Becoming a New Person: Is it Possible?


become a new person

by Kevin Hogan

Can YOU or ANYONE really become a “New Person?” 

Is it even a little possible?

There’s a lot working against you. If you stay at the same job you have all the negative triggers in the same place from the same people every single day. That is incredibly tough to fight, without fighting.

What about at home?

Kids? Spouse? Dog? Whatever, they are there every single day and the triggers are most intense at home because there is very little reason to control your behavior. Your friends don’t see you flip out. At work you look like an idiot if you flip out. At home you only look like an idiot to a couple of people!  Very little leverage to be a new person at home.

The odds seemed stacked against you.

And as I’ve shared with you, if you are becoming a better person you’ve noticed that very FEW people respond positively to your changing who you are, even if it’s for the better.

Changing a self is no simple project. Changing it so the new self is actually a better version of (let’s call him Bill) Bill is even more difficult.

Quite some time ago I took an anger management course. I’ve always had expectations of myself and others that are quite high and have known that if you want results yourself and others expectations are critical.

The problem was I’ve always lived in a world of dealing with family, friends, clients who either had done stupid things in business or their life to get the results they were getting But of course, not everything that happens to you is something you generated. Sometimes your results have nothing to do with you.

Two quick examples to understand.

In a relatively free country like the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, etc. you really have a significant amount of control over the results you have. (This is a subject of an article we’ll do in a few weeks. Significant means 1/3 or more for this subject.) The problem is that luck, the environment, the culture, the person you live with, the person who left you, the children or parents or friends you take care of, your boss, your competitors, they ALL influence where you go in life.

I’m not going to say “end up” because we all end up in the same place in the end.

What life is about is making everything that happens from THIS MOMENT forward as good as it can be as defined, by you, with suggestions from me, along the way.

If a car broadsides your car as they happily race through the intersection, whether you or someone else in the car dies, gets hurt is really, for the most part, not their responsibility.

Sure, maybe if someone was driving on an icy day and they knew they shouldn’t have…we all know that. But for the most part the guy who ran the red and torpedoed into your two doors doing somewhere between minor and life taking damage…is their responsibility.

Those moments and everything that follows due to that experience, are called Black Swans.

If someone robs a store or does damage to another person, that’s generally a bad thing. And here we have another problem. Just because someone robs a store doesn’t mean they did something wrong, they simply might have done something that was necessary for the survival of their family, for example. On average, life is 50 Shades of Gray.

About 7 years ago, my fairly well known girlfriend said, “Kev you want to see?” This was in another country and I didn’t speak the language. “Like what?” (Who knows maybe it was Avengers or a Tom Cruise movie.) “50 Shades of Gray.” In my mind? Ah you gotta be kidding.


This is where anger management paid off.

Obviously, I wasn’t angry. Not even a little. I was humored and almost laughing. But what you learn in anger management is that when a stimulus occurs and your trigger reaction is to blow up you first think. “Shut up, Kev.” then “Think Kev, there is a best answer here. If you can’t figure it out return to “Shut up Kev.”

(You don’t have to be in an anger triggering or triggered moment to use the “Shut up, Kev” tool.)

I ALMOST SPOKE! I almost said why in the name of Xenu would I want to see that?

But then I realized either A, she really had been looking forward to it or B, she wanted me to see it and learn something. C? She couldn’t have believed I’d want to see it for my pleasure, as I’m just not THAT wild.

Not knowing and not wanting to reduce harmony, I said, “Sure, what time?”

We saw the midnight show, there were like 30 people in the theater as it was at the end of the run, and it was in English. Praise god.

And it was certainly interesting. And I learned a lot of things, most of which were out of my future before the things had run their course in the show.

You use the tool in anger producing situations the same way. Someone says something that triggers you. You squelch the nuclear bomb. If you don’t know what to say, you silence your self like you do a phone. Then walk away so you don’t do damage to the rest of the day or week or life.

It was the first step (so to speak) in making a better human.

But what do you do NEXT?

That was hard. It was harder than losing weight. But one useful tool is really just that.


Now let’s return to the question but change it just a bit because the question is not can MOST PEOPLE become a new person, but can you become a new person, and IF you can is it worth the effort?

