bypassing of critical thought in the mind.

Most of the time in life, you don’t want to use covert hypnosis because it doesn’t typically trigger a sensible conversation. Covert hypnosis operates under the radar and tends to be optimal in short communication packets. Because you are bypassing critical thinking, dropping resistance and reactance, and triggering specific desires or drives; there is an almost immediate response to think or do something very specific.

Music that has been well written often gives you the most subtle aspects of almost hidden influences.  The lyrics below are a nice example of how a lyricist can use hypnotic language in a fashion that brings about a result in the listener which is ultimately the beginning of a hit record and/or millions of sales. Covert hypnosis changes the state of almost anyone listening to this kind of music.   Here’s just a couple of lines from 38 Special, the song is called, “So Caught Up In You”.

“…so caught up in you; little girl; you’re the one who has me down on my knees,”

Charisma is Putting Others First Kevin Hogan

“…that I never want to get myself free….you’re the one who taught me how good it could be”.

The writer paints a beautiful picture in the woman’s mind. It’s very simple. The desire to be in control. The person who is the creator… is the woman. And that slides right past critical thinking and resistance. This is not the best example of covert hypnosis in music, it’s simply one I was listening to this afternoon that wasn’t written by Lennon and McCartney.


For today, let’s use some similar tech. But before we begin….

If the melody had been terrible, then reactance would have been triggered and the song would simply …well… suck.

You need lyrics and melody to make covert hypnosis the stealth deliverer of messages in tune.

But wait – there’s more than melody and lyrics. If all you had to do was have a good song, life would be simple.

But no…

You need a performance. You need a video that people want to watch SO MUCH that they don’t turn to another channel on YouTube.

And here is an another insight you’ve been misled on.

NEVER listen to anyone who tells you your video should be “no longer than a minute.”

That’s garbage.

Machine Gun Kelly, Smashing Pumpkins, Depeche Mode, Led Zeppelin.  Ask the skeptical to do you a favor and email their ONE MINUTE songs that changed the world.

Let me think… “Hey Jude,” seven minutes. Uh…. “Stairway to Heaven”… seven minutes.

Huh. And yes, YOU are the VIDEO

And your charisma will be experienced six MORE minutes after all the others have left the room because of their social anxiety and inability to talk to an audience for, well, more than one minute.

Hypnotic language that actually BYPASSES CRITICAL THINKING is different than you were taught…significantly different. Now,…


Because hypnotic language bypasses critical thought. It is literally covert. The communication packet is dropped directly into the nonconscious mind and causes someone to ACT on it in some way. Your desired outcome could be as basic as a state change (a change in the frame of mind) or as complex as having someone take a series of actions.

What’s missing from most attempts at hypnotic language?

It doesn’t come close to disarming reactance. Old school attempts more often than not failed to create action triggers in the brain.

Remember reactance is the fear of being manipulated or losing freedom in some way.

Resistance is the actual “push back” to the message you send.

Get past reactance and you still have resistance.  Try to get past resistance first or all of your efforts are wasted.

And remember that there are far more than words at work in the communication packet. Some people are absolutely non-reactant because the nonverbal cues. They are non-resistant because the environment of your connecting with them is so safe, and the absolute flawless calm you create in that person’s  mind is all but impossible to resist.

Moving Past the FAILURE TO CONNECT with Charisma

Before you go any further, you must know that trigger words and phrases that fire off DESIRES in the other person’s mind are square one in your syntactical creations.

Without these trigger words or more often phrases, a pattern is not a pattern for anything but boredom.

You want to be seen…to be FELT as charismatic?

Charisma is experienced in an INTERACTIVE relationship.

Charisma is not necessarily about your favorite entertainer on stage. Of course they might be charismatic. I’ve seen a lot of shows and one thing you know is that there is a great deal of intention in the experience of charisma.

The advice, “don’t be a people pleaser,”  is perfect for someone who doesn’t want to influence or be experienced as charismatic.

Charisma is fire.

It’s a completely interactive relationship between 2 or more people.

Charisma doesn’t require a beautiful face or an amazing body. It doesn’t require a hit song. Charisma is you triggering internal feelings and states that other people rarely do in others, especially that person. It’s that person appreciating your presence. It’s an interactive experience.

Charisma is understanding others, and in part giving them what they want or need.

For example…

You suggest: “You are obviously a man who appreciates quality.”

It’s an incredibly simple piece of hypnotic language that operates at that invisible level.

Can you reasonably expect… “No I hate good stuff and good people.”

Not going to happen is it?

Why? because we all want quality. Most people don’t THINK about quality until they have something in their hands and say, “man this is junk.”

It’s one of the things everyone desires in people, places or things.

As nice as that example is, this is better.

“You are obviously a woman who is seen as enjoying the finest.”

That’s similar but superior to the snappy pattern above.

A woman who enjoys “the finest” is SMART. She is “ABLE and CAPABLE.”

How many people have mentioned that to her in the last decade?


That would be you.

That makes YOU the person who understands HER. It causes her to KNOW that you are special. And that causes her to have feelings toward you that she doesn’t have toward other people. And that makes you charismatic in her mind.




The one person who gets her.

