Digital Marking with Kevin Hogan
“Will YOU be the next person to do ‘six figures’ annually online?”
Course begins November 15, 2023
Create the Lifestyle You Want with Internet Marketing
Scott lives in California but has recorded most of his online video training material in Hawaii. He does it on his own time, in his own way. Probably because it’s his best possible personal lifestyle. Perhaps I’m wrong. Perhaps he’d be doing better somewhere else.
You can do the same thing as Scott and the dozens of other participants who have been using the longest ongoing Digital Marketing Course Intensive to help launch profitable projects for people across all industries and fields of work.
Using the same strategies and techniques we’ve used to make a ZERO investment turn into *seven* digits … I’m thinking, you can do it.
I’m not suggesting you’ll do EIGHT digits annually … or even seven. THAT requires a significant amount of work, and maybe even some luck. So let’s stick with more attainable outcomes, at least for now.
Making Money Online
You don’t have to be a creative genius to thrive online.
When you want to make money online… you either:
a) pay a lot of money to get people to hear about you, or
b) you cause people to come to you without cost.
I prefer that latter and that is one of the most important variables to your success.
Online marketing is how you make money in life in 2019. People who don’t market online have very little chance of achieving any kind of financial success going forward. When you search for any phrase there are a few people/sites that the search engines consider the most important for you to see. You’re going to learn to be one of those people who end up in the search results. And that is simply the beginning…
Making Money Online
Using the same strategies and techniques we’ve used to make a ZERO investment turn into *seven* digits…I’m thinking, you can do the same or at least half or a third or a quarter of that…
Do You Want A Systematic Approach?
This E-Course includes a detailed step by step systematic approach to results, so you can SEE HOW to do what you need to do… The delivery of this course is entirely online and all at your convenience.
It’s very different from any online program you’ve heard of and I direct it in a much different way than anything you’ve ever considered.
There are also comprehensive documents that reveal an almost endless array of what works, why, and how to implement. Perhaps most important is that for all marketing questions you will have, you get complete access to me for mentoring and coaching for 10 weeks.
Because Digital Marketing of a new or existing “business” is evolving rapidly, we have JUST FINISHED dramatically updating and upgrading the course for you. It is quite …excellent.
What helps most is that unlike a barrage of home study programs, with our team, you can ask questions that are important to you and your efforts 24/7 for two solid months as we progress step by step, day by day.
Would You Like An Experienced Expert Mentor?
You have a MENTOR. (actually, a few this go ’round!). You get to ask someone who has those seven digits instead of the guy who works for the guy who would like to earn five digits. The difference is critical as should be obvious. Plus, you have your cohort of motivated course participants to provide feedback and insights from their perspectives.
You have me at your email pleasure for as many hours as I’m awake. That’s most hours…I will answer EVERY question in copious detail so you have 100% understanding.
Question: What is the value of a 9+ week course if it brings in $100,000 in say 2018?
Half? $30,000? $20,000?
Well, I’ll tell you what it’s worth to me. The answer is $10,000.
It’s like a finders fee.
When your website(s) NET revenues total $100,000, that’s when you pay 2/3 of the course tuition. Less than 1/3 of your tuition is paid in advance.
Perhaps you have paid for numerous big Internet Marketing packages.
That’s cool but will you REALLY do IT???!?!?!
And even if you did, who would you have someone to communicate with every single day when you need help?
There’s no one there and the research says NO, you won’t use the program. Research says…the probability approaches zero.
You won’t fail because you won’t start.
The System you are going to learn is unlike anything you’ve seen or heard of before.
Is it Time for A Different Approach?
Building wealth on the web requires doing a number of simple things right. It requires doing a few more complicated things fairly well and it requires being able to master ONE of about 20 different marketing tools. That’s it…one. ONE!
Most Internet Marketers will tell you WHAT you need to know. I will show you HOW to do it and WHY so you can replicate results in the future.
Everything you learn from this experience is 100% for your business.
Your total knowledge of the web/internet/media today doesn’t have to even hit the radar. We walk you through everything, step by step.
For example: If I tell you that you are going to use video on your website….I’ll SHOW YOU HOW TO DO IT in such a way that it works FAST and EASY. I won’t just say, “Oh, video on the website is really helpful…”
I’ll show you how to get video on a website for the world to see. (It’s not 1/10 as hard as you think it might be.)