Humans don’t want to change on average, but they recognize that certain aspects of what they do or what they say or how they look really is getting them negative results in life.

Here’s the thing: Quite often, even amongst all the randomness of life, people are negatively changed by the randomness, almost never in a good way, and they recognize that SOMETHING MUST CHANGE.

Life is filled with randomness.

5 years ago everyone answered with “That’s random.” People were recognizing that random things were random. Then the “that’s random” reaction became a catch all for not telling the person they were an idiot. And the value of the response became mostly useless again.

Question: When was the last time someone RANDOMLY walked up to your house, your apartment, in your office and said, “HEY BILL, I want to GIVE YOU A MILLION DOLLARS! Here ya’ go!”

“Hey BIll, I want to give you a THOUSAND DOLLARS because you are such a nice guy! Here ya’ go!”

“Hey Bill, I want to give you twenty bucks because you’re such a good guy!”


“Hey Bill, I cut your lawn, shoveled your sidewalk, made the bed for you, cleaned the bathroom, washed your dishes….”

You get this right?

YES! There are good people in the world who actually do things like this for people. 

And even complete jerks will occasionally do something good for another human being for no reason other they want to make the world a better place or give a person a better day. 

But let’s address what to expect and not end up disappointed:

Just because YOU want to be a New Person, a better person, a better version of your Self does not mean anyone else around you has any interest in doing that for themselves or assisting you.

Here are the First 10 Facts of Life as they Relate to Becoming a Better/New Person

1) The people you live/work with, have many daily actions that sabotage you. AND they are also the most likely experiencers of your negative actions. Thus, they are the least likely to help you with something they haven’t already been doing for days, weeks, months, years.

2) The people you work with have a job with rules. One of those rules is NOT do bonus good things for people at the office.

3) Your expecting different behaviors from others without working on those behaviors directly with that person is very, very difficult.

4) Influence and persuasion can help you change those in your environment.

5) Change takes time.

6) Someone once told you it takes 21 days to change a habit. They either lied to you or they were speaking out of their rectal sphincter. It’s not even close to true and THIS fact alone is a HUGE reason people see themselves as failures.

7) People stop giving EFFORT often right before a breakthrough is about to occur.

8) Reinvention is very real, but I have yet to see anyone address the impact of physical space, humans in the spaces being occupied  around you, your current load of effort requested by others vs. your capability bandwidth.

9) The vast majority of people don’t want to see you achieve a result unless it benefits them directly. In other words, yes, if you lose weight you are a more attractive object to see at the office, so here people will applaud you. But if you believe by working 30% harder and get a 30% result increase and then a 30% raise when everyone gets 4% for inflation, you already can see that people don’t want to see you succeed. Humans want you to be almost as good at x as they are, or maybe a little better at x, but NOT rewarded significantly more than they are.

10) The stuff in your environment must be rotated until you see what things in your environment give you improved return on your life.  Important to understand here that playing your favorite music could be helpful to you and maddening to someone else around you. Decorating your house with xyz could make you feel much more productive and drive someone else to have arguments about the change itself or other things.

11) The First 10 Facts of  Life are facts, not ideas. That means you prepare for what happens when change happens in your environments.

Next week you’ll get a look at precisely how to begin the process of becoming a new person. Between now and then note the facts on paper, note how these facts might manifest in your situation(s) and how  you might respond.

IF you can actually do THIS simple exercise you will be able to meet your outcome.


Charismatic Communicator Course 2024

“New 11 week course fulfills on it’s promise to make you a Charismatic Communicator.”

Course begins 2/28/24

Kevin Hogan Persuasion Influence Expert

Charisma is not what you look like but how another person gravitates or NOT, to you.

If people keep their “eyes glued” to your communication’s message, you both win. If not? You both lose. Simple.

Because over half of your communication with others is now online, you have a seriously big challenge. No one has really shown you ANYTHING about being seen as brilliant, sparkling, smart as hell, attractive…when you are Face to Face or appear on video.

Your only meaningful choice is to connect and ignite real love, compassion, anger, passion in others or you are useless.

It’s time to bring out your most engaging you…into the most difficult of mediums to win…video, web and face to face in a very rapidly changing world.

