Close The Deal
Step #4: Closing the Negotiation
At this point, you’ll want to restate your agreement and outline a plan of action and a method to follow up.
It is very important that everyone walks away knowing EXACTLY what the agreement is.
Quite often, I send an email after negotiating complex venue deals if I’m renting space and services from a hotel. I like to send this email right away.
If I’m on the other side of the negotiation, I want to make sure I don’t just get paid, but that I’m going to receive the same first class treatment that I am going to deliver to their company.
In other words, I’m going to be amazing for your meeting/group/convention.
You are going to be amazing in how you take care of me.
I note the minimum size of my hotel suite I require. I note that only a trusted employee or professional driver will be at the airport to pick me up when I arrive. I note that I will want to test all equipment the night before I present. I make it clear that after the event, a trusted employee or driver will be returning me to my hotel and then the airport at a laser beam specific time.
All of these fine points make life much more pleasant when we actually arrive at the day of the event. I don’t like “surprises.”
Meanwhile, these are all the details you’ll fine tune at the table if you are face to face. Almost all of my negotiations happen by phone or on Skype. You’ll want to be certain that every aspect of an ideal experience for both groups is covered with no room for ambiguity.
Step #5: Follow-up
Whether you’re in a team negotiation or are operating independently, always establish a method of following up with your client, vendor, contractor, landlord or whomever you’re negotiating with. Then follow through on that plan.
I like to send hard copies of agreements by mail AND scan and send by email. That way I know that everything arrived, was read, understood, and signed off.
Every now and then you won’t have an official “deal” at the end of your negotiation. There could be a higher power (a CEO, not GOD) that has to give the final okeedokee. That means you want everything to be crystal clear to every person that was in the room.
When the message is communicated, it should be able to be done quickly and in great detail that shows professional attention to even small items for both groups.
How Do You Recognize And Respond To Potential Momentum Changing Negotiation Points?
You’ll find, during negotiations, that there are moments where the outcome can go either way. These are potential change points and they can happen several times during a negotiation. If you can recognize a change point is pending, you can adapt to influence it in the best direction.
How do you recognize potential momentum changing points?
There’s really no hard and fast rule or signal that you’re about to lose or gain an agreement. Rather, the key is to pay attention to how things are proceeding. This is where being able to refer to your notes about what your partner said as being undeniably valuable.
Be able to separate your emotions from the negotiation so they don’t cloud your decisions.
What Do You Do Once You’ve Recognized a Potential Momentum Changing Point?
Here are just a few tips to influence the outcome:
- Ask a question when you perceive a potential momentum changing point. Asking a question is often enough to influence the moment down the right avenue, and, as I’ve pointed out, it helps your negotiation partner feel more comfortable, particularly if you explain why you’re asking.
- Ask for small commitments – asking the customer to make a commitment can tip the odds in your direction. One of the requests I have in my negotiation for presenting at events is a simple daily $100 incidental room charge reimbursement. In other words, I’m going to have a meal charged to the room. It will probably be $20. Agreement to this is almost the same as agreeing to my fee and what will be delivered to the company or group.
- Make a commitment – a potential momentum changing point swaying in the wrong direction can be countered by making a commitment.
- Take a break – sometimes taking a break from the negotiations can allow both parties to regroup.
The cooperative negotiation process is one that, once you become familiar with it, you’ll wonder how you ever worked without it. Your relationships will improve, your bottom line will improve and you’ll walk into negotiations comfortable, confident and relaxed! That’s probably much different from what you’re accustomed to.
Next Up: Screwing Up and 3 Negotiation Traps to Avoid …
Negotiation Mistakes to Avoid and Tips to Become a Better Negotiator
At this point, we’ve essentially wrapped up the nuts and bolts of cooperative negotiation. What we haven’t talked about are the common mistakes people make, both experienced and new negotiators.
Four Common Negotiation Mistakes
(1) Inadequate Preparation – Being prepared is an absolute key to successful negotiation. Failure to do so is amateurish. Inadequate preparation puts your negotiating partner in the driver seat, particularly if they’ve done their research on you. It gives them all the power. Generally, negotiations aren’t something you can do on the fly. And if neither one of you are prepared, it can be a long and pointless meeting.I’ve sat across the table from people who were clueless. It makes negotiating very difficult. They don’t know what they want. They can’t describe it. They can’t tell you what they need.As I mentioned earlier, YOU need to have already looked at the ENTIRE negotiation before you sit down. You’ve already PLAYED IT OUT on paper and KNOW what essentially has to happen when it is over. If you’re negotiating with someone who has only wishy-washy outcomes, then you have to help them make sure they get what they deserve.
Just because someone doesn’t do their homework is not a license to treat them poorly or rip them off. Make sure they see that YOU KNOW WHAT THEY WANT, even if they don’t. Make sure YOU have their list of what they need to experience to have a good result, even if they have no clue. And you must ALWAYS assume this is a possible scenario in any negotiation. Successful meetings begin by being prepared. Have you researched your negotiating partner? Do you know their needs, reputation, industry trends and so forth? Have you prepared a strategy that takes into consideration the ultimate goals of both sides of the negotiating table? Have you developed a proposal and do you know how you’re going to present it? Have you outlined the goal for the meeting?
(2) Impatience – Patience is power. If you have a deadline or a sense of urgency to conclude, you’re giving your negotiating partner all the power. Balance the meeting and the process by being patient. If time really is of the essence on your side, make sure you have concessions in mind to speed up the process and help you meet your deadline. Ideally, you will negotiate with time on your side and not be forced to run up against the clock. People who don’t have enough time, tend to lose negotiation benefits.
Train yourself to make fast decisions utilizing past results in similar situations. Eliminate or minimize any potential bias that you have and base your decisions on rational processes. Collect small bits of information to improve the accuracy of your decision.
(3) Decision Making -Two Types of Decisions. On one spectrum, there are two types of decisions people make, immediate decisions and contemplated decisions.
Both types of decisions can be made overly quickly, however. In general, you DO want to bring everything to a conclusion, but not to the point where people regret their decision 10 minutes after you walk out the door. You can make a quick decision and consider all the options and, conversely, you can make contemplated decisions and forget to consider all the options.
The power of a decision lies not in the time you have to make it, but rather the decision making process.
To make excellent decisions:
(4) Talking too much, Listening too Little – Listening skills are vital to your role as a business owner and they’re particularly important in the negotiation process. If you’re talking too much, not only are you probably giving too much away, you’re probably offending or putting off your associate.The only reason you want to talk more than a reasonable share is if you have an unprepared partner. Ideally, everything is better if they communicate significantly more information than you communicate.When forced into over-communicating, return to being their advocate and looking out for them.
Rather than talking too much, practice asking questions. Your ability to ask the right questions, and LISTEN, is probably the biggest and most useful negotiation tool you have. Remember you aren’t listening for words. You’re listening for what they MEAN. When you make it your mission to learn more about your associate, you are more likely to learn a gold mine of information that you can use to build rapport and create a truly cooperative environment.
One of the most powerful negotiation tools …
Asking Questions
There are four basic types of questions that are most helpful. They include:
- Situation questions. These types of questions help you learn more about your associate’s current situation and their desired situation. An example would be, “What system are you using now?” These are important because you do want to make sure that all of your advance work was correct. You’ll likely find you’ve made some mistakes.
- Exploration questions. These types of questions help you explore the business challenges that your associate is dealing with. For example, “Are you satisfied with your current system?” These are some of my favorite kinds of questions. If they were COMPLETELY satisfied, you wouldn’t be here and neither would they. What is it that they are hoping you might be able to solve for them?
- Need questions. These types of questions help you learn about the needs your associate has. For example, “Would a more cost effective system help you?”
- Impact or Implication questions. This type of question helps you understand the level of impact your associate’s challenges have on their business. This type of knowledge helps you create a plan of action to solve your customer’s problems. For example, “Does your current system impact your cash flow?”You have no idea how their current system impacts other areas of their business. So ASK and write it DOWN on PAPER.