I’ve learned to do things quickly, effectively and efficiently mostly because I am not tech savvy. I want to simply share with you what works and how to grow a successful online marketing Coffee Table Business.
100 Reasons To Do This Specific Course
Here are just some of the 100 key points reflecting what you will learn:
Note: There is no mandatory schedule you need to follow – you create your own schedule with Kevin to follow for the duration of the course. You WILL have Kevin for the asking via email 24-7.
1) How to get a web name in 2 minutes. (like
2) How to start a website and have it UP in 55 minutes.
3) How to upload the website to the Internet in 10 minutes.
4) How to get people to come to the website within 4 HOURS.
5) How to get the biggest search engines to direct people to you instead of your competitor, for free.
6) Exactly WHAT you need on your website to make your website popular. (Within days.)
7) How to engender love from search engines and develop a “long-term relationship” with search engines, so you get more and more traffic your way quickly and for a long, long time.
8) Specific things you can do that will cause search engines to know your site is important enough to push you onto the first page.
9) How to KNOW what to sell on your website(s). Whether to start a Coffee Table Business or use the Internet to make your current business thrive.
10) Choosing products and services to sell.
11) How to make a relatively nice income stream, without having to create a product or service yourself!
12) How to get other people to help you build your empire as quickly as possible. And not just how, but your team will indeed do this with you as you will help them do the same thing.
13) How to create a sales force of people, without cost, to tell the world about you…Try doing that in the brick and mortar world.
14) How to WRITE the copy (advertisements) that will sell the products and services you will earn money from.
15) How to know what to write.
16) Learn all the wrong ways to write that will cause any site to go broke.
17) Learn the EXACT WORDS and PHRASES that the pros use to bring in big numbers every year.
18) How to appeal to a very specific audience so your message doesn’t have to be wasted on people not interested in what you are selling.
19) Learn the art and science of writing copy.
20) Find out what sizes of print and what FONTS and COLORS of type make the most money the fastest.
21) Learn how to test, in just a few DAYS, what is working for YOU and change QUICKLY so there are NO WASTED DAYS in building your business.
22) Learn to do the things that sound complicated that can be SUPER EASY….like picking the right keywords for your website and the products you decide you want people to own.
23) How to let the search engines how you want your stuff to be promoted and referenced.
24) How to gain the trust of the search engines in a changing environment.
25) Search engines are getting smarter but they still don’t read like people. If I want to promote myself as a body language expert, my meta tags and keywords might have to read “EXPERT BODY LANGUAGE” and not, “BODY LANGUAGE EXPERT.” I’ll show you how to figure this out in SECONDS.
26) Find out how to get other people to help you build your business…even your competitors. (REALLY) So all that you do every day…it’s all done so you are in total control of your own income.
27) How to get people to buy products you release today….today…yes…you make it, produce it and release it today…and it sells TODAY and it sells A LOT.
28) How to write an ad for that product that will actually work. (If you have written an ad before and discovered it failed miserably you know that almost ALL ads fail.)
29) How to develop LOYAL customers.
30) There is NOTHING more important in web marketing than using email or better, an “online magazine.” I’ll show you how to write your own Coffee with Kevin Hogan and have people caffeine CRAVING IT every week.
31) I’ll share with you the biggest risk I ever took in Internet Marketing. It has to do with Coffee with Kevin Hogan and it paid off like the lottery. NO ONE ELSE does this who has an online magazine. I’ll show you what it is and how I did it.
32) You’ll see specifically and in a step by step fashion, just how to get your online magazine DELIVERED into the email boxes around the world so it isn’t filtered as spam.
33) I’ll show you step by step how to develop LOYAL readers where everyone else just has their online magazine read rarely and often by accident.
34) You’ll learn whether or not you should promote specific products and services through your online magazine when you are approached.
35) People talk about their “lists” of one million people. Let me tell you that number means diddly. If you are on a LIST you are NEXT IN LINE at the hotel. I have READERS. People who want to read Coffee as much as they want to read Cosmo, Maxim or The Wall Street Journal. The difference between a LIST and YOUR READERS is ENORMOUS. I’ll show you EXACTLY how to have people KNOW they are important to you.
36) I’ll show you how to develop a relationship with your readers, no matter how many you have…so that when you take a week off and your online magazine doesn’t show up in their mailbox, they aren’t screaming at you and telling you they miss you!!!