Charisma says, “ya’ got me. Now don’t let me go because I’ll stay until…”

I know you’re thinking, “yeah but Kev, I’ve never been that person.”


No one showed you HOW to be that person. Grade A, #1 Fact.

The sales team/audience member/lover of the charismatic person simply doesn’t want the time to end. They want to stay with you in the moment until..

Part of my job here is giving you the step by step’s to be certain you will never disappoint in person, at the meeting, in front of a room,  a Zoom or GoTo Meeting, on You Tube. You will never look like you are #2 in a webinar, never fail to grab your listener on you tube.

You’re about to take a quantum leap to engaging communication. 10 weeks (now 11 weeks) over 3 months of absolutely laser beam advice and consulting.  Focus of this 30+++ hour mostly video course, largely brand new and  is designed and laid out for you to be brilliant in recorded and live video.  It’s also rife with applications (all given) for “the real world.”

Who needs charisma in 2024?

People who must or want to interact with others in any context face to face or on video.

Charismatic communication (picking some typical reactions) causes others to feel comfortablegenerates a little spark of emotional electricityreassures the certainty that you are credible and that you don’t resort to ancient methods of engaging new friends, clients and customers. Whether live or on on video, this video, helps you understand precisely how to do this in a video webinar context though it will be helpful in face to face communication as well.

Here’s a too short 4:32 clip from a 2.5 hour video webinar I did with Hing Nikolay, who was in Indonesia while I was safely tucked away here in Minnesota. Watch and see if it meets the criteria above. This is NOT part of the course or promotional in nature. It is an EXAMPLE of ONE way you will learn to communicate on video in this course. (Webjam Webinar in this case)

[ed. note]  Throughout this course Kevin is sharing new charismatic communication strategies in business and personal life for face to face real life, as well as video results.

In this clip Kevin talks with a live audience on Zoom. Imagine YOU are Kevin sharing this content. This is real life, no green screen, no fancy tech. Not even a web cam! It’s precisely one choice for how you will look from now on, when you are being interviewed on a Zoom call. It could also be a presentation choice of how to speak to a group, team, friends and family. It IS one and in the course I show you the various decisions and then choices you will make in specifically WHAT and HOW to do this and 20 times more.]

This specific clip is a good example of what you can expect from international connections online once you’ve mastered charismatic communication.


Did the clip allow you to see how you feel as far as your comfort and
give you a glimpse of what the charismatic communicator does to
transfer feelings of credibility, knowledge, certainty and most
importantly, keep the listener (in this case our Indonesian group of
200) LISTENING and taking notes?

Now you have a sample of a result of 40 hours of video that are in
this “interactive course.” In Air Quotes because you will take notes.
Lots of them. You will email questions to Kevin when you have them and
Kevin will get back to you typically within 1 day.

In other words, we know this specific moment was highly viewed and
generated great questions. People were happy with the experience and
loved this moment and the guy in the red and black shirt.

Now, logistics aside for the moment…

Does Kevin really believe that ANYONE can make a living online any more with that Coffee Table Business at home?


When people look at you they get a feeling, a sense of who you are. Quite often they are right. Other times not so much.

What is certain is that they are certain of their opinion of you, just by looking, seeing you on video or briefly talking with you.

With the majority now back in the office, those real world skills of connection and relationship are more important than ever.

That said, video communication is not going to stop. It has an important place in personal and business life. Life in the phone is not the same as the real world.

Now be honest. Think about the last few conference, video conferences or events you’ve experienced. How was the PRESENTER? How about the people that the presenter asked to lead the meeting or take the stage?


People are awkward in real life and terrible on video. Perhaps 3% of people on Zoom/Skype/What’s App/A professional Webinar…. can truly hold curious attention for more than a minute or two. OK, so why so bad?

Generally intelligent people come across as dull, unaware, ill prepared, boring and flat. And you’ve seen it watching others and even your Self.

1) No one taught them how to COMMUNICATE on video or in real life.

2) No one showed them multiple effective and different ways to LOOK in real life and on video.

3) No one has trained them to generate fascination in real life or on video?

4) No one has trained them to trigger FEELINGS OF APPRECIATION in the meeting.

5) No one has showed you how to gain respect quickly, live, streaming or on recorded video.