There are numerous ways to let a negotiation slide into negative territory. Here are some other mistakes to keep in mind throughout your negotiation.
Other negotiation mistakes include:
- Assuming the other person won’t change their position.
- Assuming what the other person says is true.
- Assuming what the other person says is accurate.
- Assuming they are lying.
- Assuming they are misleading you in a dramatic fashion.
- Not collaborating – getting what you want but sacrificing the business relationship.
- Allowing yourself to become fixated or stuck on one issue and missing greater possibilities.
- Assuming there is only one possible solution.
- Wanting or needing something too much.
- Assuming there are only a few possibilities rather than creating an IDEAL SOLUTION.
Mistakes happen. However, during a negotiation, they can be costly. They can cost you money, time and a relationship.
There is almost always an answer. Prepare for each negotiation and go into it with a cooperative mindset.
Oh, and when you hear an offer, a bid, a proposal that you don’t like, you can ALWAYS say some variation of “You’ll have to do better than that.”
“You can do better than that.”
“Obviously you can do better than that.”
“You’ve got to do a little better than that.”
Always remember…and never forget…they really can do a little better than…that.
Reading Body Language Like The Body Language Expert

Body Language Expert Kevin Hogan Shares Free Insider Tips and Analyzes Hard-To-Decode Celebrity Body Language!
Reading critical nonverbal cues gives you insights into whether or not someone is telling the truth? True or False?
Would you like to know whether someone likes you or not, even before they say a word?
Do you want to know anyone’s thoughts and feelings by reading their nonverbal signals??
Do you want to subconsciously influence anyone… without even saying a single word?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then this could be the most crucial message you’ll ever read in your life. Here’s why.
In just a few minutes from now, you could have the unique ability to easily read and interpret cues of anyone.
This means you could almost instantly know if they’re being honest or deceitful… if they like you or not… or whatever they might be thinking or feeling at the moment – simply by observing their actions and movements! Amazing, isn’t it?
Knowing how to read gestures and body position helps you succeed
But that’s not all… Since nonverbal communication makes up between 60 to 75% of the impact of a message, subtly reading body language could help you become tremendously successful… in your career, business, relationships, love life, and anything else that involves interacting or communicating with people. If understanding nonverbal communication sounds unbelievable, let me assure you that it is based on sound scientific research and studies. It has been tested and proven to work; nothing is left to chance.
On this page, you’ll discover some useful facts and techniques about reading body language that you can start applying immediately to your own situations. I’ll also share with you – for free – my analysis of famous politicians and celebrities, using photographs the media has asked me to analyze. So please make sure you read every word of this letter, because the secrets that can catapult you to the top of the success ladder is written here. I believe you’ll find the information in here very helpful and applicable to many aspects of your life.
Why It’s Critical to Know What They are Thinking
What people say could often be very different from what they’re thinking or feeling. It’s very easy to say something untrue or insincere, so we can never rely on words alone.
Fortunately, there’s a proven way to accurately see people’s thoughts, emotions or mood – and that’s by knowing how to read body language. People may lie, but their body silently and unconsciously speaks the truth. Having the right knowledge in body language allows you to uncover what your friends, co-workers, spouse, customers or anyone else, may be hiding from you. You might even understand other people’s thoughts or feelings better than they do! Let’s face it. Even if you trust someone with your life, you’ll never have peace of mind unless you know exactly what they’re feeling or thinking inside.
The most effective way to uncover hidden desires, thoughts, or emotions is by reading and interpreting hidden messages correctly.
And guess what? Your own signals can also influence what other people may think or feel about you. If you do it right, you will be liked and trusted. But if you send the wrong signals (even if you’re unaware of it) – your business, career, relationships, and even self-esteem may suffer. For example, if you have a habit of touching your nose, people could perceive that as a sign of deception. You might simply have that habit even if you’re telling the truth, but people can’t tell the difference. They are unconsciously interpreting your gesture as untrustworthy and judging you based on your actions.
Why go through the trouble of being misinterpreted when you can avoid it?
Understanding the meaning and uses of specific body gestures will allow you to change your approach and act only in ways that will result in maximum compliance. Just imagine how much sales you’re losing if your body language communicates mistrust or offends your clients… without you being aware of it! But if you know how to use nonverbals, you will be able to avoid sales pitfalls and convey signals that make your customers say “yes!” Nonverbal communication is not only applicable in sales or business. You could also miss out on that important date or job opportunity… only because your body language is unconsciously sending negative signals . You don’t want that to happen, right?
That’s why if you want to skyrocket your sales… if you want to have a successful business or career… if you want to be successful in dating, your social life or relationships… as long as you communicate and interact with people regularly, then learning nonverbal communication and knowing how to read body language is a key component of your daily activities.
By the way, I understand that sometimes you might be feeling down. But that doesn’t mean other people should know, especially if your present mood could ruin a lifelong career or relationship. By knowing and using the right body language, you could purposely act in ways that will be appropriate to the circumstances.
Did you know? Men and women behave and respond to movements in different ways. So it’s crucial for you to suit your nonverbal communication depending on the gender of the person you meet, or you could damage a relationship or business without even knowing it.
If you think having this ability is mind blowing, you haven’t scratched the surface yet. When you recognize the true meaning of people’s gestures and movements (which could often be very different from what they say), your life changes in a lot of positive ways.
How Can Nonverbal Communication Greatly Enhance Your Life?
Having the ability to decode body language can have astonishing effects in almost every aspect of your life. By correctly seeing nonverbal communication and using the right gestures, you’ll be able to:
- Save a lot of time by dealing only with the people you like or trust. You’ll quickly know the mood or personality of anyone… before they even say anything!
- Become a human lie detector. Almost anyone tells lies at one point or another, so it’s crucial for you to detect deception. Even people very close to us like our spouse, friends, or kids can sometimes lie… whether it’s a white lie or something that could hurt us. If you never wanted to be cheated or tricked again, then knowing how to read body language is the solution.
- Find and date with someone who has the qualities you like. Know beforehand if your date is attracted to you or likes you, and then use the right attraction techniques to impress and captivate them!
- Boost your career and relationships. Now you can make your boss, co-employees, and even strangers to like you through subtle movements. You’ll be astonished at how easy it is to get a raise or promotion.
- Multiply your sales and sell to prospects who have the highest chances of buying from you. Detect in advance if you can negotiate a better price on a deal, and raise your chances of winning negotiations.
- Boost your self-confidence and be in control of any situation whenever you’re interacting with people. Connect with total strangers and get people to cooperate with you… in no time flat!
- Make a dazzling first impression, and instantly get liked or trusted on your first meeting.
- Be a master communicator. Most of the time, words are not enough. Your communication will be much more effective and understood almost immediately.
- Ace the job interview. Know how to properly express the ambiance of confidence and competence, and get a keen sense of how the interviewer is evaluating you, just by knowing how to read body language.
- Avoid the costly hassles of hiring the wrong people. If you’re the interviewer, you’d easily spot the most capable applicant for any job!
- Read people’s minds and emotions. With this ability, you can do things which are only favorable to the situation and avoid any problems that may occur. You may even impress your friends with your mind-reading abilities!
- Establish authority, liking, trust or respect using simple gestures.
- Become an outstanding speaker. You’ll know when the audience is interested or bored, so you can adjust your speech to their present state. You could more easily persuade and inspire them if you combine your speech with the right gestures.
Are You Making These Mistakes?
Studies indicate you have realistically closer to 4 seconds to make a good first impression on those you come in contact with. And this is used as a yardstick for all future communication by those whom you meet. In the first four seconds, people will make judgments about you and tell themselves:
- I will (or will not) buy from this person.
- I will (or will not) like this person.
- I find this person kind (or not).
- I find this person intelligent (or not).