37) You’ll learn EXACTLY the formula I have discovered for success using an online magazine in conjunction with your work.
38) I’ll show you how to get articles for your online magazine if you can’t write them all yourself. (Free articles that are surprisingly good.)
39) I’ll show you how to get the biggest names in your field to contribute articles to your fledgling online magazine.
40) FACT: Your online magazine is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE of the Online Wealth puzzle. I’ll show you why and how to make sure nothing ever goes wrong.
41) I ‘ll show you EVERY secret I have learned about the online magazine that will make you a LOT of money.
42) I will walk you through STEP BY STEP how I write Coffee with Kevin Hogan every week. Not so it’s the fastest, or easiest but so it’s the BEST.
43) How many OTHER online magazines do you read other than Coffee with Kevin Hogan? I get hundreds in my mail box every week. I read 7. That’s it. I’ll show you those seven and why I like them and why they are as profitable or MORE PROFITABLE than Coffee. Almost all online magazines are TERRIBLE. 99% is not a big enough number. People DO NOT GET what an online magazine NEEDS TO DO. You will.
44) You will find out how to decide whether you should have a full-color online magazine or a simple text online magazine. There is an EASY ANSWER for YOU and there are only THREE VARIABLES. But if you make the wrong decision, you go broke.
45) I’ll show you how to write a SUBJECT LINE. NOTHING IN YOUR ENTIRE BUSINESS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE SUBJECT LINE OF YOUR online magazine each week. Not your product quality, not your website, not YOU, NOTHING. I will show you successful subject lines and then I’ll grab subject lines from my email box and show you what other people are doing that is wasting their time and their life.
46) I’ll show you how to make extra money once per month in your online magazine with an idea very few have ever thought of.
47) I’ll show you how to get your first 5,000 READERS as quickly as possible and compare them with the first 100,000 people on anyone’s list and show you why YOU WILL MAKE FAR MORE MONEY being valuable to your 5,000.
48) I’ll show you REAL SECRETS that will help you use your online magazine to boost web traffic to your website that NO ONE ELSE IS DOING RIGHT NOW. (They will be after they take the course.)
49) I’ll show you what NOT TO PUT IN YOUR ONLINE MAGAZINE so you save yourself legal problems.
50) I’ll show you what is necessary to make your online magazine 100% deliverable.
50 More Reasons To Take This Course Intensive…
51) I will show you benefits and drawbacks of software programs that can help your business….or not. (Including email programs, linking programs, website enhancement programs, etc.)
52) I’ll tell you THREE PIECES OF SOFTWARE YOU NEED TO optimize income.
53) I’ll tell you the secret of WHY I still have an AOL account and use it A LOT in my business…and how much money it makes me because of it.
54) I’ll show you how to make your website an EXTENSION OF YOU. I will step by step take you through a process that will if you choose, make YOU a celebrity and your website almost a part of your persona.
55) I’ll show you how your website should read and look so they feel you are there with them when they are at your site.
56) I’ll show you how to make money….a lot of it…while you sleep…for real…
57) I’ll show you how to take credit cards….without spending thousands!
58) I’ll show you how to determine WHICH company to use and WHY.
59) I’ll show you how to select a company to host your store (if you are going to have one).
60) I’ll show you why I took the time and started FIVE blogs. (I don’t even LIKE THEM…but you need to have them…and I’ll show you how to do it all for free and make money on the process!)
61) What do the Kardashians/Jenner’s do to stay on top of Celebrity Ratings every week? I’ll show you and show you hot to do it…for you.
62) I’ll show you how I know before ANYONE what is going to be hot this year in web and internet technology. You will be shocked but almost NO ONE outside of the adult entertainment business knows this secret….and now you will.
63) I will tell you the REAL RESOURCES on the web for making money, who knows there stuff, who is full of hot air and who you need to be watching.
64) I will give you a simple formula to balance time with your family and friends and time for your business. That means giving up profits somewhere ….sometimes… but not forever. This module alone is worth the world to me.
65) I’m going to TAKE YOU BY THE HAND and WALK YOU IN MICROSTEPS to start your ONLINE BUSINESS in less than 72 hours.
66) You will learn how to build a website for less than $90. And it will be profitable FAST.
