Tinnitus: The Comprehensive Program for Tinnitus Reduction (for Therapists, Medical Professionals, and Tinnitus Sufferers) DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

Tinnitus: The Comprehensive Program for Tinnitus Reduction
(for Tinnitus Suffers, Therapists, Medical Professionals)
on Audio CD

Tinnitus: 2-Day Workshop.
Meets Requirements for Specialty Certification for Therapists.
9 Audio CDs with bonus videos.
Certification test available.

 Package includes: Workshop on nine audio CDs, plus large manual in PDF format on CD, PLUS – bonus videos of classroom footage of Kevin Hogan, Psy.D. on 3 DVDs. This complete program gives a comprehensive look at Tinnitus for the therapist who wishes to specialize in Tinnitus treatment.


  • Anyone who has moderate to severe tinnitus.
  • Therapists who wish to specialize in Tinnitus treatment.
  • Medical professionals who come in contact with tinnitus sufferers and wish to understand and help treat them.
  • Anyone wishing to understand the problem of Tinnitus and help sufferers get well again.

This audio workshop was recorded “LIVE” in London, England, June – 2005


Kevin Hogan literally ‘wrote the book’ about recovery from Tinnitus, when he penned Tinnitus: Turning the Volume Down. In this workshop, you will learn many of Kevin’s little known interventions that he has shared with no one except his clients, until now.


  • Find out what thousands of clients have been telling Kevin for 10 years help and what doesn’t.
  • Learn which popular approach to tinnitus management is grossly overrated, overpriced and why.
  • Find out which medications matter most and which ones can actually make things worse.
  • Learn why most medical doctors won’t do anything for these clients and you can.
  • Learn how to gauge the “stickiness” of an individual’s tinnitus. (Estimate how long it’s going to last.)
  • Find out how to effectively communicate with medical professionals in a professional and genial fashion whether you are the patient or a therapist trying to help your client.
  • The daily interventions you need to do to get well.
  • The differences in the behaviors and actions of those whose tinnitus never goes away and those who achieve remission.
  • Why almost all doctors and therapists fail and what the few who are succeeding are doing right.
  • The costly tinnitus scams are discussed and there are plenty of them. Don’t get taken.
  • Learn what traditional approaches do help and find out how to blend them with a unique form of self hypnosis and a modified approach to hypnotherapy so these people can get well.
  • The Complete Model of Therapy for tinnitus sufferers. You will always know, “what to do next.”

In this workshop, Kevin Hogan will share with you the things that therapists and doctors have tried to do with these clients that have failed miserably. You won’t have to worry about “making mistakes” because you will always have a “next step function.” You will learn about every useful strategic element of tinnitus management with remission as the goal and reduction an acceptable result. Nothing is left out.

Although Kevin has shifted his career in the main to corporate training, public speaking and writing, he continues to see 3-5 clients per week. It’s hard to say “no” when people are suffering. For 10 years Kevin has helped people with severe tinnitus because he once suffered from it himself. Through various medications, self hypnosis and therapy, he was able to break ground in what was thought to be “incurable.” Today, after 10 years of watching his clients report that their tinnitus is gone or that they can “barely hear it”, he is ready to share his results and methodology with those who suffer and those therapists and individuals in the medical field who want to help this population get well. There is no guess work anymore. This is a strategic and tactical approach with discussion of the success of this approach to other chronic illnesses providing metaphors for how to eradicate some or all of the noise a person experiences.

People who suffer from these chronic and seemingly intractable problems almost always can get incredible long term verifiable results. Virtually everyone can return to living a thriving life.

A unique approach to hypnosis and hypnotherapy plays a significant role in making the change.

In the U.S. there are more than 20 million people suffering from tinnitus. In the U.K. there are more than 4 million people suffering from these maladies. Most are begging for someone to help them at any price. If everyone learning the information in this training were willing to do therapy full time it would be barely make a dent in the population seeking help.

Kevin will show you specifically how to get people to call you for help. Currently, he refers people to only certified Tinnitus Specialists. He will show you how to make yourself instantly visible and in high demand to these groups.

Finally, although it is impossible to transfer all skills and expertise in a two day workshop, Kevin shared every major strategy and intervention into this course so everyone attending was helped. In fact, after participating in the home study version of the workshop, if someone called you for help, you would be able to make dramatic improvement in this person’s life in 8-10 sessions. Perhaps even saving a life.

If you are a therapist, this seminar will transform your career. It will give you powerful new interventions and techniques, showing you SPECIFICALLY and PRECISELY what to do in every case.

For both the person suffering from tinnitus and the person who wants to help those that suffer this is the information everyone has wanted Kevin to release for almost a decade. Now it’s here.