You can’t make a good first impression through your words alone. In fact, nonverbal communication is between 60 to 75% of the impact of a communication. But despite being the most important aspect, nonverbal communication is also the most misunderstood and misinterpreted. Every action – or even the smallest micro-action – communicates subconsciously to others, so people could like (or not like) you through your gestures… without even knowing exactly why. You could be making the most wonderful compliments or praise to people, but it’s difficult to gain their trust or approval if your words contradict your nonverbals.
These body language photos will show you some of the basic and advanced techniques used to interpret nonverbal communication. This girl is flirting with you. “But her arms are crossed, that’s defensive,” some might say. They are wrong. Head tilt to her left, hard time not grinning too big, while looking right at you. She likes you.
Flirting and sexual body language is something you can quickly spot in a woman’s nonverbal communication in both business and personal contexts.
Revealing the liar is easily identified in both business and personal context when you know how to properly interpret the signs. I’ll show you this later.
Whether you want to learn the real nonverbal secrets of love, dating or closing the deal, welcome! The analysis I’m going to give you as part of this preview includes both “liking” and deception judgments. It is fairly complex to analyze human behavior in snapshots in time.
See this guy. By looking at him, that smirk should mean he’s being perceived poorly and he’s fighting for his life. But no, check out the over the shoulder look of the first girl. Women inspect over their shoulders with curiosity…until that split second where liking or not occurs. These two will connect…..BELOW…I made judgments on the relationships of the couples based solely upon these photographs and the context in which they were taken. (This is as little as you have to go on with most media. It IS a challenge.)
In this preview, my goal for you is to become aware of a few subtle cues that you are going to begin picking up from now on. Instead of telling you each little signal in a boring, clinical way, I’m going to let you have some fun and invest just a few minutes with me. If you look closely, you will learn a great deal today about the nuances of nonverbal communication and knowing how to read body language.
What Can You Interpret About a Person’s Nonverbal Secrets From a Photograph?
Most happy couples are a lot more giving and generous with their nonverbal communication.

Fascinating, isn’t it? Want more insider tips on reading body language?

In this 7-day Mini-Course, you’ll discover:
- How personal appearance, vocal cues, posture and physiology, and breathing can help you build rapport and influence people.
- Why people lie and when people lie the most.
- The truth on how culture can be a determining factor when interpreting facial emotions.
- The art of reading signals in life and death situations.
- “You Magazine’s” exclusive interview with Kevin Hogan, on the science of silent communication.
- How your own body language and nonverbal communication influences everything from your decisions toyour life.
And more!
Free Body Language
Why Does the Media Refer to Kevin Hogan
“The Nation’s Leading Body Language Expert?”
Hi, my name is Kevin Hogan. Most people say they known me as a body language expert. I’ve authored 20 books, including “The Psychology of Persuasion” which has sold over a million copies worldwide.
I’m an international speaker and have given specialized training to employees of numerous Fortune 500 Companies. You may have heard of Boeing, Microsoft, Starbucks, Meespierson, Auntie Anne’s, Cargill, Pillsbury, Mutual of Omaha Carlson Companies, Fortis, Great Clips, the State of Minnesota, 3M, The United States Postal Service and many others.
I’ve shared my research and work with all four major television networks and the nation’s largest newspapers. Other media that have asked for my help include the New York Times, the BBC, Fox Television and dozens of popular magazines including Redbook, Success!, Selling Power, Cosmopolitan, Woman’s World, Mademoiselle, First for Women, Psychologie and Wprost.
The media says that I’m the go to guy for everything related to reading the nonverbal communication of a person. It’s flattering. In fact, the New York Post asked me in 1998 if US President Bill Clinton was being truthful about whether he had a relationship with Monica Lewinsky. I found one very specific gesture – that no one else picked up on – indicating that he indeed… I was the first person in the nation to make that public.
Soon after, I analyzed the nonverbal communication of Hilary Clinton, Judge Ken Starr, Starr’s Staff, and numerous other figures in the news story of the year. I accurately predicted for the BBC, the 2000 and 2004 elections when everyone else in the media got it wrong, because I was able to calculate how people would react to candidates nonverbal communication.
With President Bush the accurate forecasts for his victories weren’t because of anything he “did right,” but because of what Al Gore and John Kerry unwittingly did wrong….really wrong – with their body language. I was well aware of how American Citizens would respond and react to what they saw in the debates and sound bites. The nonverbal communication of Gore and Kerry was offputting to the undecided voters. In both cases, I told the BBC, live, precisely what would happen.
In fact, I predicted for the BBC, that the US election in 2000 would be decided by less than 50,000 votes, an almost statistical impossibility. When it came down to ONE VOTE, everyone was shocked, except those who paid attention to what I had made it public days before the election with Bush and Gore, and then again with Kerry and Bush…and now we are watching Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and several other Republican candidates. Want to know who the next President will be?
I helped win a…trial by reading and decoding body language.
I currently helped win a very serious double life sentence trial by reading and decoding body language of the potential jurors…
I am a certified Image Consultant. I have applied your research in decoding body language for coaching defendants, witness preparation, jury selection, and profiling jurors. Your information has been so beneficial to me that I currently helped win a very serious double life sentence trial by reading and decoding body language of the potential jurors that I selected and reading witnesses and jurors during the week-long trial. The public defenders were so impressed with this knowledge that I received from you that I am now their trial consultant, thanks to you!!
What If You Can Learn to be a Master?
Once “armed” with the insights you’re going to learn shortly, you have an overpowering edge in life. In fact, I never would have accomplished what I have, had I not learned nonverbal communication in depth. It’s certainly a key component to the success I’ve experienced.
People refer to my ability to instantly recognize hesitation, liking, deception and honesty, and that has become something I consider critical that I teach to others.
If you show me the video of someone today and a video of that same person prior to some terrible event (a crime for example), I can often tell if that person is innocent or guilty with significant accuracy. I’ll show you how.
I’m also able to send covert messages (through movements and gestures) that generate liking from other people that almost no one knows how to do. I’ll show you how to do this as well.
And now, you have the opportunity to discover my deepest secrets so you can use it to be tremendously successful in life.
I tell you all these “accomplishments,” only to share with you that I’ve taught thousands of others and I will show you how to use this skill set to achieve great results in life.
I feel fortunate that I’ve gained the trust and respect of the most reputable people and media outlets in the world.
And now, you can leverage that knowledge and years of experience to have the skills of a specialist in nonverbal communication… in almost no time flat!
I’ve been educated to know what really works. I have personally gone through 20 years of meticulous scientific research, studies, and practice.
So if you want to shave many years off your learning curve, start on the right track and have the ability to uncover hidden messages like a true expert, then you can count on me to give you the best step-by-step training towards nonverbal mastery.
“I was recently awarded the annual Employee of the Year award with over 50% of the votes…”
Kevin, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your part in changing the direction and fortunes of my career.
Having been a fairly successful salesman for only 2 years, I was invited by the company to come off the road and take on a development/training role for the very new sales team. I accepted the offer knowing I needed to do some quick study in the world of sales.
All the other books recommended to me contained the standard closes known to every man and his dog. That’s when I…came across you.
I found your Science of Influence Series, Body Language Study Course and Covert Hypnosis to be truly spectacular. And to prove it, I was recently awarded the annual Employee of the Year award with over 50% of the votes! I work for one of the UK’s fastest growing companies, now recognized as the most prolific selling organization in the telecom industry.
Kevin, I owe an enormous amount of gratitude to you for the quality and consistency of the material you produce. I truly hope to thank you in person one day but for now…Thank you!”
Introducing The Complete Body Language Home Study Course
with body language expert Dr. Kevin Hogan
If you want to get the same training as my seminar attendees at the comfort and privacy of your own home – at a tiny fraction of they are paying- then you’ll be quite pleased with the Complete Body Language Home Study course on CD/DVD and online
This program has been designed to teach you how to understand and use nonverbal communication quickly and correctly. In most cases, you can read the REAL signs of liking, disliking, honesty or deception… in less than 10 seconds, with significant accuracy.