67) If you aren’t selling yourself (and even if you are) I’m going to show you how to find the top 20 HOTTEST selling products on the ENTIRE WEB and how you can be selling them on DAY ONE you are up and online. (Read that again.)
68) I’m going to show you how you can either partially or FULLY automate your website, depending on the purpose of the site…so you can spend time sleeping, eating and with the kids or your girlfriend.
69) Not everyone can be Page #1 in the search engine returns, but I’ll show you how I got there for a lot of keywords and how important it is that you do what I tell you so YOU ARE TOO!
70) You’ll learn how to get THOUSANDS of QUALIFIED visitors to your site for FREE.
There are so many people like you and me that are making a fortune on the web. Most people I know on the web make far more than a neurosurgeon and our incomes make pilots and some sports stars blush.
71) You can be ON THE BEACH and be making money under the cabana or umbrella.
72) You can do what needs to be done daily from ANYWHERE on this planet and occasionally on the airplane! You have a business without rent, walls or doors.
73) You will learn how to make “digital” products and “e-books” so fast it will make your head swim (in dollars or euro’s).
74) I’ll show you how to write a GOOD EBOOK in a FEW WEEKS. Not some piece of junk as 96% are…but a GOOD EBOOK that is VALUABLE to your customer…and that they will happily pay $47 for….and you have ZERO COST.
75) I’ll show you how to create hard products for sale in less than a month. (I could show you a bunch of junky ways to get stuff done in two weeks at first but let’s do it right!)
76) You’ll learn how to sell OTHER peoples products and services and not have to ship anything…not take a credit card…and have no customer service and still get paid HALF of the sale!!!!….
77) I have pages on my website that people stay for 4, 5, and 6 MINUTES. This is unheard of on the Internet. The longer people stay, the more likely they are to buy. I will show you ALL of my secrets!
78) You’re going to know how to build your opt-in list of subscribers without having ANY traffic to your website at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
79) Think you can’t make sales? I’ll show you the best technique on the planet, especially when you are NEW with the product or new in business.
80) I’ll show you the facts behind whether you should take Pay Pal and other forms of money transfer. I’ll tell you the costs, risks and rewards involved!
81) Should you offer a money guarantee? Sometimes YES and sometimes NO. I’ll show you EXACTLY how to know WHEN to do WHICH.
82) You’ll learn how to advertise your business for free…in hundreds and THOUSANDS of places on the web.
83) I’ll show you how to take advantage of’s amazing ranking on google to help build YOUR business.
84) You’ll learn how to talk to the best affiliates in the world and convince them to sell YOUR products.
85) Want to know how to use Google Ad Words? These hot commodities can make you or break the bank. I’ll show you what to do and HOW.
86) I will show you EXACTLY how to outsource to get people to work for you so you don’t have to. YOU DON’T HAVE TO KNOW IT ALL!!! (or do it all either!)
87) Increase your profits by leveraging the work of others in emerging countries like Romania.
88) Learn how to make the most possible money with what you have by EASY testing and tracking.
89) Learn how to use SIMPLE email strategies to put a system of income generation on literal automatic pilot. (LITERAL)
90) Email marketing isn’t just an online magazine. There’s more that can be done to turn big profits!
10 More Reasons To Do This Course!
91) I will show you how to CONVERT visitors INTO CUSTOMERS. This is the crucial step in Internet marketing that no one talks about, because it’s the most difficult. I’ll show you how!
92) Learn the key strategies to get FREE traffic. I had almost 1000 people become Coffee with Kevin Hogan readers LAST WEEK. Not people on a list…we filtered OUT almost 9,000 people! NO. I’m talking READERS. You need to learn how to do this.
93) Learn the lead generation strategies of the pros!
94) Linking has NEVER been more important than NOW. 10 links from your friends aren’t likely to be anywhere near as valuable as ONE LINK from You need to know WHO to link to. I’ll show you how to find out and WHAT TO DO TO GET THOSE CRUCIAL LINKS.
95) I’ll take you through step by step the FREE process I use to get my page one rankings!
96) I’m not going to say you need a marketing empire. but if you want it, I’ll show you how to do it!
97) Pay Per Click is growing FAST on Facebook and it’s bigger than Google. MUCH BIGGER. I’ll show you what to do and how NOT to get ripped off for everything including your shirt.
98) Learn how to advertise with the web and OTHER PEOPLE’S EMAIL….yes…for free and better than that: PROFITABLY.