6) No one has driven you hard enough to become one of the 3% so you actually will have long term predictable success on video (in person, live OR recorded)

7) No one showed you how to be a VIEWER of someone else’s Zoom or similar video. In other words. You suck as an audience member and the manager/trainer/teacher sees you and does NOT like you. They probably don’t hate you, but… they are getting NO VIBE from you.

8) And how do you create those in person and video messages (like training videos or webinars) that anyone would want to watch past 3 minutes. You’ve seen dozens and yes, they really are terrible. You have idiots who have no content with great technology which is a hot way to give people nothing.


Look, remember that fun pandemic experience we had a couple of years ago?! 

I was on numerous calls with companies this year where I would have spoken in person 4 years ago. There are a lot of leaders that are really trying out there. But there WAS NO INSTRUCTION on how to do business on video (aside from what we’ve put out there).

This is HALF of the world you live in.

People had never been so out of touch, so unable to persuade, to excite, to fascinate, to generate even a spark of interest. One thing is certain: It’s all fixable.

Charisma is a survival and  better life skill going into the next five years.

This is no time for ego but logic and rational thinking.

You are ready or you will be in 17 minutes,  to exude charisma in ANY situation. The flexible win. The few people with the largest number of adaptive behaviors survive. Those with charisma skyrocket because it is a chaotic time and NOTHING drives people to the CHARISMATIC like CHAOS and BOREDOM.


Even with pumpkins…

Charisma is not what you look like but how your viewer gravitates or NOT, to you.

If people keep their “eyes glued” to your communication’s message, you both win. If not? You both lose. Simple.

Because over half of your communication with others is now online, you have a seriously big challenge. No one has taught you ANYTHING about being seen as brilliant, sparkling, smart as hell, attractive…when you appear on video.

You have to connect and ignite real love, compassion, anger, passion in others or you are useless.

Work for a company and no one seems to “get you”?

It’s an important question because without charisma, people can become obsolete quickly. You want and need what not enough people have and that is your ability to cause people to CRAVE YOU.

There are two important elements of communication I’ve been working to build THIS course right for you, for just about 4 years. As I looked at non-entertainers, who are charismatic, you come to a startling conclusion. The sample size is  small and there were only about 7 elements of connection and communication that stood out.  The two most important skills are the ability to know when to ask/or not, why to ask, how to ask/or not, where to ask/or not… questions.  And secondly but with far much greater memorable importance is stories. They are the core of charismatic communication.

The right questions spoken in an effective way, and knowing when to not ask, are how you discover information, opinions and ideas.

But what you never thought of is that questions are REALLY how you train specific beliefs, ideas and attitudes.

If you’ve heard someone tell you that content is king… well… the content that is KING is in the listener, the viewer… in THEIR MIND.

That’s why I have put together not just a “list of questions,” but QUESTIONS that change minds, shift perception, alter frames, CREATE criteria. And obviously the more important elements of HOW to ask, WHEN to ask, WHERE to ask, with what tones of voice and cadence to ask.

Now I have a question for you.

Do you really believe TRUE CRITERIA for things people do EXISTS?

Answer? It’s rather disappointing to hear but obviously not after believing yes for years. I know the feeling. 

Don’t feel slighted. About 75% of trainers were never shown how to train effectively. It’s embarrassing.

People don’t have criteria for virtually anything.

People are walking around in their house, eyes glued to their phone, and waiting for someone to tell them what to do.

Don’t believe it?

Ask someone to send you their criteria that existed BEFORE TODAY  for searching for that new job or starting new business related project in 2024.

Ask anyone their criteria for a spouse whether they are single or married.

Drop me a note with that and their criteria that existed BEFORE today for getting a new house, investment or automobile.

The charismatic person has rules on dealing with people. Show me your rules, or those of others and you have a foundation to change a person’s life forever.  You only get to THIS point if you have that charismatic ability to cause people to trust, believe, have certainty in YOU.

By now you have figured it out that humans have no clue why they do something, decide or choose. They “just decided to,” because they have no other way to describe that impulse. The same feeling you get around a charismatic person, triggers you to a very positive feeling, even a dream you’ve always had.