It’s designed for the benefit of both business and personal relationships. Why? Because the nonconscious mind, which directs almost all nonverbal communication, doesn’t know if you are at the office or in the kitchen. It just reacts.
I converted the scientific aspects of nonverbal communication into a foolproof system that even a 12-year old can understand. In this program, I’ll walk you step-by-step through the entire process. I’ll teach you all the key secrets of nonverbal communication to skyrocket your sales, get your dream date, enjoy satisfying relationships, and be successful in your daily interactions with people.
Here’s a tip that you can use today:
I’ll reveal to you how to determine whether someone likes you or not. I’ll show you how to read with precision whether they are leaning towards a “yes” or a “no.” Like any skill, it simply takes a little time investment to learn.
The payoff? Enormous. Being able to control every situation you are in.
In this course, we’ll analyze over 100 candid photos of celebrity couples in different settings. From the tilt of the head to where the feet are pointed, you’ll know exactly what they’re thinking or feeling.
Analyzing celebrity photos is the best way to learn because these people are difficult to read (They play roles that appeal to the public and are always “on”). But just like what you have already learned to see, the little cues tell quite a story – the story that the non-conscious is revealing, but the conscious mind is not.
In 2009 it was recorded that I was correct 46 out of 48 times in interpreting the nonverbal communication of Hollywood couples, as to whether they will break up or not within the next two years. No one has ever achieved that feat. Remember that these people are difficult because they “act out” to seek public approval.
In addition to the photos, you also get to watch live footage of me… teaching and demonstrating the correct movements and gestures in face-to-face situations with the help of Beth Bednar, former NBC affiliate anchorwoman.
I’ll show you what to REALLY look for, not what all the pop psychology books talk about. I guarantee that after you finish this course and use what you learn, you’ll find that your new skill has become as automatic as your instinct.
Just a note to say how impressed I am
Just a note to say how impressed I am so far with the Body Language Course. This course had been on my ‘wish list’ for about a year and I’m so glad I was finally able to purchase it.
You’ll Learn Body Language Secrets That Most People Will Never Know!
Most people don’t have any clue how to see the deception. It’s sad. They are being lied to and are completely unaware. They don’t know how to respond because they’re uncertain how others feel about them. They’re missing out on huge opportunities because they don’t know how to act in ways that will gain admiration or trust from people.
Finally, you can stand out from everyone else! Because in just a few minutes from now, you could be unleashing the power of hidden influence with the help of the home study course.
Here are just some of the things you’ll discover:
- How to enhance your face value.
- Where to sit to grab your client’s undivided attention and persuade them better.
- How to know if someone is interested in you, or likes you, through their eyes.
- How to be seen as being physically attractive. Research indicates that marriage and dating, career advancement, and even judgment on smartness are based largely on physical attractiveness.
- How to look gorgeous and make more money. Studies of successful people indicate that they’ve added $100K to $200K to their annual income after they changed their look!
- 20 powerful tips to look perfect for your client. Exceptional advice on how to dress, wedding ring, fingernails, eyeglasses, weight, beard, make-up, teeth, hair length, shoes, jewelry, etc. Each element adds up to make you a sight to behold!
- How to be perceived as more attractive and smarter using one very simple, yet often overlooked principle.
- 10 keys to shaking hands to get people to like and trust you.
- 29 points to make a great impression. Remember that you have closer to 4 seconds to make a good first impression, and this is used as a yardstick for all future communication by those whom you meet.
- Exposed! How elections are won and lost based mostly on body language.
- How to use body language to achieve astounding results in sales, dating, and relationships.
- The right distance and positions when communicating to ensure maximum compliance and not invade personal space.
- How to be in total control of any situation!
- How to communicate clearly and with sufficient volume, without shouting.
- How to decode happiness, surprise, disgust, fear, anger, and sadness through the eyes.
- Key rules in seating location for maximum compliance.
- How to use your eyes to make any man or woman disclose or open up to you. Note: Using this eye technique will produce completely different results to a male than to a female.
- How to accurately interpret and make effective eye contact.
- How to understand and decode the meaning of different eye behaviors.
- How to use your eyes to look and send the right message, at the right time, to make yourself look more attractive to people.
- How to look into your client’s eyes and instantly know whether they like you or not!
- How to know if a person is excited, frightened, attentive, aroused, or turned on by looking into their eyes.
- Body language that turns the opposite sex on and ignites their passion.
- What to do and NOT to do with your face, hands, and feet! Even the slightest mistake could mean the difference between getting what you want or not.
- Proven ways to know if someone is lying through their eyes and other body parts.
- How I knew that Bill Clinton had a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky.
- How to make your client fall in love with you even before you say a single word.
- How to get the response you want by exhibiting the appropriate signals.
- How to make impressive presentations to groups that get predictably excellent results.
- How to use your hand and head gestures to emphasize points.
- How posture can make you appear relaxed or tensed.
- Desirable and necessary keys to nonverbal communication.
- Step-by-step expert analysis of over 100 celebrity photos! If you can analyze the nonverbal communication of celebrities (one of the most hard-to-read people on earth), then analyzing the unseen messages of everyone else is easy.
And many more!
What’s Included In This Complete Body Language Course?
Here’s what’s included in this Complete Body Language Home Study Course:
8 CD’s:
- CD 1 – The Secret Code of Communication: Make A Dazzling Impression
- CD 2 – The Secret Code of Communication: Use Your Body to Seal the Deal, Make the Sale, and Have Them Fall for You
- CD’s 3 to 8 – Interactive Program: Decoding and Interpreting Body Language. This is where you and I go step by step through the analysis of celebrities I’ve been interviewed about and uncover the true emotions behind those candid shots and poses in front of the camera. Nuance by nuance, we’ll analyze the small lines, wrinkles, facial expressions, hand and body placements.
3 DVD’s
- DVD 1 – Live video footage of Kevin Hogan, teaching you the most critical secrets to reading, interpreting and using nonverbal communication. It’s like attending one of my $25,000 seminars, but at the comfort and privacy of your own home! Plus, you can watch me over and over until you’ve mastered my body language techniques.
- DVD 2 – Live video footage of Kevin Hogan illustrating (with the help of Beth Bednar, former NBC affiliate anchorwoman) the exact body movements, angles and positions in face-to-face settings to get the sale, be liked and trusted, and many more!
- DVD on Deception Detection – a special collection of old videos which I used to help the BBC, New York Times and everyone else know what the people on the video are thinking (includes footage of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Ken Starr, and more). You’ll find this program particularly fascinating.
Secret Interactive Website – This is a password-protected site where the photos of celebrities to be analyzed are located. You will access this page while listening to CD’s 3 to 8.
Successful Communicator Body Language Evaluator – Use this guide to observe others or grade yourself in any given situation. It contains a comprehensive list of body language movements, specifying those that are desirable and necessary and those that are undesirable and should be avoided at all costs.
27 Body Language Tips on a Handy Wallet Card – Put this on your wallet and use it as a handy reference to make a great impression, whether you’re going to an important meeting or just plain socializing.
Isn’t Body Language A Bunch of Hype?
Some people think learning is too complicated – that it’s difficult to know what anyone is thinking or feeling through their body movements. As you can vouch for the photo samples above, it only takes the right knowledge from someone who does this every day.
Others are wondering why almost everything they’ve read about body language doesn’t work. I can’t blame them.
Many so-called experts who lack experience have sprung up. They are flying by the seat of their pants and are simply guessing… and often guessing wrong (from my own personal observation).
In today’s world, you can’t afford to be wrong or you’ll waste a lot of your time, effort and money. And it could hurt you in permanent ways.