99) Learn in such a way that IS EASY, NONTECHNICAL, NOTHING COMPLICATED IN ANY WAY. I EXPLAIN EVERYTHING which means it’s got to be SIMPLE.
100) Ask any question at any time during the 9-week course…and you WILL have your answers!
Apply below NOW or continue reading…
Every day I look at beautiful websites designed by creative geniuses that do absolutely nothing in net profits. (notice that word “NET”)
Beautiful Web Sites Don’t Sell…People Buy You
And I see websites that I can instantly tell you ARE making money. I’ll show you how to instantly make this identification. They look like they were designed by one of my kids….which is one of the ways you know….they will do well.
There are lots of programs that show you how to build a website. (This is no longer complicated. I’ll show you how to build a website by typing as if you were typing any other document on your computer.)
Problem is having a website does you nothing if you have nothing to sell…or if you don’t know how to write in such a way that it compels your reader to trust you and buy from you….or if you don’t know how to GET PEOPLE TO YOUR WEBSITE…or if you ….get the idea?
There are lots of programs that address any part of the factors in building wealth on the web. I own a bunch and I’ve learned a lot over the years. But NO ONE has put together the COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM.
And of course when my mentor says, “Kevin, you need to put an E-Course out there that shows people how to do EVERYTHING involved in making a successful web business. Not just one aspect….and it has to be simple, fast and really work.”
And even I felt overwhelmed…. and it takes a lot to get me overwhelmed.
I mean that’s like saying, “Show people how to build a city, make it easy, simple, something that will generate more participants in the future from viral marketing and that will not take every second of your life….”
No problem…
But because all of this is fun and there is actually no part of making money on the web that can’t be done by literally anyone with a 5th-grade education…then it should be relatively do-able… I hoped…
And it turned out it was.
If you think of a sport like football, basketball or baseball….you know that if you take out any one player…and play one man short….you are going to get creamed.
And that’s ultimately what web marketing comes down to.
There are lots of nuances that the experts and internet marketing scientists figure out and I LOVE to learn that stuff. BUT the fact is that the big pieces of the pie are far more important than the nuances in this game.
In fact, you can be an expert at say, getting traffic to your site…but if you have stuff that no one will look at for whatever reason…you make zero dollars. I don’t care if you can double that traffic. It doesn’t matter.
You MUST have ALL the pieces in place before you even CONSIDER working on the nuances.
As I look back at what I’ve accomplished on the Web, I know that it wasn’t the awesome website or the beautifully packaged program or the powerful search engine optimization (and yes, you want to evolve beyond basics) BUT it was the INCREDIBLE, UNIQUE CONTENT and having ALL the pieces in place… all the pieces of the puzzle operating competently that caused millions of dollars of business.
Every day I learn something new but those things alone would never have gotten me where I am.
That required putting together a SYSTEM. And people need systems.
In this program, I’ll take you to my original website. It wasn’t back in those days.
I’m going to show you exactly why good things happened. THE SYSTEM was in place. The technology was terrible, the design was not impressive, the programs had inexpensive designs.
THE SYSTEM was in place.
And what I’ve done is model what I’ve done and put it out there for you.
I’ve helped a number of other people put their business into the system. They seem to have done alright. Many have far outperformed what I’ve done. (Not even a question actually….)
I want you to LEARN THE SYSTEM.
THEN go and learn all the nuances and stay current in what is working in copywriting, promotional content, search engine optimization nuances.
THE SYSTEM: If you work the system it’s likely you will do six figures annually. How many of those six figures you do is up to you.
Unlike what some people tell you, it does take effort. In fact, anyone who says it doesn’t is kidding you. (There are other ways to say this and be less polite…)
Effort IS required because it is a competitive arena.
BUT, I’ve never met ANYONE with basic education and knowledge that couldn’t do this easily.
I’m literally going to walk you through step by step as to what to do.
If you have taken my course on Professional Speaking or How to Write, Publish and Sell Your Book, you know that this is where my work may be more helpful than anyone’s out there.
I don’t leave out important steps and make you buy that product later. (Not that anyone would do such a thing…)
You’re going to learn it all and learn how to do it the only real way it’s going to predictably work.
And, just like one sentence in a contract as a speaker for a convention can cost or earn you an extra $20,000..and just like a similar sentence in a book contract is almost guaranteed to cost you at least $15,000 in royalties…I’m going to show you all the crucial elements of making the Internet work for you.