When a brilliant actor is on stage or in the movie and the women fall for him even after the fact he’s a good looking guy starts to wear off, it’s because she FEELS that HE IDENTIFIES with and GETS HER.

And now that’s you.

Pretty simple.

“You are seen as enjoying…,” is a fabulous sentence fragment  and it directly speaks to the rolodex (complete contact list) in the person’s mind, that this person is SEEN as enjoying the finest, where? In the ROLODEX.

And another FULL STOP.

rolodex in the brain Kevin Hogan

That is pure POWER. WHO is SEEING her enjoying?

It is the ROLODEX because no one else is here!

…covert hypnosis in it’s most elegant moment formulation.

You’ve put her entire contact list in her brain in tune with something for which she experiences as either terror or absolute pride, safety, comfort, calm and strength.

“You are seen as enjoying…,” and it is something COOL that everyone in her rolodex would want, desire, need and love.

When you take apart hypnotic language patterns that test well in real life research they tend to be effective, not because of the model they were taken from but because they  push desire and driver buttons in remarkably brilliant fashion.

When you tell a man that he appreciates quality as you show him something of quality, it makes it very difficult to breakaway from whatever you are showing him. The anchoring of his EMOTIONAL RESPONSE to your statement and the THING that you are mentioning to him are critical. The bond is like guerrilla glue.

Meanwhile REMEMBER that the woman is being SEEN!


Seen by WHO?

The Rolodex in her brain includes her neighbors that see her car that she wants to trade in because it isn’t nice enough to drive in the neighborhood.

She is seen as enjoying the finest when she gives you a cabernat in a nice large glass. Clearly she understands wine and is proud to know enough to serve it up correctly. She has a refined “part” of her and she’s proud of it. Proud to WHO? Her rolodex.

And thus as you are sharing SOMETHING with her and mention that she is “seen as enjoying the finest,” you trigger a lot more buttons than simply the “benefits” of what you are showing her. It’s almost beauty in your expression. It’s artistic and impossible to not react to.

You trigger thoughts of the finest men, the finest friends, an elegance that maps over to any of a dozen specific people, places, or things.

“You are obviously a woman who understands how other people feel.”

Whoa… everyone has told her, “you just don’t understand me!” “You are just like other men, you don’t understand or get me or women!”

And now YOU are TELLING her FACTUALLY that she UNDERSTANDS how people FEEL.


1) You are the ONLY PERSON to ever tell her this.

2) You are telling her the ONE THING THAT SHE HAS consistently EXPERIENCED MORE PAIN FROM in arguments, in fights and disagreements than perhaps ANYTHING else.

3) You are COVERTLY setting up a ROLE for her to play. In other words you are giving her a “projection” which is why we call it “role projection.”

YOU are now appreciated, loved, exalted. You like no one else.

And you thought Bono, Mick Jagger, Elvis, McCartney, Robin Williams, Michael Jackson, got their audience.

You are Bono SQUARED.

It’s obvious that you are one person who grasps the meaning of a conversation.

“You are obviously a woman who sees…”

It’s absolutely impossible to not respond positively to the accurate appreciation of brilliance that now follows rapidly on the fragment.

Again it’s you and only you.

“You are obviously a woman who…”

The problem with fragments is people think the full power is in the fragment. It’s not. The power is both 100% the fragment and 100% the TRIGGER in the next fragment.

You could screw up your entire communication right here but you won’t because you have nothing significantly bad to say about anyone, not Republicans, not Democrats, not…anyone.

“One thing I’ve noticed about you is how comfortable you are with yourself.”

WHY? Most women are NOT.
WHY? Most HUMANS are not.

And here you are recognizing something for which she is three cuts above the crowd.

“One things I’ve noticed about you is how you inspire other people.”
“…how quickly you grasp the meaning of a conversation.”

“I can tell it’s important to you that you see other people’s point of view.”

“I can tell it’s important to you that it’s known jus who it is that sees other points of view.”

“…you demand the best in others.”

I can tell…you feel right about a decision before jumping in.”

“…that you make the most of your leisure time.”

“….that you are honest with other people.”

Charisma is a relationship experience.

“The thing I’ve always admired about you is your focus and your vision.”

I DID NOT JUST now NOTICE. What I’ve ALWAYS ADMIRED about you is your______________because…

Did You Have this Relative in Your Family?

covert hypnosis Kevin Hogan understanding

Did you have an Aunt Sandra who was direct and straightforward? Someone who told you precisely what she was thinking at all cost? Someone who was so straight shooting they must have roots in Bulgaria?

“One thing I’ve always admired about you is your focus about what matters in life and how direct your communication is with respect to those  things that matter in life most.”

It’s really hard to be mean to be someone who admires you and TELLS you that they do just that.

“The thing I’ve always admired about you is how you say what you mean. The way you say exactly what you mean.”

“…the way that you embrace your hopes and dreams.”

This is actually good old fashion hypnotic language that fit the 1970’s model for such things. It’s so ambiguous that it means 100 things to 50 different people.  (There’s still some gasoline in those old cars from the 70’s after all)

Respect and appreciation are key triggers for most people in general and especially most American women.

Hey, if you come up with what you think is a kick butt hypnotic language pattern SEND IT TO US
We’ll TEST it and then if it tests well we’ll put it up in our next similar article. Cool?

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Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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