Kevin Hogan Influence Expert
Kevin in Italy

I could give you the 21 questions you want to know and master asking, RIGHT HERE in text and even this pile of gold nuggets is all but useless without those questions being integrated with all the other aspects of brilliance in communication. 

Instead you learn what is in the course so you can train people you are responsible to and for, to use criteria that you need them to use. It’s a skill.

It needs to be practiced. You’ve got to get reeeeaaaalllly good at this process or you are going to fall deep into the bottom 97% of communicators.

You are now in The Advanced Era of New Age of Communication. Yeah The Age was born around 1950, it grew up and graduated from high school in 2000 and just got it’s bachelors in 2024.

But no one went to school for Charisma in the Age of Communication.  You already know that 85% of people are inadequate communicators IN PERSON. What about on video (live or recorded)?

It’s horrible.

Video just makes people worse communicators because they haven’t been shown, and aren’t going to try, to become brilliant on video. That gives you the advantage. No one else is even TRYING!

People have no idea how to have a DATE ON VIDEO.

It’s been around for over a decade and there isn’t a basic template, until this course.

I mean a ROMANTIC date that people remember FOREVER.  

An experience that they will tell others about forever. Because no one else took the time to develop the strategies and techniques to make online dating WORK for them in the Age of Communication. Instead they learned to make a “profile” and send an email.

In the Charismatic Communicator Course we fix that. 

And as the context grows you can bet we’ll grow the options and content in the future for you, but for the moment you are getting what we know with ABSOLUTELY APPLICABLE step by step technique so you come across as not just a “maybe” but a “YES!”

Then what?

How do you get the girl or guy to go out on an IN PERSON date with you in 2024?

Things have really changed. They’ve gotten more difficult for most people.


Wroclaw, Poland late autumn 2019


You will discover how to make “it” work in the new world. Even on the London Eye (below)

Stop thinking about how you THINK things should be.
That’s madness. You and I don’t control how things will be, EXCEPT as
they relate to YOU.

So you go out to the gas station to get gas and 20 people look at you.

How many look at you TWICE?


If you talk to someone and think the person is a possible hire or a
possible date, do you even have ANY clue as to what you’d say?

Look, the world CHANGED. Any similarity between 2024 and 2014 is purely coincidental.

This all means that stories become part of the communicating with charisma equation.

I get on a lot of these conference calls, typically as a presenter,
but sometimes as a viewer. Yep, I recently “attended” ANOTHER really
fascinating, online, international biblical archaeology conference. I’m
fascinated by the topic and I love READING these folks who presented on


Because those speakers ability to communicate a message that was once
communicated in live workshops and brilliant textbooks, the lack of
skill in presenting on recorded video and live video means they can’t
simply give data point after data point. IT DOES NOT WORK in 2024.

MOST fields and niches in businesses are simply going to die because
people suck at communication. It begins with charisma. That means YOU MUST HAVE THAT *WOW* about you.

Sure if you are hot and look great on Tik Tok, well good for you. You got those 100K likes on that video, I’m thrilled for you.

The reality is you really don’t want or need 100K likes!


Because you can’t hire 100,000 people or do business with 100,000 people or be in a relationship with 100,000 people.

All you really want and need in life is to have a good connection
with 10 or 20 or 30 or 100 or maybe 200 people for pretty much anything.

And again, no one has every shared this with you. Your ability to
communicate charismatically doesn’t need to mean that you’ll have a
million texts or a million video chats, or a million dinner dates,
unless you really want and need that. And if it did that would be
related to other courses we do in addition to capturing all you need to
know about your ability to connect and master.

If you’re thinking of your presence in a larger business context,
certainly you can do that with what you learn here. But even that is
still a connection at a time, a relationship at a time.

So STOP worrying and begin the process I walk you through in detail in this course.

I’m going to have YOU, get good at this: You need people to stop and listen to you, like you watch that one hot girl on Tik Tok pitch her car insurance, jewelry, clothes, food, shoes or landscaping service.

I don’t look like that “influencer” so I have to be an influencer
that relies on ME. I have to rely on my ability to give you a LOT that
you NEED and WANT and your training from me to USE THAT in every day

I wrote a book called, Irresistible Attraction. It touched on charisma.

…in 2024 we can’t “touch on” charisma.

