Licensee Program: Psychology of Persuasion FAQ

Updated May 22, 2019

These are common questions we have received in the mail and by e-mail. Some have been paraphrased and/or edited to make them publishable.


  1. Do I have to pay royalties when I deliver The Psychology of Persuasion?
  2. Do I have to pay any other licensing fees aside from the annual renewable license?
    There are no hidden costs. None.
  3. Do I get real training?
    Yes. Kevin will personally give teleseminar(s) for new participants and occasional teleseminars for sharing information.
  4. Can my license be taken away from me?
    Yes. Participation in criminal behavior or any gross ethical violation (using material for other than live seminars or misconduct) in using this material can result in the licensure being withdrawn.
  5. Will Kevin Hogan be presenting The Psychology of Persuasion? Do I have to compete with him?!?
    Kevin will not be advertising any seminars or presentations with this title. There is a remote possibility he will be asked to deliver this title for a group or organization somewhere in the world as long as it doesn’t interfere with his licensees.
  6. Will Kevin give me a personal recommendation and referrals if asked?
    Yes! Your success means everything to Kevin! Ask for what you need. If he needs something more from you, he will tell you.
  7. Can I call Kevin if I have questions? You can call and in most cases he won’t be in town or available. He will respond via e-mail to all questions. You know Kevin, he gets back to people very quickly.
  8. What’s the best way to make money with The Psychology of Persuasion?
    Keynote speeches can pay from 1000.00 to 10,000.00. Breakouts are much less but usually let you sell product at the back of the room. Community colleges, colleges, adult ed, Universities, pay as much as 1000.00 for one day programs. Less for a three hour program. Doesn’t really matter at first, get your feet wet. Run the program a few times, then start looking at money.
  9. What can I sell back of the room to make the most money?
    Science of Influence CD Library 1-12 is the best choice. Your audience will know The Psychology of Persuasion and will want more after you are done. Having SI available should earn you a couple extra thousand dollars at even modest sized events.
  10. What do I have to pay for Science of Influence and other programs I can sell at the back of the room?
    After you have purchased one copy of SI, or any program, you can buy SI for 40-55% off the lowest retail price at So, if SI 1-12 is selling for 300 in the store, you can get it for about 150-175 depending on the terms and quantity. You will receive an email about this. Contact Katie to place orders for bulk quantities. bulk ordering
  11. Why is it the same price to buy Psychology of Persuasion (including shipping) as it is from the Publisher?
    Amazon buys in super size quantities. I typically buy from amazon because it’s as cheap or cheaper than I buy the book from the Publisher!
  12. Can I do The Psychology of Persuasion as a full day event for a company or school?
    Yes. You are supplied with a three hour and one hour template video/DVD as well as strategies for lengthier programs.
  13. What is the difference between The Psychology of Persuasion and Science of Influence?
    This is a question YOU need to be able to answer to your meeting planner, so read Science of Influence…quickly! In a nutshell, PoP is a complete model of communication, persuasion, selling and marketing. Science of Influence contains razor edge new material that ultimately can be put into that model. The books are VERY different from each other. SoI is extracted from the Science of Influence CD library. Approximately 10% of the material in the CD library is in the book.
  14. Can I quote Kevin in my advertising?
    With permission (which he typically gives without hesitation).
  15. How much can I realistically expect to earn my first year with The Psychology of Persuasion?
    Kevin will provide you with the material to earn five digits your first year. It’s your decision as to how many programs, keynotes, teleseminars and classes you actually give. It’s conceivable that by your third year you could earn six digits. These results will always be under your control.
  16. What if I choose not to use the license the first year but want to renew the second year?
    You will still be able to do so for the promised annual renewal fee.
  17. Will there be a set renewable annual fee?
    Yes. The annual fee will remain the same for at least five years.
  18. Can I copy or use idea for idea material from Psychology of Persuasion or the manual, or Mind Access, and put them in my own written materials or CD’s/Videos?
    Absolutely not. Kevin doesn’t own those rights. He can’t even do that! You (and Kevin!) have live performance rights.
  19. Will Kevin really help me make this work?
    Kevin takes pride in making just about everyone he works with successful. Plan on being on his priority list! How? Expect him to have a psychology of persuasion website where groups can find you and confirm your licensure. When someone wants a written OK for you, you can bet they’ll get it fast. You will always have access to someone!
  20. Can my registration be refused?
    Kevin does reserve the right to refuse an application for any reason.
  21. What will Kevin do to protect The Psychology of Persuasion name?
    We will contact individuals using the TM name in their URL or materials and ask them to cease and desist of course. Kevin, as a rule, does not approve of legal action and will aggressively pursue nonlegal action whenever possible. Most people are reasonable and do the right thing in business. But, if someone were to not comply…then it would cost them a fortune to continue to be in noncompliance of the trademark.
  22. What is Kevin’s interest level in the program? He has a lot going on!
    It’s a top priority for him. He wants it to succeed for numerous reasons. Some altruistic and some self serving. (That’s straight from his lips!) He wants The Psychology of Persuasion to be the best selling persuasion book of all time and if he can help you get accepted into groups and organizations that dream comes closer to reality. The money is very, very little on this project today. The work is very important to him, and, probably most important are the people who will deliver the work.
  23. Is there any help from Kevin in marketing the program once I sign up?
    Within your Kit will be some incredible marketing materials. Along with that, you will be featured on our special website at with a bio and contact information, along with audio demos and a listing of your upcoming events! Not only that, but you will become a part of an elite group of speakers with contacts all over the world.

To register your Psychology of Persuasion License, email Kevin personally for more information:

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You get the very latest and most important findings in human behavior, relationships, wealth building, outcome acquisition, nonverbal communication, mind control, covert hypnosis, selling, and marketing.

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What People Say

“Want to influence others? Want to persuade others? Want to sell others? Then Science of Influence is not just an option – it’s a landmark breakthrough of information you can use the minute you read it.”
"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."