Nobody has any right to stop you from achieving your dreams.

And the word, “No” is just another obstacle which needs to be overcome. In the same way that if you tell yourself you can’t do something, especially because others have put you down in the past…you have to change your prophecy because it’s only you that can decide what you can and can’t do.

People who Achieve their Dreams have some very specific behaviors and thoughts in common. This is true whether their goals are in sports, business or family. Let’s look at some of these, and over the coming weeks we’ll go into them in great detail.

People who Achieve Their Dreams are Focused

By concentrating on goals and objectives, you will find that you achieve more. You won’t get sidetracked and you won’t procrastinate. By focusing, you will be able to do things effectively and be highly productive.

Once you focus you can begin a process…a syntax…a sequence of events that will take you to that which you desire.

People Who Achieve Their Dreams are Completors

….They learn how to get things done.

To succeed takes action, you need to do what it takes. When you don’t know how to do what it takes, you must learn how to do it.

Expanding your knowledge is essential in achieving. When you do know how to do something, you do it and then move on to the next thing.

Never waste time, you are only delaying your enjoyment of your own dream.

They don’t make excuses:

If you don’t have a mentor or mastermind, the only person you’re ultimately accountable to is yourself… you are responsible for your own success. And I do suggest you be part of a group of like-minded individuals who DO, BELIEVE and ACHIEVE.

People Who Achieve Make Decisions

This is truly one of the most difficult factors of Dream Achievement.

Decision Making is tough because no one ever taught you HOW to make a decision. No one ever laid it out for you…gave you a yardstick to measure your decisions and how to judge them in retrospect.

Most people think that if what you decide ultimately fails, you made a bad decision. NOTHING could be further from the truth.

If someone says, I’ll bet you $100 heads will come up 10 times in a row on this coin and your Mom is going to flip the coin.

You should take the bet in a heartbeat. (The actual odds of hitting heads 10 times in a row are 1,023:1)

Now Mom flips the coin 10 times and it comes up heads all ten times. She feels terrible. You lost the $100 BUT you made a GREAT DECISION.

Decisions aren’t to be evaluated by the result.

Decisions are evaluated by the value of the decision when you make it. (I’ll explain this in the future. It will take an article or two)

When you make a decision, follow it. If it doesn’t work out, learn from it. Don’t put off making decisions just because you might make a wrong one.

People Who Achieve Their Dreams Learn From Their Mistakes

Mistakes are something to learn from. If you make a mistake, correct it, then move on.

The vast majority of times in life, mistakes are meaningless.

Passionate People Achieve Their Dreams

When you are passionate about something, you will find that people respond positively to it. Opportunities will be presented to you and you will be ready to receive them. Who would you rather be around, someone who is excited or someone who is not motivated?


People Who Achieve their Dreams are Personable

Be friendly, learn how to lead and influence people.

When you are someone who other people want to be around, when people want to help you, you will find that you will succeed much faster. Everybody needs help to succeed, simply by being a nice person you will find that others are far more likely to offer their help and support.

Only world class jerks want to see nice people fail.

Help others, and they will help you.

Dream Achievers Develop Self Confidence

…and it’s easier said than done.

Here is one method to create self confidence:

One of the things which stops people in their tracks when they come against an obstacle is a lack of self confidence or low self esteem.

Everybody at some stage in their life has experienced this.

It is just an obstacle and can be overcome with a simple decision.

Am I going to let my lack of self confidence or low self esteem imprison me or am I going to conquer it?

It’s said that a bumblebee is aerodynamically unable to fly and by rights shouldn’t be able to do it. (I have no idea if this is true. What the heck do I know about bees except I don’t like them?)

Do you think a bumblebee knows this?

We’ve probably all heard a story of people overcoming huge difficulties. Think about the person being told by doctors that they’ll never walk again and then running a marathon.

I’m currently working on the penultimate program for creating self confidence.

The fact is it comes from within and it comes from knowing deep within yourself that YOU have achieved things in the past and YOU have the potential to achieve anything.

Question: What have you achieved in the past?

Think about the things you’ve achieved in the past, things like learning a subject at school (learning is an achievement, although the lecturer/teacher is there to assist by providing you with the tools, it’s YOU that chooses to take that knowledge on board and learn from it).

Bringing up your child, getting a job you wanted, gaining friends in a new town you’ve moved to. YOU did those things, because YOU had the potential to do them.

Take a moment to enjoy that fact, it feels good knowing that you were the reason.

You chose to make those things happen, you also had the other choice, you could have chosen not to learn at school. You could have decided to become a recluse and not make those friends. You could have decided you couldn’t be bothered to go for that job even though you wanted it, but you didn’t.

Be grateful that you have the ability to make those decisions, choose not to regret any of the decisions that might not have worked out for you. Use them as a stepping stone, after all, they are the reason that you are who you are today.

YOUR DECISIONS in large part…are the reason you are who you are…today.

Look around you at people you see as successful, in what way are they different to you?

We breathe the same air, we have the same opportunities. Some of us choose to take them, others choose not to.

Where would you rather be?

Success and Achievement are NOT rocket science.

Let successful people inspire you, they can achieve great things and so can all of us.

What inspires you?

Think about the things that inspire you, is it the idea of fame, acceptance, money, family?

