
Tinnitus Reduction with Hypnosis
Hypnosis: Can It Really Stop Tinnitus? (Updated July, 2022) Eventually, it comes up in conversation. “I’ve heard that hypnosis can stop tinnitus, is that true?”

Tinnitus Therapy and Relief FAQ, Xanax, Hypnosis, Research, 2022 w Kevin Hogan
Tinnitus FAQ for Xanax, SSRI’s Hypnosis, Herbal, Supplements, Habituation, w Kevin Hogan 100% New: July 2022 1. Can my tinnitus be cured? If cured means

Tinnitus FAQ, November 2022
Tinnitus FAQ 2024 1. Can my tinnitus be cured? If cured means a certainty that your tinnitus will go away and never return for the

The Positive Thinking that Makes People Fat, Sick, Broke and Failures
By Kevin Hogan, PsyD Before we begin, I’m not going to tell you that ALL positive thinking is useless or bad. There ARE moments when

Fractionation: Using the Secret Facebook Strategy in Persuasion
Page 4 Utilizing Fractionation Sets Long-Term Outcomes For You Mark Victor Hansen asked me about my biggest goals. Everyone knows I don’t even like this

“Positive Thinking” Is it “Real” or is it just a bunch of ….?
In this four part series of articles I’d like to give you the latest scientific research on positive thinking. I will show you when positive

Mind Manipulation in Persuasion
Imagine I were to say, “pick a number, I’m thinking of 61,000”.What is your number? Now, imagine that I say to someone else, “pick a

Mind Reading: How to Know What They are Thinking
Page 3 Until you see the movie, here is who John Doe is in the 21st century. You are selling your ideas, products and services…and

Getting What You Want in Life Sounds Easy…The Truth 4.5/5.0
It’s the promise of…well just about everyone out there: You can Have “It” whatever “it” is…. Can you really? Can you get what you want?

Persuasion: Are You The Answer?
Do you represent a great product/service? Are you a GREAT acquisition? Are you proud of the above?…enough to BUY?! , Who matters most to you