You will not spend a second on what pop psychology has put out there. The self-proclaimed body language teachers
have said all kinds of things that are not only incorrect they make no sense. Things like: crossing their arms means defensive posture; nodding means they’re agreeing with you, or smiling is a good sign of liking. These are all nonsense. They will not work because they are not supported in real life situations.
I’m here to reveal genuine techniques of nonverbal communication, based on 20 (oh man) years of scientific studies and solid experience.
Once you have the ability to decode the actual feelings or thoughts behind body gestures and movements, you will attain a sixth sense that can create dramatic improvements in your life! You’ll know people’s mood or state simply by looking at them. You’ll wonder how you’re able to live all this time, without having this vital skill in your communication arsenal.
I’m Convinced, Kevin… This is the Best Body Language Course on the Planet. How Much Is It?
With the benefits you’ll be getting from this course, you’d probably be expecting to invest thousands of dollars. After all, I charge $25,000.00 for day-long seminar events, and $20,000.00 for half day events around the world, teaching the same techniques you’ll discover from my Body Language Home Study Program.
And even if just a small portion of the course could cause almost anyone to like you instantly, isn’t that easily worth at least $3,000? That’s a small investment compared to the tens (or hundreds) of thousands of extra dollars you will make using my techniques, not to mention all the people who will instantly like and admire you.
Reputable people and companies have paid me sizeable amounts, over and over again, just to share what you are about to learn. Now, I want to help as many people as I can. That’s why I’ve decided to give this breakthrough course away for only $697
This course reveals ALL the key secrets of nonverbal communication you need to know… for a tiny fraction of my seminar’s cost per hour!
But I got feedback from a number of interested people that they still can’t afford it. So in my quest to help more people, the opportunity is here. Invest in the Body Language Home Study Course today. , you can secure your copy at the rock-bottom price of only $697 $297!
Please note that the price could increase at any time. If I begin to realize that charging a higher price (in exchange for the tremendous value you’re getting) is more than fair, then I won’t hesitate to do that. But if you order now, your investment is guaranteed to be only $297.
Just $297
Why Am I Offering This Valuable Program For Much Less Than Its Worth?
I thought that if I get enough people to see what others are thinking or feeling (through their body language), it breaks down a lot of barriers and makes communication better, more efficient, and more honest. This will cause people to have higher integrity, so I get to make the world a better place in my own little way.
Another reason is that I enjoy reading “thank you” letters from people who have increased their sales regularly. That makes me feel good.
It’s also fun and fascinating to show people how they can be charismatic, and be well received by others. It’s a win-win situation for both of us.
For only $297, you can be as good as anyone who is doing it professionally. And you don’t even have to leave the comfort and privacy of your own home.
Plus, you can listen to the CD’s and watch the DVDs as many times as you want until you master nonverbal communication (unlike in a seminar where you get bombarded with information, that you forget most of them when you get home).
Frankly, I only get paid a very tiny fraction of what you’ll actually be earning when you use my body language techniques, not to mention the vast improvements you’ll experience in every aspect of your life.
o it only makes sense to get it now to avail of the huge discount and to start benefiting from this information. The longer you delay, the more money you lose, and the more opportunities you waste.
How Can I Guarantee Your Full Satisfaction?
If you’re not 100% thrilled with anything about the course, you may return the package to us within 60 days after your purchase and get a full refund. If it didn’t do exactly what I told you, then I don’t want your money. It’s only fair that you get what you paid for. (In this case, you get far more value than your investment.)
But that’s not all…
If you decide to keep the package, you’ll have LIFETIME replacement warranty. That means we will replace any CD or DVD if it breaks or gets lost… for life! We’ll even mail it to you at our expense, so you don’t have to pay any shipping cost for the new replacement.
Good to hear?
By the way, have I told you we have one of the fastest delivery systems in the world? We ship within a FEW HOURS (not days) of an order.
The delivery of products is FAST, incredibly FAST…
The delivery of products is FAST, incredibly FAST…
I have just ordered my second CD set from you. I know you have heard this before – the delivery of products is FAST, incredibly FAST.
I have received notification and delivery of your products faster than any other product I have ordered in my life! Thanks for the wonderful products and service.
Your service is exceptional
Your service is exceptional. The quality of your service made me enjoy spending money with you.
Now tell me… how much have you invested in improving yourself for the last few years? Maybe you’ve tried one product after another, searching for the one true formula for overall success, but you haven’t found it yet.
Have you been burned by so-called gurus who look credible, but don’t actually know what they’re talking about?
It’s time to learn from a REAL master of body language who walks the talk. This is not to brag, but to tell you the truth. And the truth is that very few people can read and use body language as well as I do.
If you’ve read my bio above, you’ve already seen the long list of Fortune 500 companies, major TV networks and magazines, international media, and famous people who have relied on me for body language advice.
But you don’t even have to take my word for it. Simply search the internet for my name and see what other people and companies have said about me.
In just a few minutes from now, you could have the ability to explode your sales, attract the opposite sex, get liked by everyone, and know the truth behind people’s gestures and actions. Or you could stay where you are now… wasting the amazing opportunities that becoming a body language master has to offer. The decision is yours.
I’m sure you want to get the best possible training in the area of body language, right? And you can finally get it for a tiny fraction of what most people are paying. Grab this opportunity now before the price increases.
Wishing you the very best of success.
P.S. Remember that this special offer may end anytime soon. My Body Language Home Study Course gives you the highest quality, step-by-step training in the art of reading, interpreting, and mastering body language. You have our 60 days, 100% money-back guarantee to fully check it out and make sure it’s right for you. If you don’t like it for any reason at all, simply return it to us and get a complete, hassle-free refund.

Secrets of Body Language DIGITAL DOWNLOAD
Decoding, Interpreting & Mastering Nonverbal Communication. A Complete Home Study Course
ATTENTION: Discover How an Expert Shares Insider Tips Giving You the Secrets to Reading and Interpreting Body Language.
“How to Read and Interpret
Body Language Like a Pro…”
Reading, decoding and interpreting body language is art and science! Every action or micro-action takes place within a context and in reaction to other actions that go on around the individual.
From: Kevin Hogan, Psy.D Persuasion, Sales & Body Language Expert
- Do you wish there was an accurate way to know if someone is telling the truth?
- Would you like to know whether someone likes you or not, even before they say a word?
- Do you want to know anyone’s thoughts and feelings by reading their body language?
- Do you want to subsconsciously influence anyone… without even saying a single word?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then this could be the most crucial message you’ll ever read in your life.
Here’s why…
In just a few minutes from now, you could have the unique ability to easily read and interpret body language cues of anyone.
But that’s not all…
Since nonverbal communication is between 60 to 75% of the impact of a message, you could use the power of body language to become tremendously successful… in your career, business, relationships, love life, and anything else that involves interacting or communicating with people.
If the art of reading body language sounds unbelievable, let me assure you that it is based on sound scientific research and studies. It has been tested and proven to work; nothing is left to chance.
In this webpage, you’ll discover some useful facts and techniques about reading body language that you can start applying immediately to your own situations. I’ll also share with you – for free – my expert body language analysis of famous politicians and celebrities, using photographs the media has asked me to analyze.
So please make sure you read every word of this letter, because the body language secrets that can catapult you to the top of the success ladder is written here. I believe you’ll find the information in this webpage very helpful and applicable to many aspects of your life.
Why It’s Critical to Know What the Body is Saying
What people say could often be very different from what they’re thinking or feeling. It’s very easy to say something untrue or insincere, so we can never rely on words alone.
Fortunately, there’s a proven way to accurately decode people’s thoughts, emotions or mood – and that’s by reading their body language. People may lie, but their body silently and unconsciously speaks the truth.
Having the right knowledge in body language allows you to uncover what your friends, co-workers, spouse, customers or anyone else, may be hiding from you. You might even understand other people’s thoughts or feelings better than they do!
Let’s face it. Even if you trust someone with your life, you’ll never have peace of mind unless you know exactly what they’re feeling or thinking inside.