Let them continue to be an inspiration to you and be thankful that these things are there to guide you.

If you take one thing away from reading this series of articles, let it be that you know you have the potential to make your dreams come true – each one of us as human beings has that potential and I sincerely hope that you choose to live your dream, and do what it takes to make it happen…SOON.


Become More Aware of the Triggers of Influence!
What Makes a Person Decide? Find out!

The Science of Influence, Part V
Volumes 49-60

The one area I’d left open for speculation in the first 48 CD’s, I’ve closed in Science of Influence 49-60.

Impulse Activation moves your hand from their pocket to the shelf holding the magazines, candy bars and nail clippers when you’re in line waiting to check out your stuff at the store.

Impulse Activation is what causes you to push “Buy Now” instead of surf away to a different web page.

Impulse Activation is what causes you to give a meaningful contribution to a charity even when you considered to not do so.

And almost no one is able to INTENTIONALLY cause Impulse Activation.

Except You.

I’ve taken a decade of research and put it all to the task of Impulse Activation.

I show you the Covert Psychological Triggers that are the most likely to succeed and then I show you HOW to use them.

Then I take you into the world of women. No one has ever written about the Covert Psychological Triggers that CAUSE women to act or decide in your favor.

I have.

I take you through step-by-step and itemize those Triggers, then, I show you the EXACT WORDS and PHRASES that work when communicating with women. To my knowledge, no one has ever done this before.

And there is a lot more.

Over the years there has been a LOT of research done in what persuades people…in what unspoken (covert) factors CAUSE people to spend more money, come back more often, buy more products and services.

And I lay it out for you in easy-to-understand fashion.

I am proud that you will have this incredible program.

Because as you come to understand the mind of the other person; you’ll also be learning :

  • How to create the “gotta have it” feeling in consumers
  • How to melt away sales resistance
  • How to tap into the “primal” buying emotions
  • How to literally and instantly establish rapport
  • How to ’cause’ consumers to obey your hidden ‘sales push’
  • How to infuse “proof power” into your sales letters
  • How to arouse your prospect’s inner buying drives
  • How to influence your prospect’s mind to trust you
  • How to bypass your prospect’s conscious mind

In a nutshell, you’ll learn how to create influential messages that hold customers captive from the first words you say to the signing of the check.

In Science of Influence 49-60 you will learn how to:

  • Cause Them to Identify with You
  • Combine Two Key Drivers that Will Cause Compulsion to Comply
  • Form Questions that Will Cause Compliance When Asked
  • Never Have That “Phoney Feeling” Inside Again…and Instantly Watch Your Income Increase
  • Use the Power of the Invisibility Intensifier
  • Take Advantage of Kevin’s Full Christmas Tree Technique
  • Optimize the Use of Their Feeling of Fear


  • Determine Which of the Five Basic Fears to Utilize in Your Presentation or Copy
  • Adopt Key Characteristics of God that Make You More Persuasive (even if you are Agnostic!)
  • Use Features instead of Benefits to Close The Deal
  • Send The Energy of Being THE Problem Solver to Those You Influence
  • Use Sex and Sensuality to Sell. Clear and Simple
  • Modify Old Sales Strategies to Become Influential in 2007
  • Be THE Person That Imbues Them With Good Feelings…They Won’t Want You to Leave!
  • Link Good Feelings with Buying Now


* Take Advantage of The Impulse to Instant Gratification With You, Your Product and Service

The Science of Influence 49-60: Triggering Compliance in the Buying Sequence is UTTERLY UNIQUE among all programs about persuasion and selling.

Because, for the first time, you will find out EXACTLY how to influence women. (Whether you are a man or a woman doesn’t matter. What matters is how you will use what you discover here!)

Women react and respond VERY DIFFERENTLY than men to influence attempts.

The chances are very good that your business is HEAVILY WEIGHTED with either 80% male or 80% female clients and customers.

I’m going to show you how to gain compliance from the women you’ve been missing out on.

I’ll give you THE EXACT WORDS that are REQUIRED to influence and sell women.
I will show you the PRECISE ATTITUDE that is REQUIRED to market effectively to women.

You’re going to have it all in your copy of Science of Influence: Triggering Compliance in the Buying Sequence.

Learn more or get your copy now!

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World Class Business Kevin Hogan

World Business Class

Success in Influence, World Business Class Magazine, January 2018. Cover Story and Interview with Kevin Hogan


Costco interviewed Kevin for Body Talk: Actions Do Speak Louder than Words


Kevin's body language evaluation!

Sales Guru

Article by Kevin in Sales Guru magazine (based in South Africa). "Burnout: Escaping Living Hell"

What People Say

“Want to influence others? Want to persuade others? Want to sell others? Then Science of Influence is not just an option – it’s a landmark breakthrough of information you can use the minute you read it.”
"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

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Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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And as a bonus for joining, Kevin will give you two hefty eBooks: Mind Access and Overcoming Rejection.

Overcoming Rejection: Defeating the Painful Feelings of Being Marginalized by Dr. Kevin Hogan

The tips you receive in Coffee with Kevin Hogan will help you in your relationships and in your business. The fun stuff, well is just fun. Subscribe now and see for yourself.

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