In 2024 you must BE CHARISMATIC.

We live it or we are finished.


Not social distancing from those who died over 150 years ago…Catacombs, far under street level in Paris. January 2020

As no other time in the past, people must see you as unique and comfortable in every context you are given to work in. Face to Face, or on Zoom, webinars, video casts. All of it.

People need to see you as THE PERSON who they want to connect with BECAUSE YOU KNOW HOW to have an ONLINE DATE.

They want to TALK to you because THEY FEEL LIKE YOU ARE FASCINATED by them.

Read that again. No one has ever said that to you.

It’s 2024.

I hope you take lots of business courses, marketing courses, dating courses, continuing ed credits, you name it…

this year. Heaven knows you’ll have LOTS of spare time to do it IF you don’t learn how to communicate in a way that separates YOU from EVERYONE else.

I’ve put together the most comprehensive course there is on the planet.  Period.

The course is 10 weeks in duration. It is NOT EASY because it requires YOU to make shifts in how you frame, question, use story, captivate and take advantage of all of the disadvantages we have in 2024.

Story?! You’ve read about how to tell a story. Shoot you must have taken my 10 week online courses like the  Professional Speaker Course, Wealth Accumulation Course or Success Course if you are in business. But how many stories do you have CATALOGUED that you can tell at the trigger words.

Here are a few stories that come to mind from the 177 (personal) stories I’ve logged as effective…


Here’s a super quick example of a list you pop onto  3×5 card and stick it in your pocket in case you get stuck. Everyone of these stories stops people from eating and holds the listener until I’m done.

Next time you see me live, ask me to show you my “List of 10.” It’s in the left hand pocket of my suit and is there if I ever need a 10* story to grab my audience.

Boy Scouts bring food.

Little Girl in Wheel Chair.

First social security wages? Age 12

3 Things a Day.

247 rejections.


Election Prediction.

Gold Shout to Buy

Snowstorm that Triggered Career and Millions


Idiot in the Target Parking Lot

Hollywood Calling

Each of those words or phrases is part of a catalog of nearly 200 best stories based on responses, not how cute I think it is.

More importantly…

You will learn and MASTER,  YOUR 30 most electrifying stories. I’ve never taught more than 6 in a course. Here you have the template, a sample and a directive. You will have YOUR own catalog in weeks!

If you can’t tell a story AND WISELY pursue a person’s loves and likes, you can have anything and anyone you want.


Any idiot can ask a question and the dictum of “there are no stupid questions,” is blatantly ridiculous. Most questions are ill considered and often hurtful to yourself and others.

You go on a date and ask a bunch of questions and you don’t ever go on a date again. You ask questions on the SECOND date UNLESS your questions are SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to place your date at the top of the competition in some way.

Business is different. Here you ask questions on the first meeting. It’s one of the few context differences between business and personal experiences.

And you will have learned how to be charismatic, that very rare person most people will meet a few times and yet will never have dinner with. That is the way charisma works in real life.

I’ll give you the 21 most important questions you will REGULARLY USE IN YOUR LIFE and you will LEARN THEM, because if you don’t people will look at you and see your face as one of the millions of other faces they see every single day.

San Diego, Summer 2019
Videocast prep in Deb Cole’s place in L.A., Summer 2019

Here’s a super quick example of a list you pop onto  3×5 card and
stick it in your pocket in case you get stuck. Everyone of these stories
stops people from eating and holds the listener until I’m done.

Next time you see me live, ask me to show you my “List of 10.” It’s
in the left hand pocket of my suit and is there if I ever need a 10*
story to grab my audience. (I’ve used it one time in my life. Thank god
it was there!)

Boy Scouts bring food.

Little Girl in Wheel Chair.

First social security wages? Age 12

3 Things a Day.

247 rejections.


Election Prediction.

Gold Shout to Buy

Snowstorm that Triggered Career and Millions


Idiot in the Target Parking Lot

Hollywood Calling

Each of those words or phrases is part of a catalog of nearly 200 best stories based on responses, not how cute I think it is.

More importantly…

You will learn and MASTER,  YOUR 30 most electrifying stories. I’ve
never taught more than 6 in a course. Here you have the template, a
sample and a directive. You will have YOUR own catalog in weeks!

