“Hey Kevin, Wanna promote my new ebook/something else to your LIST?”

Answer: Not likely.

First, I don’t have a list and referring to a group of people who have bought something for you or expressed interest in possibly doing so in the future, is pretty wimpy. It smacks of…yuk.

I have Coffee with thousands of people every Monday morning….and that’s it. No spam, no mid-week emails, no tacky sales emails.

You and I, we have Coffee.. I can talk with friends or do business or both.

Second, there is now a big long list of the criteria that someone has to meet before I’ll put them in Coffee for a promotion.

You and I have Coffee at least 45 times per year. (Last year 50!) It costs me five digits to do a promo for someone.

You can convince me, and others to help you promote your work if you can meet some criteria. One of those criteria is your expertise in the field, of the product, that you wish to promote.

Today, I want to show you what to do, to become seen as the authority in a niche, especially online.

It’s much, much easier to become well known when you have an online presence than when you don’t.

It’s much easier to amass great wealth online than in the real world.


In part, it’s about you being able to relate to someone in a superior way than everyone else does.

People write all the time and say, “Your newsletter is one of three/four/two that I read each week. I delete all the rest….”

What causes that kind of loyalty and trust?

Perhaps it’s because:

  1. I care about the relationship I have with each reader.
  2. I don’t treat people like names on a list.
  3. I am concerned about the well being of people who have Coffee with me.
  4. I give more useful and fascinating information about those areas you and I have in common than anyone else can sell you.
  5. We have fun together. We talk politics, money, education, sex, entertainment…we’re having Coffee.
  6. I’m inviting where everyone else out there is threatening.


You can eventually accomplish the same…


There are plenty of people making money online in stealth mode. They slip in and out of niches, usually under pen names, raking in more than they deserve.

Yet when outsiders start discussing the “super stars” of various niches, they often don’t name these people. And that’s good, because these folks want to make a living while remaining somewhat invisible.

What stinks about the stealth guys is that they are brilliant at marketing but they have nothing to offer that is valuable.

In other words, you read this beautifully crafted salesletter and then download a product and quickly it becomes obvious that the product was scraped together in two hours. (In fact, there are courses on how to do just that…and man is that a REAL shame.) People spend a hundred bucks for an e-book that is a collection of junk. Yuk. Phtooey…

This disaster however, does have a silver lining for you and me.

By developing a relationship and giving far, far more before people start doing business with you, your future customer learns not only that you have something valuable for them, they learn about you…and my friend YOU are the key factor.

So, I want to encourage you to become the Star of the Scene in your own area of expertise. The Star makes money, usually a lot, but frankly the fun comes with the connection between you and your fans and friends.

The best Doctors, Attorneys, Pool Players, Poker Players, Equestrians, Salespeople are stars and they develop big followings like any other celebrity.

The celebrity gives you and me something cool.


And I want you to be one of these people. A star in your scene.

You don’t want to be in stealth mode. You want to be the proverbial rock star in your field.

Nothing is cooler than reading on the Internet or hearing on TV….”Yeah, Kevin Hogan showed me…”

Whoooaa…that’s cool.

“Hey Kev, Kate White with Cosmo is on the phone. You want take the call?”

(I don’t take calls….ever…but Kate White?! Hello?)

It’s nice to be known.

Being a famous “rock star” in your niche is glamorous …and fun. But more than that, you know that branding yourself is a big component of success. If you can get that “top of mind” awareness in your customers, you can easily become the known “go to” person in pretty much any niche. If you’re considered to be THE expert in the niche, then you will probably dominate it.

If you associate yourself with other “stars” in your niche, then you’ll be considered an “upper tier” expert in your field.

In short, when I refer to you being a “rock star” in your field, I’m basically saying that you can brand yourself as an expert.

If you’re new to doing business online, dominating a niche probably sounds a bit like a pipe dream. Maybe you figure it will take 20 years and years to claw your way up the ladder.

How long will it take?

I’m telling you that it can be done in a fraction of that time. You can literally blast onto the scene of a new niche or two in just a couple months later.

You can cause your name to be associated with the niche even faster. Your products can become some of the most-talked about and most-referred products around.

So, what factors will boost you to lasting stardom?


Factor One: Associating Yourself with the Existing Experts

Let’s suppose you know a thing or two about your chosen niche, but for all practical purposes you’re brand-spanking new in this niche. Or, maybe you’re a legitimate expert in the field …but no one else knows that (yet).