And guess what?
Your own body language signals can also influence what other people may think or feel about you. If you do it right, you will be liked and trusted. But if you send the wrong signals (even if you’re unaware of it) – your business, career, relationships, and even self-esteem may suffer.
For example, if you have a habit of touching your nose, people could perceive that as a sign of deception. You might simply have that habit even if you’re telling the truth, but people can’t tell the difference. They are unconsciously interpreting your gesture as untrustworthy and judging you based on your actions.
Why go through the trouble of being misinterpreted when you can avoid it? Understanding the meaning and uses of specific body gestures will allow you to change your approach and act only in ways that will result in maximum compliance.
Just imagine how much sales you’re losing if your body language communicates mistrust or offends your clients… without you being aware of it! But if you know how to use body language, you will be able to avoid sales pitfalls and convey body signals that make your customers say “yes!”
Body language is not only applicable in sales or business. You could also miss out on that important date or job opportunity… only because your body language is unconsciously sending negative signals. You don’t want that to happen, right?
That’s why if you want to skyrocket your sales… if you want to have a successful business or career… if you want to be successful in dating, your social life or relationships… as long as you communicate and interact with people regularly, then learning body language is a key component of your daily activities.
By the way, I understand that sometimes you might be feeling down. But that doesn’t mean other people should know, especially if your present mood could ruin a lifelong career or relationship. By knowing and using the right body language, you could purposely act in ways that will be appropriate to the circumstances.
Did you know? Men and women behave and respond to body movements in different ways. So it’s crucial for you to suit your body language depending on the gender of the person you meet, or you could damage a relationship or business without even knowing it.
If you think having this ability is mind-blowing, you haven’t scratched the surface yet. When you recognize the true meaning of people’s gestures and movements (which could often be very different from what they say), your life changes in a lot of positive ways.
How Can Body Language Greatly Enhance Your Life?
Having the ability to decode body language can have astonishing effects in almost every aspect of your life. By reading body language and using the right gestures, you’ll be able to:
- Save a lot of time by dealing only with the people you like or trust. By reading body language, you’ll quickly know the mood or personality of anyone… before they even say anything!
- Become a human lie detector. Almost anyone tells lies at one point or another, so it’s crucial for you to detect deception. Even people very close to us like our spouse, friends, or kids can sometimes lie… whether it’s a white lie or something that could hurt us. If you never wanted to be cheated or tricked again, then reading body language is the key.
- Find and date with someone who has the qualities you like. Know beforehand if your date is attracted to you or likes you, and then use the right body language and attraction techniques to impress and captivate them!
- Boost your career and relationships. Now you can make your boss, co-employees, and even strangers to like you through subtle body movements. You’ll be astonished at how easy it is to get a raise or promotion if you know the art of reading and using body language.
- Multiply your sales and sell to prospects who have the highest chances of buying from you. Detect in advance if you can negotiate a better price on a deal, and raise your chances of winning negotiations.
- Boost your self-confidence and be in control of any situation whenever you’re interacting with people. Connect with total strangers and get people to cooperate with you… in no time flat!
- Make a dazzling first impression, and instantly get liked or trusted on your first meeting.
- Be a master communicator. Most of the time, words are not enough. Your communication will be much more effective and understood if you accompany it with the right body language.
- Ace the job interview. Know how to properly express the body language of confidence and competence, and get a keen sense of how the interviewer is evaluating you.
- Avoid the costly hassles of hiring the wrong people. If you’re the interviewer, you’d easily spot the most capable applicant for any job!
- Read people’s minds and emotions. With this ability, you can do things which are only favorable to the situation and avoid any problems that may occur. You may even impress your friends with your mind-reading abilities!
- Establish authority, liking, trust or respect using simple body gestures.
- Become an outstanding public speaker. You’ll know when the audience is interested or bored, so you can adjust your speech to their present state. You could more easily persuade and inspire them if you combine your speech with the right gestures.
Are You Making These Mistakes In Body Language?
Studies indicate you have realistically closer to 4 seconds to make a good first impression on those you come in contact with. And this is used as a yardstick for all future communication by those whom you meet.
In the first four seconds, people will make judgments about you and tell themselves:
- I will (or will not) buy from this person.
- I will (or will not) like this person.
- I find this person kind (or not).
- I find this person intelligent (or not).
You can’t make a good first impression through your words alone. In fact, nonverbal communication is between 60 to 75% of the impact of a communication. But despite being the most important aspect, body language is also the most misunderstood and misinterpreted.
Every action – or even the smallest micro-action – communicates subconsciously to others, so people could like (or not like) you through your gestures… without even knowing exactly why.
You could be making the most wonderful compliments or praise to people, but it’s difficult to gain their trust or approval if your words contradict with your body language.
These body language photos will show you some of the basic and advanced techniques used to interpret body language. This girl is flirting with you. “But her arms are crossed, that’s defensive,” some might say. They are wrong. Head tilt to her left, hard time not grinning too big, while looking right at you. She likes you.
Flirting and sexual body language is something you can quickly spot in a woman’s body language – as well as a man’s – in both business and personal context.
Body language revealing the liar is easily identified in both business and personal context when you know how to properly interpret the signs. I’ll show you this later.
Whether you want to learn the body language of love, dating or closing the deal, welcome! The analysis I’m going to give you as part of this preview includes both “liking” and deception judgments. It is fairly complex to analyze human behavior in snapshots in time.
See this guy? By looking at him, that smirk should mean he’s being perceived poorly and he’s fighting for his life. But no, check out the over the shoulder look of the first girl. Women inspect over their shoulders with curiosity…until that split second where liking or not occurs. These two will connect…..BELOW…I made judgments on the relationships of the couples based solely upon these photographs and the context in which they were taken. (This is as little as you have to go on with most media. It IS a challenge.)
In this preview, my goal for you is to become aware of a few subtle cues that you are going to begin picking up from now on. Instead of telling you each little signal in a boring, clinical way, I’m going to let you have some fun and invest just a few minutes into being a body language expert with me.
If you look closely, you will learn a great deal today about the nuances of nonverbal communication.
Photos appear under license agreement with PRPhotos.
What Can You Interpret About a Person’s Body Language From a Photograph?
Example 1 :
Barack Obama
Barak Obama certainly is known for his striking IMAGE.
Notice the intensity on his face. The cheek bones. The strength of his jaw. The back of a soldier.
This is a POWERFUL IMAGE that can win an election IF it is backed up with a message of VISION and not policies. We’ll revisit Obama throughout the year and see if the image holds.
Example 2 :
John McCain.
McCain’s face shows intelligence and compassion. He is the precise OPPOSITE of Obama.
Wide open eyes give the feel of open-ness. Obama? No. He is a leader with vision. He has his OWN plan.
McCain appears to want to know what the person he’s talking to thinks. If McCain talks about VISION he would be crushed because that is NOT his image.
His image exuded compassion, intelligence, open minded. Does America want an open minded President…or a visionary, perhaps unlike any we’ve seen?
Example 3:
Nicky Hilton with Brian Connolly.
Question: “Kevin, will these two last?” Answer…observe…
Notice Nicky’s body language. The knee elevated against her boyfriend’s right leg. Her left leg supporting her entire body. The expressionless smile as she poses for the other photographer.
One clue I always look for is, “Where is the cell phone.” Pocket or hand. Answer: Hand. No, this will not last.
Example 4 :
Tom Arnold and Shelby Roos.
Tom, one of my favorite funny guys is holding his girlfriend so tightly, she is like the caged bird that must fly away.
Notice you can see the white in Tom’s fingers. Check out the facial color. Observe the closeness of his head to Shelby in contrast to where it would be if he were standing straight.
This is a classic photo sequence of “boy ecstatic to be with this girl.” Unfortunately I had to report the relationship would not last.