A complete 120,000 word manual (manual on disc – in .pdf format) is included with this course. It includes new material for those who suffer as well as those who want to help those who suffer. Therapeutic interventions, his personal tinnitus intake and case analysis information, visualization techniques, hypnotic strategies, excerpts from both Kevin Hogan’s textbook on hypnotherapy and tinnitus, are all here for you to use. You just put the disc into your computer, save the file, and print it as necessary.

This workshop encourages actions that many tinnitus sufferers have been frustrated with including visits to your medical doctor. The medical doctor may have been ignorant and unhelpful in the past but they are likely to be a necessary part of your healing process. The same is true for the therapist, whether psychotherapist or hypnotherapist. It’s almost impossible to do it yourself. Kevin didn’t and has always said he could never have gotten well on his own. The home study course doesn’t take the place of medical advice nor is it in any way a prescription. It is a strategic and comprehensive plan that you will use to help chart your path to wellness. Share it with your team and send us your comments and questions as you progress in your healing process.

For therapists wishing to take the Tinnitus Specialization Certification exam after studying the course, there is a $150 exam and certification fee which, once successfully completed, will allow you to be listed on the FAQ page in the new “Therapist Referral” section….at KevinHogan.com for one year (subject to annual recertification, reevaluation, and approval).


The following BONUS material will be included in your package for your comprehensive learning experience:

TINNITUS: Turning the Volume Down Video Set
(4 hours on 3 DVDs)
with Kevin Hogan, Psy.D.

This classroom experience was created with the Hypnotherapist in mind. The therapist who wants to sharpen their skills for working with tinnitus clients, and/or the tinnitus sufferer who wants to delve into the causes and treatments of tinnitus will benefit from this program. THIS IS NOT A SELF-HYPNOSIS PROGRAM. This IS an informational video presentation.

Whether you are working as a therapist or a doctor with people who suffer from tinnitus and hyperacusis, the approach for therapy is detailed here for the first time. The 4 hour video set shows you specific methods of reducing the volume of tinnitus AND the emotional impact it has on your clients!

Kevin Hogan suffered from tinnitus of over 75dB for 30 months and that experience combined with endless research helped synthesize the tools for substantial reduction and elimination of the discordant noise.

Two DVDs were recorded “live” with a group of 30 people who suffer from tinnitus. The third DVD is a television interview with ABC’s Beth Bednar. Combined, they answer all of the questions every sufferer has and directs both client and therapist to the most effective modes of treatment.

These are NOT self-hypnosis DVDs. These are presentations that instruct therapists and doctors of all kinds as to what course of treatments and therapies need to be considered with each client. Neurological re-wiring is covered in detail. Habituation, TRT, medication and osteophathic interventions are all discussed in depth. Bonus Material: 3 DVDs

Complete Package includes:

  • Workshop on nine audio CDs
  • Massive 239-page manual in PDF format on CD
  • PLUS – bonus videos of classroom footage of Kevin Hogan, Psy.D. on 3 DVDs
  • PLUS Gift Certificate for 1 free Tinnitus Consultation (3 Way Teleconsult) with your first Tinnitus client and Kevin Hogan. ($250 value)
  • PLUS Gift Certificate for 2 15-minute Therapeutic Planning Sessions with Kevin Hogan ($125 Value)

This complete program gives a comprehensive look at Tinnitus for the therapist who wishes to specialize in Tinnitus treatment, or add Tinnitus and Chronic Illness treatment to their “toolbelt”. Upon successful completion of this course, a Certification Exam is available for an exam and certification fee of $150. Instructions for receiving the exam are included in the package.


Additional Information

Frequently Asked Questions about Tinnitus


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Kevin's body language evaluation!

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Article by Kevin in Sales Guru magazine (based in South Africa). "Burnout: Escaping Living Hell"

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"As a psychotherapist, I work in the minefield of decision-making and I can tell you that making good decisions is critical to happiness, success, and relationships. Kevin Hogan’s course covers the terrain of decision-making with his usual thoroughness, candor, and relevance. Kevin is always ahead of the game because of his extensive research, vast and varied connections and sharp mind. His thinking about ‘high noon’ and light a fuse, if applied, would save many relationships and learning the concept alone is more than worth the price of admission."

Author of The Psychology of Persuasion, Irresistible Attraction, and The Science of Influence, Dr. Kevin Hogan is trusted by organizations, both large and small, to help them help their people reach their personal peak performance and maximize influence in selling and marketing. Kevin is an internationally admired keynote speaker and corporate thought leader. In Coffee with Kevin Hogan, he shares his research, observations, and how you can apply them in your life – both in business and at home.

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