If you can’t tell a story AND WISELY pursue a person’s loves and likes, you can have anything and anyone you want.

And what about questions?

Any idiot can ask a question and believe the dictum of “there are no stupid questions.”

That of course is blatantly ridiculous. Most questions are ill considered and often hurtful to yourself and others.

You go on a date and ask a bunch of questions and you don’t ever go
on a date again. You ask questions on the SECOND date UNLESS your
questions are SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to place your date at the top of the
competition in some way.

Business is different. Here you ask questions on the first meeting.
It’s one of the few context differences between business and personal

And you will have learned how to be charismatic, that
very rare person most people will meet a few times and yet will never
have dinner with. That is the way charisma works in real life.

I’ll give you the 21 most important questions you will REGULARLY USE
IN YOUR LIFE and you will LEARN THEM, because if you don’t people will
look at you and see your face as one of the millions of other faces they
see every single day.

If you are slated to already make your million in 2024, well hey, carry on.

Here’s the truth.

EVERYTHING has changed.


Shopping Mall in Wroclaw, Poland; Autumn 2019

And meanwhile if you are going to believe that Facebook, Google and
Amazon are immune to CHANGE, just save this little note and look at it
at the end of 2024.

Oh they are good at communicating. But they neglected two really
important pieces of LONG term success. I’ll explain that in the course
too so you don’t fall prey to arrogance.

11 weeks…  AND you have access to me by email ever day. NOT some
lackey who got hired to talk to you as if they knew what they were
talking about.

No, you can drop me a note and ask a question, including APPLICATIONS of ANYTHING that might not be absolutely evident.


I’m on the floor of the most elite shopping mall in Poland. That’ the picture above.

Now stop.

“How can Kev possibly feel OK down there where the 2 year olds are?!?!?!”

Now you get it!

The short story on “how do you price a freaking 40 hour course that is ALL about the viewer” is that it’s not easy. Yes, people already sucked on video and in all the stuff we’ve run through today.

In Summer 2023 Charismatic Communication is discounted to 1995.00 and I’m thrilled. What your interactive experience IS with the people you communicate with and in WHICH CONTEXTS is IMMEDIATELY valuable when I make changes to the course in October.

It’s as simple as that.

Register today. And yes, we do reserve the right to reject any application from anyone for any reason. And as you know we do.

It’s new, it’s fresh, it’s here. The course is 11 weeks and you have full access to Kevin during the course. Tuition is $1995, discounted from $2995. And if you prefer installments you can do $195 today and then $195 each month next year!

Apply now for $1995


Apply now with the 11 installments plan of $195

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Coffee with
Kevin Hogan

persuasion newsletter

Coffee with Kevin Hogan, delivered Monday.

Dr. Hogan’s blog & newsletter are both 

…free forever.

You get the very latest and most important findings in human behavior, relationships, wealth building, outcome acquisition, nonverbal communication, mind control, covert hypnosis, selling, and marketing.

You’ll also get his book Mind Access, as his gift to you.

“Subscribe Now” and confirm it today by email the minute after you subscribe!

Latest Posts on Kevin's blog

Kevin Hogan Live in Wrocław​

Media Presence

World Class Business Kevin Hogan

World Business Class

Success in Influence, World Business Class Magazine, January 2018. Cover Story and Interview with Kevin Hogan


Costco interviewed Kevin for Body Talk: Actions Do Speak Louder than Words


Kevin's body language evaluation!

Sales Guru

Article by Kevin in Sales Guru magazine (based in South Africa). "Burnout: Escaping Living Hell"

What People Say

“Want to influence others? Want to persuade others? Want to sell others? Then Science of Influence is not just an option – it’s a landmark breakthrough of information you can use the minute you read it.”
"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

Subscribe to Coffee with Kevin Hogan today!

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 Coffee Bonuses

And as a bonus for joining, Kevin will give you two hefty eBooks: Mind Access and Overcoming Rejection.

Overcoming Rejection: Defeating the Painful Feelings of Being Marginalized by Dr. Kevin Hogan

The tips you receive in Coffee with Kevin Hogan will help you in your relationships and in your business. The fun stuff, well is just fun. Subscribe now and see for yourself.

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