Example 5 :
Bruce Springsteen and Patti Scialfa
Bruce Springsteen and Patti are like yin and yang. Almost all photo’s of these two together reveals a mirror image of each other and this is no exception.
Even when they are turning their legs/feet are the same! Then notice how similar their hands are positioned and of course his and hers sun glasses.
There’s more in the program about these guys and this sequence of photos; but when two people mirror each other this perfectly, they are likely to stay together.
Example 6 :
Pamela Anderson and Richard Branson.
Branson, like Tom Arnold above, holds tight. Notice his right hand and the strength with which he holds Anderson. Then notice that his face, like Tom Arnold above, has that same coloration to it. The grin indicates a very happy, “Hey guys, check it out, it’s Pam.”
And Pam rarely shows ownership of a man. Here she has her arm up and around Sir Richard’s neck and holds him too.
Hi, my name is Kevin Hogan. I’m a body language expert, social psychologist, and the author of 24 books, including “The Psychology of Persuasion” which has sold over a million copies worldwide.
I’m an international motivational speaker and have given specialized training to employees of numerous Fortune 500 Companies. You may have heard of Boeing, Microsoft, Starbucks, Meespierson, Auntie Anne’s, Cargill, Pillsbury, Mutual of Omaha Carlson Companies, Fortis, Great Clips, the State of Minnesota, 3M, The United States Postal Service and many others.
I’ve shared my expertise about body language, persuasion and influence with all four major television networks and the nation’s largest newspapers. Other media that have asked for my help include the New York Times, the BBC, Fox Television and dozens of popular magazines including Redbook, Success!, Selling Power, Cosmopolitan, Woman’s World, Mademoiselle, First for Women, Psychologie Netherlands and Wprost.
The media has concluded that I’m the go to guy for everything related to reading the body language of a person. In fact, the New York Post asked me in 1998 if US President Bill Clinton was being truthful about whether he had a relationship with Monica Lewinsky. I found one very specific piece of body language – that no one else picked up on – indicating that he indeed have an affair. I was the first person in the nation to make that public.
I accurately predicted the 2000 and 2004 elections when everyone else in the media was wrong, because I know how people will react to a specific individual’s body language. This is why I knew Bush would win the elections both times. Not because of what he did right, but because of what Gore and Kerry unwittingly did wrong….really wrong – with their body language.
I was well aware of how American CITIZENS would respond and react to what they saw in the debates and sound bites. The body language of Gore and Kerry was offputting to the undecided voters. In both cases, I told the BBC what would happen.
In fact, I predicted the US election in 2000 would be decided by less than 50,000 votes, an almost statistical impossibility. When it came down to ONE VOTE, everyone was shocked, except me…I had made it public days before the election with Bush and Gore, and then again with Kerry and Bush.
What If You Can Learn All the Secrets of Reading and Interpreting Body Language Like an Expert?
Being a body language expert has given me an overpowering edge in life. In fact, I never would have become wealthy if I couldn’t read the body language of people I do business with. It’s a key component to my success.
My ability to instantly recognize hesitation, liking, deception and honesty has made all the difference in the world. If you show me the video of someone today and a video of that same person prior to some terrible event (a crime for example), I can often tell if that person is innocent or guilty with uncanny accuracy.
So if you want to shave many years off your learning curve, start on the right track and have the ability to accurately read body language like a pro, then you can count on me to give you the best step-by-step training towards body language mastery.
Introducing The Complete Body Language Home Study Course
This program has been designed to teach you how to read people’s body language quickly and correctly. In most cases, you can read the signs of liking, disliking, honesty or deception… in less than 10 seconds, with remarkable accuracy. If you want to get the same body language training as my seminar attendees at the comfort and privacy of your own home – at a tiny fraction of they are paying- then you’ll be thrilled with my Complete Body Language Home Study course on CD/DVD and online.
It’s designed for the benefit of both business and personal relationships. Why? Because the nonconscious mind, which directs almost all body language, doesn’t know if you are at the office or in the kitchen. It just reacts.
I converted the scientific aspects of body language into a foolproof system that even a 12-year old can understand. In this program, I’ll hold your hand and walk you step-by-step through the entire process. I’ll teach you all the key secrets of body language to skyrocket your sales, get your dream date, enjoy satisfying relationships, and be successful in your daily interactions with people.
I’ll reveal to you how to determine whether someone likes you or not. I’ll show you how to read with precision whether they are leaning towards a “yes” or a “no.” Like any skill, it simply takes a little time investment to learn.
The payoff? Enormous. Being able to control every situation you are in.
In this course, we’ll analyze over 100 candid photos of celebrity couples in different settings. From the tilt of the head to where the the feet are pointed, you’ll know exactly what they’re thinking or feeling.
Analyzing celebrity photos is the best way to learn because these people are difficult to read (They play roles that appeal to the public and are always “on”). But just like what you have already learned to see, the little cues tell quite a story – the story that the non-conscious is revealing, but the conscious mind is not.
So far, I’ve been right 46 out of 48 times in reading and interpreting the body language of Hollywood couples, as to whether they will break up or not within the next two years. No one has ever achieved that feat. Remember that these people are actually difficult to read because they “act out” to seek public approval.
In addition to the photos, you also get to watch live footage of me… teaching and demonstrating the correct body language movements in face-to-face situations with the help of Beth Bednar, former NBC affiliate anchorwoman.
I’ll show you what to REALLY look for in body language, not what all the pop psychology books talk about. I guarantee that after you finish this course, you’ll find that your body language ability has become as automatic as your instinct.
You’ll Learn Body Language Secrets That Most People Will Never Know!
Most people don’t have any clue when it comes to reading and using body language. They are being lied to without their knowledge. They don’t know how to respond because they’re uncertain how others feel about them. They’re missing out on huge opportunities because they don’t know how to act in ways that will gain admiration or trust from people.
Finally, you can stand out from everyone else! Because in just a few minutes from now, you could be unleashing the power of body language with the help of my home study course.
Here’s just some of the things you’ll discover:
- Where to sit to grab your client’s undivided attention and persuade them better.
- How to know if someone is interested at you, or likes you, through their eyes.
- How to build rapport and create feelings of arousal using your eyes.
- How to be physically attractive. Research indicates that marriage and dating, career advancement, and even judgement on smartness are based largely on physical attractiveness.
- How to look gorgeous and make more money. Studies of successful people indicate that they’ve added $100K to $200K to their annual income after they changed their look!
- 20 powerful tips to look perfect for your client. Exceptional advice on how to dress, wedding ring, fingernails, eyeglasses, weight, beard, make-up, teeth, hair length, shoes, jewelry, etc. Each element adds up to make you a sight to behold!
- How to be perceived as more attractive and smarter using one very simple, yet often overlooked principle.
- 10 keys to shaking hands to get people to like and trust you.
- 29 points to make a great impression. Remember that you have closer to 4 seconds to make a good first impression, and this is used as a yardstick for all future communication by those whom you meet.
- Exposed! How elections are won and lost based mostly on body language.
- How to use body language to achieve astounding results in sales, dating and relationships.
- The right distance and positions when communicating to ensure maximum compliance and not invade personal space.
- How to be in total control of any situation!
- How to communicate clearly and with sufficient volume, without shouting.
- How to decode happiness, surprise, disgust, fear, anger, and sadness through the eyes.
- Key rules in seating location for maximum compliance.
- How to use your eyes to make any man or woman disclose or open up to you. Note: Using this eye technique will produce completely different results to a male than to a female.
- How to accurately interpret and make effective eye contact.
- How to understand and decode the meaning of different eye behaviors.
- How to use your eyes to look and send the right message, at the right time, to make yourself look more attractive to people.
- How to look into your client’s eyes and instantly know whether they like you or not!
- How to know if a person is excited, frightened, attentive, aroused, or turned on by looking into their eyes.
- Body language that turns the opposite sex on and ignites their passion.
- What to do and NOT to do with your face, hands, and feet! Even the slightest mistake could mean the difference between getting what you want or not.