So how do you rise up the ranks in this niche, both in terms of fame and the wealth that usually accompanies that fame? Answer: start aligning yourself with the true experts in the field.

Some people take a look at all the experts in a field and shrink away in horror at all the competition. That’s not the right attitude. The fact is that they ARE going to be your competitors, but in 2007, competitors don’t try to beat the daylights out of each other.

On the contrary, the established experts are potential joint venture partners. These are the people who will take you to the top…IF….

…Now there are a few ways that you’ll want to start getting your name in front of these other experts. The first is to network with the experts – just get to know them and get your name in front of them. After you’ve done some networking, you’ll do a joint venture with them that’s sure to instantly align you with these high-caliber experts.

Why would the leading expert or dominant person in any niche remotely be interested in doing business with you?

Darn good question.

And when you can answer it, you can begin to ascend…read on….


Getting the Experts to Know You…The Tortoise Track…

People always think of me as “the hare,” because I work quickly, effectively and produce quality material in 1/3 the time that most others do. Fair enough.

BUT, my thinking is ALWAYS long-term.

I don’t give a rip what I earn this week. It flat out doesn’t matter.

The fact is that you and I can both EARN money, a lot of money and not be paid for weeks, months or years.

You write a book.

You get it published.

Someone reads it.

Their life is changed.

You have now EARNED the money, you simply haven’t had the bigger universe cut you a check yet.

And it doesn’t matter. If you need to be paid TODAY for your work, you CAN’T develop expertise and you CAN’T anticipate LONG-TERM checks in the field of your expertise.

This first step is basically getting your name in front of other experts. Once you have that name recognition with them, they’ll be more likely to help you.

What’s the ideal way?

Ideally you should get to know them by meeting them face to face. If there are experts in your local area, or if you are going to be visiting their area, take them to lunch.

I rarely have a chance to go to lunch when I’m in town, but if I’m in Vegas, the chances are quite good I have an opening at lunch time.

“But I don’t live in Vegas.”

Ah…that’s OK…maybe in the next life…

(Airfare is dirt cheap and face to face lunch with the dominant person in your niche is not a good idea, it’s a MUST idea…..)

However, this is not the time to propose a joint venture, particularly if they don’t know who you are. This is a time for the expert to get to know you.

Fact is, most leaders aren’t going to agree to lunch with a stranger. In that case, you’ll want to make sure you attend the conferences and meetings in your niche, and network at these conferences. Buy the experts a drink at these “after hours” conferences. Let them get to know you. Give them your business card, and from there start building a relationship and staying in touch.


I just left a convention where a hundred people gave me their business card.

So, are you screwed?

Most are.

Laura King gave me a copy of her new hardcover book with a really cool cover. That went home with me.

Craig Lang gave me a copy of his new book. That goes home with me.

Nadeen gave me a copy of her POSTCARD business card. She is an entertainer and her postcard is very, very entertaining.

Harvey Hunt gave me a WRIST WATCH (I never wear a watch but need them at conventions for all kinds of reasons).

And then I have 96 other business cards.

Nothing wrong with business cards. If they don’t have your picture on them, then you have lost half the ball game.

If they do, you aren’t out of luck yet.

The fact is even though I’ve called Laura, “Pat,” in the past, (I’ve been known to call people by the names of people they remind me of, UGH) and Craig and Nadeen and Harvey and their STUFF makes a big difference in separating those people out from a slew of other really cool people.

Be sure that you stay in touch using the method that this expert prefers. Some people are not “phone people,” and if you call them you’ll slip right OFF their list.

I don’t take calls except for interviews from media. Rare exceptions are taking calls from people I’m writing a book with (and even THAT is rare).

Think about it.

If you talk with family members on the phone in the course of a week, that’s going to pretty much dominate all the time there is for the phone that week.

Email has a lot of drawbacks but I can answer an email anywhere in the world IF it is short, has a specific purpose and gives me a good reason to respond.

There ARE some people who still prefer the phone. Some like instant messaging.


Right now your relationships should center on what you can do for this expert.

“Kevin, (Harv Eker, Zig Ziglar, Paul McCartney….) I really would just like to spend an hour with you….”

It’s not that it’s impossible, it’s that people need to know there is value in that hour that is more valuable than the other 50 ways they normally need to invest that hour…

If you’re already creating loyal friends and fans in a niche or otherwise have access to potential customers, ask them how you can help them promote their products. Indeed, if you become one of their best affiliates, they’ll definitely notice you and remember your name. Even a few sales may likely you get you on their radar, since many affiliates sign up but don’t even promote.