The only time I will get into nuances is when they are SIGNIFICANT to your SUCCESS.
THEN you will plod with me through some lengthier projects. Like writing copy. (An ad.)
Writing an ad is something that doesn’t come intuitively. Perhaps 1 in 10,000 people in business can actually write an ad. Perhaps 1 in 100 people in advertising can write an ad.
I’m going to show you how to write an ad…what is known as a “Sales Letter.”
I’m going to show you how to write a PROFITABLE ad.
And I’ll show you a dozen or so ways to spot an ad that won’t work.
And I’ve got plenty in my archives of things I tried and failed back in the late 1990’s.
Everyone has a learning curve. I learn fast but boy learning can be painful.
My role here is to take the five or ten years of learning pain and reduce it down to two months.
EVERYONE who learns how to make real money in a business of any kind either suffers pain over the long term or if they are very lucky…only during the learning period. For you, we will move FAST.
I’m going to show you WHAT to put on your website.
I’m going to show you HOW to put it on your website.
I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to KNOW if it’s working or not.
There are no, “I wonder what I should do’s” in this course.
You are going to tell me up front if you have something specific you want to make money with. Maybe promoting yourself, your practice, your services or your products.
Or, if you want to sell other people’s stuff…
THEN we’re going to put together THE PLAN.
It takes about 4 hours to do this. IT IS WORK. IF you won’t do this, do NOT sign up for this course. Spare me the irritation.
I will make suggested alterations in your plan. Then it will be in stone (for a while).
Then…forgive me, but I’m going to TELL YOU WHAT TO DO, and you need to listen. (OUCH)
If that scares you….thank goodness…you are a normal human being. It took me a LONG TIME to just listen to my mentor.
“Kevin, you are going to design the most comprehensive E-Course on Professional Speaking out there.”
“You gotta be kidding?”
And then I did it. Period. There’s no time to dink around. Time is money. Time is love. To waste or abuse time is not in my nature. It won’t be in yours either.
And that is the great thing about building wealth on the web.
It’s all done from home.
It’s all done so you see your kids in the morning and when they come home from school. Commuting costs are whatever it costs you to get out of bed in the morning …to the computer…The weather doesn’t matter because your business is International. Doesn’t matter if the car doesn’t start or if you get fired from your job.
Do Business Across the Web, Across the World
In fact, one of the things I’ve done very nicely with is understanding the people of the world and developing relationships internationally…both in person and on the web.
These relationships are mutually profitable. I have an affiliate (an affiliate is someone who sends me customers and I pay him to do so) in Romania. The funny thing is that even though he’s in Romania, most of the business he sends my way is from here in the United States.
That’s what makes the web cool. Someone can make M in Romania by having someone click on a link on his website and buying a program at mine. That kind of capitalism continues to change the world.
There are no borders. Your world doesn’t know prejudice.
It’s pretty nice for people to wait until you put out your next program and then when they do, they swoosh down and get it because they know it’s going to be even better than what you did before.
I’m grateful and appreciative, and so are they.
Hey, go look at a website…any website that sells stuff.
Look for a testimonial that is signed “Cindy W.” or “John L.”
They aren’t real. I mean…Cindy W. doesn’t exist. Neither does John.
It’s a sad statement that the person can’t even get a friend to say something nice about their services. That’s not going to ever happen with you. And yes, I’ll show you precisely how to ensure that.
Go to the endorsement page and see what hundreds of average and real unsolicited testimonials look like. Every person whose name is there is above the town, state or country. Where possible we have put a link to their website so all of our customers can see these people’s businesses.
There are people from the world’s biggest and best companies, finest people and representatives of governments and law.
You are going to find out how to develop a business where people will want to do and say such good things for you and too you….spontaneously… You’re going to do the same.
Integrity makes Money.
Circle that.
Have that integrity? Apply now!
You can Apply now and save!
How does your tuition schedule work? Your tuition is divided into two parts. The total tuition comes to $10,000. $2,497 is your commitment today. When you have taken home $100,000 in sales then you can take care of the balance!
There is an installment plan broken down into 6 small payments for the initial tuition payment.
BUT, there is no installment plan once you’ve done your $100,000 in profits in your online business.
When you apply today tuition is only $2997 $2497