- Proven ways to know if someone is lying through their eyes and other body parts.
- How I knew that Bill Clinton had sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky.
- How to make your client fall in love with you even before you say a single word.
- How to get the response you want by exhibiting the appropriate body language signals.
- How to make impressive presentations to groups that get astonishing results.
- How to use your hand and head gestures to emphasize points.
- How posture can make you appear relaxed or tensed.
- Desirable and necessary keys in body language.
Step-by-step expert analysis of over 100 celebrity photos! If you can analyze the body language of celebrities (one of the most hard-to-read people on earth), then analyzing the body language of everyone else is a piece of cake!
What’s Included In This Complete Body Language Course?
Here’s what’s included in this Complete Body Language Home Study Course:
8 CD’s:
CD 1 – The Secret Code to Communication: Make A Dazzling Impression
CD 2 – The Secret Code to Communication: Use Your Body to Seal the Deal, Make the Sale, and Have Them Fall for You
CD’s 3 to 8 – Interactive Program: Decoding and Interpreting Body Language. This is where we analyze the body language of celebrities and uncover the true emotions behind those candid shots and poses in front of the camera. Nuance by nuance, we’ll analyze the small lines, wrinkles, facial expressions, hand and body placements.
3 DVD’s
DVD 1 – Live video footage of Kevin Hogan, teaching you the most critical secrets to reading, interpreting and using body language. It’s like attending one of my $25,000 seminars, but at the comfort and privacy of your own home! Plus, you can watch me over and over until you’ve mastered my body language techniques.
DVD 2 – Live video footage of Kevin Hogan illustrating (with the help of Beth Bednar, former NBC affiliate anchorwoman) the exact body movements, angles and positions in face-to-face settings to get the sale, be liked and trusted, and many more!
DVD on Deception Detection – a special collection of old videos which I used to help the BBC, New York Times and everyone else know what the people on the video are thinking (includes footage of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Ken Starr, and more). You’ll find this program particularly fascinating.
Secret Interactive Website – This is a password-protected site where the photos of celebrities to be analyzed are located. You will access this page while listening to CD’s 3 to 8.
125-page Manual on CD in pdf form – This e-book reveals the most powerful body language secrets for decoding, interpreting, and mastering nonverbal communication and people skills.
Successful Communicator Body Language Evaluator – Use this guide to observe others or grade yourself in any given situation. It contains a comprehensive list of body language movements, specifying those that are desirable and necessary in body language, and those that are undesirable and should be avoided at all costs.
27 Body Language Tips on a Handy Wallet Card – Put this on your wallet and use it as a handy reference to make a great impression, whether you’re going to an important meeting or just plain socializing.
Is Body Language A Bunch of Hype?
Some people think that body language is too complicated – that it’s difficult to know what anyone is thinking or feeling through their body movements. As you can vouch from the photo samples above, it only takes the right knowledge from a true expert to be a body language specialist.
Others are wondering why almost everything they’ve read about body language doesn’t work. I can’t blame them.
Many so-called body language experts who lack experience have sprung up. They are flying by the seat of their pants and are simply guessing… and often guessing wrong (from my own personal observation).
In today’s world, you can’t afford to be wrong or you’ll waste a lot of your time, effort and money. And it could hurt you in permanent ways.
My course will NOT teach you the same garbage pop psychology that the self-proclaimed body language teachers have said for years. Things like: crossing of arms means defensive posture; nodding means they’re agreeing with you; or smiling is a good sign of liking. These are all nonsense. They will not work because they are not supported in real life situations.
I’m here to reveal genuine techniques on reading and interpreting body language, based on 20 years of scientific studies and solid experience.
Once you have the ability to decode the actual feelings or thoughts behind body gestures and movements, you will attain a sixth sense that can create dramatic improvements in your life! You’ll know people’s mood or state simply by looking at them. You’ll wonder how you’re able to live all this time, without having this vital skill in your communication arsenal.
I’m Convinced, Kevin… This is the Best Body Language Course on the Planet. How Much Is It?
With the overall benefits you’ll be getting from this course, you’d probably be expecting to invest thousands of dollars. After all, I charge $25,000.00 for whole day seminar events, and $20,000.00 for half day events around the world, teaching the same techniques you’ll discover from my Body Language Home Study Program.
And even if just a small portion of my body language course could bring you truckloads of money or make anyone like you instantly, isn’t that easily worth at least $3,000? That’s a small investment compared to the tens (or hundreds) of thousands of extra dollars you will make using my techniques, not to mention all the people who will instantly like and admire you.
Reputable people and companies have paid me sizably, over and over again, just to share my body language secrets with them. Now I want to help as many people as I can. That’s why I’ve decided to give this breakthrough body language course away for only $697!
This course reveals ALL the key secrets of body language you need to know… for a tiny fraction of my seminar’s cost per hour!
But I got feedback from a number of interested people that they still can’t afford it. So in my quest to help more people, I’m giving you a bargain like no other. If you invest in my Body Language Course today, , you can secure your copy at the rock bottom price of only $697 $197!
Please note that the price could increase at any time. If I begin to realize that charging a higher price (in exchange for the tremendous value you’re getting) is more than fair, then I won’t hesitate to do that. But if you order now, your investment is guaranteed to be only $197.
Why Am I Offering This Valuable Program For Much Less Than Its Worth?
I thought that if I get enough people to see what others are thinking or feeling (through their body language), it breaks down a lot of barriers and makes communication better, more efficient, and more honest. This will cause people to have higher integrity, so I get to make the world a better place in my own little way.
Another reason is that I enjoy reading “thank you” letters from people who have increased their sales regularly. That makes me feel good.
It’s also fun and fascinating to show people how they can be charismatic, and be well received by others. It’s a win-win situation for both of us.
For only $197, you can be as good at analyzing body language as anyone who is doing it professionally. And you don’t even have to leave the comfort and privacy of your own home.
Plus, you can listen to the CD’s and watch the DVD’s as many times as you want until you master the art of reading and using body language (unlike in a seminar where you get bombarded with information, that you forget most of them when you get home).
Frankly, I only get paid a very tiny fraction of what you’ll actually be earning when you use my body language techniques, not to mention the vast improvements you’ll experience in every aspect of your life.
So it only makes sense to get it now.
But that’s not all…
You’ll have LIFETIME replacement warranty. That means we will replace any CD’s or DVD’s if they break or get lost… for life!
And you’ll also get LIFETIME upgrades! If I discover anything new or beneficial about body language in my never-ending scientific research and studies, I’ll send it to you for FREE! If anything is improved or revised in the program, you’ll get it for FREE! This is the only way to ensure that you stay on top of the body language field, and get a unique edge over almost everyone else.
By the way, have I told you we have one of the fastest delivery times in the business?
Now tell me… how much have you invested in improving yourself for the last few years? Maybe you’ve tried one product after another, searching for the one true formula for overall success, but you haven’t found it yet.
Have you been burned by so-called gurus who look credible, but don’t actually know what they’re talking about?
It’s time to learn from a REAL master of body language who walks the talk. This is not to brag, but to tell you the truth. And the truth is that very few people can read and use body language as well as I do.
If you’ve read my bio above, you’ve already seen the long list of Fortune 500 companies, major TV networks and magazines, international media, and famous people who have relied on me for body language advice.
But you don’t even have to take my word for it. Simply search the internet for my name and see what other people and companies have said about me.
In just a few minutes from now, you could have the ability to explode your sales, attract the opposite sex, get liked by everyone, and know the truth behind people’s gestures and actions. Or you could stay where you are now… wasting the amazing opportunities that becoming a body language master has to offer. The decision is yours.
I’m sure you want to get the best possible training in the area of body language, right? And you can finally get it for a tiny fraction of what most people are paying. Grab this opportunity now before the price increases.
Wishing you the very best of success,
Kevin Hogan
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