POWER STRATEGY: Another example of helping an expert is offering some sort of service to them. For example, if they are holding a conference in your area, offer to help them set up, clean up, register people, etc. In other words, working “backstage” is one way of building a relationship with an expert.

Think about how much the event costs a member of the general public. Double that money and create a service to the expert that is worth that doubled price.

The keypoint is to slowly build relationships with the experts in your field, helping them in whatever way you can. Then later on when you’re ready to do a joint venture, they’ll recognize your name in your inbox – and respond.

Experts in any field get many joint venture offers crossing their desk every day. They can’t promote them all, not even 2%, so what they do is develop a sort of “coffee filter” system.

Ideally of course they would filter according to how good the product is, and how well it matches their list. But the thing is, these busy marketers don’t even have time to review every product that crosses their desk.

So what does that mean? There’s a good chance that if they don’t immediately recognize the name attached to the offer, due to time constraints they may have to pass those offers by in lieu of offers from existing partners, friends, and other recognizable names.

Bottom line: if the expert recognizes your name, the expert will likely put your offer aside …and perhaps agree to it if it’s a good fit with his or her audience. As such, your job is to build relationships so that the marketers ALWAYS read your JV offers.

Two other ways to get the experts to sit up and take notice…next week…..



Fastest Way to Learn How to Brand Yourself?

Science of Influence Part II: The Tactics & Techniques of Persuasion

by Kevin Hogan, Psy.D.

In the Master’s Home Study Course Part One (V. 1-12), you learned an enormous amount of cutting-edge material now coming to light in the field of influence. Now you are going to gain access to truly advanced information that has never been released to the public, ever!

The Delta Mind Control Model, for the very first time, shows you how to begin, “middle” and end a communication that is designed to influence. The DMCM works because you are able to control the direction of your mind and that of your client or counterpart. As a rule of thumb you have about 8 MINUTES to create change in someone’s mind. You will learn precisely what techniques and strategies can be utilized at various stages of those eight minutes.

Oscillation. Most people operate under the belief that what they believe is “real” What’s interesting is that these beliefs constantly waver throughout the course of a conversation! Understand oscillation and utilize the techniques to direct oscillation,and you can begin to re-map anyone’s mind.

Credibility: The Pivot Point for Persuasion. No credibility = “No!” I’m going to show you all the ways to build credibility fast and effectively! You MUST be 100% credible!

Metaprograms and Branding. Learn about NEW metaprograms and branding your SELF. These two CDs alone are more than worth the price of the entire package. Would you like to know how to have people see you as THE “go-to” person in your field? I’m going to show you how.

Branding. Most people think the word “brand” is a business term. It can be. What can branding do for you as an individual? Everything.

Mind Reading. I’m going to reveal some of my most closely held secret methods of determining what people are thinking in the moment.

Psychographics. This CD introduces you to some of the most powerful tools I utilize in helping clients determine what is going on in the minds of others…then how to use that information.

Twelve NEVER before Revealed Secrets to Optimize Persuasive Messages. Did you know that there are actually a significant number of sales calls, persuasive presentations and proposals where you should NOT mention the benefits of you, your product, service or idea? Heresy, you say? Heretical yes, and absolutely proven factual.

59 Persuasion Tactics That Gain Compliance. Of the 59 persuasion tactics, Role Response Projection is one of my “favorites” and without a doubt one of the most powerful tactics you can utilize…with a person, a group or even a nation. This is just one out of the 59 tactics I place in your hands.

Intrigued? Make this program a gift to yourself and your future success.

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World Class Business Kevin Hogan

World Business Class

Success in Influence, World Business Class Magazine, January 2018. Cover Story and Interview with Kevin Hogan


Costco interviewed Kevin for Body Talk: Actions Do Speak Louder than Words


Kevin's body language evaluation!

Sales Guru

Article by Kevin in Sales Guru magazine (based in South Africa). "Burnout: Escaping Living Hell"

What People Say

“Want to influence others? Want to persuade others? Want to sell others? Then Science of Influence is not just an option – it’s a landmark breakthrough of information you can use the minute you read it.”
"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

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Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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Overcoming Rejection: Defeating the Painful Feelings of Being Marginalized by Dr. Kevin Hogan

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